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A Note From
David G. Lanoue, HSA President
Greetings, HSA members!
I thank the Executive Committee for inviting me to serve as your president for 2013, and I thank you, HSA members, for voting me in. I promise to do my best to emulate the professional and energetic leadership that Ce Rosenow has provided these past three years. More details of what I hope to achieve with your help will follow in the next issue of Ripples, but for now I just want to thank you all and assure you that my ears are wide-open for your suggestions and concerns.
One more little thing...Down here in New Orleans the holidays haven't quite ended. People are back to work, but the revelry continues with a Superbowl and almost daily Carnival parades clogging the streets and slowly building to the climax of Fat Tuesday. I know from personal experience how easy it is, amid the hustle-bustle of holidays, to forget little things on our to-do lists, like renewing one's membership to the HSA. Trust me; I've been there--discovering my lapse of attention only when my copy of Frogpond didn't arrive in my mailbox! This is why I'd like to add a friendly reminder for all who haven't done so to renew right away so that your Frogpond issues will keep coming, and you'll be eligible to place your haiku in this year's members' anthology, which for the first time will be free for all members. More details on the anthology's theme, deadline and submissions requirements are forthcoming in the next Ripples and in future bulletins.
Take care.
David G. Lanoue
HSA President
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55 West Bethune, New York City
On March 30, HSA Northeast Metro will be hosting a National Meeting with David G. Lanoue, our new HSA President.
He will present 'Issa's Best: A Sharing of Haiku to Honor Issa's 250th Birth Anniversary,' as well as 'Your HSA: A Brainstorming Session.' Everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite Issa poems for sharing.
In addition, Stanford M. Forrester will be reading from his book 'the toddler's chant: selected poems 1998-2008 & some new ones since,' recently republished by Stark Mountain Press.
Paul D. Miller, HSA Treasurer, will also be present to talk about new directions for HSA.
See future issues of Ripples and the HSA Bulletin, for more information or contact me at the address below.
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Haikufest To Be Held
in Metro Chicago
from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 07, 2013
at Winnetka (IL) Public Library
768 Oak St., Winnetka.
Co-sponsored by the Library and HSA's Midwest Region, there will be lively discussion and readings.
Charlotte Digregorio
Midwest Regional Coordinator
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Haiku North America 2013: Intervals
Request for Presentation Proposals
The HNA 2013 committee is actively seeking proposals for papers, panel discussions, workshops, presentations, and performances for the August 14-18, 2013 conference on the Queen Mary.
Those wishing to officially participate in the conference as presenters are encouraged to email their proposals to Deborah P Kolodji and Naia at haikunorthamerica2013@gmail.com by February 28, 2013.
Please note that haiku must be an integral part of each proposal. When preparing proposals, participants may wish to incorporate reference to this year's conference theme-"Intervals":
The journey to full moon, the timespan of high to low tide, the lull from one wave to the next, the pause between breaths.
The spaces in-between, where humanity slows, observes, absorbs; there, where connection is made through our senses, sensibilities, intuitive nature.
To assist the committee in its selection process, each proposal should include the following:
Category - Paper, Presentation, Panel Discussion, Workshop, Performance, etc.
Participant(s) - Identify and provide contact info (address, phone, email) for each participant.
Participant Profile(s) - Include brief participant bios (75-word max per participant).
Summary - Provide a summary of the proposal that may be used in the program (75-word max).
Description - Explain proposal in detail for consideration by the program selection committee.
Length - The schedule permits presentations that are either 25 minutes or 50 minutes in length.
Scheduling - Specify whether participants are unavailable at certain times or dates during the conference. The committee cannot guarantee time-slots but will try to accommodate, as needed.
Audio-Visual Needs - Identify the types of devices that will be used. Indicate whether the presentation will require specific equipment such as a whiteboard or digital projector. Provide a list of any equipment you will be bringing with you.
Please note that production and distribution of any handouts or other materials will be the responsibility of the presenter(s).
The selection committee is excited by the opportunity to work with each of you to put together a vibrant and diverse program that will make Haiku North America 2013 a success. We look forward to reading your proposals and to seeing you in August on board the Queen Mary!
Now that the holidays are over and 2013 has arrived, this means that Haiku North America
2013 is closer than ever!
We are starting to put together our program and need your input.
Although the deadline for our request for proposals isn't due until February 28th, we would welcome receiving your proposals earlier, so we can start to get a sense of what our schedule might look like.
We are looking forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Debbie and Naia
Haiku North America 2013
Deborah P. Kolodji and Naia, Co-chairs
Haiku Society of America's
Annual National Meeting/Symposium
The Haiku Society of America's Annual National Meeting/Symposium will be held Friday - Sunday, Sept. 27-29, 2013, in Evanston, IL.
Evanston is a beautiful town along the shores of Lake Michigan, just a 15-minute train ride to downtown Chicago.
Our event will be absolutely terrific! Our speakers and audience will be filled with an array of haiku dignitaries from near and far.
We have a number of accomplished poets scheduled to make presentations and our keynote speaker, Professor Toshio Kimura, will be coming from Japan.
It's hard to believe, but for $28 you can attend all of our Saturday presentations including lunch, and also attend two guided group cultural tours that we have planned for Sunday around the town of Evanston.
We have organized this event far in advance because we expect to get such a good crowd.
Hope to see you there!
Charlotte Digregorio Midwest Regional Coordinator Haiku Society of America
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Haiku Society of America
2013 Election Results
The following are the results of the balloting for 2013 Officers and Regional Coordinators. Actual ballot tallies will be included in the winter issue of Ripples: OFFICERS President David Lanoue 1st Vice President Michael Dylan Welch 2nd Vice President Sari Grandstaff Secretary Angela Terry Treasurer Paul D. Miller Frogpond Editor Francine Banwarth Ripples Editor Adrienne Christian Electronic Media Randy Brooks REGIONAL COORDINATORS Northeast Wanda Cook Northeast Metro Rita Gray Mid-Atlantic No Candidate South Johnye Strickland Southeast Terri L. French Midwest Charlotte Digregorio Plains and Mountains Patricia Nolan Southwest Jim Applegate California Naia Washington Tanya McDonald Oregon Cara Holman Alaska Billie Wilson Hawaii/Pacific Brett Brady Respectfully submitted, Angela Terry Secretary |
Ignatius Fay
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America Comments or concerns about your membership? Please contact the HSA officers - click here | |
A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion! See photos from some recent gatherings of the poetic kind.
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If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so! Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets. Click here for the archives.
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Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly). In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.
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