2nd Annual Ginko Haikufest: "gazing at flowers"
The Southeast Chapter of
The Haiku Society of America
presents its
2nd Annual Ginko Haikufest:
"gazing at flowers"
In celebration of Koboyashi Issa's 250th birthday
Friday, October 25 - Sunday, October 27, 2013
Artmore Hotel - Atlanta, Georgia
Featuring a special celebratory reading by
HSA President, David LanoueTo download the registration form and read about Speakers, Workshop Leaders and Performers, click on the blue link below.
2nd Annual Ginko Haikufest
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HSA Quarterly Meeting
December 13-15, 2013 in New Orleans
Our plans for the fourth national meeting of 2013 are rapidly falling into place. Expect pleasant weather (not a guarantee but a probability), good company, stimulating presentations, fruitful activities, jazzy music, spicy food, dashes of history and culture, and, of course, haiku! Highlights will include... Friday, Dec. 13- A jazz history walking tour of the Storyville neighborhood
- Dinner at Tivoli and Lee, an up-and-coming Southern-styled (reasonably priced) restaurant
Saturday, Dec. 14Latter Library, 5120 St. Charles Avenue 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- A hands-on "How-to-Haiku" workshop led by Tom Painting
- A reading and book-signing by "Haiku Elvis" (Carlos Colon)
- A presentation on "Haiku and Video Games" by Nicholas Sola
- A musical haiku duet performed by Johnette Downing and Juliet Seer Pazera
- Closing out Issa's 250th birthday year with a sharing of favorite haiku
- And more!
Sunday, Dec. 15- Haiku walk and Kukai in Audubon Park
- "Haiku Elvis and Friends": a public reading by conference participants at the famous Maple Leaf Bar
Recommended bed-and-breakfast: Park View Guest House, conveniently located next to Audubon Park and near a stop on the St. Charles Avenue streetcar line. http://parkviewguesthouse.com We also have a list of less pricy hotels, including an inexpensive hostel. I hope you'll consider joining us, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. See you in December? David Lanoue, HSA President david1gerard@hotmail.com |
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Contemporary Haiku: Where Do We Go From Here?
The Midwest Region will host HSA's Annual National Meeting with an exciting symposium and cultural events in Metro Chicago, Friday through Sunday, Sept. 27-29. The Symposium's theme will be: Contemporary Haiku: Where Do We Go From Here? The event will be held at the Holiday Inn in Evanston IL, along Chicago's North Shore.
The gathering is already drawing participants and speakers from 20 states, Japan, and Canada.
The Symposium will feature a keynote speech from Professor Toshio Kimura, Director of the Haiku International Association in Tokyo. He will speak on the new era of haiku and how the role of nature is being defined.
There will be a panel of editors addressing the future of American haiku. It will include: Stanford Forrester of bottle rockets, Francine Banwarth of Frogpond, George Swede, former Editor of Frogpond, Roberta Beary, Haibun Editor of Modern Haiku, and Dr. Randy Brooks, Editor of Mayfly. The panel will also field questions on what editors seek in haiku submissions.
Among other highlights will be a presentation by Roberta Beary on haibun, a prose piece that uses embedded haiku to enhance the composition's resonance and effect. During this presentation, haibun that has been submitted to the presenter ahead of time, will be anonymously critiqued during the session. There will also be a haiga presentation--haiku combined with art--by Lidia Rozmus, an artist-poet. Her work will be exhibited during the Symposium.
In addition, Dr. David G. Lanoue, HSA President will give a presentation, "Reading the New Haiku," that will explore postmodern haiku of the 21st century to arrive at authorial intention versus readers' invention in haiku.
Other highlights will include a guided meditation, a haiku book/journal display with signings by authors, a raffle of haiku journals and books, and readings by poets.
The event will also feature networking meals held at ethnic restaurants in the quaint town of Evanston, and cultural events including a guided architectural tour of the world-famous Baha'i House of Worship in nearby Wilmette. This will also include a nature walk (Ginko) through the Temple's gardens to inspire the writing of haiku. Further, a guided tour of Northwestern University's Block Museum, a major tourist attraction, will be included, among other cultural field trips.
A schedule of events, biographies of speakers, registration form, and instructions for hotel reservations, may be requested by email from Charlotte Digregorio, HSA Midwest Regional Coordinator, at c-books@hotmail.com.
