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2012 Kanterman Book Awards
The Haiku Society of America is pleased to announce the winners of the 2012 Kanterman Awards for best books published in 2011. Carolyn Hall and Christopher Patchel served as judges, and their selections for Kanterman Award winners and honorable mentions are as follows. Results with complete commentary from the judges will appear in Frogpond 36:2, Summer 2013. Congratulations to each of the following winners, and thank you to the judges.
First Place: Tie ($250 each)
Fay Aoyagi. Beyond the Reach of My Chopsticks. San Francisco, California: Blue Willow Press, 2011. 4.25 x 5.5 inches, 136 pages, perfectbound.
paul m. Few Days North Days Few. Winchester, Virginia: Red Moon Press, 2011. 4.25 x 6.5 inches, 102 pages, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-06-5.
Second Place ($100)
Robert Boldman. Everything I Touch. Winchester, Virginia: Red Moon Press, 2011. 4.25 x 6.5 inches, 64 pages, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-893959-95-8.
Third Place ($50)
Allan Burns. Distant Virga. Winchester, Virginia: Red Moon Press, 2011. 4.25 x 6.5 inches, 64 pages, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-08-9.
Best Translation
Bouwe Brouwer, translated by Bouwe Brouwer, Norman Darlington, and Max Verhart. Messages from the Past. Den Bosch, Netherlands: 't Schrijverke, 2011. 3 x 4 inches, 48 pages, ISBN 978-94-90607-06-7.
Honorable Mentions for Best Translation (ranked)
Ljubomir Dragović, translated by Sasa Vazić. A Narrow Road. Belgrade, Serbia: Liber Press, 2011. 4.75 x 6.75 inches, 106 pages, ISBN 978-86-6133-055-1.
Taneda Santōka, versions by Scott Watson. Walking by My Self Again. Sendai, Japan: Bookgirl Press, 2011. 5 x 8 inches, 70 pages, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-933175-03-4.
Best Design and Aesthetics
Joyce Clement. Beyond My View. Bristol, Connecticut: Endionpress, 2011. 5 x 7 inches, 56 pages, handbound. ISBN 978-0-98-9835008-0-3.
Best Anthology
Lee Gurga and Scott Metz, editors. Haiku 21. Lincoln, Illinois: Modern Haiku Press, 2011. 5.5 x 8 inches, 205 pages. ISBN 978-0-974189-45-1.
Honorable Mentions for Best Anthology (ranked)
Robert Epstein, editor. Dreams Wander On: Contemporary Poems of Death Awareness. Baltimore, Maryland: Modern English Tanka Press, 2011. 6 x 9 inches, 134 pages. ISBN 9781935398240.
Jerry Ball and J. Zimmerman, editors. Wild Violets: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society Members' Anthology 2011. Sunnyvale, California: Patson's Press, 2011. 6 x 9 inches, 80 pages. ISBN 978-0-9745404-9-8.
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HSA Quarterly Meeting
December 13-15, 2013 in New Orleans
Our plans for the fourth national meeting of 2013 are rapidly falling into place. Expect pleasant weather (not a guarantee but a probability), good company, stimulating presentations, fruitful activities, jazzy music, spicy food, dashes of history and culture, and, of course, haiku! Highlights will include... Friday, Dec. 13- A jazz history walking tour of the Storyville neighborhood
- Dinner at Tivoli and Lee, an up-and-coming Southern-styled (reasonably priced) restaurant
Saturday, Dec. 14Latter Library, 5120 St. Charles Avenue 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- A hands-on "How-to-Haiku" workshop led by Tom Painting
- A reading and book-signing by "Haiku Elvis" (Carlos Colon)
- A presentation on "Haiku and Video Games" by Nicholas Sola
- A musical haiku duet performed by Johnette Downing and Juliet Seer Pazera
- Closing out Issa's 250th birthday year with a sharing of favorite haiku
- And more!
Sunday, Dec. 15- Haiku walk and Kukai in Audubon Park
- "Haiku Elvis and Friends": a public reading by conference participants at the famous Maple Leaf Bar
Recommended bed-and-breakfast: Park View Guest House, conveniently located next to Audubon Park and near a stop on the St. Charles Avenue streetcar line. http://parkviewguesthouse.com We also have a list of less pricy hotels, including an inexpensive hostel. I hope you'll consider joining us, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. See you in December? David Lanoue, HSA President david1gerard@hotmail.com |
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At this year's first quarterly meeting in New York City in March, I led a brainstorming session titled, "Your HSA." The idea was to dream out loud about ways to improve our association. The result was several pages of excellent and provocative ideas. I brought these suggestions to the Executive Committee, and we have begun the process of selecting which ones to work on this year. Expect a progress report in the next Ripples. For now, here are some thoughts that the EC has already highlighted, along with related requests for volunteers.
