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First Quarterly Meeting of HSA
Atlanta, March 21-23, 2014
Come celebrate haiku and the spring equinox in the cozy Artmore Hotel, the venue for last October's highly successful Southeast Region conference.
The Artmore Hotel is located at 1302 West Peachtree St., Atlanta. If you arrive by plane, from the airport take the convenient MARTA train ($2.50); go north on the red or yellow line to the Arts Center stop. The hotel is just over a block north, across the street. Reservations: 404-876-6100; mention Haiku Society of America to get the conference rate of $135 nightly (add $15 for parking). Breakfast included. Our contact person at the Artmore is Richard Leon. Website: http://www.artmorehotel.com/ NOTE: You must register by Feb. 28th to ensure that you receive the conference rate.
Friday, March 21
5:00-7:00 Meet-and-Greet in the Artmore lobby and patio; cash bar; dinner in area restaurants to follow. The conference is free to HSA members and their guests. For those who wish to contribute, we will have a donation bucket to help cover the cost of the all-day beverage service.
Saturday, March 22
Artmore Hotel, downstairs meeting room.
9:00-9:50 Jim Kacian, "Haiku in English: The First 100 Years." Presentation and Discussion.
10:00-10:50 Lee Gurga, Haiku-Writing Workshop
11:00-11:50 Stanford M. Forrester & Ben Moeller-Gaa, "Make Books, Not War: an exploration of the haiku chapbook, its many incarnations and possibilities."
Noon-1:30 Lunch at area restaurants or else pizza delivery.
1:30 - 2:20 Teresa Church, "Culture and Collage: An African American Approach to Haiku and Other Poetry."
2:30- 3:20 Laurence Stacy, "Haiku and the Critical-Thinking Classroom."
3:30- 4:20 Terri French, "Ku and Yoga."
4:30 - 5:00 HSA Business meeting
Dinner in area restaurants
7:00 - 9:00 Poetry in the Artmore Courtyard: jazz haiku by Lenard Moore followed by an open mike.
Sunday, March 23
10:00 a.m. Haiku performed by Tom Painting's students from Paideia School. Organizing Committee: David Lanoue, Terri French, and Tom Painting. For more information contact: David at david1gerard@hotmail.com We hope to see you there!
David G. Lanoue
HSA President
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Robert Spiess
Memorial Haiku Award
Competition for 2014
Modern Haiku is pleased to announce the Robert Spiess Memorial Haiku Award Competition for 2014. The purpose of this competition is to honor the life and work of Bob Spiess, editor of Modern Haiku from 1978 to his death on March 13, 2002.
Theme: Haiku are to be written in the spirit of the following "Speculation" (Robert Spiess, A Year's Speculations on Haiku, Modern Haiku Press, 1995):
After the awareness of a haiku moment, the poet must select and arrange the words of the haiku in such a manner that when the haiku is read or heard, the words arouse or evoke in the reader/hearer those immediate feelings that the poet had. The art of haiku is that of the haiku poet's feel for words, the selection of the absolutely appropriate words and the exact positioning of them.
Deadline: In hand no later than March 13, 2014.
Rules: The competition is open to everyone but the staff of Modern Haiku, the competition coordinator, and the judges. Entries must be in English. Each entry must be the original, unpublished work of the author, and should not be under consideration in a contest or for publication elsewhere. For purposes of this competition, appearance of a haiku in print, in an Internet journal, a Web site, or a blog is considered publication, but posting haiku on a private e-mail list is not. Of course, entries should not be submitted elsewhere for publication, or shared in an Internet journal, Web site, blog, or haiku list during the term of the competition.
Submission guidelines: Poets may submit a maximum of five haiku written in the spirit of the above Speculation. Entries should be typed or printed legibly. Submit three copies of each haiku on plain white 3˝ x 5˝ cards (or 3˝ x 5˝ slips of paper). The haiku (one haiku per card) should appear on the face of each card. The poet's name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address (if any) should appear on one of the three cards, in the upper left-hand corner above the haiku; the other two copies should contain only the haiku. Please keep a copy of your submission; entries will not be returned. Please follow the instructions carefully: entries that are incomplete or that do not comply with the instructions will be discarded.
Entry fee: $1 per haiku, cash or check (U.S. funds); make checks payable to Modern Haiku.
Send submissions to: Billie Wilson, 1170 Fritz Cove Road, Juneau, AK 99801-8501 USA.
