january 2016
news from the blue


A couple of times each year, I offer a three-day intensive called What's Next? It's an opportunity to take a look at who you are when you're truly thriving, what's holding you back from being that person more of the time, and what's the next step you need to take to be more in alignment with your passion and purpose in life. As we finish out 2015, when better to pause and consider What's Next? for 2016?

I love this work, and am due for a refresher, so before the clock strikes midnight on 1/31, I'll be taking a little extra time to get quiet and reflect on a few questions. Perhaps you'd like to join me:
  1. List three times this year when you were thriving. Consider thriving as you at your very best, happiest and most authentic, whether in professional or private life. It might be a moment in time or an event or experience. List what comes to mind first, without editing. Who were you with? What were you doing?
  2. What were your three biggest disappointments of 2015? Sitting in the seat of the witness- outside drama and blame and ego as much as possible- What role did YOU play in the turn of events, and what did you or could you learn about yourself from these experiences?
  3. What did you accomplish this year that you're proud of? Again, in any sphere of life, and in terms of what is most important, valuable and meaningful to you personally, rather than what we might consider an accomplishment culturally. How does it make you feel, and again, who were you with and what were you doing?
  4. Take a moment to get very still and then ask the question to yourself: "what is missing in my life?" You'll know you've gotten an answer from the most helpful place if it comes quickly and is just a single word or phrase. If it's an extended dissertation, it's probably the ramblings of the ego. Try again.
  5. Review what you've written so far. Based on your thriving moments, what you learned (or could still gleam) from things not going your way, what you have accomplished and what's missing right now from your life, what is your own answer, in the dimming light of 2015, to the question What's Next? for you in 2016?  What do you need more of or less of? What must change for you to be more content, fulfilled, and happy? And finally, what distinct, actionable steps can you take in that direction? 

So, there's your road map-- or at least a great start. Far as we know, we just get this one chance, so let's not waste any more time standing still, spinning our wheels, or looking behind us. It is time to turn the page and move forward.


Wishing you peace, prosperity, good health, good company, deep devotion, laughter, joy and countless blessings for the New Year. 
With love,
2016 brings new teachers & new classes
welcome hayley, nancy & rob!

Hayley Hedges
This Saturday we welcome Hayley Hedges to the blue, teaching the 8:30am, Vinyasa ~Open Level class. Hayley began teaching yoga in 2007 during her freshman year at North Carolina State University. She has since earned her RYT200 Certification and 
500-hour BASI Pilates Certification, and is pursuing RYT500. 

Nancy Watson
After subbing classes this summer and fall, Rob Murray and Nancy Watson join the blue crew, regularly teaching Morning Practice on Mondays and Wednesdays, respectively. Rob and Nancy are both graduates of the blue lotus 200-hour yoga teacher training program, and are pursuing their RYT500.

Rob Murray

In addition to welcoming these talented teachers and loving souls to the blue team, we've also added a few new classes. 

Be sure to check them out!

New Classes
  • Yoga Therapeutics with Mary, Mondays, 1:30-2:30 pm
  • Yin Practice with Yvonne, Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00 pm
  • Bhakti Practice with Brian, Fridays, 8:00-9:00 am
  • Vinyasa Open Level with Hayley, Saturdays, 8:30-9:30 am
  • Vinyasa Open Level with Kristina, Sundays, 4:00-5:00 pm
Juicy Flow Yoga with Yvonne and Sunday Sadhana with Jill will continue as special class offerings. 

"yoga helper" class pass
Need a little boost to get back on track for 2016? Look no further! We've got class pass specials created with you in mind.

January Special:  
5 for $55 - on sale for 5 days!
Buy a five-class pass for $55! Purchase January 1-5. Good for 30 days from first use. Limit one per person. Buy online or in studio.

New Student Pass:  
3 for $30
This regular class pass can be purchased anytime by students new to the studio. Good for 30 days from first use. Available only in studio.

BV9 is coming!
blueversary weekend of free yoga, feb 6-7

Each February, we celebrate the blue's birthday and our beautiful blue community with, what else, yoga! ... and by giving back to the community in which we live and practice.

2 Days of Free Yoga

As part of BV9, blue lotus also will be making a donation to support Benevolence Farm, which provides an opportunity for women leaving prison to live and work on a farm, where they learn to grow food, nourish self, and foster community.

You may choose to support Benevolence Farm during BV9, as well, but donations are not required to participate in class.


in this issue

yoga immersion 
for all students

Finding Your Voice
for Yoga Teachers 
with Carrington Jackson
YTT300/RYT200 CEU  - 12 hours
Required for YTT300 certification program

Refine Your Assisting 
with Michele
YTT300/RYT200 CEU - 2 hours

The Chakra System & the Emotional Body 
with Jen & Kathleen
RYT200 CEU  - 11 hours
YTT300 - 15 hours with outside assignments

Thai Yoga Bodywork Certification Training 
with Michael Sitzer
YTT300 - Up to 24 hours
NCBTMB & RYT200 CEU - up to 36 hours

Mentorship Program 
for Yoga Teachers
YTT300/RYT200 - 15 hours

& events

Renew & Retune for 2016 
with Mary

Yoga Foundations Six-Week Series on Tuesdays 
with Kathleen

Yin & Yang Workshops with Heather Tiddens

Restorative Yoga for Healing with Kathleen
January 23

special class

Juicy Flow with Yvonne
2:30 pm, Jan 2

Candlelight Flow 
with Yvonne
6:45 pm, Jan 8

Flow & Stretch with Live Music with Michele & Courtney
7:00 pm, Jan 18

Full-Moon Kundalini 
with Amanda
6:45 pm, Jan 22

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation with Amanda
11:00 am, Jan 24

Yoga Nidra with Kathleen
6:45 pm, Jan 29

Sunday Sadhana 
with Jill
11:00 am, Jan 31

Community Bhakti (free!)
with Brian
7:30 am, Jan 3

Community Yoga - FREE!
6:00-7:00 pm, Jan 2
1:30-2:30 pm, Jan 8
1:00-2:00 pm, Jan 12
6:00-7:00 pm, Jan 23
1:00-2:00 pm, Jan 28
6:00-7:00 pm, Jan 30

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