- Create mentoring opportunities. If you would like to be matched to a mentor, let me know. And if you are experienced in haiku and would like to serve as a mentor, tell me. I'll play matchmaker, keeping geographical location in mind, though I imagine that most of the mentoring will involve haiku sharing and commenting via email.
- Strive to get haiku books reviewed by well known, non-haiku poets. The EC loves the idea, but we need your help. If you personally know poets who you think might be willing to write such reviews, let us know. We would like to compile a list and see if we can nudge haiku more into the consciousness of mainstream poets.
- Include stories on our website that address the question, "Why write haiku?" If you feel up to this homework assignment, send your paragraph (or two) with a picture of yourself. Our electronic media officer, Randy Brooks, will present these testimonials on a rotating basis.
- Spruce up the website with links to haiku-related videos. If you are aware of a good video on YouTube or any other platform, we'd like to know about it. This can range from educational (Robert Hass) to entertaining ("Haiku Elvis").
- Establish an HSA presence on Tumblr. This suggestion came from the youngest person in attendance at the meeting (the daughter of an HSA member). If you are familiar with Tumblr and would like to take on this task, let me know.
Thank you!
David Lanoue, HSA President
P.S. I will be away from e-mail June 4-20, during which time I'll be participating in haiku conferences in Germany and Bulgaria. So if you send me anything in that period, I'll get to it after 6/20.
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Contemporary Haiku: Where Do We Go From Here?
The Midwest Region will host HSA's Annual National Meeting with an exciting symposium and cultural events in Metro Chicago, Friday through Sunday, Sept. 27-29. The Symposium's theme will be: Contemporary Haiku: Where Do We Go From Here? The event will be held at the Holiday Inn in Evanston IL, along Chicago's North Shore.
The gathering is already drawing participants and speakers from 20 states, Japan, and Canada.
The Symposium will feature a keynote speech from Professor Toshio Kimura, Director of the Haiku International Association in Tokyo. He will speak on the new era of haiku and how the role of nature is being defined.
There will be a panel of editors addressing the future of American haiku. It will include: Stanford Forrester of bottle rockets, Francine Banwarth of Frogpond, George Swede, former Editor of Frogpond, Roberta Beary, Haibun Editor of Modern Haiku, and Dr. Randy Brooks, Editor of Mayfly. The panel will also field questions on what editors seek in haiku submissions.
Among other highlights will be a presentation by Roberta Beary on haibun, a prose piece that uses embedded haiku to enhance the composition's resonance and effect. During this presentation, haibun that has been submitted to the presenter ahead of time, will be anonymously critiqued during the session. There will also be a haiga presentation--haiku combined with art--by Lidia Rozmus, an artist-poet. Her work will be exhibited during the Symposium.
In addition, Dr. David G. Lanoue, HSA President will give a presentation, "Reading the New Haiku," that will explore postmodern haiku of the 21st century to arrive at authorial intention versus readers' invention in haiku.
Other highlights will include a guided meditation, a haiku book/journal display with signings by authors, a raffle of haiku journals and books, and readings by poets.
The event will also feature networking meals held at ethnic restaurants in the quaint town of Evanston, and cultural events including a guided architectural tour of the world-famous Baha'i House of Worship in nearby Wilmette. This will also include a nature walk (Ginko) through the Temple's gardens to inspire the writing of haiku. Further, a guided tour of Northwestern University's Block Museum, a major tourist attraction, will be included, among other cultural field trips.
A schedule of events, biographies of speakers, registration form, and instructions for hotel reservations, may be requested by email from Charlotte Digregorio, HSA Midwest Regional Coordinator, at c-books@hotmail.com.
