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This issue's header features the children at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Waianae, who celebrated the start of summer with Scoops Scripture Sunday, on June 5, with -- what else? -- scoops of ice cream! (Photo contributed by Kaleo Patterson.)
Proper 6
Keep, O Lord, your household the Church in your steadfast faith and love, that through your grace we may proclaim your truth with boldness, and minister your justice with compassion; for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer
p. 230
Mark Your Calendars!
Saturday, June 18, 2016 The Cathedral of St. Andrew:
Diocesan Council
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Diocesan Conference Room
Saturday, June 25, 2016 The Cathedral of St. Andrew:
Commission on Ministry
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Bishop's Reading Room
Standing Committee 1:00 - 3:00 PM Diocesan Conference Room |
Monthly deadline for submission is the last Friday of each month.
Next due date:
June 24
Saturday, June 18, 9:30 AM
St. Mary's Episcopal Church. Honolulu
Louise Aloy (808) 667-0144
Castro, Hee, Beimes, Bowman, Tomoso, Lucas
(See article at top right and island listings below for ordinations taking place on O'ahu, Maui & the Big Island)
Professional Administrators in Lay Ministry
Friday, July 15, 8:30 AM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew
More info coming soon
August 5 & 6, 2016
With the Rev. Cn. Timothy Dombek
More info coming soon
August 28-30, 2016
Camp Mokule'ia
Priority registration has begun - Check your e-mail.
October 28 & 29, 2016
The Cathedral of St. Andrew
Save the date!
January 27 & 28, 2017
St. Timothy's, Aiea
Upcoming Safe Church Trainings
Please check under the island listings for a class taking place in your area.
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Sunday Adult Christian Formation Hour
Sundays, 9:20 AM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
Summer Evensong at The Cathedral
Ongoing Sundays, 5:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
(Choral Evensong resumes on September 4)
Na Himeni Sing Nights
Ongoing every third Sunday, 6:00 PM
St. Stephen's, Wahiawa
For more info: (808) 330-3769
Harmony Health & Wellness Ongoing Mondays, 3:30 PM The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Davies Hall, Honolulu
Healing Mass at St. Mark's
Ongoing Tuesdays, 12:00 PM
St. Mark's, Honolulu
Aina Haina Farmer's Market Ongoing Tuesdays, 5:00 - 7:30 PM Holy Nativity, Aina Haina
FREE Music Lessons Ongoing Wednesday evenings (Call to schedule an appt.) St. Mary's, Honolulu Contact: Fr. Dan Werning (808) 388-3121 Moʻiliʻili Service Center Free medical & legal services, clothing, food, bus passes Ongoing every last Thursday, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM St. Mary's, Honolulu (808) 949-4655
Makiki Farmers Market Ongoing Thursdays, 4:30 - 7:30 PM St. Clement's, Honolulu (808) 955-7745
Centering Prayer Ongoing Thursdays, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
Jazz Vespers at St. Peter's Ongoing Thursdays, 6:00 PM (Soup & Salad served after the service) St. Peter's, Honolulu
Pacific Peace Forums (with Potluck) Ongoing every first Friday, 6:00 PM The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Von Holt Room, Honolulu Contact: Dr. Haʻaheo Guanson, (808) 330-3771
Centering Prayer at St. Timothy's Ongoing Fridays, 6:00 PM St. Timothy's Library, Aiea For more info: (808) 488-5747
Tai Chi at Epiphany
Ongoing Saturdays, 9:00 AM
Epiphany, Honolulu
(808) 734-5706
Meal Prep for IHS
Ongoing every second Saturday, 12:00 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
Hui Pu Summer Youth Camp
June 24 - July 8 (Separate camps for different age groups)
Camp Mokule'ia, Waialua
Ordinations of Castro, Hee, Beimes
Saturday, June 25, 10:00 AM
St. Peter's, Honolulu
(See article at top right)
Aloha to Dean Brownridge - Evensong with Prayers
Sunday, July 17, 5:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
Ordination of Lucas
Saturday, August 27, 10:30 AM
St. John's By-the-Sea, Kaneohe
(See article at top right)
Save the date!
