Key messages for the Canadian Safe Boating Council Safe Boating Awareness programs:
* Wear Your Lifejacket
* Don't Drink & Boat
* Take a Boating Course
* Be Prepared - You and Your Vessel
* Cold Water Immersion
Important Dates/Activities this Fall!
Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC)
Symposium 2012:
September 23-25, 2012
"One of the best Symposiums yet!" That's how one delegate described the recent CSBC Symposium. A full Symposium report will be shared in the November 2012 Newsletter. In the meantime, watch the CSBC web site for posting of Symposium presentations.
Participants were treated to two full days of presentations on a variety of boating safety topics, international perspectives on boating safety and on the water activities. Canadian delegates were joined by colleagues from Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and
Once again, please take some time to let us know about someone worthy to receive a coveted Canadian Safe Boating Award (or CASBA). This is a great opportunity for folks to publicly recognize the life- and environment-saving efforts of fellow boating enthusiasts and organizations. The November 4th deadline for nominations is fast approaching!
The CASBAs are awarded in several distinct categories:
Transport Canada's upcoming Fall 2012 Canadian Marine Advisory Council (CMAC) Meeting will take place at the "Old City Hall" located at 111 Sussex Drive in Ottawa. The meeting will commence with Opening Plenary at 09:30 hours on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 and conclude at 16:30 hours on Thursday, November 8, 2012.
SARscene, Canada's premier search and rescue conference will be held in Toronto, Ontario from November 17-19, 2012 and is co-hosted by Toronto Police Service.
As part of the conference activities, there are opportunities for teams to register in the SAR Games - a friendly and competitive learning opportunity. As a land-based event, the focus is on the ground and inland water search and rescue environment, but knowledge and techniques practiced by air and maritime SAR professionals may also be incorporated. The all-day