2010 PacMasters Logo
Pacific Masters Swimming
The Update to Club Contacts
US Masters Swimming


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As chairman, I want to thank you and your club for registering to be a club member of Pacific Masters Swimming. It is your support of Master's Swimming that creates the opportunities for our swimmers to become more fit, to compete and to have fun.

I am excited about the upcoming year as we will have many events for our swimmers and coaches to participate in. We will have our normal course of pool and open water events, with our short course yards championship in Pleasanton, long course championships in Santa Cruz and short course meters championships in Walnut Creek. 

Cokie Lepinski, our coaches chair has been working with several of the club coaches to offer a coaches / swimmers clinic in the beginning of June. This will be a great opportunity for our coaches to sharpen their coaching skills and our swimmers to learn from some of the best Masters coaches in the United States. More information will appear in the Update, and I encourage you to attend and encourage your swimmers and coaches to attend.

Pacific Masters has always believed that the LMSC is here to help our local clubs. We are primarily a volunteer organization. If there is anything that we can do to help your and your club, let us know. Please feel free to contact our registrar, Nancy Ridout (registrar@pacificmasters.org) for help with any registration problem that you may encounter. PacMasters has monthly meetings during the year, six are face to face usually in Walnut Creek and five are conference calls, I encourage you or a club representative to attend or call in.

This year we will be making a effort to promote the PacMasters clubs. As you may have heard there is a web page that has your pool information at 

Your club is also listed on our team links page:

Also on the PacMasters home page, there is a list on the left side of the web pages of the PacMasters clubs. If your club is not properly displayed, please send me the corrections.

I have in your file
  First Name  
  Last Name  
  Work Telephone  
  Day Telephone  
  Club Abbreviation  

If this is incorrect, please let Nancy know.

If your club is having an event, please send me the information. I will try to put it in the Update.

Again thank you very much for registering with Pacific Masters. Best wishes for a very happy and joyous New Year.


Michael Moore, Chairman
Pacific Masters Swimming
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