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Dear Members -
Happy New Year - and Thanks!
The beginning of a new year is a time for renewal, rejuvenation, looking forward...but I believe it also creates an opportunity to reflect on the previous year and to express gratitude for all who have lent their helping hands. Elsewhere in this bulletin you'll find the official election results posted by HSA Secretary Mollie Danforth, and you might note that some officers have completed their service (for now). I hope that all members will join me in saying 'Thank you' to outgoing officers for their service to HSA: Paul Miller (Treasurer), Sari Grandstaff (2nd Vice President), Naia (California RC), an'ya (Oregon RC), and Chad Lee Robinson (Plains & Mountains RC). We are also grateful for Charlotte Digregorio's service as Midwest RC, but we're happy not to lose her just yet, as she will now bring her energy and organizational talent to her new role as 2nd Vice President. And while we're on the subject of newly elected officers, I thank Bill Deegan for agreeing to fill Paul's big shoes as HSA Treasurer; Debora Kolodji for filling in as California RC; Julie Warther for stepping into the role of Midwest RC; and Shelley Baker-Gard for agreeing to serve as Oregon RC. And while I'm thanking our officers, I would be remiss to leave out those stalwart souls who've agreed to continue in their roles for another year: Mike Montreuil (1st Vice President), Francine Banwarth ( Frogpond Editor), Adrienne Christian ( Ripples Editor), Randy Brooks (Electronic Media Officer), and Mollie Danforth (Secretary). I'd also like to thank all the volunteers without whom HSA could not exist. Thank you, Terri L. French and Tom Painting, for helping me to organize our meeting in Atlanta last March. Thank you, Gayle Bull, for generously welcoming HSA as a co-host of the Cradle of American Haiku Festival in July. Thank you, Rita Gray, for putting together the September HSA meeting in New York City. Thank you, Robert Ertman, for organizing our final meeting of 2014 last month in Washington D.C. Thank you, Ignatius Fay, for regularly and professionally putting out e-bulletins such as this one. Thank you, Christopher Patchell, for designing our wonderful new logo. Thank you, the 25 anonymous, expert poets who generously offered to serve as mentors to less experienced poets last year (btw, we need a few more mentor volunteers!). Thank you, Thomas Chockley, who responded to our call when the HSA Secretary needed help with mailings. Thank you, Julie Bloss Kelsey, for suggesting and then setting up the new HSA Twitter feed (more on this below). Thank you, Nominations Committee members Naia, Ce Rosenow, and Jim Sullivan. Thank you, Gary Hotham, for editing a beautiful members' anthology and ensuring that copies would reach our hands in time for Christmas. Thank you, Lidia Rozmus, for providing the fine illustrations and cover art for that book. Thank you, all the judges of all the HSA's contests held in 2014. Thank you, volunteers who upon request served as ad hoc judges for the Financial Times haiku contest. Thank you, Mike Blottenberger, Susan Burch, Tim Mize, and Mike Kozubek for volunteering to judge the city-wide haiku contest for high school students held last spring in Lawton, Oklahoma. Thank you, Bruce Ross, Randy Brooks, Jim Kacian, and Robert Ertman, for representing HSA at last year's American Literature Association meeting. Thank you, all HSA members who voted (though our participation sagged a bit compared to the previous year, it's stil more than double the percentage that voted before we began online elections). And thank you, all members of HSA, for supporting all that we do annually with your membership dues. (If you haven't yet renewed, please make this one of your New Year's resolutions). Meet HSA Member Tanya McDonald
If you've visited our website recently ( http://www.hsa-haiku.org/), you may have noticed that the second installment in our ongoing series of members' profiles is now posted, featuring Washington State member Tanya McDonald--written by Angela Terry, Washington State Regional Coordinator, and posted by Randy Brooks. This 'Meet HSA Member' series is a first step in a push to increase HSA visibility and membership by thoughtfully managing the message that we put out on our website and through other means, including Facebook and our new Twitter feed. By putting human faces and personal stories on our website, front and center, we believe that visitors will gain a clearer idea of we are about in our mission to promote English-language haiku. This is only the beginning, so be looking for more improvements in our media outreach throughout 2015. And if you have ideas or would like to serve on our new Media Committee, let me know. Our plan going forward is to invite each of the Regional Coordinators to choose members from their region for profiles to be changed on a monthly basis. We hope to present a lively mix of beginning and more seasoned members, representing the full range of HSA membership. If you'd like to nominate a member for a future profile, contact your Regional Coordinator. First Quarterly Meeting:
