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november 2014
news from the blue

As I'm writing this, I'm in the process of getting ready to leave for Pinehurst for a weekend of teaching some of my favorite material. I love Pinehurst, our host, the deep-diving nature of the work I'll share there, getting away, great food, intimate community... But one of the things I am looking forward to the most is getting unplugged.

We live in a world where we can "stay connected" not only in bustling urban centers, but in tiny villages, beaches and jungles in most distant places. Our "staying connected" to news, to home, to work and to all the many distractions of a smartphone or computer often gets very much in the way of being connected to what is in the here and now, of every moment, wherever we are.

We know this, we've experienced it, we've heard it before. My teacher tells the story of sitting on the patio of a guest house in India with two of his kids, overlooking the sacred Ganges at sunrise. I've been to the place -- it's MAGICAL in the MOST MAGICAL kind of way. His boys saw a family on a patio below where everyone at the table was looking not out upon life on the river or the rising Indian sun, but at their iPads. WTF, people?!

That's an extreme example, but there is beauty, perfection, magic in every moment. But we have to be paying attention to see it. Every time I come back from a time unplugged, I vow to do so more often. I'm usually pretty good about it at first, but then regular life and work charge in and I'm back to it. But it's a reminder, each time, of where and how I want to be.

What would happen if you turned off your phone for your Saturday? Leave it at home for a dinner out with friends? How much more connected could you be, to nature, to life, to the people around you, by simply unplugging for a few waking hours each and every day?


get to know our teachers

meet amanda may 


Amanda brings something new to the blue schedule on Sunday mornings: kundalini yoga, a practice that combines active asana-based movement, mantra, pranayama (breath work), music, and meditation. Learn more about her below and check out her Kundalini Yoga & Meditation class on Sundays at 10:45 am.


Little known facts about me: I am an expert napper; I'm also an (ex) competitive equestrian (show jumping is a passion). I have 26 nieces and nephews. I love to be silent, but I also love parties and can stay out all night long.


Words that describe my class: Expansive, Grounding, Uplifting, Energizing


What inspires me: People, My practice, Teaching, Nature, Travel, Dancing,

blue lotus Kundalini yoga teacher
Amanda May

Music, Fashion, Art, Going outside of my comfort zone, Love


Favorite yoga music: Snatam Kaur Khalsa, Wah, Singh Kaur / Crimson Collection, Joseph Michael Levry, Kundalini Bhangra Remix


Favorite yoga book: I have many.  Right now it's The Yamas and Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice by Deborah Adele. 


Favorite quote: "Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can."  -Dalai Lama XIV


Why I love blue lotus: It's sacred space! When I first stepped through the door it felt like home to my heart, which is no small thing when you've moved around a lot. When people regularly connect to their own light, what they connect with is sacred. When a group of people does that, it shifts the energy of a place. It happens regardless of individual dogma, and you can feel it. The community at the blue reflects the high vibration of the studio. The people are warm, open, mindful and welcoming.


I knew I loved yoga when: I suffered from a painful neck and back from a fracture and scoliosis as an adolescent. When I was in my early 20s I took my first yoga class and I have been hooked ever since. That was 22 years ago.


unlimited pass - on sale

gratitude pass special - unlimited yoga for $108 


Get ahead of the holiday madness with a dose of yoga! Purchase the Gratitude Pass for $108, and enjoy unlimited regular classes at the blue from November 1-30. We'll help you stay centered through your holiday season.


You can purchase the pass online or at the studio. Pass expires November 30, no exceptions.

40 days of yoga:  thank you, great yogis!

We offer a mighty OM to the intrepid yogis who took on the 40 Days of Yoga practice at the blue. From those who unrolled their mats at the studio most every day to those who took to their mats (or hid from their mats) from afar, and to everyone in between, the spirit of taking a collective journey together was a true gift to our whole community.


Our 40 Days of Yoga charts have been transformed, along with our inspiring yogis. 

What's it like to commit to a 40-day practice? A few from the group offered their thoughts:


"40 days of Yoga allowed me to try so many different classes. . . . It is great to go to classes in my comfort zone, but it is fun to take a class you know nothing about and get surprised!"


