September 05, 2014  
Haiku Society of America
Meetings, Elections 
And More Meetings 


Hello members,

The HSA will hold its third quarterly meeting of 2014 on September 27th in New York City. The conference will be held at the West Beth Community Center, 155 Bank Street, 2:30 - 5:30 p.m., but those who can come earlier are welcome to join me on a haiku walk through Greenwich Village, starting at 1 p.m. at the corner of Washington and Bank. The meeting will feature a poetry reading, my own talk on
Issa and the Meaning of Animals (just published!), Flamenco dancing, and a business meeting at which, in accordance with our by-laws, I'll ask for nominations of candidates for this year's election of officers. Dinner will follow at Bar 6 (502 Sixth Avenue) at 6:15 p.m.

On the topic of elections, I should add that you don't need to be nominated at the meeting to be placed on the ballot. If you would like to nominate yourself for a position, let me know and I'll give your name to the Nominating Committee when it's formed. In October's bulletin the members of the Nominating Committee will be announced, and we'll hold the election, like last year, using a secure, online balloting service. I'm happy to report that two members have already stepped forward to run for the important offices of Treasurer and Second Vice President, since the incumbents, Paul Miller and Sari Grandstaff, have decided to step down. Expect to hear more about the election, along with a list of all posts that will be vacant, in early October.

Back to the topic of meetings: thanks to Robert Ertman, the newly-appointed Regional Coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic region, plans for our fourth quarterly meeting in Washington D.C. are shaping up nicely. We'll gather on December 6th in the S. Dillon Ripley Center of the Smithsonian starting at 9 a.m. After introductions and greetings, our first presenter at 9:30 will be Roberta Beary, whose talk is titled, "The Mad Woman in the Attic: Curbing Gender Bias in the Haiku Hierarchy." If you would like to give a presentation or lead a workshop, please contact Robert at:

Finally, I'd like everyone to start thinking about next year. If you and/or your local group would like to host one of the 2015 HSA meetings in your hometown, contact me and we can talk over the possibilities. Thanks!

David Lanoue
HSA President
Call for Haiku 


Hello members,

The Financial Times is starting a new haiku feature. This month's topic: The career-defining interview or conversation.
(Senryu are welcome!)

Please send your entries to

Ignatius Fay 
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America

Comments or concerns about your membership?  Please contact the HSA officers - click here
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A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.


If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so!  Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets.  Click here for the archives.
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Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly).  In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.



View our web sampler of Frogpond at the HSA Website.
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