March 14-15, 2015, Tokyo
Yes, Tokyo! HSA will co-host a joint meeting with the Meguro International Haiku Circle, a Tokyo-based club dedicated to writing English-language haiku, on Saturday, March 14th, 2015. Yasuomi Koganei, the Meguro Circle's leader, has kindly agreed to join forces with HSA for this special, unprecedented joint meeting. The meeting will take place at the Meguro Citizen's Center, 7th Floor, Room 3, starting with a morning session of talks that will feature three speakers selected by HSA (myself, Philip Rowland, and Shokan Tadashi Kondo), and three speakers from the Meguro Circle (Juichi Masuda, Simone K. Busche, and Masaaki Oka). After lunch, there will be an English Haiku Workshop followed by a short HSA business meeting. We have planned to cap off the day with a party that evening at Shoya Izakaya, a nearby casual pub. The next day, Sunday March 15th, we'll go on a Haiku Walk in Kamakura, gathering at 11:00 a.m. at Kitakamakura station (outside Exit No. 1) to Tokeiji Temple, where we'll visit the tombs of Daisetsu Suzuki and R. H. Blyth. Following lunch, the Walk will end at Jufukuji, Kamakura's oldest Zen temple. This will conclude the official events of our two-day conference, but anyone interested in further haiku excursions in the Tokyo area will be invited to join us to visit Shiki's last home/museum and Basho's hut/museum in the days that follow. Why Japan? First, to enable our members there to attend, for the first time, an HSA meeting in that country; and more importantly, to introduce HSA (along with plenty of samples of Frogpond and our members' anthology) to a large, vibrant group of mostly Japanese poets who write haiku in English. I'll personally strive to recruit as many of them as I can to join our Association. In fact, my keynote talk in the first session will be titled, 'The Haiku Society of America: Our Mission.' When Harold Henderson and Leroy Kanterman founded HSA in 1968, their vision was "to promote the writing and appreciation of haiku poetry in English." To my mind, this implies no artifical boundaries of the sort that politicians draw and nations bicker over. I'm happy to reach out to promote English-language haiku poetry in Japan, the homeland of the genre, or anywhere else in the world. Other Quarterly Meetings for 2015
The Second Quarterly Meeting, May 16-17, 2015, will take place in Orlando, Florida. Organizers Paula Moore and Terri L. French are planning a conference focused on the haiku of Jack Kerouac and the Beats, featuring a visit to the Kerouac House in the Orlando neighborhood of College Park, where Jack wrote most of the text for Dharma Bums. Paula and Terri already have a keynote speaker lined up, Stanford M. Forrester, and more treats are in store. For members with small children or grandchildren, come to the meeting and spend an extra day introducing the kids to Mickey Mouse. The Third Quarterly Meeting, organized by the Haiku Poets of Northern California--including Garry Gay and Fay Aoyagi--is scheduled for July 19, 2015, in San Francisco. The main part of the conference will take place in Fort Mason from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., preceded by a brunch at Greens Restaurant. The planners are investigating sites for a haiku-writing excursion, possibly visiting a winery in Napa or Sonoma, or perhaps the American Haiku Archives in Sacramento. And our Fourth Quarterly Meeting for this year, led by newly elected Midwest Regional Coordinator Julie Warther, will occur the weekend of September 18-20, 2015, in Walnut Creek, Ohio, about thirty miles south of Canton. Be watching for more details on all of this year's meetings in future e-bulletins, in the spring issue of Ripples, and on the HSA website. American Literature Association:
May 21-24, Boston
This year, the HSA will continue to promote English-language haiku at this important academic conference. Our panel, this time, will focus on the haiku of Nick Virgilio. Participants will include Raffael DeGruttola, Kathleen O'Toole, and graduate student Elizabeth Moser, who has worked with the Virgilio Archive at Rutger's University. The Chair for the session is still to be determined. We are excited about offering the first in-depth academic panel on Nick Virgilio--an idea that was born at our Fourth Quarterly Meeting in Washington D.C. last month, where Rick Black and Kathleen O'Toole presented the poignant documentary film, Remembering Nick Virgilio. HSA Twitter
