Celebrating 30 years of protection, education, advocacy & sanctuary.
10 Years Ago This Month
The Colton Tiger Story - The Largest 
Big Cat Rescue In U.S. History 

June marked a monumental event for PAWS - the 10th anniversary of the arrival of the first of 39 tigers to ARK 2000, from the defunct, pseudo-sanctuary called Tiger Rescue in Colton, California. PAWS has been challenged, changed and strengthened as a result of accepting these very needy tigers, and providing them a permanent, safe, and healthy home.



In 2002, the California Department of Fish and Game seized 10 tigers from the Tiger Rescue facility after finding them in filthy cages without water and suspecting the owner of illegal breeding. In April 2003, officials conducted a search warrant on the owner's residence and discovered 90 dead tigers, including 58 dead baby tigers in freezers. Many other big cats and exotic wildlife were found sick, injured, and barely alive. The State of California seized control of Tiger Rescue, where 54 big cats remained.


The Fund for Animals' Chuck Traisi and an army of volunteers provided 24-hour a day care for the animals, and were able to rehabilitate and find homes in accredited sanctuaries for all but 39 tigers. Finding suitable placement for the remaining animals was difficult. Tigers are prolific breeders in captivity, and irresponsible breeding - such as the inbreeding required to produce white tigers - produces a large number of cats that end up unwanted. Sanctuaries around the country were at or near capacity, and most zoos did not want tigers of unknown genetic origin. PAWS committed to taking the remaining 39 tigers from Colton.


Fund For Animals provided PAWS with the funds to build the initial enclosure. All housing was specially designed for this group of cats. Each tiger would have a den where he or she could eat and sleep undisturbed - a stark contrast to the chaotic situation in Colton where they often fought over food. Compatible groups of tigers would be housed together at PAWS, so the entire facility was designed to accommodate these groups of between two and eight tigers. All tigers would have access to grass, trees, swimming pools and room to roam.


PAWS President and co-founder Ed Stewart immersed himself in this mind-boggling construction project from day one, designing every detail and doing much of the work himself with the help of volunteers. Providing a proper home for one tiger is no small feat and requires strong fencing, adequate space, access to water and a commitment to provide food and veterinary care for life. Now multiply that by 39!



Dr. Jackie Gai, PAWS' veterinarian, was put in charge of the enormous task of transporting the tigers from Colton to ARK 2000. The special transport cages were designed by Ed Stewart and were big enough to allow a tiger to stand up, stretch and look around. A group of volunteers with large horse trailers were enlisted; each trailer would carry two or three caged tigers on the trip. The tigers were moved in groups of six to eight per trip, for a total of six trips that took place over an eight month period.


On the morning of June 11, 2004, the first group of tigers were coaxed into the transport cages. Each cage was filled with a thick bed of hay and attached to a doorway leading to the tigers' Colton enclosure. One by one, at his or her own pace, curiosity led each tiger to check out the transport cage and eventually step inside; the door was then quickly closed.  Each cage was loaded into a horse trailer and secured in place. Many people think that tigers and other animals need to be


tranquilized before loading them into a transport cage, but PAWS prefers to encourage animals to voluntarily load and travel awake and alert, avoiding the risks that can sometimes be associated with tranquilization.



The caravan of trailers hit the road for the 400-mile trip to ARK 2000 with Dr. Gai following behind, keeping watch on the trailers and communicating with drivers by walkie-talkie. Volunteer veterinarian and longtime PAWS supporter Dr. Kim Haddad rode with Dr. Gai and fielded calls from the media during the drive to ARK 2000. The group stopped periodically to check on the tigers and to top off their water buckets. We still remark on how well the tigers traveled - most sleeping peacefully throughout much of the journey. This trip was repeated five more times until the last group of tigers was moved to San Andreas in February of 2005.


Upon arriving at ARK 2000, each transport cage was carefully lifted out of its trailer and secured to the doorway of a new den. When the cage door was opened, each tiger stepped into its new and forever home. After a short period of acclimation the tigers were released into their spacious, grassy habitats.


