Featured Articles
In This Issue:
+ Message from the Bishop: Communiqué from the Primates
+ 2016 Diocesan Grant Guidelines
+ Bishop's Scholarships Applications
+ A Retreat for the Journey of Lent
+ Prayers of the People with Hawaiian Values
+ Presiding Bishop and Primate Speaks on Actions at Primates Meeting
+ A Letter from the House of Deputies President
+ Applications Accepted for 2016-2017 Conant Grants
+ Task Force on the Study of Marriage
+ Updated Safe Church Training Dates
+ Godly Play Core Training - Honolulu
+ Chrism Mass and Clergy Education Day
+ Discernment Day Workshop
+ 2016 United Thank Offering Grant Applications
Contact Information
+  +  +  +  +  +  +  

This issue's header features the Ordination to the Priesthood of Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo, Jr., on Saturday, January 9. Be sure to read more about this wonderful event in the February E-Chronicle. (Photo by S. Nishioka)


Third Sunday of the Epiphany
Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our
Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Book of Common Prayer
p. 215

Upcoming Meetings

Mark Your


Saturday, February 20, 2016
The Cathedral of St. Andrew: 

Standing Committee
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Von Holt Room

Diocesan Council
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Via videoconference from the Diocesan Conference Room

Saturday, February 27, 2016
The Cathedral of St. Andrew:

Commission on Ministry
(Following Discernment  Day)
Bishop's Reading Room

Diocesan events header

Friday, February 26, 2016
9:00 AM - Chrism Mass, St. Paul's
10:30 AM - Education Day, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Von Holt Room

Saturday, February 27, 2016
9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew

Upcoming Safe Church Trainings
Please check under the island listings for a class taking place in your area. 
Parish Happenings

Sunday Adult Christian Formation Hour 
Sundays, 9:20 AM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Choral Evensong at The Cathedral
Ongoing every Sunday, 5:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Na Himeni Sing Nights
Ongoing every third Sunday, 6:00 PM
St. Stephen's, Wahiawa
For more info: (808) 330-3769

Harmony Health & Wellness
Ongoing every Monday, 3:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Davies Hall, Honolulu

Healing Mass at St. Mark's
Ongoing every Tuesday, 12:00 PM 
St. Mark's, Honolulu

Aina Haina Farmer's Market
Ongoing every Tuesday, 5:00 - 7:30 PM
Holy Nativity, Aina Haina

Moʻiliʻili Service Center
Free medical & legal services, clothing, food, bus passes
Ongoing every last Thursday, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
St. Mary's, Honolulu
(808) 949-4655

Makiki Farmers Market
Ongoing every Thursday, 4:30 - 7:30 PM
St. Clement's, Honolulu

Centering Prayer
Ongoing every Thursday, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
For more info: E-mail

Jazz Vespers at St. Peter's
Ongoing every Thursday, 
6:00 PM (Soup & Salad served after the service)
St. Peter's, Honolulu

Pacific Peace Forums (with Potluck)
Ongoing every first Friday, 6:00 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Von Holt Room, Honolulu
Contact: Dr. Haʻaheo Guanson, (808) 330-3771

Tai Chi at Epiphany
Ongoing every Saturday, 9:00 AM
Epiphany, Honolulu

Holy Hikers!
Ongoing every first Saturday, 1:30 PM, meet at Holy Nativity parking lot
Holy Nativity, Honolulu

Meal Prep for IHS
Ongoing every second Saturday, 12:00 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Narcissus Carving Classes
Saturdays, January 16-February 6, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
St. Peter's, Honolulu

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training
Saturday, January 30, 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Safeguarding God's Children Training
Saturday, February 6, 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
St.Timothy's, Aiea

DOK Quiet Day
Saturday, February 6, 9:00 AM
Holy Nativity, Honolulu
For more info: E-mail Denisse Kwan or call (808) 373-2131

Godly Play Core Training
February 13 - 15
Epiphany, Honolulu

Lenten Retreat at Camp Mokule'ia
February 17 & 18
Camp Mokule'ia,Waialua


Christ Memorial Food Pantry
Ongoing Saturdays, 3:30 PM
Christ Memorial, Kilauea

Saturday Market and Swap Meet
Ongoing every second Saturday of the month, 9:00 AM
All Saints', Kapaʻa
For more info...

