Highlights of the Annual CSBC Symposium held September 23-25, 2012, in Gravenhurst, Ontario
Chalk up another successful Symposium of the Canadian Safe Boating Council! Once again, an excellent roster of speakers, broad and collegial participation in Symposium activities, and a captivating setting for the two-day meeting all combined to make for a very productive and motivating discussion of boating and boating safety issues. Here's what this year's participants had to say about the Gravenhurst Symposium: "Great international make-up, nice mix of indoor and outdoor sessions; excellent topics, location, camaraderie; multi-national participation and sharing of info was exceptional; excellent presentations, very well organized, great location, appropriately themed venue; solid adherence to theme - it's clear that across the globe we share the same challenges."
CSBC Board of Directors 2012-13
The fall meeting of the Board of Directors was an opportunity to welcome new members and also to thank departing ones for their tireless contribution to the work of the CSBC.
17th International Boating and Water Safety Summit: March 2013 The 17th International Boating & Water Safety Summit will be held in San Antonio, Texas, from March 24 to 27, 2013. The Summit, a joint endeavour of the National Safe Boating Council and Water Safety Congress, attracts over 300 delegates each year from around the world and is the premier US event for training, awareness, meeting and networking for anyone involved in boating and water safety. Plenary sessions cover a broad spectrum of shared national and international concerns regarding boating and water safety. Breakout sessions provide learning opportunities geared toward specific interests including education, risk management, law enforcement, communication and outreach. There will be on-water demonstrations at Sea World and an awards banquet to recognize groups or individuals who have made outstanding contributions to promote boating and water safety. Up to 40 exhibits will be on display including a showcase of deliverables from the USCG non-profit grants connected to the Strategic Plan of the National Recreational Boating Safety Program. Since its inception, the Summit has enjoyed a strong Canadian contingent - the learning and networking opportunities are invaluable. Reasonable air fares are available now. For more information on the Summit, visit the website Summit or call (703) 361-4294.
About CSBC
Key messages for the Canadian Safe Boating Council Safe Boating Awareness programs:
* Wear Your Lifejacket
* Don't Drink & Boat
* Take a Boating Course
* Be Prepared - You and Your Vessel
* Cold Water Immersion
As I write these words, it is cold and grey outside, and my husband and daughter have just returned from storing her Laser for the winter. The boating season may be over in most parts of Canada, but fortunately there is always something exciting happening at the CSBC! Ian Gilson and his team are working hard to create another wonderful Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBA) event at the Sheraton Centre, Toronto on January 13. Join us as we honour and celebrate the individuals who have made a significant difference to boating safety over the past year. If you are from outside Toronto and plan to visit the Toronto International Boat Show, why not come that weekend and join us for the CASBAs? Read more about the event in this newsletter and visit our website to buy tickets.
Our annual Symposium in Gravenhurst last September was a great success, with a roster of excellent speakers from Canada and Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the United States. We are already planning next year's Symposium, to be held in Whistler, B.C. from September 23 - 26. Mark your calendar now!
In Gravenhurst, I presented Recognition Awards to a number of individuals who have contributed greatly to the CSBC's work. Their contributions are highlighted in this issue. We are always looking for people who care about boating safety to contribute to our projects and serve on our committees. Please contact our Membership Chair, Bob Minielly, at minielb@rogers.com if you are interested in becoming involved. I have been a CSBC volunteer for more years than I can count, and what keeps me coming back are the opportunities to make a difference and help save lives on the water and the joy of working with wonderful people.
Transport Canada has renewed its Boating Safety Contribution Program for the coming years, and the CSBC has submitted a funding application we are very excited about. It is a three-year project that complements our annual Safe Boating Awareness Week launch with a number of other events to keep boating safety top of mind throughout the season. The plan includes a major billboard campaign and increased support for enforcement on the water and local boating safety initiatives. One of the best things about the project is that it is based on strengthened partnerships with other major boating safety organizations, thus helping scarce dollars go as far as possible. Of course competition for funding is tight, but we are keeping our fingers crossed!
I am thrilled and honoured to have been appointed by Donald Roussel, Director General of Marine Safety and Security as his Co-chair of Transport Canada's National Recreational Boating Advisory Council (NRBAC) in early November. The outgoing Co-chair, Bob Minielly (and the CSBC's Past Chair) was presented with a Transport Canada award in recognition of his service. I'm looking forward in particular to working with my knowledgeable and committed colleagues on NRBAC to address some of the strategic issues facing boating safety in Canada.
Jean Murray
CSBC Volunteer Recognition Awards 2012
The Council is beholden to its volunteers for their tremendous efforts to accomplish our goals. Our annual Symposium is a great opportunity to showcase those whose contributions were particularly noteworthy. We thanked a number of them again this year.
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 | Winners of 2012 CSBC Volunteer Recognition Awards |
CASBA Awards Ceremony: January 13, 2013
Come join with colleagues across the boating safety community on January 13, 2013 in the Essex Ballroom of the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel to honour CASBA award winners.
Outcomes of the Fall Roster of Transport Canada Boating Advisory Council Meetings
The fall meetings of the Canadian Marine Advisory Council (CMAC) and National Recreational Boating Advisory Council (NRBAC) took place recently in Ottawa. Issues of interest to boaters everywhere were discussed with stakeholders.
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Lifejackets and Cricket Tickets - A Winning Combination in New South Wales, Australia
That's what Duncan Gay, Minster for Roads and Ports, New South Wales hopes as New South Wales launches an innovative lifejacket campaign with a compelling incentive. The campaign, announced on December 1, 2012, will see boating safety officers carrying out random safety checks and giving away cricket tickets to everyone on board wearing a lifejacket. "A lifejacket never ruined a day on the water "- that's the message the campaign that will promote intensively over the summer period and in 2013.
Click here for more information visit the website.
A ten year report into boating incidents is available at this link.