Many tears of joy were shed in the weeks following each group of tigers' arrival. We cried as we watched these majestic animals hesitate to touch unfamiliar grass for the first time. We wept as they quickly adapted to their new surroundings and began to run through the grass, hide in the dense brush, play in their pools, sharpen their claws on logs and lounge beneath the trees.



The initial "rescue" of any animal is always exciting and garners a lot of public attention. This was a rescue on a grand scale, and the story was covered widely in the media. But soon after, the story fades from view and the true work of rescue begins - the lifetime commitment to the daily care and rehabilitation of these animals who had suffered so much. None of the tigers arrived with a medical record and we doubt that any had received regular medical care. No one knew how old they were. No tiger had a name.


Our first priority was to make them comfortable and to help them feel at home. Dr. Gai and PAWS' dedicated keeper staff immediately began keeping records on each tiger, including writing down their observations each day, a practice that continues for these tigers as well as all animals under PAWS' care. Our donors were given the opportunity to name the tigers and each tiger then assumed a new identity, one based on love and respect.


Over time we have gotten to know the unique personalities and needs of each tiger. As most of the tigers were reproductively intact when they arrived, spaying and neutering was necessary. A host of medical problems were diligently and expertly treated.


Whenever a tiger was under anesthesia for a necessary medical procedure, Dr. Gai would estimate his or her age by the condition of the animal's teeth. As none of them were young when they arrived, we can safely estimate that the tigers currently living at ARK 2000 are at least 16 years old, and several are estimated to be over 20.


Many of the Colton tigers arrived in poor health. Most recovered and have thrived during their time at PAWS. Others have passed away during the past 10 years from a variety of causes including cancer and renal failure. Eighteen of the original 39 tigers still live at ARK 2000. For those no longer with us, we remember each and every one - the hardships they experienced in Colton, as well as the nurturing and dedicated care that we were able to provide them in sanctuary.



PAWS acknowledges the many people who have helped the Colton tigers throughout the years, and we thank our generous donors for their ongoing support. We estimate our costs to date at more than $3.75 million for housing, food, staff and veterinary care for the tigers. All of the remaining tigers are considered elderly. Most have age-related issues such as arthritis and kidney disease, and receive daily nutritional supplements, special diets, and medications.


You can help support the medical needs of these tigers by making cash donations, becoming an adoptive parent, or by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List that are designated for tigers.



Ironically, there are more tigers in captivity in the USA than there are in all of the world's wild populations combined. Most are privately owned like those from Colton's Tiger Rescue, where breeding is unregulated and often irresponsible. It is a myth that these puppy mill-like breeding facilities that produce tiger cubs for photo opportunities or media appearances contribute anything towards the conservation of wild tigers, whose numbers are dwindling as poaching and habitat loss take their toll.


ALKA TODAY: Photo by Renae Smith.
Renae has been PAWS' tiger supervisor for the past six-and-a-half years. She and her dedicated staff provide excellent care for all of the tigers living at ARK 2000, going above and beyond to ensure their comfort, health, and well-being.

Dr. Jackie Gai will be speaking at PAWS' International Captive Wildlife Conference in November. The heart of her presentation will involve the story of the Colton tigers, describing their long journey and the incredible commitment PAWS has made towards their care, as well as the bigger issues surrounding private ownership of big cats. For more information, or to register for the conference, click here.  




A Riverside County jury convicted the owner of Tiger Rescue on child endangerment and animal cruelty charges for keeping malnourished tigers and decomposing carcasses at his facility, and for having tranquilizers and live alligators within reach of his young son. On July 19, 2005, a judge sentenced him to two years in jail, five years of probation, and he was ordered to never own, possess, care for, or volunteer in a place with animals. He also received psychological counseling and was ordered to attend anger management and parenting classes.


*  *  *


Special thanks to Beverly White, one of the volunteers who helped care for the Colton tigers before they arrived at PAWS. Each year since the tigers' arrival to PAWS, Beverly has designed calendars and greeting cards featuring photos of the tigers and sold them to raise funds for their care, donating all proceeds to PAWS.





