The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

April 2016
In This Issue
Easter Around the Diocese
'Iolani: Founders' Day Chapel
Clergy Education Day
Waiolaihui'ia Bids Aloha to The Rev. Austin Murray
Keeping Up with Jazzy Bostock
Following James Fitzpatrick in Panama
'Iolani Guild Holds Lenten Spiritual Retreat
ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar

***** APRIL *****

April 2
Maui Regional Confirmation, Good Shepherd, Wailuku
April 5
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Clement's, Honolulu
April 6
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Mary's, Honolulu
April 10
West O'ahu Regional Confirmation, St. Timothy's, Aiea
April 16
Governance Meetings
April 20
Bishop's Reception for Priory Seniors
April 25-28
Bishop's Colleague Group Meeting, Kaua'i

***** MAY *****

May 1
Sunday Visitation: ECWK and Celebrate 75th Anniversary of St. John's, Ele'ele
May 5
Chapel: St.Andrew's Schools
May 7
Honolulu Regional Confirmation, The Cathedral, Honolulu
May 14
Big Island Regional Confirmation, Christ Church, Kealakekua
May 15
Service: Pentecost, The Cathedral, Honolulu
May 21
Governance Meetings
May 24
Chapel: St. Andrew's Schools
May 28
Graduation: Seabury

Stay Informed!
Holy Week & Easter Around the Diocese

In case you missed it, click on the image below to read the Bishop's Easter Message 2016, that was released on March 24.

From the triumphant entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday marking the beginning of Holy Week, to the glorious Resurrection of Easter, churches around the Diocese celebrated Christianity's most sacred time of the year in myriad ways!  Enjoy these images gathered from church newsletters, websites and Facebook pages.  More Easter photos can be found under the island news sections.

Christ has risen indeed!

Alleluia! Alleluia!!
Our Schools
'Iolani: Founders' Day Chapel Elicits 'Chicken Skin' Moments


On Thursday, February 18, 2016, 'Iolani School held a Founders' Day Chapel that brought together students, current and past staff members, and representatives of the Hawaiian Royal Societies, to celebrate the school's history and to honor King Kamehameha IV (Alexander 'Iolani Liholiho), and his wife, Queen Emma. The ruling monarchs brought the Church of England to Hawai'i in 1862, and the school, bearing the King's name, was established soon after.

The Founders' Day Committee, that included the Revs. Daniel Leatherman and Nicole Simopoulos-Pigato, issued a letter expressing their heartfelt thanks for the wonderful celebration, sharing that "Students and teachers agreed there were many 'chicken skin' moments." Equally moved were the representatives from the Royal Societies who "affirmed that our Founders' Day and the honor accorded King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma as we are doing is, indeed, pono, right and true." 

Former Headmaster, the Rev. Cn. David Coon, gave a powerful sermon, reminding us that "the greatest gift we can give our students is educating the mind as well as nurturing in each of them a spiritual life."

To read an article about the event along with an exceptional video, visit the 'Iolani School website HERE. Pictured above from left, the portraits of the King and Queen will be displayed in St. Alban's Chapel throughout the year; the Rev. David Coon delivers an emotional speech; representatives from the Hawaiian Royal Societies make their way to the Chapel.  (Photos contributed by Daniel Leatherman)

Annual Chrism Mass & Clergy Education Day 
with The Rev. Robert Heaney

Clergy in the Diocese of Hawai'i were treated to a very special guest speaker during a Clergy Education Day held at The Cathedral of St. Andrew on Friday, February 26, 2016. The day began with the annual Chrism Mass and continued with the Education Day in the Cathedral's Von Holt Room.

The guest speaker was the Rev. Robert Heaney, Associate Professor of Christian Mission and Director of the Center for Anglican Communion Studies at Virginia Theological Seminary. The topic of the class was The Future of Anglican Mission: Critical and Constructive Conversations. As an Anglican priest-scholar ordained in the Church of Ireland, and having performed long and short-term ministry in Asia, Africa, Europe and the U.S., Heaney was well equipped to answer questions on the sometimes controversial and contested aspects of mission.

