June 13, 2011
We have kept our promise:
Putting Africa in the Digital map!

We promised you we will fight for your identity and your benefit
We have won key endorsements on your behalf.
We have traveled and campaigned across Africa so you are aware and included
We have campaigned hard and long for your interest at ICANN
We have represented your identity in the crowded international platform
We have made a case for your interest with the United States Government
We have mapped your Pan-African identity on the web noting your name and language so you are not forgotten.
We have informed, educated, & innovated for your interest
We have called upon you to get involved to be part of our community
We have fought our adversaries on your behalf and have won.
We have finally made history with you at the historic announcement of the New gTLD approvals with ICANN in Singapore!
We have a track record of keeping our promise that we have delivered on your behalf!
We have received your most recent congratulations.
We assure you, we have acknowledged it all!
We are grateful for your support.
What is NEXT?
The fight is not over!
Your continued support is vital
We still need to continue to negotiate on your behalf,
We remain committed to our original vision on .africa
In January 2012, DCA will formally apply to ICANN for the delegation of the dotafrica gTLD. Building on our past successes and representing your interests, we therefore ask you all to join us in this final lap towards realizing our common vision of a unified internet presence for Africa through a dotafrica Top level Domain name.
We have simplified your participation in ONE BOX!
Simply scroll down below and join our "Yes2dotAfrica" campaign, by following us on our social media, or filling out the petition, and/or simply sending us email for partnerships and proposals, and see how we can build this great Pan-African Nation we all dream about!
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep...~Robert Frost
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