Seasonal Changes
at PAWS' Sanctuaries
Fall is in the air at PAWS' sanctuaries. Recent rains have already begun to rejuvenate the landscape, and new green grasses are sprouting up everywhere. Each animal at PAWS responds to the arrival of fall in his or her own unique way, and all seem to enjoy this time of year.

Nicholas plays with fallen tree branches.
Elephants love the cooler, wetter weather and the brisk air seems to add a jaunty bounce to their steps. Asian bull elephants Nicholas and Prince have a burst of new energy, and are often seen playing with logs and fallen tree branches - tossing them into the air, dragging them around, and even playfully balancing them on their heads and backs. Rain is most welcome, as it brings one of the elephants' favorite things: mud! African elephants Lulu, Maggie, Mara, Thika, and Toka take great pleasure in getting down and wiggling in the mud. Asian elephant Gypsy also delights in a good mud bath, and grazing on the fresh shoots of grass. 

Mookie enjoys a fall pumpkin.
After a summer spent lounging in the shade, the tigers also seem to have renewed energy in cooler weather. Rolling on their backs in the grass, pouncing on piles of fallen leaves, and frisky play sessions are favorite activities. When fresh pumpkins are available, the tigers love biting into them and carrying them around before tearing them into pieces. Even African lioness Camba (pictured above) gets into playing with pumpkins.
Our nine black bears respond most dramatically to the onset of fall. Even though they do not truly hibernate, the bears prepare for winter by increasing their food intake. Their appetites almost double this time of year as they seek to consume enough calories to put on the body fat that will sustain them through the winter months when they will spend most of their time napping.

Jack forages for acorns in his habitat.
The bear habitats at PAWS' ARK 2000 sanctuary are located within an oak forest that produces abundant acorns every fall - a natural, high-energy food source for wild bears. Even captive born bears who never lived in the wild quickly learn to shake the oak trees to make the acorns rain down onto the ground. Arthur and Mack, two black bears who live at our Galt sanctuary, receive fallen oak branches and acorns collected at ARK 2000 especially for them.
We are thankful to you, our friends, who make PAWS' sanctuaries and the work we do possible. Your donations provide the animals in our care with spacious, natural habitats in which they can choose where and how to spend their time - engaging in behaviors that are not only natural to their species, but important to them and their overall well-being.

Scimitar-horned oryx living at PAWS' Amanda Blake Memorial Wildlife
Refuge enjoy munching on tender new grass.

Boo Boo rolls in the leaves in his habitat at ARK 2000.

If you would like to help one of our animals,
consider becoming an "adoptive parent" or giving a PAWS adoption as a gift to an animal lover in your life. Hint: It's the perfect gift for that person who "has everything!"

Click here for more information.

Winston the Tiger Passes Away
PAWS is sad to report that Winston the tiger has passed away. He was one of 39 tigers rescued by PAWS more than 12 years ago from conditions of severe abuse and neglect at a facility called Tiger Rescue in Colton, California. The defunct, pseudo-sanctuary was raided and shut down by authorities, and the task of finding homes for 54 big cats began. This was the single largest rescue of tigers ever to have occurred in the U.S., and involved the heroic and monumental efforts of many organizations and individuals to successfully and safely bring 39 needy tigers to their permanent home at our ARK 2000 sanctuary in San Andreas, California. Click here to read about the rescue. Watch the documentary, "39 Tigers" below.

