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HSA Elections
If you are a current member of HSA, an e-mail from Election Buddy will be sent to you (or perhaps has already been sent) today, November 5, 2014, containing the link to your secure, online ballot. If you don't see the message in your inbox today, be sure to check your Spam folder. The polls will be open from today until Wednesday, November 26, midnight Pacific time. Paper ballots have been mailed to members who lack Internet access, along with paper copies of Ripples. Those members will need to mail their ballots to the HSA Secretary with a postmark deadline of November 26. I'd like to thank the Nominating Committee that did a wonderful job, encouraging candidates and assembling the ballot: Ce Rosenow and Naia (co-chairs), and Jim Sullivan. We now have a candidate for every position except for the Plains & Mountains Regional Coordinator. If you happen to live in that region, feel free to write in a name for that post (a member who resides in the region; it could be yourself or someone else). Write-in candidates will be contacted after the election to determine if they wish to serve.
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HSA 2014 Anthology:
Take-Out Window
I'm thrilled to announce that this year's members' anthology (which looks spectacular) will arrive in the mail to all members later this month. Many thanks to the editor, Gary Hotham. Also, thank you, HSA 1st VP Mike Montreuil, for handling the production side of the publication process, and thank you, Lidia Rozmus, for your elegant illustrations. This volume of members' haiku is destined to be a treasured book on shelves around the world.
One copy not enough for you? Thinking about giving a few signed copies to friends and families this Christmas? Then you're in luck. For the first time ever, the HSA anthology will be available as a print-on-demand book. We haven't yet set the price, but it will be as low as possible so that for every book sold, only one dollar of profit will go into the HSA coffers. In the December 5th bulletin, I'll remind everyone about this and give the link for online purchases. However, if you'd rather not wait that long, in mid-November go to Amazon.com and search for Take-Out Window: Haiku Society of America Members' Anthology 2014. It should be ready for sale by then. Again, I'd like to thank Mike Montreuil for setting up the print-on-demand option that will make this book forever available to help publicize the HSA and to send some extra dollars flowing to our account.
E-book readers: stay tuned! When I have more time over the holidays, I plan to work with Gary and Mike to make the book also available for Kindle, Nook, and other e-book platforms. The HSA anthology has entered the 21st century.
David Lanoue
HSA President
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In my last message about mentors I made a special appeal for experienced poets to step up to this rewarding challenge. The appeal was so successful, I was able to match all of the prospective students on my list to haiku mentors. In fact, now I have a surplus of three mentors, eager to share what they know (they represent Numbers 26, 27, and 28 on the list). While I have been keeping the mentors and their students anonymous, please believe me when I say that some of the best, most recognizable names that you see on the covers of books and in the pages of haiku publications belong to mentors who have generously offered to share instructional and encouraging e-mails with poets seeking guidance. If you happen to a poet who would like such guidance, contact me as soon as you see this message. Matches will be made on a first-come, first served basis.
Also, if you are an experienced haiku poet who would like to be a mentor, I'm happy to add you to the list. And, don't forget our peer-mentoring program, where experienced poets are matched to provide each other with mutual encouragement for the writing of haiku.
David Lanoue
HSA President
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4th Quarterly Meeting:
December 5-7, 2014
@ Washington DC
Thanks to the tireless efforts of conference organizer Bob Ertman, the December meeting of the HSA is all set for Washington DC, the weekend of December 5-7. The main meeting will take place on Saturday 12/6 in Room 3035 of the Smithsonian's Dillon S. Ripley Center. This is the lower level of the Sackler Gallery, underground between the Freer Gallery and the Smithsonian Castle, located on the Mall near the Smithsonian Metro Station. The best way to enter is through the kiosk between the Freer & the Castle on the Mall side; there's an elevator to the 3d level. The doors to the Ripley Center & the Sackler open at 10:00. Please be prompt; we have a full morning. The Smithsonian Castle opens at 8:30 a.m. and the Castle Caf� is a convenient place for coffee & a snack. If the weather is nice, enjoy the Enid A. Haupt Garden on the Independence Ave. side of the Castle.
12/5/14 Friday afternoon
If there is interest, a visit to the Japanese American Memorial to read and video haiku written in the internment camps and to remember.
12/5/14 Friday evening
6:00-7:30: Poetry reading featuring Roberta Beary and Lucinda Marshall, followed by open mic (coffee, light dinner; come early & stay late!)
12/6/14 Saturday
Doors to the Ripley Center open at 10:00
10:15-11:10: Roberta Beary, "The Mad Woman in the Attic: Curbing Gender Bias in the Haiku Hierarchy"
11:15-12:10: Alexis Rotella, "A Look at Digital Haiga"
12:10-12:25: Business meeting
12:25-1:45: Lunch
1:45-2:15: Readings by the Towpath haiku group and Open Read
2:15-3:30: Rick Black & Kathleen O'Toole, "Between Words and Silence", a presentation on Nick Virgilio, including "Remembering Nick Virgilio," a film by Sean Dougherty
3:30-3:45: Break
3:45-4:40: David Lanoue, "Write like Issa"
4:40-5:00: Open reading & depart
6:00-9:00: Dinner at Teaism
12/7/14 Sunday
10:00-12:00: Ginko Walk at the United States Botanical Garden followed by lunch next door at the Museum of the American Indian
For more information:
I hope to see you in DC!
David Lanoue
HSA President
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Meet HSA Member
A profile of a different HSA member will be posted on the Society's website about once a month. Active members may nominate or suggest other members for future profiles. Nominations should be sent to any of the individuals on the Executive Committee.
Thanks to Theresa Church for writing this inaugural profile featuring Lenard D. Moore:
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Readers have probably noticed that I have been opening each edition of this Bulletin with a photo appropriate to the season. I am fast coming to the end of photos available to me, so I am turning to you, the members.
If you have a digital landscape photo (no people shots, please) in which the season is evident and would be willing to let me use it for the Bulletin, please email it to me: hsa.bulletin@gmail.com
Any season will do; I will archive them for future use as timing becomes appropriate.
Please include the name of the photographer as he//she would like it to appear, and the location where the shot was taken.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Ignatius Fay
Editor, HSA Bulletin
Ignatius Fay
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America Comments or concerns about your membership? Please contact the HSA officers - click here | |
A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.
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If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so! Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets. Click here for the archives.
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Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.
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