Then on Saturday, Heaney spent most of the day with the Native Hawaiian Ministry Committee of the diocese and others in the ordination process discussing Postcolonial Theology. 

"The indigenizing of our 5 Marks of Mission is an intentional process for me," said the Rev. John Hau'oli Tomoso referring to The Episcopal Church's "checklist" for mission.  Tomoso continues, "Rev. Heaney's two-day discussion with clergy and Native Hawaiian Leaders of the diocese put all of this in proper perspective, in that the Diocese of Hawai'i, I believe, has been 'indigenizing' since 1862!  Let us continue to transform Hawai'i Nei as she daily journeys towards peace, justice and reconciliation!!"  

"It was a lively and engaging conversation," said Bishop Fitzpatrick, "the Diocese has been blessed by his presence the past few days."

Heaney holds a doctorate from an Irish Jesuit school (The Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy) and a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Oxford. Among a number of published articles and book contributions, he is also the author of From Historical to Critical Post-Colonial Theology (Pickwick, 2015) and senior editor of Faith Neighbors: Christian Muslim Vision and Practice (Church Publishing, forthcoming).

Pictured at top, Bishop Fitzpatrick blesses the oils of chrism; Rev. Heaney speaks at the Clergy Education Day.  Above, the Bishop, Rev. Heaney and Rev. JaR Pasalo take a moment during the class, and at right, the group at Saturday's gathering.  (Contributed photos by Charmaine Ito and Robert Heaney)
Formation for the Priesthood
Waiolaihui'ia Bids Aloha to The Rev. Austin Murray

On Sunday, March 13, 2016, during their monthly weekend gathering at St. Anthony's Retreat Center, students and mentors of Waiolaihui'ia bid a fond aloha to the Rev. Austin Murray.  Murray has served as the Dean of Waiolaihui'ia for the past two years, and will be retiring and moving to the mainland. Pictured above from left, Ha'aheo Guanson presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Fr. Austin while Fane Lino and Preston Lentz applaud; Fr. Austin decked in beautiful lei; the new Dean of the program, the Rev. Diana Akiyama, shares her thoughts and gratitude; and Fr. David Kennedy poses with Fr. Austin. Below, a final group shot of Fr. Austin with students and mentors. (Above photos from Fran Kramer, group photo from the Trinity March newsletter)

Waiolaihui'ia is the Diocese's three-year clergy formation program that holds ten residential weekends during the year. For more information, download a description of the program HERE, or visit the Diocesan website HERE
Our Seminarians
Keeping Up with Jazzy Bostock

There are a number of people in the Diocese of Hawai'i currently studying for and exploring the journey to priesthood, and we will be featuring them regularly in the Chronicle.  

In this issue, from St. James' Episcopal Church on the Big Island, Jazzy Bostock is wrapping up her first year of Seminary at Yale Divinity School in Connecticut.  She has been sending regular updates to her church 'ohana that appear in their weekly online newsletters.  A couple of her latest letters can be viewed here:  January 2016    February 2016

Prior to her entering Seminary, Jazzy attended Punahou School and graduated from American University in Washington, D.C., in 2012. 

"We are very proud of Jazzy and excited for her entering into the process to be a priest," said Fr. David Stout, Rector of St. James'.  

We wish Jazzy continued blessings on her journey and look forward to more updates!

Young Adult Service Corps
Following James Fitzpatrick in Panama

In September of 2015, James Fitzpatrick headed off on mission to Panama as part of the Episcopal Church's Young Adult Service Corp (YASC).  When he arrived in Panama City, he was shown around by Elly Withers, a fellow "YASCer" who arrived a week earlier, and two church leaders from the Episcopal Church in Panama.  The week spent there was to "familiarize myself with my new country, meet people, and learn some of the history of Panama and the Episcopal Church in Panama," said James on his blog page.