PAWS, Joined By Hollywood Stars, Asks Jimmy Fallon To End Use of Elephants And All Wild Animals On "The Tonight Show"


PAWS sent a letter to Jimmy Fallon following the appearance of Asian elephant Roxie on "The Tonight Show," urging the talk show host to end the use of wild animal acts on his show. PAWS was joined by celebrity supporters including television legend Bob Barker, Academy Award-winning actress Kim Basinger, "True Blood's" Kristen Bauer van Straten, "CSI's" Jorja Fox, Ross McCall from "Band of Brothers," and actress and comedienne Lily Tomlin.


On the show, Fallon fed fruit to Roxie and was then lifted up by the elephant. During the performance the elephant's two handlers carried bullhooks - the fireplace poker-like weapons used to control elephants - which they tried to conceal most of the time (watch video below).


Jeff Musial Introduces Jimmy to an Elephant


Buffalo, New York-based Jeff Musial - an entertainer who exploits wild animals under the guise of education - brought the elephant onto the show, along with a white tiger cub and other wild animals. Musial was cited in 2013 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for keeping highly social primates in solitary confinement, housing marmosets in a dirty, rusted enclosure, and confining a cougar in an 8x8 foot chain link enclosure with no room to move. The cougar was reported to be pacing and climbing the chain link. 


Musial enthusiastically promoted the facilities that provided the animals he presented on the show, which was shot in Florida.  This includes All About Elephants, an exhibitor that uses elephants for entertainment and has been repeatedly cited by the USDA for violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), and the Zoological Wildlife Foundation, owned by an ex-drug-lord who also has been cited by the USDA for AWA violations and in 2009 admitted to knowingly making false and fraudulent statements to a USDA inspector about the acquisition of two tigers and providing the inspector with fraudulent forms to back up his claims. (Read more about the Zoological Wildlife Foundation in this Mother Jones article.)


PAWS president Ed Stewart concluded in the letter to Fallon: "The bottom line is there is nothing amusing about featuring elephants, tigers or any other wild animals on 'The Tonight Show', when these animals suffer terribly just to 'entertain' people."


To date, PAWS has not received a response from Fallon or "The Tonight Show."


Watch Sacramento's KXTV News10 interview with Ed Stewart about PAWS' letter. Use the social media links provided to share this video with your family and friends. You can also post a comment for Jimmy Fallon on "The Tonight Show's" Facebook page. Send a message to Jimmy Fallon via email using this link.


KXTV also has not received a response from "The Tonight Show."

Rhode Island House Resolution

Condemns Use Of The Bullhook


The Rhode Island House of Representatives passed a resolution that urges circuses and other traveling shows to abandon use of the bullhook and "other harmful training practices" on elephants.


PAWS' director of science, research and advocacy, Catherine Doyle, testified before a House committee this year in support of a bill to ban the use of bullhooks in the state. While the resolution is non-binding - unlike a law - Rhode Island is the first state in the nation to express concern about the treatment of elephants in circuses due to use of the bullhook and to recognize that this weapon causes pain to these highly intelligent animals.


This resolution is a step in the right direction for Rhode Island and provides an important base for future legislative action on this important issue.



PAWS Raises Important Questions About Captive Elephants After Death Of Greenville Zoo's Joy


Earlier this month 44-year-old elephant Joni (also known as Joy) died while being relocated from the Greenville Zoo in South Carolina to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, Colo. According to the Greenville Zoo's press release, Joni was being transported, in part, because "she would receive better geriatric care" in Colorado. The zoo also called Joni "elderly." The release further stated that "age-related conditions" likely caused her death.


PAWS has a serious problem with the zoo's portrayal of a 44-year-old elephant as "elderly." For far too long zoos have gotten away with writing off captivity-caused conditions such as arthritis by suggesting that elephants - even some still in their 30s - were "old" and in need of "geriatric" care.


So PAWS set the record straight in a press release, challenging the zoo's depiction of Joni. Said Ed Stewart: "It is simply wrong to say that Joni or any other elephant in her 40s is geriatric or elderly. The truth is that captivity has physically debilitated these elephants to the point where they suffer maladies normally associated with old age. It is a misnomer to say they are elderly."