In our business session at the fourth quarterly meeting last year in Washington D.C., Julie Bloss Kelsey suggested that HSA should have a Twitter feed to keep members and the general public informed about events, contests, and other information conerning our organization specifically and English-language haiku in general. The members in attendance thought this was an excellent idea, and so now, thanks to Julie's technological assistance, we are proud to unveil @hsa_haiku. This month, I'll be sharing the access password with all Exectutive Committee officers as well as all Regional Coordinators, so that they'll be able to post news when appropriate. If you have information that you would like us to tweet, please send it to your region's RC. Our only ground rules are: (1) messages should concern the promotion of English-language haiku, and (2) messages should not promote the work or projects of individuals. Julie has already primed the pump by posting several tweets in December. Subscribe to @hsa_haiku and stay up to date! Members' Anthology
Take-Out Window, edited by Gary Hotham, is our first members' anthology made available as a print-on-demand book. Last year, the Executive Committee decided to keep the cost as low as possible to maximize the number of copies that will be purchased and, once in circulation, will serve as an advertisement for our Society. Checking CreateSpace in late December, I saw that as of that date we had sold 48 copies, earning $60.96 in royalties that were automatically deposited into the HSA bank account. Averaging $1.27 in royalties for each copy sold, this anthology (and all future ones) will serve not only as a means of displaying the haiku of members; it will also raise money so that we can offer more financial support to worthy haiku-promoting events and projects. Finally, I'm thrilled to announce the editor for the 2015 HSA members' anthology will be Northeast Region member, poet, and educator, Catherine J.S. Lee. Complete submission details appear below in this bulletin and will be posted on the HSA website. Wishing you a wonderful and creative 2015,
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Haiku Society of America
Election Results
Total Ballots Submitted 227 including 225 electronic and 2 paper
David Lanoue -- 220 votes Roberta Beary -- 2 write-ins
Abstained -- 5
1st VP
Mike Montreuil -- 211 Michael Dylan Welch -- 3 write-ins
Roberta Beart -- 1 write-in
Abstained -- 12
2nd VP
Charlotte Digregorio -- 215 Abstained -- 12
Bill Deegan -- 215 Paul Miller -- 1 write-in
Abstained -- 11
Mollie Danforth -- 214 Abstained -- 13
Frogpond Editor
Francine Banwarth -- 219 Jim Kacian -- 1 write-in
Tom Painting -- 1 write-in
Abstained -- 6
Ripples Editor
Adrienne Christian -- 214 someone else -- 1 write-in
Susan Antolin -- 1 write-in
Michael Dylan Welch -- 1 write-in
Abstained -- 10
Electronic Media Officer
Randy Brooks -- 219 Melissa Allen -- 1 write-in
Abstained -- 7
Regional Coordinators:
Billie Wilson -- 2
Debora P. Kolodji -- 29
Brett Brady -- 1
Robert Ertman -- 17
Julie Warther -- 37
Northeast Metro
Rita Gray -- 16
Northeast/New England
Wanda Cook -- 23
Shelley Baker-Gard -- 5
Plains & Mountains
no candidate Karen O'Leary -- write-in 1 (has declined to serve)
Terri L. French -- 17
James M. Applegate -- 15
Angela Terry -- 17 Abstained from voting for a Regional Coordinator -- 36
Mollie Danforth HSA Secretary
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Charlotte Digregorio, Second Vice President, encourages all members who have their own blogs to routinely mention the Haiku Society of America. We can increase our membership and spread the word about haiku, little by little, by doing this. Many members have writer's blogs, and it would be especially appropriate to give us a mention. And, whenever you list your affiliations to organizations, mention HSA. All publicity is deeply appreciated and vital to our success.
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The Haiku Society of America publishes an annual anthology of haiku and senryu by members, edited and produced by one or more editors appointed by the executive committee. All members will receive a free copy of the anthology.
We are pleased to announce that the editor for 2015 Members' Anthology is Catherine J.S. Lee.
In hand by May 31, 2015.
This year's theme is water. In all its manifestations, from vast oceans and mighty rivers to fountains and springs to wet weather to sweat and tears, it is water that sustains life on our blue planet. This year's anthology will celebrate the beauty, power, and inspiration of water and its effect on our lives and psyches.
