October 05, 2014  


Behold Our Logo!

Attendees of our second quarterly meeting last summer in Mineral Point, WI, enjoyed a sneak preview of preliminary sketches of the new HSA logo, done by Christopher Patchell, a talented artist and HSA member. Now that Christopher has refined his winning design, I'm thrilled to unveil it in this bulletin. Randy Brooks, our electronic media officer, is adding it to the website on this very day. Also, expect to see it soon in upcoming HSA publications: the next
Frogpond and this year's members' anthology, edited by Gary Hotham. And at upcoming HSA meetings and events, don't be surprised to see various forms of it decorating pens, coffee mugs, book bags, and other such swag. Thank you, Christopher, for your fine, eye-catching design, and thank you, Randy and Lydia Rozmus for organizing the competition!

Who Wrote this Renku?

Judging for the Einbond Renku contest is all done, and we're almost ready to announce the results. However, there's a snag. We don't know the names of the poets for one of the prize-winning entries, titled 'Yellow Willow Kasen.' Somehow, the copy with the contributor's names got misplaced (or stolen by pixies; that's who I always blame at my house!). If you are one of the poets who composed this work, please let me know right away who needs to be credited.


The Nominating Committee this year consists of Ce Rosenow and Naia (as co-chairs), helped by Jim Sullivan, who has agreed once again to manage the online voting service and create the electronic ballot. Last Saturday, in accordance with our by-laws, we accepted nominations for positions at our third quarterly meeting in New York City. I've forwarded those nominations to the Committee. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for a position (deadline for nominations = October 20th), you should contact Ce or Naia at  rosenowce@gmail.com or naia01@yahoo.com.  We'll have two vacancies on the Executive Committee: the positions of 2nd vice president and treasurer, and several of the Regional Coordinators won't be returning. The Nominating Committee is assembling a complete list; contact Ce or Naia if you'd like to know if the RC in your area is running or not. The Nominating Committee will need to hear from prospective candidates before the end of October (and receive their personal statements of no more than 200 words), so that we can hold the election in mid-November, most of us using the online ballot and a few members who lack access to the Internet voting on hard copy ballots. I'd like to thank in advance all who have volunteered and will volunteer to run. You are all doing the HSA a great service.

Mentors, Please!

In the past year and a half, I've managed to match mentors with all members who have requested one. However, my well of potential mentors has recently run dry, leaving a few novice poets patiently waiting. If you're an experience poet, I hope you'll consider volunteering to lend guidance to a less experienced one. This guidance mostly takes the form of e-mail exchanges, with the mentor deciding on how often and how formal (whether simply to ask for haiku on any subject or to assign 'homework'). I'm hoping that this message will inspire at least a few of you to step up to this highly rewarding and (even for the mentor) enlightening task. Thanks!

David Lanoue
HSA President


Ignatius Fay 
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America

Comments or concerns about your membership?  Please contact the HSA officers - click here
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A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.


If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so!  Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets.  Click here for the archives.
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Member of HSA


Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly).  In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.



View our web sampler of Frogpond at the HSA Website.
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