39 Tigers: The story of the largest tiger rescue in U.S. history.
39 Tigers: The story of the largest
tiger rescue in U.S. history.
Winston is remembered as a gentle soul, who was never aggressive towards people or other tigers. He was calm and affectionate with his close tiger friend Claude for many years, the two of them either playing or sleeping close together. Winston's neighbor Sunita, an older and much smaller female tiger, seemed to have a crush on him and would attentively groom his fur through the fence that separated their habitats. After Claude and Sunita passed away, Winston became friendly with his new neighbor Jake, and the two tigers would often run side by side up and down the hills of their oak forested habitat. Just as often, Winston could be seen stretched out, sound asleep on his favorite perch or in a comfortable spot under a tree.
PAWS' tiger supervisor Renae recalls that Winston always greeted keepers with a "chuff" - a soft and friendly vocalization common to tigers. Keeper Adam remembers his expressive face, and keeper Jesse remembers him rolling and playing in pine branches and leaves, and describes him as "just always a happy tiger." Often, while keepers were cleaning adjoining enclosures, Winston would wait for just the right moment to pounce from a hiding spot behind his pool, and would then playfully prance around with a little bounce in his step.
As Winston got older he began to have health problems which are all too common in elderly tigers in captivity, including arthritis and kidney disease. In 2014, he began to have nosebleeds, and was diagnosed with a large but benign nasal polyp by the PAWS veterinary staff. Winston was transported to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at University of California, Davis, in 2014 for a CT scan, as well as surgical removal of the polyp. Surgeons were unable to remove it completely because of its challenging location deep inside his nose and its deep attachment to underlying tissue. We were warned that the polyp would probably grow back. For the past two years since his nasal surgery, Winston enjoyed a very good quality of life, receiving attentive care from PAWS' veterinarians and extra TLC from our dedicated keepers.
While Winston's nasal mass did regrow slowly, it was ultimately his kidney disease that caused a sudden decline in his condition in late September. When it was clear that the disease had worsened to the point where medications and treatments no longer had any effect, the difficult but most compassionate decision was made to humanely euthanize him.
Always to be remembered in our hearts for his gentle nature, Winston passed from this life on September 28th, surrounded by those who loved and cared for him. We estimate his age at time of death to be 19+ years.

PAWS Director of Science, Research and Advocacy Catherine Doyle testifies before the New York City Committee on Health at City Hall on October 20.

PAWS Travels to New York City
in Support of Performing Wild Animal Ban
New York City Councilmember Rosie Mendez has introduced a bill, Intro 1233, to prohibit the use of wild or exotic animals for public entertainment or exhibition. PAWS Director of Science, Research and Advocacy Catherine Doyle testified in support of the bill at its first hearing before the Committee on Health at City Hall on October 20th, and fielded questions from the committee. Animal advocates completely filled the Council Chambers, greatly outnumbering the opposition. A second hearing must be scheduled, at which time the committee will likely vote on the bill.

PAWS thanks Councilmembers Mendez and Int. 1233 co-sponsor Corey Johnson, who chaired the Committee on Health, for their commitment to this important bill. Armed with details on Animal Welfare Act violations, use of the bullhook and other abusive devices, and questions about public safety, the council members eviscerated testimony by circus representatives, who often appeared to have difficulty answering the council members' queries or were evasive in their responses.   
As part of her testimony, Catherine talked about the behaviors we have observed in some of our animals when they first came from circuses to PAWS, including fear-based responses such as flinching and cowering and hyper-aggression. She stated: "We attributed these behaviors to the long-term effects of stress from near constant travel, fear-based training and intense confinement."

Wild animals used in performances and exhibitions are chained, confined in cages so small they can barely stand and turn around, and forced to endure incessant travel in cramped semi-trucks and train cars.
Training is violent and cruel, designed to control animals through fear and pain. Elephants are struck, hooked, and jabbed with the bullhook, a vicious weapon resembling a sharpened fireplace poker. Big cats are whipped, jabbed with sticks and shocked with cattle prods to ensure they obey commands and perform consistently and on cue. The public is at risk of injury or death, in the event of an animal escape.
PAWS is proud to work with a coalition of local and national animal protection organizations to pass this important legislation.
If you live in New York City, please contact each of the committee members and urge their support for Int. 1233. You can find the committee members here; click on each member's name to find email and phone information. You should also contact your own council member and ask for her/his support. (Locate your council member here. Click here for a full list of city council members.)

Guida (above) spent years languishing on a Brazilian farm.

Global Sanctuary for Elephants (Brazil)
Welcomes Its First Residents

Congratulations to The Global Sanctuary for Elephants for providing the first refuge for captive elephants in Latin America. The sanctuary welcomed its first two elephants, Maia and Guida, to their new 2,800-acre sanctuary home, located in the western Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. The elephants originally had performed in circuses. The Sanctuary estimates there are more than 50 elephants in South America in need of sanctuary, as zoos consolidate and more jurisdictions prohibit the use of animals in circuses.

Scott Blais, who co-founded The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, told the Associated Press, "Societies around the world are starting to become more aware of the trauma we have caused these animals" in captivity. "We need to build solutions. It's not enough to simply say they need a different life."