It is well documented that African elephants in their 60s have successfully given birth and raised offspring.


Stewart concluded: "Captivity will never be right for elephants. Even the largest enclosures are still too small to meet the needs of these intelligent and very complex creatures. Add to that the practice of transporting elephants from place to place and you have animals who just do not thrive in captivity."


With the departure of Joni, the Greenville Zoo ended its elephant program.


Read PAWS' press release regarding Joni here




Caring For Wildlife: Tank The Turtle

Gets A Second Chance At Life


In addition to providing expert care for the many wild animals we tend to at PAWS, veterinarian Dr. Jackie Gai devotes time to wildlife rehabilitation - something she's been involved in for nearly 20 years. Recently, The Daily Republic newspaper ran a heartwarming story about Tank, a Western Pond Turtle who was rehabilitated at the Suisun Wildlife Center in Suisun City, Calif., after he was likely hit by a car. The underside of Tank's shell (called the plastron) was badly cracked, but thanks to Dr. Gai's novel treatment plan and the dedication of the center's volunteers who changed his waterproof bandages daily, Tank's plastron repaired itself.


In early June, Dr. Gai had the deeply gratifying experience of giving Tank a second chance at life in the wild, releasing him into one of the small sloughs near the wildlife center. She explains, "It is a profoundly moving experience to help an animal heal and then return it to the wild. Unfortunately, because of human intervention, none of the animals living within PAWS' sanctuaries can ever be released into the wild." 


The once abundant Western Pond Turtle population is now in decline in most of its range, making every turtle count. PAWS is very proud of Dr. Gai and her work to rehabilitate injured turtles and other wildlife. Her efforts are emblematic of the deep animal care ethic we have at PAWS and our commitment to wildlife in need, at the sanctuary and beyond.



A Sad Farewell To Satao -

Another Victim Of Elephant Poaching


PAWS is sad to report the death of iconic Kenyan elephant Satao, who was felled by a poacher's poison arrow. Satao was one of Africa's last great tuskers - elephants with tusks weighing over 100 pounds.


Satao's death puts a heart-rending face on the ugly scourge of poaching that threatens to decimate African elephants. The stately bull was born in the late 1960s and grew to be one of the world's largest elephants, with tusks that nearly touched the ground. Conservationists report that Satao often moved from bush to bush, always keeping his tusks hidden in the foliage. Some believe it was to hide his tusks from humans because he knew they were a danger to him.


According to The Telegraph, Kenyan conservationists are calling on the government to provide 24-hour, armed protection for the country's handful of remaining large tuskers. In 1970, President Jomo Kenyatta (father to current president Uhuru Kenyatta) placed an elephant named Ahmed under presidential protection. Ahmed was accompanied by two armed soldiers until his death at age 55 from natural causes.


According to the latest report by the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), more than 20,000 African elephants were poached in 2013. Though overall poaching numbers were lower in 2013 than in the previous two years they continue to exceed 20,000. At this rate, poaching far exceeds natural elephant population growth, leading to an alarming decline in elephant populations across Africa and threatening the extinction of some local populations. 



Fighting To Save Elephants
From The Ivory Trade


PBS will no longer appraise ivory tusks
on its "Antiques Roadshow" program. The show was criticized for glorifying ivory on television and giving value to the tusks at the same time that African elephants are being slaughtered by ivory poachers for export to lucrative markets in Asia. According to the Associated Press, the show will continue to appraise items containing ivory, such as musical instruments, and use those opportunities to inform viewers about the larger issue.



A Philadelphia, Pa., antique store owner was convicted of smuggling elephant ivory into the U.S. and sentenced to 30 months in prison and two years of supervised release. According to a U.S. Department of State press release, Victor Gordon will pay a $7,500 fine and forfeit $150,000, along with approximately one ton of elephant ivory seized from his store in 2009. Gordon paid a smuggler to acquire ivory directly from Africa, in some instances staining the ivory and directing the smuggler to create false receipts so it appeared the ivory had been lawfully acquired before 1989, when international and U.S. law imposed strict guidelines on the importation of elephant ivory. Before being caught Gordon was trying to sell his business, including the ivory collection, for $20 million.