Emmanuel's 14th Annual Chocolate Extravaganza
Saturday, October 8, 6:30 PM
Emmanuel, Kailua
KAUA'I | |
Centering Prayer Group
Ongoing Saturdays, 9:00 AM
St. Paul's, Kekaha
Christ Memorial Food Pantry
Ongoing Saturdays, 3:30 PM
Christ Memorial, Kilauea
Saturday Market and Swap Meet Ongoing every second Saturday of the month, 9:00 AM All Saints', Kapaʻa For more info...
Saturday Evening Jazz Vespers Communion Service Ongoing Saturdays, 5:15 PM St. Michael's, Lihue
ReSource for Christian Spirituality Centering Prayer Group Ongoing Tuesdays, 8:00 AM St. Michael's, Lihue Ongoing Wednesdays, 9:30 AM St. John's, Ele'ele
Laundry Love Kauai Ongoing first & third Wednesdays, 5:30 PM Kapaa Laundromat, Kapaʻa
Soup Kitchen at St. Paul's Ongoing last Saturdays, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM St. Paul's (ECWK), Kekaha
ReSource: Kaua'i Sacred Day Walk
June 11-15
Koke'e State Park, Koke'e
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Centering Prayer Group
Mondays, 6:15 - 8:00 PM
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei
Centering Prayer Group Thursdays, 4:00 PM Holy Innocents, Lahaina
Ordination of Tomoso
Saturday, July 30, 2:30 PM
Good Shepherd, Wailuku
(See article at top right)
Good Shepherd 150th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, July 30
Good Shepherd, Wailuku
ACCW 3rd Annual Summer Social 2016
Sunday, August 21, 4:00 PM
Holy Innocents, Lahaina
Safeguarding God's ChildrenTraining
Saturday, September 10, 11:00 AM
Holy Innocents, Lahaina
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Teen Tech at St. James'
(On break until Fall)
First & third Sundays, 10:30 AM
St. James' (Spencer Building), Kamuela
Free Community Meal
Ongoing every 4th Saturday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
St. Augustine's, Kapaau
St. Jude's Women's Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 10:00 AM
Brown Bag Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 12:00 PM
St. James', Kamuela
Ka'u Food Pantry
Ongoing last Tuesdays, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Ocean View Community Center
Call Karen: (510) 778-5500
St. Augustine's Bible Study
Ongoing Wednesdays, 12:00 PM (Bring a sandwich)
St. Augustine Vicarage, Kapa'au
St. Jude's Men's Bible Study
Ongoing Fridays, 9:00 AM
McKinney Place
For more info: (808) 939-7000
St. James' Women's Bible Study Ongoing, First Fridays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM St. James', Waimea
The Labyrinth Book Group
Ongoing Fridays, 9:30 AM
Christ Church, Kealakekua
For more info: (808) 323-3429
Ultreya at St. Columba's
Sunday, June 19, 2:30 PM
St. Columba's, Pa'auilo
Ordination of Bowman
Saturday, July 2, 10:30 AM
St. Augustine's, Kapa'au
(See article at top right)
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Part-time, St. James', Waimea
Click HERE for more info.
Childcare Worker
Part-time, St. Christopher's, Kailua
Click HERE for more info.
Director of Music
Part-time, St. Peter's, Honolulu
Click HERE for details.
If you would liked to post a lay position at your church, e-mail Communications with the information. Positions are also posted on the Diocesan website HERE
Stay Informed!
Upcoming Events
Office of the Bishop
Previous E-News Editions
E-Chronicle Editions
Would you like to put an announcement in the E-News for a special community event or activity that your church is involved with? Please e-mail the information to the Editor, along with pictures, fliers and contact information.
We're on Facebook!
Stay in touch...
Where you'll find announcements and links to upcoming
events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
June 9, 2016
Message from the Bishop:
Upcoming Ordinations in the Diocese
Aloha, Having received the consents of the Standing Committee, I hereby inform the Diocese of Hawaiʻi that:
The ordination of Ms. Annalise Marie Castro, Candidate, to the Transitional Diaconate will be on Saturday, June 25, 2016, 10:00am in St. Peter's Church, Honolulu.
