January 18, 2013 
Haiku Society of America


A reminder to all 2012 HSA members:


Membership in the Haiku Society of America is on a calendar year basis, effective January 1 through December 31 annually. If you have not already renewed your membership for 2013, please do so immediately, in order to be on the mailing lists for both the Winter issues of Frogpond and Ripples, and to receive them in a timely manner.

A 2013 membership form was included in the last issue of Ripples or you can renew your membership on-line using PayPal at the HSA website www.hsa-haiku.org/join.htm.

Any questions regarding your current membership status may be sent to:

Angela Terry
HSA Secretary

or by mail at:

18036 49th PL NE,
Lake Forest Park,
WA, 98155,

Ignatius Fay 
HSA Bulletin Editor
Haiku Society of America

Comments or concerns about your membership?  Please contact the HSA officers - click here
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Like us on Facebook


A reminder to everyone to click the link above and like us on Facebook. Share news, poems and discussion!  See some recent photos from the  Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival.



If you have not had a chance to check out the ".haiku" column at the HSA webpage, please do so!  Gene Myers shares tools and tips available to haiku poets.  Click here for the archives.
Become a
Member of HSA


Membership in the Haiku Society of America includes a year's subscription to the society's journal, Frogpond (three issues yearly).  In addition, members receive the newsletter, Ripples (three issues yearly), the annual information sheet, and an annual address/email list of HSA members.



View our web sampler of Frogpond at the HSA Website.
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