"Two dear friends embarked on this journey with me and provided additional love and support as we navigated the interesting, turbulent waters of middle age, parenting, and work/life balance. ...This yoga practice has reminded me to be more grateful for all of the gifts in my life. It has given my body my energy and lightness. It has opened up more places of joy and reminded me sorrow should also be welcomed and embraced."


"40 days of yoga at blue lotus has quite literally changed my life. It started with the realization there were other people who wanted nothing more for me than for me to be who I was, in the moment and in my practice...then being shown that even though these folks might not know me well, they loved me enough to challenge me to change....and I have...I have embraced my practice as mine, whether I am at the studio, practicing at home, outside, or with my toddler, the practice is beautifully mine."


We love our 40 Dayers and our blue community, every single day.


announcing blueverary 8 and
welcoming CASA

mark your calendar, feb 6-8 


The blue's eighth anniversary celebration is coming! Mark your calendar for the weekend of February 6-8, 2015, when we'll hold our traditional weekend of by-donation classes featuring raffle prize drawings.


We are excited to announce the beneficiary of the fundraising next year will be CASA, an organization based right in our backyard, which has worked for more than 20 years to provide affordable, accessible housing for people with disabilities and veterans, as well as workforce housing.  


If you'd like to help us and support CASA by donating a raffle prize for blueversary weekend, please note the deadline for prize donations is December 15.


Please contact Sandy if you want to donate a prize to this amazing weekend of yoga and community!


see you at the blue!
Padma and Jill prayer
in this issue

Community Yoga -- FREE!
12:30-1:30 pm, Nov 16
12:00-1:00 pm, Nov 30

Pay-what-you-can Yoga
6:00-7:00 pm
Nov 22 and 29

Modified schedule
please note our modified schedule on this month's yoga immersion weekend, November 7-9.

Holiday schedule

Thanksgiving Gratitude Flow by-donation with Leilani!  
9:30-11:00 am, Nov 27

White Friday Flow with Yvonne
9:30-11:00 am, Nov 28

weekend extras

Yoga for Healing with Jen
November 2

Yin Yoga with Sandy
November 21

Yoga for Healing with Kate
November 23

workshops & events

Backbends: From the Heart, For the Heart with Elizabeth

November 1

Learn to experience backbending as it was meant to be: open, strong, and free. 


Eight Weeks of Yoga Philosophy and Asana with Jill

November 2 - December 21

Combine your physical practice with yoga's more subtle, complex realms, including relationships, lifestyle, and the unconscious mind.


Yin Yoga Intensive with Yvonne

Immerse yourself in stillness. 

November 22 



yoga immersion
for all students  

Hathavidya Weekend Immersion

with Will 

November 14-16

Join Will Duprey, director and founder of Hathavidya, for a weekend immersion in the practice.

YTT300/RYT200 CEU - 11 hours.


Ground, Heal, Forgive  

with Warren Grossman

December 6

Learn how to create an active connection to the earth and how to bring that energy to the heart to access the healing energy of Love.

YTT300/RYT200 CEU available; space is limited.


Weekend of Reflection:  

The Power of Silence with Jill 

December 12-14

When we become still and sit in silence, we create space to see what lies beneath the surface: both our greatness as well as what holds us back from our potential. Jill will lead you through an exploration of your inner landscape with meditation, pranayama, restorative yoga, and yoga nidra.
YTT300/RYT200 CEU - 14 hours. Required module for YTT300 certification program.

The Business of Yoga  

with Elizabeth

January 9-11

Join Elizabeth Crisci for a weekend of practice and lecture diving into the business of teaching yoga. Yes, you can love what you do and pay the bills. Let's talk about how!

YTT300/RYT200 CEU - 11 hours


Thai Yoga Bodywork Certification Training with Michael Sitzer


Three weekends: March 7-8, 14-15, and 21-22 

YTT300 - up to 24 hours

RYT200 CEU - up to 36 hours 

NCBTMB CEU - up to 36 hours 


blue lotus
401 n. west street
raleigh, nc 27603
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