The ordination of the Rev. Dcn. Malcolm Keleawe Hee, transitional Deacon, to the Priesthood will be on Saturday, June 25, 2016, 10:00am in St. Peter's Church, Honolulu.
The ordination of the Rev. Dcn. Phyllis Mahi Beimes, transitional Deacon, to the Priesthood will be on Saturday, June 25, 2016, 10:00am in St. Peter's Church, Honolulu.
The ordination of Ms. Kahokuonalani ("Lani") Louise Bowman, Candidate, to the Vocational Diaconate will be on Saturday, July 2, 2016, 10:30am in St. Augustine's, Kapa'au.
The ordination of the Rev. Dcn. John A. Hauʻoli Tomoso, transitional Deacon, to the Priesthood will be on Saturday, July 30, 2016, 2:00pm in Good Shepherd Church, Wailuku.
The ordination of the Rev. Dcn. Paul Nahoa Lucas, transitional Deacon, to the Priesthood will be on Saturday, August 27, 2016, 10:30am in St. John's By-the-Sea, Kaneohe.
Clergy are invited to vest. Red stoles.
If you are available, please join us.
The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick
Mark Your Calendars!
The 48th Annual Meeting of Convention
October 28 - 29, 2016
The 48th Annual Meeting of Convention of the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i, will be taking place on Friday and Saturday, October 28 and 29, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew in Honolulu.
An Education Day open to all in the Diocese will take place on Friday, October 28, followed by the Convention Opening Eucharist at 4:00 PM, and celebratory pupu hour. Registration is required for these events.
Then on Saturday, October 29, the Annual Meeting will begin promptly at 8:45 AM. More information will be coming out soon. In the meantime, you may visit the Convention webpage HERE.
Reminder: Deadline to register is June 17
Hui Pu Summer Youth Camp
Camp Theme: Faith Like A Mustard Seed
Try something new and explore the masterpieces God made in old and new friendships, the environment around us and within yourself. Hui Pu is a summer camp for youth in grades 4 - 12, held at Camp Mokule'ia on O'ahu. Expect a week full of adventure, fun and GOD, all the while making new friends!
- June 24-26: Elementary School (Grades 4-5)
- June 27- July 1: Middle School (Grades 6-8)
- July 4-8: High School (Grades 9-12)
For more information and to register, visit the Camp Mokule'ia website HERE. If you have questions, contact Seini Lino, Associate Program Director, at (808) 637-6241, or e-mail her.
ECW Meeting & Specials Deadline Coming Up!
The next diocesan ECW meeting will be held on Saturday, June 18, at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Honolulu. The meeting will begin at 9:30 AM with Morning Prayer led by Fr. Gregory Johnson, followed by a tour of the Mo'ili'ili Resource Center, business meeting and lunch. If able, attendees are being asked to bring something to contribute to the Resource Center such as toiletries, towels, perishables, snack bars, etc. For more information, contact Louise Aloy at (808) 667-0144, or e-mail her.
ECW Specials: Deadline to Apply is July 15 Applications are now being accepted for the 2016-2017 ECW Specials grants, and are due by July 15, 2016. Requests will be prayerfully considered by the Christian Social Relations Committee at the ECW Annual Meeting in September. For more information and details on how to apply, visit the diocesan webpage HERE. _____________________________________ |
Evensong with the Prayers for the Ending of a Pastoral Relationship
The Very Reverend Walter Brownridge has announced his resignation as the Dean of the Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu. The Evensong on Sunday, July 17 (at 5:30 PM), will include prayers for the ending of this pastoral relationship and will be followed by a reception. Members of the Cathedral congregation, the Diocesan ʻohana and greater Honolulu community are invited to attend. Please plan on being present to say "aloha" and "mahalo" to the Dean and his family.
Annual Clergy Retreat Important Updates
This year's annual Clergy Retreat will be held on August 28 - 30, 2016, at Camp Mokule'ia. Unfortunately, the scheduled special guest speaker, the Rev. Justin Lewis-Anthony, has had to cancel, and we are currently making arrangements for a replacement.
Cost for the retreat is $80 resident (staying at the Camp), or, $50 commuter (driving there each day). Scholarship assistance is available upon request to the Bishop. Credit cards are being accepted online.