Friday, Sept. 27 6 p.m. Dinner, Giordano's, 1527 Chicago Ave., Evanston. No Host. Optional: After dinner, concert in the community. Saturday, Sept. 28 8 to 9 a.m. HSA Annual National Board Meeting. Nomination of officers and other business. Open to the public. 9 to 9:30 a.m. Check-in with registration materials given. 9:30 to 9:40 a.m. Welcome by Charlotte Digregorio, HSA Midwest Regional Coordinator 9:40-10:30 a.m. Keynote Speech by Professor Toshio Kimura, (Tokyo, Japan), followed by questions. Title: New Era/Epoch of Haiku Prof. Kimura will discuss modern/non-traditional haiku and how we define the role of nature in it. 10:40 to 11 a.m. Guided Meditation, by William Shehan, (Illinois). 11 a.m. to Noon Editor's Panel: What Is The Future of American Haiku? Panel Moderator: Marsh Muirhead, (Minnesota) Panelists: Stanford Forrester, (Connecticut); George Swede, (Canada); Roberta Beary, (Maryland); Francine Banwarth, (Iowa); and Dr. Randy Brooks, (Illinois). Panel will share their perspectives on this theme, and also answer questions about what editors seek in haiku submissions. Noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch 1:30--2:30 p.m. Haibun-- Blood, Sweat and Tears Subtitle: Anonymous Haibun Workshop, by Roberta Beary, (Maryland) Do you have what it takes for your haibun to be accepted for publication? Haibun Editor Roberta Beary, along with the audience, will edit your haibun according to Modern Haiku submission guidelines: (1) Each verse should be able to stand on it own as a haiku, without reference to the prose; (2) The prose should be composed in haikai style-that is, with an eye to brevity, objectivity, and non-intellectualization; (3) The haiku and the prose should stand in the same relationship to one another as do the two parts of the haiku-that is, one part should not repeat, explain, or continue the other, rather the juxtaposition of the two should lead the reader to experience added insight or resonance. Haibun are generally, but not necessarily, titled. Important: Participants who wish to submit haibun must email no more than one haibun (without name appearing anywhere on the work) to Roberta Beary by Aug. 21: shortpoems@gmail.com 2:45-3:15 p.m Haiga: A few words, a few brush strokes, by Lidia Rozmus, (Illinois) The artist-poet will give an Introduction to haiga - tradition, aesthetics, and tools. It will be followed by questions and answers. 3:15-3:30 p.m. Break: Viewing of Lidia Rozmus' Haiga Haiku Book/Journal Display 3:30-4:30 p.m. Workshop: Reading the New Haiku by Dr. David G. Lanoue, HSA President, (Louisiana) (1) An exploration of postmodern haiku of the 21st century to arrive at "a" meaning as opposed to "the" meaning; (2) To consider authorial intention versus readers' invention in haiku: Are there limits? Are there rules for poets and readers? Should there be?
4:30-5 p.m. Raffle of Haiku Journals/Books Networking with Panelists/Speakers Book Signing/Sales
Optional: 5:30 p.m. Dinner, Celtic Knot Public House, 626 Church St., Evanston. No Host. Following dinner, haiku reading at the Restaurant. Sunday, Sept. 29 9:30 a.m. Architectural Tour of world-famous Baha'i House of Worship, Wilmette, IL. (Free Guided Group Tour). Afterwards, Ginko walk through its beautiful gardens. 11:30 Lunch at Whole Foods Deli, 1640 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Afternoon Free guided group tour of Northwestern University's Block Museum in Evanston. Grosse Point Lighthouse in Evanston, walk on the beautiful beach of Lake Michigan, or trip to downtown Chicago.
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Contemporary Haiku: Where Do We Go From Here?
Speakers' Bios
Francine Banwarth of Dubuque, IA, has been a longtime member of the Haiku Society of America. She served as second vice president from 2008 through 2010, and in 2012 was named editor of its journal, Frogpond. She served on the board of Modern Haiku from 2010-2012. She has helped organize meetings and workshops with Haiku Dubuque and the Mineral Point, WI Foundry Books haiku group, under the leadership of Gayle Bull. Banwarth has won awards for her haiku, including First Place in the Harold G. Henderson contest in 2005, First Place in the Betty Drevniok contest in 2009, the Shiki Kukai Poets' Choice award in 2009, and the Haiku Foundation's Touchstone award for haiku in 2011. She was a featured poet in New Resonance 5, published by Red Moon Press. Her haiku, senryu, rengay, and haibun have been published in numerous journals and anthologies.
