july 2015
news from the blue

Choices. We are confronted with them constantly, from the minutiae of day-to-day existence to the overwhelming life and death decisions which become pivotal moments in our lives. It's a privilege to have so much freedom- so many choices. What time to wake up, how to spend the morning hours before work begins, what to eat, how/if to exercise the body, brain, spirit. Pressing choices about health- our own or a loved one, significant professional changes, relationship decisions and everything in between. Who is doing all this deciding?

As adults, the obvious answer is "I am!" But are you, really? How many of your decisions are truly conscious? How often are they based on habit, familiarity or the comfort of your ego? How many decisions are a result of the desires and preferences of those around you or founded on the values of your parents or your environment? How many times do you say no when you really need to say yes or say yes when in your heart, the answer is no? If you're not already, I urge you to start paying attention. I say this after sitting here writing for about forty minutes without my glasses.  The headache is imminent. Not doing something (laziness) is a choice, too. And each has a consequence.

In class on Sunday I was talking about how every decision we make-- from how much water to drink in a day to the company we keep at dinner to the time we carve out for important relationships and spiritual growth-- is serving our wellbeing in the moment and happiness in the future, or it isn't. Simple enough, right? Pay attention. How many times do you put your wellbeing aside for the wishes of another or in service to your ego, or your happiness on hold from an unwillingness to dive a little deeper to cultivate the discipline necessary to change a past pattern? (Yes, I got up and got the glasses. Eventually.)

Our time here is short. Each of us is on a path that holds challenges and opportunities we cannot yet see-- or often even imagine. Our ability to face those obstacles or snatch up those opportunities is highly dependent not just on present moment awareness, but how attuned we are to the part of us that knows if what we are about to do is in support of our wellbeing and long term happiness. Or not. 

I believe there is no right or wrong- I just think there are choices that are life-affirming and those that aren't. And the former are sometimes not easy, not popular, not supported, not obvious. Or everyone would make them all the time, and we KNOW that's not the case. What's the force behind your action (or lack of action)? Because once you know who is in the driver's seat,  if it's not the present moment YOU with your own best interest at heart? Kick 'em to the curb and take hold of the wheel. It's your life and it's happening whether you're paying attention or not.

our family is growing
welcome to our new teachers!

We love our new teachers and believe you will, too!  We're happy to welcome Ashley Foster and Kristina Pugh to the blue community.

Meet Ashley Foster
Ashley's teaching style leans toward playful and creative sequencing, good music, and challenging asana, balanced with restorative counter poses, all within the framework of safe alignment and breath awareness.

Look for Ashley on the schedule teaching 4:00 pm, Thursday Heated Flow, and subbing classes like Prana Flow!


Meet Kristina Pugh
Kristina's classes guide students to explore the interdependence of breath and movement, effort and ease, balance and imbalance.

She remains dedicated to investigating the transformative, therapeutic, and educational aspects of movement throughout her life, and is devoted to empowering diverse populations with the knowledge of how to move with grace, instinct, freedom and creativity.

Check out Kristina's classes at 7:00 am, Mondays, for Morning Practice and 4:00 pm, Tuesdays, for Heated Flow!

let freedom flow!
july 4 by-donation class benefits The Food Bank


Before you head to the beach, the mountains, or your neighbor's backyard, join Suzanne for Freedom Flow, and help raise money for The Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina!


Cash and check donations only, please. Thank you!


(This is the only class that day!)  

see you at the blue!

in this issue


Freedom Flow
by Donation with Suzanne

Two-Hour Yin Yoga
with Sandy

Juicy Flow with Yvonne
Pay-what-you-can Yoga

Yoga Nidra with Kathleen   

Flow & Stretch with Michele with Live Music

July 27

Full Moon Kundalini with Amanda 
workshops & events


Kids Yoga & Art with Jen 

Ages 6-11 

The Element of Lines in Art & Yoga  

 July 10 


Abstracts, Music & Balance 

July 24 



yoga immersion
for all students


Mentorship Program

Summer 2015 

Fall 2015 

Enhance your teaching skills with this one-on-one experience! Learn more about holding space,  hands-on assists, and class planning and sequencing.  

YTT300/RYT200 CEU  

- 15 hours  


Therapeutic Yoga  

Teacher Training  


Cheri Clampett  

& Arturo Peal

September 22-27  

Learn yoga teaching skills to work intelligently with students who are living with chronic illness or injury, as well as pregnant and aging populations.

YTT300/RYT200 CEU  

- 40 hours  

Required for 500-hour certification   



Pranyama & Mantra with Will & Susan Duprey

October 16-18 


Enjoy a weekend of discovering mantra and pranayama techniques, as outlined in ancient texts. These practices will not only change the way you participate in "yoga," but also permeate the living experience to change the direction that energy flows in the entirety of life.  

YTT300/RYT200 CEU  

- 12 hours  



The Power of Satsang: Finding YourSelf in Community
with Jill Sockman
November 13-15
In the sacred texts it is stated time and again that to walk this path successfully, you cannot do it alone. We're blessed at the blue to enjoy a community of like-minded seekers to support, challenge and enhance our practice and process. Immerse yourself in this community and its inspiration and support for an entire weekend.

YTT300/RYT200 CEU  

- 14 hours  

Required for 500-hour certification

Weekend of Reflection: The Power of Silence
with Jill Sockman
December 4-6

 Yoga teaches us that only in silence and stillness is it possible to see what lies beneath the surface. This weekend, explore your inner landscape through pranayama, meditation, restorative yoga, and yoga nidra.

YTT300/RYT200 CEU  

- 14 hours



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