Because of limited space at the Camp, early registration for the retreat is currently open to canonically resident clergy and those licensed or retired clergy serving congregations and diocesan programs. An e-mail recently went out to those clergy containing the registration link. If you did not receive an e-mail, contact Irina Martikainen.
Beginning on July 6, registration will be open to all clergy on a space available basis. If you have any questions, please contact Irina. _____________________________________ |
Save the date! Diocesan PALM Conference 2016 - July 15
For the second year, the Diocese will be holding a Professional Administrators in Lay Ministry (PALM) Conference, on Friday, July 15, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. The conference is a full day of speakers and presentations beginning at 8:30 AM and ending at 4:30 PM. More information and registration will be coming out soon!
Ultreya at St. Columba's
"Ultreya" is a Spanish word, meaning "Onward!" The word was in common use by pilgrims to greet and to encourage one another along their journey to a holy site in Spain.
On Sunday, June 19, at St. Columba's on the Big Island of Hawai'i, in a climate of friendship, members will share their life experiences based on the three tenets of Cursillo* life: i.e.: Prayer, Study and Action, or based on a passage from Scripture. As its name implies, the Ultreya, is a call to move forward in our faith and to keep the flame of Christ's spirit within us burning brightly.
Whether or not you have attended a Cursillo weekend in the past, we hope you will join us for this small group ministry time of prayer, witness, singing and fellowship. Ultreya will meet from 2:30 - 3:30 PM, at St. Columba's, 43-1425 Hauola Rd, Paauilo, followed by a potluck for anyone who wishes to stay. For more information about Cursillo or Ultreya, please e-mail parishioners John or Charlotte Crouch or call (808) 883-9411.
*Cursillo is a weekend of spiritual renewal for church members.
St. Andrew's Schools Summer Institutes Sessions
During the month of July, The St. Andrew's Schools will be offering a variety of free summer sessions open to the public. Detailed information can be found on their website HERE. Offerings include: - 2nd Annual Introduction to Mindfulness Summer Institute
- 1st Annual Mindfulness Retreat
- The Council for Boys and Young Men Facilitator Training for Certification
- E Mālama I Ke Kino: Cooking Up a Rainbow @ KCC
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St. Mark's Pilgrimage to Jersualem
During the month of June, 25 pilgrims from St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Honolulu will be joining Fr. Paul Lillie on a two-week pilgrimage in the Holy Land. They will spend time in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea, Galilee, Nazareth, Emmaus, Jericho and more. Photos from the pilgrimage will be posted on St. Mark's Instagram page HERE, where you can follow along on their pilgrimage.
Save the Date! ACCW 3rd Annual Summer Social
The hugely successful outreach ministry on Maui, A Cup of Cold Water, will be holding their 3rd annual Summer Social on Sunday, August 21, from 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM, on the lawn of Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Lahaina. RSVP by July 15. More information and details can be found on their promotional flyer HERE.
Save the Date! Sponsors & Donors Needed
Emmanuel's 14th Annual Chocolate Extravaganza
Mark your calendars and save the date for Emmanuel Episcopal Church's deliciously decadent Chocolate Extravaganza, coming up on Saturday, October 8! This is the 14th year of this fabulous event, but it will also be 10 years that a large portion of the proceeds have gone towards supporting Family Promise, an organization dedicated to helping families in need. In total, they have raised over $56,000 for Family Promise! They are currently seeking sponsors and donations to help in their efforts and to make it another smashing success! Visit their website HERE for more information and to download donor forms. Stay tuned for more info coming out over the next few months.
What's Happening in The Episcopal Church?
Announcements from around The Episcopal Church & beyond
Save the Date! The Episcopal Church Evangelism Conference
Save the dates for Evangelism Matters, an Episcopal Church Evangelism Conference on November 18-19, in Dallas, TX, for anyone who would like to learn more about evangelism and available resources to share our faith.
"Evangelism Matters is an exciting venture which will allow Episcopalians to share, learn and grow our capacity for evangelism," commented the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, the Presiding Bishop's Canon for Evangelism and Reconciliation. "People often speak as if Episcopalians don't 'do' evangelism, and that's just not true. We're serious about sharing good news and growing new relationships everywhere."