Friday, Sept. 27 6 p.m. Dinner, Giordano's, 1527 Chicago Ave., Evanston. No Host. Optional: After dinner, concert in the community. Saturday, Sept. 28 8 to 9 a.m. HSA Annual National Board Meeting. Nomination of officers and other business. Open to the public. 9 to 9:30 a.m. Check-in with registration materials given. 9:30 to 9:40 a.m. Welcome by Charlotte Digregorio, HSA Midwest Regional Coordinator 9:40-10:30 a.m. Keynote Speech by Professor Toshio Kimura, (Tokyo, Japan), followed by questions. Title: New Era/Epoch of Haiku Prof. Kimura will discuss modern/non-traditional haiku and how we define the role of nature in it. 10:40 to 11 a.m. Guided Meditation, by William Shehan, (Illinois). 11 a.m. to Noon Editor's Panel: What Is The Future of American Haiku? Panel Moderator: Marsh Muirhead, (Minnesota) Panelists: Stanford Forrester, (Connecticut); George Swede, (Canada); Roberta Beary, (Maryland); Francine Banwarth, (Iowa); and Dr. Randy Brooks, (Illinois). Panel will share their perspectives on this theme, and also answer questions about what editors seek in haiku submissions. Noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch 1:30--2:30 p.m. Haibun-- Blood, Sweat and Tears Subtitle: Anonymous Haibun Workshop, by Roberta Beary, (Maryland) Do you have what it takes for your haibun to be accepted for publication? Haibun Editor Roberta Beary, along with the audience, will edit your haibun according to Modern Haiku submission guidelines: (1) Each verse should be able to stand on it own as a haiku, without reference to the prose; (2) The prose should be composed in haikai style-that is, with an eye to brevity, objectivity, and non-intellectualization; (3) The haiku and the prose should stand in the same relationship to one another as do the two parts of the haiku-that is, one part should not repeat, explain, or continue the other, rather the juxtaposition of the two should lead the reader to experience added insight or resonance. Haibun are generally, but not necessarily, titled. Important: Participants who wish to submit haibun must email no more than one haibun (without name appearing anywhere on the work) to Roberta Beary by Aug. 21: shortpoems@gmail.com 2:45-3:15 p.m Haiga: A few words, a few brush strokes, by Lidia Rozmus, (Illinois) The artist-poet will give an Introduction to haiga - tradition, aesthetics, and tools. It will be followed by questions and answers. 3:15-3:30 p.m. Break: Viewing of Lidia Rozmus' Haiga Haiku Book/Journal Display 3:30-4:30 p.m. Workshop: Reading the New Haiku by Dr. David G. Lanoue, HSA President, (Louisiana) (1) An exploration of postmodern haiku of the 21st century to arrive at "a" meaning as opposed to "the" meaning; (2) To consider authorial intention versus readers' invention in haiku: Are there limits? Are there rules for poets and readers? Should there be?
4:30-5 p.m. Raffle of Haiku Journals/Books Networking with Panelists/Speakers Book Signing/Sales
Optional: 5:30 p.m. Dinner, Celtic Knot Public House, 626 Church St., Evanston. No Host. Following dinner, haiku reading at the Restaurant. Sunday, Sept. 29 9:30 a.m. Architectural Tour of world-famous Baha'i House of Worship, Wilmette, IL. (Free Guided Group Tour). Afterwards, Ginko walk through its beautiful gardens. 11:30 Lunch at Whole Foods Deli, 1640 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Afternoon Free guided group tour of Northwestern University's Block Museum in Evanston. Grosse Point Lighthouse in Evanston, walk on the beautiful beach of Lake Michigan, or trip to downtown Chicago.
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Haiku San Diego's
ants on the sidewalk
Haiku San Diego hosted a multimedia haiku performance, 'ants on the sidewalk,' at its February monthly meeting, Sunday, February 10, 2013. Deborah P Kolodji, Gregory Longenecker, and Naia, all members of the Haiku North America 2013 steering committee, read urban-themed haiku and senryu, accompanied to Jazz music and a slide show of urban-themed images.
Haiku North America 2013 will be held August 14-18 onboard the Queen Mary, in Long Beach. It is a bi-annual conference that will feature over 25 different presentations, panels, discussions, performances, and readings on different facets of haiku. It will also feature a bookstore, a haiku contest, a participant-created haiku anthology, an art show and haiga exhibition, haiku-writing exercises, and a banquet with a performance and keynote speech by renowned butoh dancer, Don McLeod. For more information, see the website at www.haikunorthamerica.com.
'ants on the sidewalk' was first performed at Haiku Pacific Rim, in Pacific Grove, California. It will be the 26th Podcast of Haiku Chronicles, a poetry podcast hosted by Donna Beaver and Alan Pizzarelli at www.haikuchronicles.com.
Haiku San Diego was founded by Naia and Billie Dee and meets on the 2nd Sunday of most months,
from 12:30 to 2:30 at Open Door Books,
4761 Cass Street, San Diego, CA.
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Bruce Ross is soliciting haiku for a North American section of a contemporary world haiku anthology. Please send 3 of your best haiku written between 2000 and 2013. Include in the body of your email your name, city and state or province, your 3 haiku, and an English translation, if written in another language. If published, include the name of the journal. Send to: dr_bruce_ross@hotmail.com (two underscores) with a subject line "A Vast Sky" or mail to: Bruce Ross, PMB 127, 499 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401 USA. Those chosen will be notified. Deadline: August 01, 2013
Ignatius Fay
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America Comments or concerns about your membership? Please contact the HSA officers - click here | |
A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.
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If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so! Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets. Click here for the archives.
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Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.
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