Mature Business Woman 
December 4, 2012
Staffing Matters


This article is the first of two on Windows 8. They are subtitled Part 1 Point and Part 2 Counterpoint. The Counterpoint will present an opposing view for your consideration on December 11, 2012.


While this subject is a bit off our usual path which has been primarily about Staffing Industry issues specifically Staffing M & A, we thought since many of us have sometimes become  partners with Microsoft these posts may interest you.


Our hope is to help you become better informed on a variety of subjects that may affect your working life. Let us know what you think!


In This Issue

10 of the most common reasons people resist change and how it could affect Windows8?

Part 1 Point!

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10 of the most common reasons people resist change and how it could affect Windows 8?

aIn a September post for Harvard Business Review, renowned Professor and author, Rosabeth Moss Kanter discusses 10 of the most common reasons people resist change, in the context of leadership. Recently, Kanter sat down with HBS Working Knowledge to discuss how these same reasons might hinder corporate adoption of Windows 8.

The Ten Reasons

bEven its most devoted users won't recognize the venerable computer operating system in this new incarnation." that Windows 8 feels like a journey into the unknown. She cites the Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg, who reports, "early reviews indicate:


1. Loss of Control-Unsolicited change naturally meddles with autonomy, and the world's IT directors and other department heads may not appreciate having a completely different operating system thrust upon them from on high.


 "People don't like it when they're forced to change their plans, rather than determine the changes they want to make," Kanter says.



2. Excess Uncertainty-"People will often prefer to remain mired in misery than to head toward an unknown," Kanter explains in her blog post.



"There will be questions about Windows 8," Kanter says. "Will it work? Will it help me? Will this require further upgrades as Microsoft fixes the bugs? People might wait until there's more certainty, reasoning that if the current software works well, then why should they change?"



3. Surprise, surprise!-Sudden change almost always faces resistance, Kanter says. To that end, Microsoft has made a point of preparing the public for Windows 8, briefing the press months in advance and even offering downloadable preview version.


Still, Kanter wonders, "Has there been sufficient time for the influencers to get used to this and help other people get used to it? And why launch on October 26? There's a lot going on in the world right now." Just before the Presidential Election.



4. Everything seems different-Drastic change is more uncomfortable than incremental change, Kanter explains.


"Of course all change brings difference, but how many differences can we handle at once?" Kanter asks. "In Windows 8 there's the tile interface, there's no more start button, there's this 'Charm Bar'...


These tools may work well, but human psychology says that if it's too different and too jarring, you turn away from it. You don't want to have to think about the tool. You want to think about the job you need to get done."


5. and 6. Loss of face and Concerns about competence-

Let alone dealing with a change that wasn't their idea; people don't like it when a change makes them feel incompetent.


And some early reviews of Windows 8 indicate that it's not much of an ego booster. In the comments section of a review on, beta-testing computer science teacher 'jabnipnip' vented: "Sure it loads fast, but you lose productivity time just trying to figure out how to do things like print! No joke.


Open up a PDF in the native viewer and you have to 'intuitively' know to press ctrl + p to print the file.


I can't tell you how many times I've sat there getting angry trying to figure out how to get something done. I'm not an idiot when it comes to computers, but this OS made me feel like one."


"Your software should not make anyone feel like an idiot," Kanter advises.


7. More work-This is an unavoidable biggie. Change generally requires work. That can feel like an irony when it comes to a software upgrade that's advertised as a tool to make work easier.


Even the most positive reviews of Windows 8 have acknowledged a steep learning curve, which is likely to induce some chafing among the weary corporate masses.


"We're talking about an incredibly overloaded population of people who don't need more work," Kanter says. "They need something to do the work for them, like Siri."


8. Ripple effects-"Like tossing a pebble into a pond, change creates ripples, reaching distant spots in ever-widening circles," Kanter writes in her HBR blog post.


There are key ripple effects inherent in adopting a drastically different operating system, she says. Confused individual users are likely to overload the IT department with "how-do-I" requests.


Managers may be late for meetings as they try in vain to find their calendars with the new user interface. And so on. Some changes are more likely than others to be problematic but "concern about ripple effects can cause considerable foot-dragging when it comes to change," Kanter says.


9. Past resentments-"Leaders should consider gestures to heal the past before sailing into the future," Kanter writes. "The ghosts of the past are always lying in wait to haunt us."


We have two ghostly words for Microsoft: Windows Vista.


It's been nearly six years since the launch of that version of Windows, but harried IT managers may never forget the glitches. (PC World magazine rated Vista the Biggest Disappointment of 2007.) "Microsoft has had problems in the past," Kanter says.


 "The company tries so hard to do something disruptive, but then all it accomplishes is becoming disruptive to their users."


10. Sometimes the threat is real-In her post, Kanter explains that many people fear change because it can be truly dangerous, posing a threat not only to old ideas but jobs as well.


In the case of the Windows 8 launch, there's a threat to Microsoft's competitors-including Apple, Google Inc., and could lose market share if the operating system and the new tablet prove successful.


"Competitors certainly resist the change," Kanter says.


 "They are going to do everything they can to try to capitalize on any wary customer and fan the flames of user resistance."


And the dramatic overhaul of the operating system is also a risk for Microsoft, which needs Windows 8 to succeed in order to maintain its own market share, especially among consumers.


"Microsoft has produced a bold innovation in Windows 8, and the company deserves applause," Kanter says. "But its marketplace success will depend on whether users are ready for such a giant leap. Does this big change activate too many classic sources of resistance? That is the question."


Next week our newsletter will provide a counterpoint to this discussion and you of course will decide for yourself!


For more information or a complimentary confidential discussion, contact: Bob Cohen at 416-229-6462 or Sam Sacco at 910-509-0691. or

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