Dear ,
As chairman, I want to thank you for registering with your club and with Pacific Masters. The executive committee and Board of Directors are dedicated to making swimming fun; we believe that aquatic sports are the best way to keep fit for life.
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I am excited about the upcoming year as we will have many events for our swimmers participate in. For our competitive swimmers,we will have our normal course of pool and open water events, with our short course yards championship in Pleasanton, long course championships in Santa Cruz and short course meters championships in Walnut Creek.
If you have not swum competitively in a pool, you might want to try it at a local meet. Be sure to be their with your friends, it is more fun that way. Our open water meets are a great way to either compete or just to have a great leisurely swim one morning. Either way, I hope to see you out there. For those that compete, there will be two divisions this year, an approved suit division and an unlimited suit division (wear what you want); both divisions will be eligible for Open Water points.
Cokie Lepinski, our coaches chair has been working with several of the club coaches to offer a coaches / swimmers clinic in the beginning of June. This will be a great opportunity for our coaches to sharpen their coaching skills and our swimmers to learn from some of the best Masters coaches in the United States. More information will appear in the Update, and I encourage you and your swimming buddies to attend.
As a member of Pacific Masters Swimming, you are also a member of United States Masters Swimming. And as Rob Butcher, our executive director has written you, you will receive a copy of Swimmer magazine (USMS's magazine that cover many facets of aquatic sports - and has the Pacific Masters Newsletter inside), Streamlines the USMS 'zine; you can log on the USMS website and have your own Fitness Log ("FLOGS"), and your competitive results are tracked. You can participate in the national members-only fitness programs such as "Go the Distance" and the Check-off Challenge; and you are covered by USMS insurance when participating in USMS events.
As a member of PacMasters, if you bring your membership card to Sports Basement, you can receive a 10% discount on your purchases.
As a member of PacMasters, you will receive a copy of the Update, Pacific Masters ezine (which starting in 2011 will be coming out in a new format). We have our Facebook fan page - become a fan. We will do more tweeting on Twitter. (and I sure hope I said that all correctly). And of course, before planning your personal events, you should consult the Pacific Masters calendar for our scheduled events (said with tongue in cheek).
PacMasters also has a DVD library and as a member you may borrow DVDs from the library. See the PacMasters newsletter on which DVDs are available and how to borrow the media.
Pacific Masters has always believed that our LMSC is here to help our local clubs and swimmers. We are primarily a volunteer organization and we are always looking for volunteers (you meet a great group of people). Please feel free to contact our registrar, Nancy Ridout for help with any registration problem that you may encounter. PacMasters has monthly meetings during the year, six are face to face usually in Walnut Creek and five are conference calls, I encourage you to attend or call in.
If your club is having an event, please send me the information. I will try to put it in the Update. Swimming is a very much a community, if you have any item that should be in the "Thoughts and Prayers" part of the Update, please send it.
Again thank you very much for registering with Pacific Masters. On behalf of the Committee, we look foward to working with you over the new year. Best wishes for a very happy and joyous New Year.
Sincerely, -michael Michael Moore, Chairman Pacific Masters Swimming