Among the planned activities are an address by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, plus plenary sessions and workshops by evangelism leaders. A portion of the Saturday events will be live webcast to allow for individual and group viewing during conventions, discussion groups, and local evangelism gatherings.
Presiding Bishop Curry Names New Staff Members
The Rev.Canon E. Mark Stevenson, Director of Episcopal Migration Ministries
Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has appointed the Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson as Director of Episcopal Migration Ministries, a member of the Presiding Bishop's staff.
Since September 2013, Stevenson has served as the Episcopal Church Domestic Poverty Missioner, responsible for encouraging poverty ministry efforts aimed at systemic change and overseeing Jubilee Ministries, with nearly 700 ministries that focus on the economically impoverished. He has also worked to develop partnerships and extensive networking with many Episcopal Church organizations, including Episcopal Relief & Development.
Episcopal Migration Ministries is the refugee resettlement program of the Episcopal Church. Each year the Episcopal Church works in partnership with its 30 member local affiliate network in 26 states, along with dioceses, faith communities and volunteers, to welcome refugees from conflict zones across the globe. This year, Episcopal Migration Ministries will welcome more than 5,000 refugees to the United States from 32 countries, from places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burma, Afghanistan, and Syria.
As director, Stevenson will provide leadership with a dedicated, experienced team in implementing Episcopal Migration Ministries' national program of refugee resettlement as mandated by federal requirements, as well as any initiatives stemming from General Convention and Executive Council pertaining to refugee and immigration issues.
"The work of Episcopal Migration Ministries is an important element of our overall work as a Church, as we do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God," Stevenson said. "In my ministry over the years, I have witnessed injustice - and the struggles that come from it - attempt to strip away the dignity that God grants to each of us at our creation. As with the related issues of economic poverty ministry, the work of welcoming the stranger can bring systemic, transformative change to our world. I am looking forward to my new ministry alongside the professional staff of Episcopal Migration Ministries, its affiliates and partners, as the Church lives into this calling."
Lacy Broemel, Refugee and Immigration Policy Analyst
Following a churchwide search, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has named Lacy Broemel as Refugee and Immigration Policy Analyst, a member of the Presiding Bishop's staff.
As Refugee and Immigration Policy Analyst, Broemel will be based in the Washington, D.C. office of The Episcopal Church, working with the Office of Government Relations and in cooperation with Episcopal Migration Ministries, on the immigration and refugee public-policy positions adopted by the Episcopal Church's General Convention and Executive Council, and the ministry of the Presiding Bishop. The analyst represents Church policies to government leaders, devises and executes legislative and communication strategy, proposes and monitors federal legislation, writes public-policy statements and letters, determines and writes public-policy alerts for the Episcopal Public Policy Network, trains Episcopalians in public-policy advocacy, and builds coalitions to support policy priorities.
Wendy Karr Johnson,
Digital Missioner for Formation
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has named Wendy Karr Johnson as Digital Missioner for Formation, following a churchwide search.
As Missioner, Johnson will support the ministry of the Team for Formation and Congregational Development with a focus on online formation, social media and event planning facilitation.
"Ministry with youth and young adults is foundational to the Episcopal Church and to the Jesus Movement," Johnson said. "I am excited to have the opportunity to support this ministry and the young people of our church as we engage the critical and life-giving work ahead."
Thursdays at 2: Missional Communities
Thursdays at 2 is a weekly preview of Episcopal Church innovative ministries. Every Thursday at 2:00 PM Eastern, a new video illustrating the work of congregations and individuals will be posted on The Episcopal Church's Facebook page HERE and YouTube page HERE. Produced by The Episcopal Church Office of Communications, previously posted videos featured on Thursdays at 2 include:
- Mobile Loaves and Fishes, a food truck ministry in the Diocese of Rhode Island
- Re-membering and Re- Imagining, a report from the House of Bishops.
- Double Down on Love, an original song from the Thad's Band in Santa Monica, CA, Diocese of Los Angeles
- The Slate Project, an Episcopal, Lutheran and Presbyterian congregation that exists online and in person.