Saturday Evening Jazz Vespers Communion Service
Ongoing Saturdays, 5:15 PM
St. Michael's, Lihue

ReSource for Christian Spirituality Centering Prayer Group
Ongoing Tuesdays, 8:00 AM
St. Michael's, Lihue
Ongoing Wednesdays, 9:30 AM
St. John's, Ele'ele

Laundry Love Kauai
Ongoing first & third Wednesdays, 5:30 PM
Kapaa Laundromat, Kapaʻa

Soup Kitchen at St. Paul's
Ongoing last Saturdays, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
St. Paul's (ECWK), Kekaha

10th Annual All Angels Jazz Festival
February 5-7
St. Michael's, Lihue

ReSource: Molokaʻi & Kalaupapa Pilgrimage
April 11-15, 2016

St. John's 75th Anniversary Luncheon
Sunday, May 1, 10:00 AM
St. John's (ECWK), Ele'ele
For more info: (808) 335-5533



Centering Prayer Group
Mondays, 6:15 - 8:00 PM
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei

Centering Prayer Group
Thursdays, 4:00 PM
Holy Innocents, Lahaina
For more info: E-mail

A Tasteful Benefit
Saturday, January 30, 5:00 PM
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei

Safeguarding God's Children Training
Saturday, April 9, 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM
St. John's, Kula 
Registration coming soon



Teen Tech at St. James'
First & third Sundays, 10:30 AM
St. James' (Spencer Building), Kamuela

Free Community Meal
Ongoing every 4th Saturday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
St. Augustine's, Kapaau

St. Jude's Women's Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 10:00 AM

Brown Bag Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 12:00 PM
St. James', Kamuela

Ka'u Food Pantry 
Ongoing last Tuesdays, 12:00 PM
Ocean View Community Center
Call Karen:  (510) 778-5500

St. Jude's Men's Bible Study
Ongoing Fridays, 9:00 AM
McKinney Place
For more info:  (808) 939-7000

The Labyrinth Book Group
Ongoing Fridays, 9:30 AM
Christ Church, Kealakekua
For more info:  (808) 323-3429

Financial Aid Workshop for College Bound Students
Saturday, January 26, 4:00 PM
St. Jude's, Ocean View





Childcare Worker

Part-time, St. Christopher's, Kailua

Click HERE for more info.


Director of Music

Part-time, St. Peter's, Honolulu

Click HERE for details.


If you would liked to post a position at your church, e-mail Communications with the information. Positions are also posted on the Diocesan website HERE

Ministry Links

Stay Informed!


Upcoming Events

Office of the Bishop

Previous E-News Editions

 E-Chronicle Editions 



Would you like to put an announcement in the E-News for a special community event or activity that your church is involved with?  Please e-mail the information to the Editor, along with pictures, fliers and contact information.


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Where you'll find announcements and links to upcoming
events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
January 22, 2016


Message from the Bishop

Communiqué from the Primates

Bishop Fitzpatrick

News from the Primates' Meeting this past week in England included the following:
A majority of Primates (chief bishops) of the Provinces (gathering of dioceses of national churches) of the Anglican Communion have stated that members of the Episcopal Church should "no longer represent us on ecumenical and interfaith bodies, should not be appointed or elected to an internal standing committee and that while participating in the internal bodies of the Anglican Communion, they will not take part in decision making on any issues pertaining to doctrine or polity." This is for a period of three years.  In other words, the Episcopal Church is in being asked to again step back from the Anglican Communion.
Why?  At its core, this is about our decades long conversation within the Episcopal Church and our actions over the past two decades to fully include the LBGT community in the full life of the Church including ordination and marriage. This, of course, has happened as our cultural context and our understanding of humanity has changed. 
What does it mean? Frankly, I was not surprised by the outcome.  It is in many ways better that I had feared.  In practical terms of our mission and ministry, the Primates' statement will have very little impact.  
In the early 1930s the Archbishop of York, later Archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, proposed that we Christians apply four basic Christian principles when addressing any issues of the Christian life and morality, and social and economic justice.  They are:  (1) the sacredness of personality, (2) the fact of fellowship, (3) the duty of service, and (4) the power of self-sacrifice. 

The sacredness of personality is the principle that affirms the value of each of us as individuals before God. The basis for this principle in our Christian life is the Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ. The Incarnational Principle affirms the sacredness of individual human persons as products of creation and the foci of redemption. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." (John 1:1, 14) These words from John's gospel graphically express the reality of a God who lived, laughed, suffered and died within our human lives. All humanity-each of us individually-is sanctified by the mere fact of the Incarnation. We each are a sacred personality.  READ MORE
2016 Diocesan Grant Guidelines

The 1% Diocesan Council Grant Guidelines for 2016 have been posted on the diocesan website's "Forms and Documents" page HERE. (Scroll down to "Grants".)