From there, he headed to Changuinola, located in the northern part of Panama, and is staying in the rectory of La Transifguración (The Transfiguration).  La Transifguración is one of two churches that he has been working with to help build youth programs.  James is also volunteering at an HIV/AIDS clinic and a malnourished children's clinic.

In a recent letter to his home parish, St. Elizabeth's in Honolulu, James shared some his experiences. Prior to his Panama mission, he led the flourishing youth program at St. Elizabeth's, and that experience has undoubtedly helped him in his mission assignment.  You can read James' letter in the February issue of St. Elizabeth's newsletter HERE (page 7).

Although he is kept very busy, you can follow James' incredible journey through his YASC blog HERE, where he posts updates and pictures when he can.  Pictured above are photos from his blog site during a Vacation Bible School program held this past January.

To learn more about the Young Adult Service Corp, click HERE.
'Iolani Guild
'Iolani Guild Holds Lenten Spiritual Retreat
By Leimalama Lee Loy, President

On February 17 and 18, 2016, the 'Iolani Guild hosted a journey (huakai), preparing for Lent  (Kalema), at Camp Mokule'ia in Waialua.  

The Guild, founded in February 1863, by Catherine Staley, the wife of the first Anglican Bishop of Honolulu, and Queen Emma, continues today as a devotional and philanthropic society of the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i committed to:
  1. daily personal prayer and Bible study, encouraging all members to do as much as personally able to in the Hawaiian language;
  2. regular attendance in Sunday worship in our home churches;
  3. personally honoring and actively encouraging the commemoration of Ali'i, members and supporters of the Guild and the Diocese in our home parishes;
  4. supporting the 'Iolani Guild scholarship program of native Hawaiians and others of Polynesian heritage at The St. Andrew's Schools; and
  5. supporting an annually designated outreach ministry of the Guild.
As part of its pledge, Guild members embarked on this journey with the assistance and support of its Chaplain, Kahu Kaleo Patterson, and Guild President, Leimalama Lee Loy (pictured below left).  Study sessions included introductions to Hawaiian Bible study and prayer, along with Hawaiian hymns, songs and chants.  

One of the retreat's highlights and of great interest to the group was a talk given by Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick about the Hawaiian Book of Common Prayer.  The preface to the book was composed by King Kamehameha IV, to "introduce and explain the prayer book to his people."  According to the Bishop, the King acquired his knowledge of the doctrines of the Church of England entirely from his own reading without anyone to guide or help him.

(Photos by Jan Motoshige)


A Meeting of Cultures at St. John's By-the-Sea

During the month of February, a serendipitous cultural exchange emerged at St. John's By-the-Sea in Kaneohe, while hosting a group from New Caledonia.  The group, who had arrived early in the month and were staying in the church's Ho'okano Hall, were treated to a free concert on February 13, by another visiting group from Los Angeles, CA, the La Cañada High School Chamber Singers.   After the concert, the New Caledonian group offered to perform for the singing group.  Some of the LA students were studying French (the main language of New Caledonia), but music was the common language as the groups took to each other and ended up dancing together under the kukui tree!  

Pictured above top row left, the La Cañada High School Chamber Singers perform at St. John's By-the-Sea, and at right the New Caledonian group practice for a Sunday service.  In the second row, the New Caledonia group takes part in a Sunday service, and after the concert, the groups join together in a wonderful cultural exchange of music and dance.  (Photos and captions from the St. John By-the-Sea website)

St. Mary's Recognized at Homeless Faith-Summit

On Monday, March 14, 2016, the Institute for Human Services (IHS) and The Interfaith Alliance of Hawai'i (TIAH) hosted Hawai'i's first faith-based Summit on Homelessness at Central Union Church, in an effort to provide faith leaders with information on how to properly help homeless persons access services and housing. More than 150 faith leaders and community members attended the summit that featured workshops and a fair of homeless services.