Roberta Beary is the haibun editor of Modern Haiku. Her book of short poems, The Unworn Necklace, (Snapshot Press, 1st hardcover ed. 2011), was named a Poetry Society of America award finalist. It was also a Haiku Society of America Merit Book Award prize winner. Beary's haiku and senryu have been honored throughout North America, Europe, and Asia for their innovative style. They have been featured at several readings, most recently by Haiku Ireland. Beary has been a three-time winner of the Kiyoshi and Kiyoko Tokutomi Memorial Haiku Contest, and she placed First in the HSA Brady Contest, Haiku International Association, Kusamakura, Penumbra, and Polish Haiku International Contests. She has judged haibun and senryu contests for HSA, and has co-edited two HSA anthologies. She lived in Japan for five years. www.robertabeary.com
Dr. Randy M. Brooks is the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences and Professor of English at Millikin University. He teaches courses on the global haiku traditions at Millikin with student work available on the MU Haiku web site:
http://performance.millikin.edu/haiku. He and his wife, Shirley Brooks, are co-editors and publishers of Brooks Books, and edit Mayfly haiku magazine. He serves as web editor of Modern Haiku magazine and on the Executive Committee of the Haiku Society of America as the Electronic Media Officer, editing the Frogpond web sampler and maintaining the society web site. He is also web editor for Modern Haiku magazine. In addition to his collection of haiku, School's Out, published by Press Here, he is co-editor of the Global Haiku Anthology published by Iron Press (England) and Mosaic Press (Canada) in 2000 and co-editor of the Midwest Haiku Anthology published in 1992. Randy has served on the editorial board for the Red Moon Press annual haiku anthologies since 2005.
Stanford M. Forrester is a past president of the Haiku Society of America and editor of bottle rockets: a collection of short verse, which boasts its 14th year in print. He is also publisher of a small press of poetry, www.bottlerocketspress.com.
Forrester has had poems published in many journals and anthologies worldwide. He perhaps is most proud of his poetry included in Haiku edited by Peter Washington in the Everyman's Pocket Poetry Series, published by Knopf, and American Zen: A Gathering of Poets, published by Bottomdog Press. Some of his recently published books are: The Haiku Manual of Icarus and the toddler's chant republished by Stark Mountain Press. He took first seat in the 57th Annual Basho Anthology Contest in Ueno, Japan in 2004, and his haiku won second place in the International Robert Frost Poetry & Haiku contest in 2012. He has taught workshops in many venues including Zen Mountain Monastery, Kripalu, and The Japan Society in New York City. He has presented papers at Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies at Wesleyan University, among other academic institutions.
Prof. Toshio Kimura was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1956. He begancomposing haiku during college. He is Head of the International Affairs Section of Modern Haiku Association and is Director of Haiku International Association. He is a member of Japan PEN Club and was Chairman of the Haiku Symposium at the International PEN Conference in Tokyo in 2012. Prof. Kimura studied English literature at the postgraduate school of Meiji-Gakuin University in Tokyo in 1982, and was an Academic Fellow of English/Comparative Literature at the University of London (2001-02). Currently, he is Professor of English Studies at Nihon University in Japan. His haiku collections are: In the Distance; Little Brier Rose (both in Japanese); Phantasm of Flowers (English); and The Blue Planet (Multilingual anthology, for which he served as editorial supervisor.)
Dr. David G. Lanoue is a professor of English at Xavier University of Louisiana. He is a translator of Japanese haiku, teacher of English and world literature, and writer of haiku and "haiku novels." He is co-founder of the New Orleans Haiku Society, an associate member of the Haiku Foundation, and president of the Haiku Society of America. His books include a translation (Cup-of-Tea Poems: Selected Haiku of Kobayashi Issa), criticism (Pure Land Haiku: The Art of Priest Issa) and a series of haiku novels: Haiku Guy (2000), Laughing Buddha (2004), Haiku Wars (2009) and Frog Poet (2012). Some of these books have appeared in French, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Serbian and Japanese editions. In addition, he has published The Distant Mountain: The Life and Haiku of Kobayashi Issa in English with Hindi translations by Angelee Deodhar. He maintains The Haiku of Kobayashi Issa website, for which he has translated 10,000 of Issa's haiku.
Marsh Muirhead is a writer, dentist, and flight instructor living on the banks of the Mississippi (not far from the headwaters) in Bemidji, Minnesota. His fiction and poetry have appeared in
Carolina Quarterly, The Southeast Review, New Mexico Poetry Review, Rattle, North Dakota Quarterly, Minnetonka Review and elsewhere. His poem, "Releasing the Animals (the anti-haiku)," won the Poetry Prize at the Robert Frost Festival in Key West in 2009. Since writing his first haiku in 2007 (after attending Charlie Trumbull's workshop in Key West), he has published more than 100 haiku in major U.S. haiku journals and in several anthologies--several editions of
The Red Moon Anthology, Haiku 21, and others. Muirhead judged the 2010 Gerald Brady Senryu Contest, and has conducted numerous haiku workshops and readings.He organized "A Weekend with Billy Collins" in Bemidji in the fall of 2010. He won The Great American Think-Off, a national essay and debate event in 2011, in answer to the question, "Does Poetry Matter." He said it did. He is the author of Key West Explained -- a guide for the traveler (a guide to the most literary of small towns) and has written numerous magazine articles on aviation, travel, auto racing, bodybuilding, and other concerns. He was the "Spotlight poet" in the 41.1 issue of Modern Haiku and also won the Museum of Haiku Literature Award from issue 34.3 of Frogpond (reprinted in 35.1).