- The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, Presiding Bishop's Canon for Reconciliation and Evangelism, providing an update on recent church planting meetings.
- The Rev. Scott Claasan of St Michael's University Church reflecting on how music and surfing led him back to church.
In production for future Thursdays at 2:
- Church on the Square, an Episcopal and Lutheran church plant successfully celebrating its first year in Baltimore, MD.
- The Abundant Table whose mission is to connect the land with spirituality and community in the Diocese of Los Angeles.
UPDATED: Safe Church Training Dates
The Church's Safe Church Policies require church leadership and those working with children to attend special training classes. The following classes have been set up with more to come. Please read the Safe Church Policies to note the differences between Safeguarding God's Children and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training, and to see if you are required to attend a class.
- Saturday, July 9, 2016 - Safeguarding God's Children Training (St. Christopher's, Kailua, O'ahu) - Register HERE.
- Saturday, September 10, 2016 - Safeguarding God's Children Training (Holy Innocents, Lahaina, Maui) - Register HERE.
Deadline to apply is June 17
Applications Being Accepted for 2016 Jubilee Ministry Grants
Applications are being accepted for the 2016 Jubilee Ministry grants to further the mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church.
"Every year, The Episcopal Church provides grants to assist currently-designated Jubilee Ministries in their work," noted the Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson, Episcopal Church Domestic Poverty Missioner. "These grants are intended to help ministries in their mission to create a more just society and confront structures that promote cycles of poverty and inequality."
The 2016 Jubilee Grants will be awarded in two categories, totaling $65,000: Jubilee Development Grant and Jubilee Impact Grants.
The Jubilee Development Grant, up to $25,000, will be awarded to a new or existing ministry that can demonstrate a new or re-visioned strategy and methodology to address systemic issues affecting domestic poverty. This grant is intended to seed a sustainable program that makes a difference locally and can inspire others for similar work beyond itself.
The Jubilee Impact Grants, in amounts of $750 to $1,500 for a total of $40,000, will be awarded for initiatives of Jubilee Centers that make a positive and measurable impact in the lives of those in need.
Application forms are available HERE. Deadline for applications is June 17, at 5:00 pm Eastern. All currently-designated Jubilee Ministries are eligible. Proposals must be approved by bishop of the diocese and, if applicable, the Diocesan Jubilee Officer. READ MORE
Ways and Resources to Observe World Refugee Day on June 20, 2016
In 2000, the United Nations named June 20 as World Refugee Day, deeming it an annual opportunity to celebrate the resilience and success of the former refugees who bless our communities with their wisdom and irrepressible spirit and to examine the root causes of violence and persecution that force people to flee at an alarming rate.
This year, The Episcopal Church, in partnership with congregations, volunteers and our network of 30 local affiliate offices in 26 states will welcome more than 5,000 refugees to the United States from 32 countries, from places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burma, Afghanistan, and Syria.
"With more than 60 million displaced people across the globe, our work to welcome refugees to the United States is more important than ever," commented Deborah Stein, Director of Episcopal Migration Ministries. "To raise awareness and support, Episcopalians across the church are encouraged to find a local World Refugee Day activity or plan one of their own." READ MORE
In case you missed it, click on the link below to read
the latest issue of the E-Chronicle:
Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below or visit the Diocesan website's
Register Now! Hui Pu Summer Youth Camp
Annual Clergy Retreat Coming Up
St. Columba's Seeks Temporary Priest-in-Residence
Reminder: Hale Mo'ili'ili Guest House Available
Presiding Bishop Named to Anglican Communion Task Force
Application Now Being Accepted for Jubilee Ministry Grants Deadline is June 17
Special Update on Camp Mokule'ia
Campus Ministry Grant Applications
General Convention 2018 Dates Announced
Kaua'i Sacred Day Walk Changes Announced
Church Planting and Missional Initiative Grants
Episcopal Church Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted
EYE'17 Location Announced - Planning Team Applications Now Being Accepted
Presiding Bishop Curry Addresses, Updates Staff
Contact Information Sybil Nishioka, Editor
News Office of the Bishop 229 Queen Emma Square Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 536-7776