During the meeting, St. Mary's of Mo`ili`ili received the IHS' Inaugural Peanut Butter Ministry Award for their service and leadership in developing solutions that addressed homelessness in the Mo`ili`ili community. The award is so named after the ministry that IHS' founder, Fr. Claude Du Teil, started in 1978.  Fr. Gregory Johnson of St. Mary's expressed his gratitude to all the volunteers and service providers "who make this remarkable ministry possible!"

IHS Interfaith Chaplain Terry Yasuko Ogawa said that they get questions from about 500 churches every year asking how to handle a person or situation involving a homeless person on church or temple grounds. Kimo Carvalho, the director of community relations for IHS said the summit is a way to educate churches about how to engage homeless individuals and what services are available.

Pictured above with the award are some of St. Mary's members who faithfully serve in various homeless outreach ministries.  Members from St. Luke's and Good Samaritan also team up with St. Mary's forming an effective "tri-church" approach to serving the community, and includes worship and fellowship opportunities.  (Photo by Markus Hadama, from the the St. Mary April newsletter)

Build Bridges, Not Walls

Pictured above, about a dozen clergy and lay people, including Fr. David Gierlach of St. Elizabeth's and Kahu Irene Tanabe of Epiphany, gathered at the Capitol with signs in hand to offer a different perspective on the gospel than the one offered by Evangelist Franklin Graham. In an article appearing in the Honolulu Civil Beat dated March 7, 2016, four ecumenical leaders in Hawai'i issued a statement in response to Graham's recent appearance in Honolulu that "fanned the flames of anxiety and fear."  Our own Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick was one of the leaders speaking up about the inflammatory remarks by Graham.  Their statement included a quote from Pope Francis who has said that 'Jesus was about tearing down walls, not building them.' (Photo from the St. Elizabeth March newsletter)
ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu 

St. Nick's Celebrates Bishop Chang's Jubilee

Members of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Kapolei celebrated Bishop Chang's 50th Anniversary of his ordination during services on Sunday, February 28.  Pictured above from left, an embrace from wife Dee, his beautiful cake, and St. Nick members shower him with love and leis.  (Photos by Kevin Shin)

St. Stephen's Plans Kalaupapa Youth Service Project

Pictured above is the planning committee at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa, who met on March 6, 2016, to discuss plans for a June youth service project in Kalaupapa, Moloka'i.  Youth Co-chairs, Mina and Jesse are surrounded by their mothers, and a team of dedicated advisors to support this endeavor.  (Photo contributed by Kaleo Patterson)

West O'ahu Community Happenings...

Lots of community involvement is taking place in West O'ahu. Pictured above from left:  St. Stephen and St. John the Baptist youth attend an Ocean Skills Training and service luncheon at Waianae Boat Harbor on February 26; on February 27, Kahu Kaleo Patterson blesses the new Aloha Aina Mural project at the Nanakuli Super, and at far right, with Governor Ige at the blessing of the Hale Mohalu - Kalaupapa 'Ohana affordable rentals on March 14.  (Photos contributed by Kaleo Patterson)  

Pictured above, Kahu Kaleo Patterson was on hand at the Makahiki closing ceremonies of the Waiawa and Halawa Correctional Facilities that took place on March 21 and 22.  80-100 inmates took part in the ceremony. In 2004, the Supreme Court recognized Makahiki as a valid expression of Native Hawaiian religion, allowing for official observances.  (Photos by Kai Markell)  


10th Annual Jazz Festival at St. Michael's

St. Michael and All Angels in Lihue, held their 10th annual Jazz Festival on February 5-7, 2016, offering up some of the finest jazz music to hundreds of fans on Kaua'i. The three-day event featured two concerts and two Sunday jazz masses that literally rocked the house! Pictured above top row, Festival Director Alan Van Zee displays the event's t-shirt; Phillip Hall and the Gospel Divas performed on Friday evening; bottom row, New Orleans pianist Matt Lemmler and jazz great Greta Matassa wowed the audience in Saturday's sell out concert; and St. Michael's Interim priest, the Rev. Mary Tudela, prepares the bread and wine to packed pews during Sunday services, against a backdrop of musicians.  (Photos from the St. Michael's Facebook page)

The Spirit that Heals
By Sybil Nishioka

On Saturday, March 5, 2016, St. Michael and All Angels hosted a ReSource for Christian Spirituality event, The Spirit that Heals.  Now in its second year, the event's theme focused on forgiveness, and brought together people from around the island to participate in a variety of workshops. 