Our best wishes and congratulations to PAWS' friends Scott and Kat Blais, Joyce Poole, Petter Granli, and Junia Machado, who have been working toward this day for so long!

Scott Blais will be at the PAWS International Captive Wildlife Conference on November 12, talking about The Global Sanctuary for Elephants. You can find information on the conference and registration below.

Last Chance to Register for PAWS'
International Captive Wildlife Conference!
October 31st is the last day to register for PAWS' International Captive Wildlife Conference, taking place on November 11 and 12 in San Andreas, California. Conference participants have the option to visit the 2,300-acre, natural habitat ARK 2000 sanctuary on November 13, led by PAWS President Ed Stewart. ARK 2000 is home to elephants, lion, black leopard, tigers and bears. 

focus at this biennial conference is on elephants, bears and big cats, with a special look at "next wave" sanctuaries for elephants, orcas and chimpanzees. More than 25 experts from around the world will address a range of topics concerning these animals, from their natural lives and behavior in the wild and the challenges they face in captivity, to issues central to their health, care, and welfare. Speakers are conservationists, scientists, veterinarians, attorneys, animal care professionals, and animal protection and policy experts.
PAWS has been presenting outstanding conferences since 1992, with the aim of educating, stimulating critical discussion, and promoting action to protect and improve the welfare of captive wildlife.  
Registration ends on October 31st. Student rates are available.
For more information, including list of speakers, full program, lodging - and to register, click here.

Visit the PAWS International Captive Wildlife event page on Facebook.
See you in November!

Oregon Measure 100:
Saving Endangered Species
On November 8, Oregon voters will have the chance to vote on Measure 100 and help save 12 highly trafficked wild animals - sea turtles, cheetahs, elephants, whales, tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars, pangolins, rhinos, and shark and ray species - from poaching, cruelty and the threat of extinction.
The measure proposes to prohibit the purchase, sale, offer for sale, or possession with intention to sell any part or product of the covered animal species, with reasonable narrow exemptions. If passed, Oregon will join California, Washington and Hawaii in shutting down local markets and reducing demand for products of the destructive wildlife trade. Please vote!

Good News for Animals

President Obama Signs Anti-Wildlife Trafficking Legislation into Law. H.R. 2494, The Eliminate, Neutralize, and Disrupt Wildlife Trafficking Act of 2016, has officially become law. The law will help protect elephants, rhinoceros and other endangered species from the international illegal wildlife trade that is decimating populations worldwide and helping to fund armed groups. A bipartisan effort propelled the bill, led by Representatives Ed Royce (R-CA) and Eliot Engel (D-NY), and Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ).

The U.S. will no longer allow the import of captive-bred lion trophies from South Africa. These grisly trophies are the product of horrific canned hunts in which hunters pay to shoot lions at close range in fenced areas. The lions are captive bred, and, as cubs, often used in petting zoos for tourists. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, which designated African lions as threatened earlier this year (rather than the "endangered" listing sought by animal protection groups), found that killing captive lions for trophies has no conservation benefit for those in the wild. The "threatened" listing, however, allows for the import of sport hunted trophies of wild lions, an activity determined by the agency to contribute to the long-term conservation of the species in South Africa. PAWS urges the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to shut down these trophy kills as well.
TripAdvisor says no to wild animal exploitation. The travel website will no longer sell bookings to animal attractions where people can come into contact with captive wild animals or endangered species, such as elephant rides, swim-with-dolphin programs, and tiger petting. Kudos to TripAdvisor for listening to animal welfare and conservation groups, as well as the public, in making its decision.

Above: Mara with her tree.