The New Jersey legislature has passed a bill to prohibit all sales and trade in ivory and rhino horns in the state, with limited exceptions. The bill, which unanimously passed the state Senate, is awaiting Governor Chris Christie's signature. New Jersey ports serve as a major hub for illegal wildlife trafficking.


New York has passed a ban on the sale of ivory within state borders.

The new legislation places a permanent ban on the sale of elephant and mammoth ivory and rhino horn and includes only limited exceptions for proven antiques and other artifacts. The bill increases penalties for violators, including jail time for major offenders. The bill is awaiting Governor Mario Cuomo's signature.  


Good News For Animals


Mexico City has banned the use of animals in circuses, with the city council voting overwhelmingly for the prohibition and establishing fines of $45,000 to $60,000. Circuses will be given one year to change their acts. Several states and cities in Mexico have already passed similar bans.


A U.S. District Court judge upheld a moratorium on the importation of sport-hunted African elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Tanzania. As PAWS previously reported, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced the import suspension for 2014 due to a "significant decline" in the elephant populations in those countries and concerns regarding protections for elephants. An organization had sued the federal agency saying that the moratorium harmed the recreational, conservationist, and economic interests of its members. 


Registration Is Now Open For PAWS' 2014 International Captive Wildlife Conference


PAWS' 2014 International Captive Wildlife Conference will take place on November 8-10 in Burbank, Calif. (adjacent to Los Angeles). This is a premier global summit that focuses on the confinement and use of exotic and wild animals, especially those used in entertainment. Its aim is to educate, stimulate critical discussion and promote action to protect and improve the welfare of captive wildlife. 


Saturday, November 8 | ELEPHANTS

Sunday, November 9 | CAPTIVE WILD ANIMALS

Monday, November 10 | CAMPAIGNS & ADVOCACY


Since 1992, when we held our first "Animals In Entertainment" conference in Sacramento, PAWS' events have always featured exciting speakers who are leaders in their fields, including scientific research, ethics, law, animal care and welfare, and conservation. Our list of speakers for 2014, which is still evolving, includes:


Nick AtwoodCampaigns Coordinator, Animal Rights Foundation of Florida (ARFF). Gary Baum - Senior Writer at the Hollywood Reporter and author of "Animals Were Harmed." Marc BekoffAuthor; Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder; and co-founder with Jane Goodall of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Mark Berman - Earth Island Institute - Associate Director, International Marine Mammal Project; Director, Dolphin Safe Tuna Monitoring Program, (moderator). Madeline Bernstein - President, SPCAla (moderator). David Casselman - Attorney and founder of the Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary. Jan Creamer - President and co-founder, Animal Defenders-International (ADI). Sarah Baeckler-Davis - Executive Director, North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance. Jennifer Conrad, DVMExotic wildlife veterinarian and Founder and Director of The Paw Project. John DiLeonardo - President, Long Island Orchestrating for Nature (LION) Catherine DoyleDirector of Science, Research and Advocacy, Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Chris Draper - Programmes Manager (captive wild animals/science), Born Free Foundation. Alyne Fortgang - o-founder of Friends of the Woodland Park Zoo Elephants. Jackie Gai, DVM - Veterinarian for the Performing Animal Welfare Society. Julia Galucci - Primatologist and Senior Corporate Liaison, People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Jared Goodman - Attorney with the PETA Foundation. David HancocksAuthor, zoo/museum architect and former director of the Woodland park Zoological Gardens in Seattle, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and the Werribee Open Range Zoo in Australia. Dale Jamieson - Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy, Affiliated Professor of Law, and Director of the Animal Studies Initiative at New York University. Ron Kagan - Executive Director of The Detroit Zoo. (tentative) Lisa Kane - Attorney, writer and a co-founder of an ad hoc inter-disciplinary group, The Coalition for Captive Elephant Well-Being. Colleen Kinzley - Director of Animal Care, Conservation and Research, Oakland Zoo. Pat Lampi - Executive Director, Alaska Zoo. Keith Lindsay - Conservation biologist and Scientific Advisory Committee member with the Amboseli Elephant Research Project AERP, Amboseli Trust for Elephants. Cindy MachadoDirector of Animal Services, Marin Humane Society. Lori MarinoScience Director, Nonhuman Rights Project; Founder and Executive Director, Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy, Inc.; Senior lecturer in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology and Faculty Affiliate of the Center for Ethics at Emory University. Ric O'BarryAuthor; Campaign Director, Earth Island Institute; Founder of The Dolphin Project; and featured in the Oscar-winning documentary "The Cove." Tim PhillipsVice President and co-founder, Animal Defenders-International (ADI). Joyce Poole - Elephant researcher and co-founder of ElephantVoices. Adam Roberts - Chief Executive Officer, Born Free USA. (moderator) Deborah RobinsonAttorney and circus specialist. Naomi RoseMarine mammal scientist, Animal Welfare Institute. Steve RossDirector, Lester Fisher Center for the Study & Conservation of Apes, Lincoln Park Zoo, Project ChimpCARE. Cheri ShankarFundraiser and activist. Julie Woodyer - Campaigns Director, ZooCheck Canada. Ed Stewart - President and co-founder of the Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Lily Tomlin - Award-winning actor, comedian and producer (tentative). Jane Wagner - Award-winning author and playwright (tentative). Anna Ware - Activist who spearheaded the "Ban the Bullhook" campaign in Atlanta; member of the Board of Directors, Atlanta Humane Society. Lisa WathneCaptive Wildlife Specialist, The Humane Society of the United States. Stephen WellsExecutive Director, Animal Legal Defense Fund. Juliette WestAdvocate for animal rights and youth empowerment, founder of "JulietteSpeaks." Steven WiseAttorney and President of the Nonhuman Rights Project.  