The plenary panel that opened the day's activities was as varied as the workshops being offered, and included a prison ministry volunteer, a Kaua'i Hospice Bereavement Coordinator, and a spiritual sojourner. Rev. Phyllis Meighen, Founder and Spiritual Director of ReSource, asked the panel to share some of their life experiences and the role forgiveness played in their lives and the lives of the people they touch.  

Attendees then headed off to morning and afternoon workshops that included topics such as Holy Listening, Yoga, Welcoming Prayer, Godly Play, and using the Enneagram to heal. One of the wonderful aspects of this event is that it drew people from different faiths and denominations, which made for interesting discussions.  In one of the sessions I attended, every person was from a different church. I sat between a woman from the Bahai Faith, and another from UCC, sharing tears as we grew in our understanding of healing and forgiveness.  

After the afternoon session, the day ended with a healing prayer service. There was talk about being able to attend more than two workshops next year, and I am already looking forward to that!

Pictured above from left is the panel with Rev. Meighen seated at far right; "Aunty Ihi", a member of St. Catherine's Catholic Church, shares her experiences about the incarcerated women that she visits; participants walk the labyrinth made by one of the presenters.

Kaua'i Churches Welcome the Bishop during Holy Week & Easter

Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick and wife Bea spent Holy Week and Easter on the Garden Island, making sure to celebrate and/or attend many of the services at each of the island's Episcopal churches. The Bishop's busy schedule also included a chance to witness some of the outreach programs being offered up by the different parishes.  Parishioners were delighted to spend time with them during the most holiest of weeks on the Christian calendar.  

Pictured at top from left, Bishop Bob at Christ Memorial in Kilauea, on Palm Sunday, (photo by Bill Buley, Garden Island Newspaper); Prayer before the Good Friday service at All Saints' in Kapa'a, and in front of the pipe organ, (photos by Sybil Nishioka); Easter Sunday at St. Michael and All Angels in Lihue, (photo from St. Michael's Facebook page). Second row: St. John's in Ele'ele; Cathy Butler, Dean Wilson and the Bishop at Christ Memorial's food pantry; signs of community outreach on the Westside (photos from the Bishop's Facebook page).

Glimpses of Easter on Maui...


Lahainaluna  Students Get a Lesson on ACCW
Although many of Maui's neediest families know all about A Cup of Cold Water (ACCW), the island's outreach Care Van that was founded by Keku Akana and the Episcopal Churches on the island, volunteers discovered that many other residents have never heard about them.

The van pulled into a car wash fundraiser run by the students of Lahainaluna School, and learned that none of the students or parents there knew about ACCW. Volunteers opened up the van and explained what it was all about. The students were clearly impressed, and worked extra hard to clean the van-- and even washed it twice!

To view the article by Cindy Schumacher, of the Lahaina News, click HERE.

Holy Innocents Hosts United in Prayer Day
By Paula Baldwin

Listen with the ear of your heart.  
Contemplative Outreach has a United in Prayer Day each year.   This year a group of 20 gathered at Holy Innocents in Lahaina for a morning of prayer, contemplation and silence. We gathered for Lectio Divina, and centering prayer.  Then in silence we enjoyed food, drink and the beautiful outdoors with its share of tourist noise, birds, and quiet.  We continued with centering prayer, walked the labyrinth, sat in the garden, gazed at the mountains and left in silence with this offering;  go in peace, listening with the ear of your heart.

