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DotConnectAfrica TedBits     
The Anniversary Issue!
DotConnectAfrica Newsletter
Celebrating our five (5) year Newsletter Anniversary:   In this issue: Buenos Aires, Toronto, Baku, ICANN Africa Strategy, IBCA, Heard & Seen and more...
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Open/Transparent  Think Global, Act Local

06 December 2012       Internet industry updates, policy trends, tips, and news on Africa...    


Sophia Bekele in Toronto
Sophia Bekele @ ICANN Public Forum, Toronto Canada








 Interesting Reads

Policy Alerts



The ITU debate

Vint Cerf urges action against UN attempts to regulate the web  


 The US Makes Issues A Statement In Support of ICANN

 Governments squabble over new rules for the internet


Congress Passes A Resolution Unanimously 397-0 Calling On The US To Oppose UN Control of the Internet  


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Five (5) Year Anniversary Note 
A Note From Founder
Dear Readers,
DotConnectAfrica Celebrates Five (5) years of informative and concise news through our periodic and regular Newsletters and TedBits. 
Indeed it is a testimony of documented hard work getting to take Africa to  the world, while exploiting every available chance to educate Africa on its anticipated future on Internet Governance, ICANN, .Africa gTld, New TLDs and more.  
Reciprocally, we also educate our global stakeholders and supporters and committed subscribers on Africa and its heartbeat.
At DCA we are happy to continue giving you more industry digests and news as they happen.
Below you will find the past issues .
Sophia Bekele
Executive Director/CEO
DotConnectAfrica Trust/DCA Registry
Newsletter -DotConnectAFrica 
 Join Our Mailing List 


Satellite tech powers 3G revolution for rural Africa  

The 17,000km long network took two years to complete and came with the promise of boosting the region's industry and commerce.  Three years later millions of Africans now have access to the internet [Full Read...] 

The Sleeping Giants Of African Mobile Payments
Kenya's M-PESA is the poster child for mobile money services in Africa, [Full Read...]

Kenyan information official leads an IT revolution - Los Angels Times  PS- Bitange Ndemo - DotConnectAfrica

Since Bitange Ndemo got Kenya hooked up to high-speed Internet, there has been no stopping his cyber-progress. A 'Silicon Savannah' is now flourishing. [ Full Read...

 ICANN Brief- Toronto and more
The New CEO and President of ICANN Fade introduces his blue print for ICANN in a new attempt to Globalize ICANN.  Among the introductions was the African Strategy that is being led by Dr. Tarek Kamel, Sr. Advisor to CEO.

See what is NEW at ICANN! 


             Sign Up, Make Comments!

ICANN has launched an new portal that is completely mobile-aware and mobile ready, in addition to  According to Fadi,


Our favorite quotes at the opening speech of ICANN 

 "Public & Stakeholder engagement is about listening, engaging, building relationships & building things together"- Fadi Chehadé

"We stand for a single Internet with access for all...." - Tony Clement, Pres. Canada Treasury Board 

Some of the hot topics and news included:

 ICANN Africa Strategy:  

A Journey from Dakar to Prague to Toronto to Baku...


The ICANN-45 Meeting in Toronto provided a landmark moment for the presentation of the initial draft of the ICANN Africa Strategy by the Africa Strategy Working Group (ASWG).  It is hoped that the implementation of the ICANN Africa Strategy will constitute a new ICANN Approach to Africa.  


DCA Trust used the opportunity afforded by the presence of the entire ICANN Global Community gathered at Toronto to also unveil the IBCA - Internet Business Council for Africa - initiative that it has independently developed as a component of the ICANN Africa Strategy.


