January 2013
Vascular 2013 - Montreal
October 17-20, 2013
Lancet Publishes Global Burden of Disease Study 


A series of articles describing findings of Global Burden of Disease

(GBD) study were published in the December 15, 2012 issue of the Lancet.


Although this international study involving the collaboration of 486 scientists from 302 research institutions in 50 countries shows the dramatic improvements in global health over recent decades in terms of life expectancy and decline in deaths from infectious diseases and malnutrition, it also underscores the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.


The top five risk factors are all related to the growing non-communicable diseases burden. High blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for death today - responsible for 9.4 million deaths and 7% of disability - followed by tobacco, alcohol use, and physical inactivity and poor diet. An interactive site displaying key statistics and temporal trends can be accessed online  .

IN FOCUS - 2013 CHEP Recommendations
CHEP Logo 


We are pleased to announce on behalf of the Canadian Hypertension Education Program Recommendations Task Force the completion of the 2013 CHEP Recommendations. 2013 marks the 14th consecutive year that CHEP has updated our recommendations for the management of hypertension. These annual evidence-based recommendations have been developed through a rigorous reviewprocess of the literature followed by critical appraisals of relevant clinical research. The development of these annual recommendations is only made possible with the unparalleled dedication of the team of volunteer experts. We would like to take this opportunity to recognize their efforts and thank them for their commitment and hard work.


There are two new recommendations for 2013.  First, the systolic blood pressure target in the very elderly (age 80 years or greater) has been raised to 150 mm Hg.  Second, a recommendation regarding resistance training has been added to make practitioners aware that this type of exercise does not adversely affect blood pressure levels.  In addition, the importance of non-pharmacological management of hypertension should be reinforced to patients.  Non-pharmacological measures can be the sole treatment in very low risk patients with Stage I uncomplicated hypertension.
In order to facilitate the dissemination of the 2013 CHEP recommendations, we continue to emphasize these seven key messages: 
  1. All Canadian adults should have their blood pressure assessed at all appropriate clinical visits.
  2. Optimum management of BP requires assessment of overall cardiovascular risk.
  3. Home BP monitoring is an important tool in self-monitoring and self-management.
  4. Treat to target blood pressure levels.
  5. Lifestyle modifications are effective in preventing hypertension, treating hypertension and reducing cardiovascular risk.
  6. Combinations of both lifestyle changes and drugsare necessary to achieve target blood pressure levels in most patients.
  7. Focus on optimizing adherence.
Our educational tools are continually being adapted to reflect the changes in order to effectively disseminate the new recommendations. For the latest tools and updates, please visit the Hypertension Canada website at hypertension.ca.



  Luc Poirier Signature

Raj Padwal & Luc Poirier

Co-Chairs, CHEP

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Each month there are 12,000 unique visits to the Hypertension Canada site. 

CHEP publication and archives section


February 2013 

Annual Tools Review

Our educational materials are updated annually.  Our knowledge translation committees will meet in Toronto. This dedicated group of inter-professional volunteers will review our educational materials to incorporate the revisions required to align with the 2013 CHEP recommendations. 


April 7, 2013 

World Health Day

Check it out... The theme for 2013 is hypertension.


April 19, 2013 

Meeting of the Hypertension Canada Board of Directors


May 17, 2013

World Hypertension Day -

World Hypertension League


June 27-30, 2013
Istanbul, Turkey
Members' Publications - 2013

Keep up to date with the current

publications of your colleagues and fellow members. The publications of our members in good standing are updated monthly and featured on our website. December 2012

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