All HSA members.
Submit five unpublished or previously published haiku and/or senryu. Poets new to these genres should submit ten poems to provide a better selection. If a previously published poem is submitted, please include the name of the publication, volume, issue, and year. (For example, "Frogpond, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2011"). Poems should not have appeared in any other HSA anthology. Members submitting work are guaranteed to have one poem selected for publication. Email submissions are preferred.
Email Submissions
with 'HSA 2015: your name, city, state/province, country' in the subject header. (For example, "HSA 2015: David G. Lanoue, New Orleans LA USA").
Submissions should be typed or pasted into the email message, single-spaced, with one blank line between each poem. Please do not use columns or tables. If you have special formatting instructions, you may attach your formatted poem as an rtf, txt, or Microsoft Word doc file. Include your mailing address and phone number in the text of your submission.
Postal Submissions
For those without Internet access, submit your poems typed in a single column, five poems per sheet of paper. Please type your name, address and phone number at the top of each sheet.
Mail your submission to:
HSA Members' Anthology
c/o Catherine J.S. Lee
P.O. Drawer J
Eastport, ME 04631-0911, USA
For U.S. submissions, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for notification of which poem is selected. For international submissions, please note that International Reply Coupons (IRCs) are no longer accepted by the U.S. Postal Service. Instead, please include a self-addressed envelope and a $1 U.S. bill to cover postage (we hope this is cheaper to acquire than a money order).
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Haiku Society of America
Contests and Judges
Dear Members,
Please log onto our website, hsa-haiku.org, and click on 'Annual Contests' (left sidebar) to check out the contests and enter! We have contests for haiku, senryu, haibun, renku, students' haiku and published books. Please note that the deadline for the first contest, renku, is coming up fairly soon, (see below). Please follow the guidelines closely. I am delighted to report that we have expert judges and poets who have graciously agreed to read entries and select winners. The judges are, in no particular order: Tom Painting, George Dorsty, Gayle Bull, Jerry Cushman, Marjorie Buettner, Marsh Muirhead, Kristen Deming, Ellen Compton, Aubrie Cox and Mike Rehling. Mike Montreuil is in charge of the book awards contest and the selection of those judges. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Charlotte Digregorio
Second Vice President
The deadlines for upcoming HSA-sponsored contests are listed below.
Bernard Lionel Einbond Renku Contest
February 28, 2015
The Nicholas Virgilio Haiku Contest
March 25, 2015
The Mildred Kanterman Merit Book Awards
March 31, 2015
HSA Haibun Contest
July 31, 2015
Harold G. Henderson Haiku Contest
July 31, 2015
Gerald Brady Senryu Contest
July 31, 2015
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New Online Opportunity For Publishing Haiku
Linda Palmero, HSA Arizona member, has a new haiku website, speedbumpjournal.wordpress.com.Speed Bump wants you to slow down and think about haiku. This micro-journal is intended to present a limited number of haiku and senryu per issue. Speed Bump is a quarterly journal, published on the first day of January, April, July, and October. Please see the website for submission guidelines.
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Arizona Matsuri
Haiku Poetry Event
John Sachen, chairman of the Arizona Matsuri steering committee Haiku Expo announces a new Haiku Poetry Eventto help raise interest in the arts and culture of Japan among the people of Arizona.
In this our inaugural year, we are restricting the entries to residents of Arizona and our sister city, Himeji, in Japan. In subsequent years, we hope to allow a wide stream of entries nationwide and, perhaps, globally.
Our Haiku Event is now open for online entries and each entrant may submit up to 3 haiku free of charge. English and Japanese entries will be accepted. The deadline for submissions is January 24, 2015.
Details are posted online, including entry forms, reference material, lesson plans and more.
We invite the members of the Haiku Society of America who reside in Arizona to submit their best three haiku for consideration. We look forward to reading your entries.
Thank you,
John Sachen
Haiku Committee Chairman
Arizona Matsuri 2015
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My spelling skills suffered a lapse last issue. Please note that Teresa Church does not have an 'H' in her first name.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Ignatius Fay
Editor, HSA Bulletin
Ignatius Fay
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America Comments or concerns about your membership? Please contact the HSA officers - click here | |
A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.
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If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so! Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets. Click here for the archives.
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Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.
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