Due to a number of omissions in the September 05, 2014 Bulletin, we are issuing this addendum.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
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Financial Times Call for Haiku: More Details
Hello members,
The Financial Times is launching a weekly haiku/senryu contest this month. Every Thursday from the start of October, the Executive Appointments section will publish the best poem covering a given topic. We will happily accept entries in both genres, haiku and senryu. You may submit up to ten poems a week, but they must be previously unpublished. Our first topic: The career-defining interview or conversation.The Financial Times is starting a new haiku feature. Submissions must be the author's original work and previously published. Our first weekly deadline for submissions is September 24, 2014.The winning haiku will be published October 02, 2014. The day after the deadline, a selection of the top 12 haiku will be sent to that week's judge who will be asked to choose and submit the winning haiku by 10 a.m. GMT the following Monday. The editor is looking for one guest judge a week. Judging will involve picking the best out of no more than 20 Haiku and writing a short paragraph about why it won. Obviously, you can't serve as a judge during a week in which you submit haiku. If you'd like to be a judge for one of the weeks, contact David Lanoue at david1gerard@hotmail.com.
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No Longer Strangers:
Haiku Northwest
25th Anniversary Anthology
Haiku Northwest, the Washington State region of the Haiku Society of America, is pleased to announce the publication of No Longer Strangers, in celebration of its twenty-fifth anniversary. This wide-ranging anthology of haiku, senryu and haibun by 78 contributors from Washington, Oregon, Alaska and British Columbia. Also included are poems by deceased members as well as Connie Hutchison's engaging history of the organization and its many contributions to poetry in the great Pacific Northwest. Tanya McDonald, Marilyn Sandall, Michelle Schaefer and Angela Terry served as editors. Connie Hutchison edited the memorial section and contributed an extensive essay on the history of Haiku Northwest. Michael Dylan Welch did the layout/design, art direction, copy-editing, and production. Dejah L�ger provided the cover and interior artwork. Dianne Garcia and William Scott Galasso helped with manuscript preparation and research. Haiku Northwest / Vandina Press, 2014, 152 pages, 6x9 inches, ISBN 978-1-887381-27-7. $15.00 plus shipping from https://www.createspace.com/4735312, or read more about the book at https://sites.google.com/site/haikunorthwest/Home/no-longer-strangers.
"This collection, celebrating the first quarter century of Haiku Northwest, introduces readers to a thriving community of poets who sense the connection between fresh gingerbread and a sister's coming-out letter, who honor the soggy meaning of Raggedy Ann afloat at ebb tide, who gaze from atop the Space Needle to share 'how it feels / to spot a whale.' In the pages of this anthology readers become acquainted with a Northwest gathering of artists eager to share their deepest insights, perceptions, memories, and yearnings...no longer strangers." - David G. Lanoue, president, Haiku Society of America
"No Longer Strangers is an absolutely wonderful anthology! What an accomplishment. Every aspect is impressive. I was struck by how emotional the experience of reading the anthology was for me. Reading the history, the many friends who have left us, and all of the appendices reminded me that so many important relationships, events, and experiences in my life have been connected not only to haiku but to the haiku community in the Pacific Northwest. Then the poems...many I recognized and many I didn't...poets I've never met and so many I've known for years . . . it's a fantastic collection! Thank you all for this book. It is an important part of Northwest literary history, American poetry, and the tradition of English-language haikai. It also has tremendous personal value to me as I know it does for you and for the others represented in the book." - Ce Rosenow, former president, Haiku Society of America
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2014 Seabeck
Haiku Getaway
Haiku Northwest is pleased to announce that the seventh annual Seabeck Haiku Getaway will take place October 16 to 19, 2014, and will feature special guest Alan Pizzarelli, together with Donna Beaver. Also attending is John Stevenson returning from New York, Aubrie Cox, Jessica Tremblay, Debbie Kolodji, Christopher Herold, Karma Tenzing Wangchuk, and other usual suspects from the West Coast. If you've thought about attending, how about this year? We welcome new faces to our warm and stimulating weekend of haiku sharing and learning. We make another haiku labyrinth, have a night ginko (haiku walk), along with our usual workshops, nature walks, renkurama, readings, anonymous workshops, shared dining hall meals, and more-plus our third annual talent show. Look for more information on the Haiku Northwest website at www.haikunorthwest.org (click the Seabeck link, where you can also see schedules and photos from previous years). Same price as 2013! Discounted registration deadline for Seabeck is September 19, and registration closes on October 10. If you have questions, please contact retreat director Michael Dylan Welch at WelchM@aol.com.
A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.
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If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so! Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets. Click here for the archives.
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Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.
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