To register for the conference online, and to view information on travel, hotel accommodations and transportation, click here. To register by phone, call the PAWS office at 209-745-2606, M-F, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST.


For information on event sponsorship opportunities, click here.


30th Anniversary Gala


In celebration of PAWS' 30th anniversary, we're also presenting a very special gala on Saturday, November 8. The evening will include a delicious vegan buffet dinner, live and silent auction, and a program featuring Hollywood celebrities and longtime PAWS supporters.


If you do not plan to attend the conference but would like to purchase a ticket for the gala, click here to see ticket and table prices and to purchase tickets.


We look forward to seeing you in November!



Help Us Reach 30,000 Facebook Likes!


Help PAWS reach the 30,000 mark during our 30th anniversary year. We're not that far away. . . 28,480 as we went to press!


Be sure to "like" our Facebook page. If you've already done that, please share our latest post with all your Facebook friends and encourage them to "like" PAWS. This is a great way to spread the word about the life-saving work that we do, and to share the many photos and videos we post of our elephants, bears, tigers and other animals who have found refuge at PAWS - not to mention the latest news and action alerts. (FYI - New videos of African elephants Thika and Toka were posted this week!)


Click on our Facebook link below. (You do not need to be a Facebook member to view our page. However, you must be registered in order to "like" us.)


A BIG Thank You!

June Amazon Wish List Donors


Carol Haft: 1 bottle Azodyl for kidney support for big cats, 2-cycle motor oil for weed trimmers at ARK 2000, 5 lbs. Psyllium pellets for the elephants. Marina Konakova: 1 bottle Cosequin DS joint support for older bears and big cars. Melisse Leitzke: 1 bottle RenAvast kidney support for big cats. Leslie O'Loughlin: Dewalt drill for our Galt sanctuary. Diane Schabath: unsalted, in the shell peanuts for elephants and primates. Kemper Roach Conwell: Cosequin DS for joint support for older big cats and bears. Lora L Hernandez: 1 bottle milk thistle, 1 order Raisin Bran for the elephants. 

View wish list items that are needed,
but not listed on the Amazon list, here.


There are many ways you can help PAWS animals:
Adopt A PAWS Animal
If you would like to help our animals, one of the best ways is to become an "adoptive parent," or give a PAWS adoption as a gift to an animal lover in your life. PAWS adoptions are symbolic adoptions only. No animal will be sent!
PAWS Amazon Wish List
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