Adjudication: Two judges will be selected by Modern Haiku; their names will be announced at the time of the awards. Judging will be double-blind, and the judges will not know the identity of the entrants. Judges' decisions are final.
Selection criteria: The judges will look for entries that hew to Western norms for haiku as published in Modern Haiku and other leading English-language haiku journals and that best capture the spirit of the theme Speculation above. There are no rules as to syllable or line count.
Awards: First Prize: $100 plus a previously-loved copy of The Turtle's Ears (1971, out of print, inscribed to M.L. Harrison Mackie). Second Prize: $50 plus a copy of Bob's The Shape of Water (1982); Third Prize: $25 plus a copy of Bob's Some Sticks and Pebbles (2001). Up to five poets will be awarded Honorable Mentions and each will receive a copy of Bob's A Year's Speculations on Haiku (1995).
Notification: Winners will be notified by e-mail or phone before the general announcement. Winning entries will be published in the summer 2014 issue of Modern Haiku and posted on the Modern Haiku web site, http://www.modernhaiku.org/, on or before July 1, 2014. If you would like a list of the winners, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope (SASE) with your entries. Overseas entrants should provide one U.S. dollar in cash with a self-addressed envelope. These will be mailed when the summer issue of Modern Haiku is released.
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The following are the winning books in the 2013 Kanterman Awards, for best haiku-related books published in 2012, judged by Paul MacNeil and Paul Miller. Commentary will appear in the next issue of Frogpond. Thank you to the judges for their selections, and congratulations to each of the winners.
First Place ($500)
Carolyn Hall. The Doors All Unlocked. Winchester, Virginia: Red Moon Press, 2012. 102 pages, perfectbound, 4.25 x 6.5 inches. ISBN 978-1-936848-16-4. $12.00.
Second Place ($100)
Rebecca Lilly. Yesterday's Footprints. Winchester, Virginia: Red Moon Press, 2012. 66 pages, perfectbound, 4.25 x 6.5 inches. ISBN 978-1-936848-17-1. $12.00.
Third Place ($50)
Stella Pierides. In the Garden of Absence. Afterword by Michael Dylan Welch. Neusaess, Germany: Fruit Dove Press, 2012. 76 pages, perfectbound, 5 x 7.5 inches. ISBN 978-3-944155-00-5. $10.00.
Honorable Mentions
Victor Ortiz. Into Borrego Valley. Winchester, Virginia: Red Moon Press, 2012. 20 pages, saddle-stapled, 4 x 5.25 inches. No ISBN. $10.00.
Bruce Ross. Spring Clouds. Bangor, Maine: Tancho Press, 2012. 150 pages, perfectbound, 5.5 x 8.5 inches. ISBN 978-0-9837141-1-8. $14.95.
Michael Henry Lee. Against the Grain. Saint Augustine, Florida: Eleventh Hour Press, 2012. 56 pages, spiral bound, 5.5 x 8.5 inches. No ISBN. $8.00.
Best Anthology
Robert Epstein, editor. The Temple Bell Stops: Contemporary Poems of Grief, Loss and Change. Baltimore, Maryland: Modern English Tanka Press, 2012. 256 pages, perfectbound, 6 x 9 inches. ISBN 978-1-9353983-0-1. $19.95.
Honorable Mentions
Jim Kacian, et al, eds. Carving Darkness: 2012 Red Moon Anthology. Winchester, Virginia: Red Moon Press, 2012. 176 pages, perfectbound, 5.5 x 8.25 inches. ISBN 978-1-946848-10-2. $17.00.
Patricia J. Machmiller, ed. Bending Reeds: 2012 Yuki Teikei Haiku Society Members Anthology. San Jose, California: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society, 2012. 94 pages, perfectbound, 6 x 9 inches. ISBN 978-0-9850972-1-9. $14.00.
Best Criticism
Stephen Addiss. The Art of Haiku. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2012. 384 pages, hardbound, 6.3 x 9.2 inches. ISBN 978-1-59030-886-8. $24.95.
Special Award for Fiction
David G. Lanoue. Frog Poet. Winchester, Virginia: Red Moon Press, 2012. 184 pages, perfectbound, 5 x 7.25 inches. ISBN 978-1-936948-03-4. $17.00.
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Ignatius Fay
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America Comments or concerns about your membership? Please contact the HSA officers - click here | |
A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.
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If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so! Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets. Click here for the archives.
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Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.
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