Commentaries on Africa Strategy:

  • Africa Strategy: Welcome but not Inclusive,  more 
  • ICANN -45 Public Comment: MultiStakeholder Model & Contribution to ICANN Africa Strategy  more
  • The "ICANN Africa Strategy" is not the same as "Africa Agenda"  more 
  • ICANN ASWG Sponsors an Exclusive African-IGF Agenda with "AUC-DotAfrica Initiative" in Baku -Excludes DotConnectAfrica more

Conflicted ICANN Board Members on .Africa


DCA has filed COI against two Board of Directors at ICANN as of July 2012.   Out on the news!

INDUSTRYIndustry Brief:  

 What is up at DCA?

ICANN Toronto Logo

DCA attended ICANN Toronto and was also represented by its back-end Registry provider CentralNic. See our PR update link here...... 


DotConnectAfrica & CentralNic in Toronto



DCA's Recent Commentaries on .africa


DCA Trust Official Public Comments on .Africa application submitted by Uniforum ZA. 


Rejoinder: Bizarre Twist in .africa tale 


IT Web Africa Story: Alibaba & the 40 Thieve


Other Commentaries


Emerging Cyber Security Threats & Its implication for Private Sector




DCA ICANN Activity update

- DCA 
attends ICANN 45 CA, unveils IBCA initiative
- DCA contributed to ICANN Africa Strategy
- DCA Change request for .Africa gTLD approved by ICANN
- DCA contributed to Geo TLD Comment Proposal
- DCA contributed to Draw Prioritization Proposal

DCA Global Strategic Advisory Leadership Team: 

 Seen, Heard, Quoted!     

Dr Yassin Mshana DotConnectAfricaDr Yassin Mshana, International Development Consultant Based in Africa

ICANN Africa Strategy:  A New Approach to Africa - Welcome, But Not Inclusive


Phil Corwin -DotConnectAfrica

Philip S Corwin, Founding Principal, Virtualaw LLC;



Harry Hare - DotConnectAfrica


Executive Director at African eDevelopment Resource Centre 
Director, Managing
 Director at Demo Africa:

The Launch Pad for Emerging Technology & Trends.  Hear Video what  Hillary Clinton had to say about Demo 2012 and for Lions Africa partnership and support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation 


Mike Macharia -DotConnectAfrica  

Founder and Group CEO, Seven Seas Technologies (SST)-Mike Macharia -- Fireside Chat at iHub| September 2012 ; 


Video "what I have learnt since Strathmore University" on joining the DOTs, fundamentals and leadership!



Sophia Bekele_CIO MagazinFounder, Executive Director DotConnectAfrica - Sophia Bekele

Published Oct 14 2012 by Team Cymru Internet Security News

Emerging Cyber-Security Threats and Implications for the Private Sector                               Quoted 
"The new gTLD program will have a profound impact on the private sector's increasing dominance over Internet information resources and ownership of critical registry technical infrastructure assets. It is already anticipated that only the private sector will take full advantage of the commercial possibilities offered by the introduction of new gTLDs, and create new innovations around such new domain names that will result from this new gTLD application round launched by ICANN. It is also generally recognized that new gTLDs will unleash further inventiveness and entrepreneurial acumen of Internet enthusiasts and private sector operatives...."

DCA Global Activity updates

IGF Baku - DotConnectAfrica
6-9 November 2012: DCA E-Participates at IGF Baku: Press Release
ITU Logo Dotcconnectafrica


DCA Submits its Recommendations to the ITU for the ITR changes underway, Geneva  [more] 

DotConnectAfrica AITEC 25 year Anniversary  
23 Oct 2012: DCA attends AITEC 2012,  25th Year  Anniversary Annual Summit, Kenya [more] 
Dominios DotConnectAfrica
DCA's Yes2dotAfrica Campaign showcased in the First Latin America & Caribbean Domain conference in Buenos Aires Argentina[more]


DNS Women in Prague-DotConnectAfrica





DCA Participates in ICANN DNS Women Breakfast Meeting in Prague







New Development and Innovations @ DCA (click on link to view)                                   -DotConnectAfrica




Quote of this News article...


The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. ~Bill Gates   

"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor" -- Aristotle