The centering prayer group meets at Holy Innocents each Thursday at 4:00 PM for an hour. For more information, e-mail Julie Baker.  (Photos by Donna Tarsitano)

Glimpses of Easter on the Big Island...


Witness of Grace on Good Friday

On Good Friday, Kahu Billy Mitchell (Mana Christian Ohana) invited all the congregations of Waimea and their pastors to join in sharing the love of God with all who passed by "church row". It was fantastic fun as people waved, honked and offered the shaka. The clergy all prayed together, giving powerful witness of unity in our Lord.  (Photo and caption from The Congregations of St. James' Parish online newsletter.)

Presiding Bishop Calls for a Season of Prayer
[March 29, 2016] Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has called for a season of prayer for regions of the Anglican Communion which are experiencing violence and civil strife.

"In this season of Resurrection, I call on everyone to pray for our brothers and sisters in areas where there is much burden and little hope," the Presiding Bishop said.

In addition, in his Easter Message 2016 (available here), Presiding Bishop Curry addressed the situation in Brussels, noting, "The truth is even as we speak this Holy Week, we do so not only in the shadow of the cross but we do so in the shadow of those who have been killed in Brussels, of those who have been wounded and maimed, of those who weep and mourn.  And of a world mourning, and not too sure how to move forward." 

Citing Galatians 6:2 - Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ - Presiding Bishop Curry called for prayer throughout the holy season of Easter. Beginning on April 3, the First Sunday of Easter, and proceeding through Pentecost May 15, The Episcopal Church is asked to pray for a particular province or region:

* Burundi
* Central America
* Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Middle East
* Pakistan
* South Sudan

More information is available HERE; be sure to check back for additional information throughout the Easter season. For more information e-mail Elizabeth Boe, Officer for Global Networking.

Galatians 6:2 Conference Explores
 'Bearing One Another's Burdens'

[Episcopal News Service - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania] Building trust through deep, intentional listening to one another's stories, helps to create a space where Anglicans and Episcopalians can begin to, as Paul wrote in Galatians 6:2, "Bear one another's burdens ...."

"You cannot become companions without creating the space where trust is developed," said the Rev. Ranjit Mathews, the Episcopal Church's Africa partnerships officer, who is helping to facilitate the Galatians 6:2 Conference underway here on Tanzania's coast.

As the theme, "Bear one another's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ" underscores, the March 30 - April 3 conference's objective is to develop a model of collaboration that will enable the provinces to carry one another's burdens in mission.

Twenty-three people representing six Anglican Communion provinces - Burundi, West Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, Tanzania and the Episcopal Church - have come together for the conference which opened with participants setting goals and expectations, and a Bible study focused on Galatians 6:2. By midmorning March 31, following the Eucharist, and a group brainstorming session, participants broke up into five, small pre-established working groups organized around particular themes.

The idea for the Galatians 6:2 Conference has grown in part out of a larger conversation driven by theological differences regarding human sexuality and same-sex marriage in the Anglican Communion, as well as an ongoing changing approach to mission relationships and partnerships between churches in the United States and Africa.  READ MORE (Photo by Lynette Wlson/Episcopal News Service)

Episcopal, Anglican Women Gather in NYC for 60th Annual UN Commission Meeting

The 60th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) meeting took place in New York City,  March 14 through 24.  The provincial delegate and Church delegates were able to attend the UNCSW official meetings as observers on the floor of the United Nations and represented The Episcopal Church/Anglican Communion in their advocacy, including joint advocacy with the coalition of Ecumenical Women.

The 2016 UNCSW Priority Theme was "Women's empowerment and the link to sustainable development" and the Review Theme was "The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls."

As a result from the gathering, the Anglican Communion delegation issued a statement to reaffirm 'unequivocal commitment' to stay in communion with each other. To read the statement in its entirety, click HERE.

To see photos (like the one above) and daily postings of the meeting, visit The Episcopal Church at UNCSW Facebook page HERE

Chronicle Header Feature


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for submissions in the next June issue is May 15, 2016.