Lidia Rozmus was born in Poland and studied at Jagiellonian University in Krakow where she received her Master's Degree in Art History. Since 1980, Lidia has lived in the U.S., and has worked as a graphic designer. She paints sumi-e and oils. She has written and designed several books of haiku, haibun, and haiga, including A Dandelion's Flight-Haiku and Sumi-e which received the Haiku Society of America Merit Book Award for design; Twenty Views from Mole Hill: My Journey which also received the Haiku Society Merit Book Award for haibun in 2004; and Hailstones: Haiku by Taneda Santoka. Her paintings have been exhibited in the U.S., Japan, and Poland, and her haiku has been published internationally. She is Art Editor of Modern Haiku and Art Director of Deep North Press. She was Co-Editor and Art Director of the Haiku Society's 2009 Anthology, A Travel-Worn Satchel.
William Shehan, a Chicago haikuist, is a Lay Buddhist Minister and Chaplain in StarFleet. He also serves in Temple Relations for the Buddhist Temple of Chicago, and is webmaster for the Buddhist Council of the Midwest. He has been interested in the arts of the Orient since a young age. His first exposure to the culture was through Miyamoto Musashi's book Go Rin No Sho. Since then, he has frequented the library to read every book he can find on martial arts, haiku, and Buddhism. He has had the opportunity to study in Japan and Korea. Shehan is a retired combat veteran, and enjoys spending time with his family and homeschooling his daughters. www.fiercebuddhist.wordpress.com
George Swede began publishing poetry in 1968, and in 1975 was inspired by the haiku form after doing a review of Makoto Ueda's Modern Japanese Haiku (University of Toronto Press). In 1977, he helped found Haiku Canada with Eric Amann and Betty Drevniok. In 2008-2009, he was Honorary Curator for the American Haiku Archives, and from 2008-2012, edited Frogpond: Journal of the Haiku Society of America. In 2007, Haiku Canada awarded him an Honorary Life Membership. He has published 35 collections of poetry, 17 with haiku only. His last two collections were by Edmonton's Inkling Press in 2010: Joy In Me Still (haiku) and White Thoughts, Blue Mind (tanka).
George Swede, Poet, Critic, Editor--See Wikipedia and Two Websites:
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Haiku San Diego's
ants on the sidewalk
Haiku San Diego hosted a multimedia haiku performance, 'ants on the sidewalk,' at its February monthly meeting, Sunday, February 10, 2013. Deborah P Kolodji, Gregory Longenecker, and Naia, all members of the Haiku North America 2013 steering committee, read urban-themed haiku and senryu, accompanied to Jazz music and a slide show of urban-themed images.
Haiku North America 2013 will be held August 14-18 onboard the Queen Mary, in Long Beach. It is a bi-annual conference that will feature over 25 different presentations, panels, discussions, performances, and readings on different facets of haiku. It will also feature a bookstore, a haiku contest, a participant-created haiku anthology, an art show and haiga exhibition, haiku-writing exercises, and a banquet with a performance and keynote speech by renowned butoh dancer, Don McLeod. For more information, see the website at www.haikunorthamerica.com.
'ants on the sidewalk' was first performed at Haiku Pacific Rim, in Pacific Grove, California. It will be the 26th Podcast of Haiku Chronicles, a poetry podcast hosted by Donna Beaver and Alan Pizzarelli at www.haikuchronicles.com.
Haiku San Diego was founded by Naia and Billie Dee and meets on the 2nd Sunday of most months,
from 12:30 to 2:30 at Open Door Books,
4761 Cass Street, San Diego, CA.
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Bruce Ross is soliciting haiku for a North American section of a contemporary world haiku anthology. Please send 3 of your best haiku written between 2000 and 2013. Include in the body of your email your name, city and state or province, your 3 haiku, and an English translation, if written in another language. If published, include the name of the journal. Send to: dr_bruce_ross@hotmail.com (two underscores) with a subject line "A Vast Sky" or mail to: Bruce Ross, PMB 127, 499 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401 USA. Those chosen will be notified. Deadline: August 01, 2013
Ignatius Fay
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America Comments or concerns about your membership? Please contact the HSA officers - click here | |
A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.
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If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so! Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets. Click here for the archives.
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Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.
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