ARK 2000 Holiday Open House, December 10th
Tickets Now On Sale
We have a limited number of tickets available for our ARK 2000 Holiday Open House to be held on Saturday, December 10th, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tickets are $50 for adults, $25 for seniors (60 and over) and $25 for children age 12 and under. If you're planning to attend, we advise you to purchase your tickets early. No tickets will be sold at the gate on the day of the event.
PAWS' 2,300-acre captive wildlife sanctuary, ARK 2000, is located at 1248 Pool Station Road in San Andreas, CA 95249.
Visitors to the ARK 2000 Holiday Open House will board shuttles to the bear, lion, tiger, leopard and elephant habitats. Once you exit the shuttle you will be walking on grass, dirt, gravel, and sometimes paved surfaces, so please wear comfortable shoes. PAWS management, keepers and volunteers will be on hand to tell you about the animals and answer questions. A gift shop will be available on the day of the event. We accept cash, checks and all major credit cards.
If you would like to bring a holiday gift for the animals, we suggest any of the following favorites: apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, squash, pumpkins, melons, pears, unsalted peanuts in the shell, fresh mint leaves and fresh rosemary. You may drop off your gift by the front gate, or near the gift shop table when you arrive, or as you're leaving. Thank you!
This event happens rain or shine. Tickets are not refundable.
Two ways to purchase: Click here to buy online and print your tickets at home; or call 209-745-2606, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PST, to charge by phone. Visit our calendar of events page for more information. Ticket sales close on Thursday, December 8, 2016, or earlier if this event sells out.
*  *  *  * 
PLEASE READ: Folding wheelchairs and strollers may be taken on most shuttles. Special arrangements for visitors with power scooters and power wheelchairs can be made by calling Kim Gardner at 916-539-5305. Yes, you may bring your cameras. There is no smoking on any PAWS property, including in our parking lots. We take fire prevention very seriously. No pets are allowed on any PAWS property, including in our parking lots. Please leave your pets at home. You will not touch any animals and all visitors will be required to stay a safe distance away from the animals. 

A BIG Thank You!

October Amazon Wish List Donors

Tory Braden: one Probiocin Oral Gel, one qt. Red Cell. Patricia L. Connelly: one 30 lb. bag of Blue Buffalo. The Downeys (Tricia, Caitlin, Doug and Morgan): one 40 lb. box of oranges. Kathy Tucker: one Probiocin Oral Gel. Maggie Rufo: one 32 oz. Wheat Germ. L.S. Ohara: one 30 lb. bag Blue Buffalo. Gayle Martin: one Probiocin Oral Gel. Nina Dillingham: one 5 lb. bag Missing Link Ultimate Skin & Coat, one 5 lb. Psyllium. Carole Bognar: one 5 lb. Psyllium. Tracy Fox: one 5 lb. Psyllium. Marisa Landsberg: one bag Pill Pockets, one Probiocin Gel, one 10 lb. Psyllium. Anonymous Donors: three boxes of nitrile gloves (S,M,L); one 5 lb. bag Missing Link Ultimate Equine Skin & Coat.
View wish list items that are needed,
but not listed on the Amazon list, here.

There are many ways you can help PAWS animals:
Adopt A PAWS Animal
If you would like to help our animals, one of the best ways is to become an "adoptive parent," or give a PAWS adoption as a gift to an animal lover in your life. PAWS adoptions are symbolic adoptions only. No animal will be sent!
PAWS Amazon Wish List

EBAY Giving Works
List items on EBAY and choose PAWS as your charity. Donate a percentage of each sale to the animals. Visit our EBAY charity listing page here. Start selling!

Corporate Donations
and Matching Fund Programs
Learn more about what is needed.

Donate Your Vehicle

PAWS Partnerships
Help us change the life of a victim of captivity by becoming a PAWS Partner. PAWS partnerships help support our sanctuary operations and the day-to-day care of the animals.

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Purchase PAWS apparel and merchandise.

Clothing for adults, kids, toddlers and infants, as well as other fun merchandise like coffee mugs - available from our online gift shop.

Estates/Planned Giving
You can help us make sure captive wildlife in need of shelter will always have a PAWS sanctuary to call home!
Donate To PAWS
PAWS receives no government funding and must rely on your donations to continue our work. Three ways to give and every donation matters. Learn more

PAWS merchandise is fun, educational,
and always makes a great gift!
PAWS' Note Cards
Bears, Tigers, Elephants
Dozens of different designs are now available in our gift shop.
$24.99 for a set of 10 + tax + worldwide shipping

More items, more designs, more fun - all to benefit the animals at PAWS!
Logo clothing available in adult, children, toddler and infant sizes.

"Seeing the Elephant" Weekend Getaways | PAWS Animal Adoptions
Both available for gift purchases.
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PO Box 849
Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-2606