October 05, 2015   

re: Membership

Members and potential members should bear in mind that membership fees received after October 01, 2015 will automatically be applied to the 2016 calendar year unless the secretary is specifically instructed otherwise by the member. You may still have the fees applied as 2015 membership, but you must tell the secretary at the time of submission. Thank you for your cooperation. 

News from the President

The nomination deadline of September 30th has passed, so now we have our slate of candidates for our November election. Please note that you should receive an email from ElectionBuddy on November 1st containing the link to your ballot. If you don't receive it on that day, check your Spam folder. If it's not there, contact me directly (see my email address, below). You'll have until midnight on November 25th (Pacific Time) to vote.

The Nominating Committee sought to identify individuals who, we believe, will do a great job next year for HSA. Here's our slate:

For President (new to the position): Fay Aoyagi
Fay is a highly respected, fine poet with international connections that should be very helpful to HSA as we move forward in this global century. Fay is a super-friendly, super-organized person with a wide network of haiku contacts. Personally, I consider her my dream candidate for succeeding me; I'm so happy she (finally) said "Yes!"

For First Vice President (continuing in the position): Mike Montreuil
Mike has been tireless in his service of HSA, supervising the Kanterman awards, managing the production and publication of members' anthologies, representing me at meetings that I haven't been able to attend, and coming up with creative solutions to problems (later in this message I'll tell you about our new HSA online store, made possible thanks to Mike.)

For Second Vice President (new to the position): Patricia Machmiller
Patricia comes highly recommended by our presidential nominee, Fay. Ready and willing to bring the HSA contests into the 21st century with completely online submissions (continuing the wonderful work of outgoing 2nd VP Charlotte Digregorio), Patricia is a great choice--the Nominating Committee believes.

For Treasurer (continuing in the position): Bill Deegan
After Paul Miller stepped down, HSA was extremely lucky to find a poet with credentials in accounting (talk about right brain/left brain!). We're lucky again this year, because Bill has agreed to continue.

For Secretary (new to the position): Sondra Byrnes
Sondra comes to us as a member who's been recommended for her organizational skills. I would like to add that she responds to my emails promptly, projecting warmth and exhibiting excellent communication skills. As the first contact that most new members and non-members will have with our Association, Sondra should make an excellent first impression.

For Newsletter Editor (new to the position): Ignatius Fay
Ignatius has agreed to transform the monthly e-bulletins that he's been editing and sending out like clockwork into a new, monthly, completely electronic version of the HSA newsletter: "HSA NEWS"--as requested by the Executive Committee. He has already shown EC members an impressive template that the rest of you will need to wait until January 2016 to admire.

For Electronic Media Officer (continuing in the position): Randy Brooks
Anyone who visits the HSA website knows that Randy has been doing a fine job. This past year he added the new "Meet a Member" series so that the world can start to get to know the human side of HSA: who we are, why we write, and how we came to the world of haiku. Expect continuing innovations and improvements as we go forward, thanks to Randy.

For Frogpond Editor (new to the position): Aubrie Cox.
Our current editor, Francine Banwarth, joins with the Nominating Committee to endorse our choice for this crucial position. A widely published poet and educator who attended Millikin University, where she learned haiku from Randy Brooks, Aubrie has served as the haiga editor for One Hundred Gourds and is part of the editorial committee for Juxtapositions. Energetic and creative, Aubrie has big plans for Frogpond--continuing the excellent work done by Francine while seeking ways to broaden the journal's readership. Her bio statement, which will be attached to the ballot, gives more details.

Bruce Ross
has nominated himself for the position of Frogpond Editor, so this will be the one competitive race on this year's ballot. Though he wasn't the Nominating Committee's choice, I hope that members will read his bio statement carefully when they receive the ballot, reflect deeply, and cast their votes for the person that they truly believe will do the best job. I wish both Bruce and Aubrie good luck--and I thank them for their willingness to take on this demanding responsibility.

Regional Coordinators
As far as Regional Coordinators go, we are lucky that most of the incumbents have agreed to serve once again.  Robyn Hood Black has agreed to run for the Southeast Region's post, soon to be vacated by Terri L. French. Sadly, the Nominating Committee was unable to find a candidate willing to serve as RC for the Mountains region.

By-law Amendments
Also on the ballot, you'll find several proposed amendments to our by-laws. Three of these involve the proposal (made by members at our Orlando meeting and endorsed by the EC) to reduce the number of required, official HAS meetings from four to three. Since the EC "meets" on a monthly basis via conference calls, we like this change. It doesn't prevent us from having four (or more) meetings; it simply allows us a bit of flexibility in our planning. A fourth amendment offers changes in the Treasurer's report in terms of its timing and method of dissemination. I've sent these amendments out, verbatim, in a previous bulletin, so I won't paste all that in here. However, if you'd like to see the exact language of these amendments, ask me, and I'll send them to you.

This month, the EC is considering a fifth amendment: to remove our present annual obligation to send the membership list, with contact information, to all members. With growing concerns over Spamming and identity theft, the HSA may want to avoid subjecting our members to possible abuse of the membership list. If a member wishes to get a legitimate message to all other members, this can be posted in a variety of ways: via the e-bulletin, the newsletter, HSA Twitter, and/or HSA Facebook. If a member wants to contact another particular member or members for a legitimate reason, this can be easily done through the Secretary or any EC officer who has the membership list. You can probably tell that I'm in favor of this proposal. If the EC votes to add this to the ballot, we'll find out if most members agree with us. Amendments require a two-thirds vote (of the number of votes cast) to pass.


As I mentioned above, Mike Montreuil has been helping to set up an online store that will allow the HSA to sell merchandise to raise funds. To start off, we plan to offer coffee mugs, T-shirts, and caps with the HSA logo--in plenty of time for Christmas shopping. Expect details in the November 5th e-bulletin.


So far, the following members have volunteered to join me on the committee to plan HSA events and publication(s) to celebrate our fiftieth year anniversary in 2018: Terri L. French, Michael Dylan Welch, Angela Terry, Rita Gray, Julie Warner, and Amy Losak. We will serve as an advisory committee to the EC--who will ultimately decide on what actions to sanction. We haven't started our work yet (we hope to do so later this month), so if you'd like to help out, let me know soon. Thanks!  

David G. Lanoue
HSA President

Frogpond submissions made between September 15 - November 15
should be sent
to the new email address:

Snail mail submissions during this time frame can still be sent to
my address:

Francine Banwarth
Editor, Frogpond
985 So Grandview
Dubuque, IA

Members Who Have
Paid In Advance For
2016 Memberships
Donna MBauerly
Ernest JBerry
Alan S.Bridges
Daniel L.Daly
William ScottGalasso
Howard LeeKilby
David HRosen
Mohammed HSiddiqui
ThomasjohnWells Miller
Irene KWilson
Kath AbelaWilson

Please avoid the last minute rush
and renew early. We very much appreciate it.



Nest Feathers: Selected Haiku 
from the First 15 Years
of The Heron's Nest

This 176-page hardcover keepsake edition contains 248 haiku, from 145 leading poets, selected by the current editors of The Heron's Nest from among more than eight thousand poems published by the journal during its first fifteen years. Introductions by founding editor Christopher Herold and current managing editor John Stevenson.  Book art by Ron C. Moss. It's a must for your personal haiku library and a great holiday gift idea. Order now from www.theheronsnest.com.


Ignatius Fay 
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America

Comments or concerns about your membership?  Please contact the HSA officers - click here
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A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.


If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so!  Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets.  Click here for the archives.
Become a
Member of HSA


Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly).  In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.



View our web sampler of Frogpond at the  HSA Website.
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