The grants, which have been awarded to a number of programs throughout the Diocese in 2015, support activities based on the Five Marks of Mission and are in alignment with the vision and goals of The Episcopal Church in Hawai'i. Soup kitchens, music and children's programs, Care Van ministry, technology and laundry outreach are some of the programs that were funded. 

Previous deadlines for submission were quarterly, but are now monthly, on the last Friday of the month beginning with February. The next deadline will be Friday, February 26. To download the informational packet, click HERE.
Bishops' Scholarships Applications

The Diocese of Hawai'i has two scholarship funds available for students for the 2016-2017 school year:
  • Bishop's Scholarship Fund - Students entering kindergarten to grade 12 entering an Episcopal Church-related school in the Diocese of Hawai'i for the first time.
  • The Chang Clergy Children's Scholarship Fund - Children of clergy under the age of 24 who are canonically resident and domiciled in the Diocese of Hawai'i.
The submission deadline is Thursday, March 24, 2016, at 4:00 PM. For detailed eligibility requirements and to download the application packet, click HERE.  For more information or should you have any questions, please e-mail Irina Martikainen.
A Retreat for the Journey of Lent:
Traditions & Theological Reflection
The 'Iolani Guild will be hosting a special Lenten retreat on February 17 and 18, at Camp Mokule'ia on O'ahu. Sessions will include the Hawaiian Prayer Book, introduction to Hawaiian language Bible study, chants, prayers, meditation and more. 

The cost for the retreat is $160 and includes overnight lodging and four meals. Space is limited and filling up quickly. For more information, download the informational flyer HERE or contact Kahu Kaleo Patterson at (808) 330-3769, or e-mail him. To register, click HERE.
Prayers of the People with Hawaiian Values
The congregation of Holy Apostles in Hilo has made available a set of prayers based on Hawaiian values. The Rev. Moki Hino said that when Bishop Fitzpatrick came to visit the congregation in 2014, members wrote and presented the prayers to him as a ho'okupu (gift) for him to use. These beautiful prayers can be downloaded HERE.

What's Happening in The Episcopal Church? 

Announcements from around The Episcopal Church & beyond 

Presiding Bishop and Primate Speaks on Actions at Primates Meeting

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has issued a video statement concerning the actions of the Anglican primates at their meeting in Canterbury, England.

Before I say a word about our gathering here at the Primates Meeting, I just want to say a word of thank you to you for all of your prayers: your prayers for this meeting, your prayers for me personally, both here and in my earlier sickness. We are well, and God is God, and I thank you.

Let me say a word about the meeting.

This is not the outcome we expected, and while we are disappointed, it's important to remember that the Anglican Communion is really not a matter of structure and organization. The Anglican Communion is a network of relationships that have been built on mission partnerships; relationships that are grounded in a common faith; relationships in companion diocese relationships; relationships with parish to parish across the world; relationships that are profoundly committed to serving and following the way of Jesus of Nazareth... 
On the Primates Meeting: A Letter from the House of Deputies President
[January 15, 2016] Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies:

Many of you have received the news that the meeting of Anglican primates that has just concluded in Canterbury has voted to issue what it calls "consequences" to the Episcopal Church for our full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in our common life.

This news may be painful for some of us, particularly for LGBT people who have been excluded too often and for too long by families, churches, schools, and other institutions mired in homophobia. It may also be hurtful or unsettling to those of us who value our mission relationships with Anglicans across the Communion.

I want to assure you that nothing about what the primates have said will change the actions of General Convention that have, over the past four decades, moved us toward full inclusion and equal marriage. And regardless of the primates' vote, we Episcopalians will continue working with Anglicans across the globe to feed the hungry, care for the sick, educate children, and heal the world. Nothing that happens at a primates' meeting will change our love for one another or our commitment to serving God together. I commend to you Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's powerful statement on just this theme.
Applications Accepted for 2016-2017 Conant Grants
[January 14, 2016] Applications are now accepted for Conant Grants from The Episcopal Church for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Conant Grant funds are provided for the improvement of seminary-based theological education. Specifically, the grants are directed for the support of research, writing and course development undertaken by faculty members at the recognized Episcopal seminaries in the United States.

Information, instructions, and application are available HEREDeadline for submitting an application is Monday, February 15. Grant recipients will be announced on or about March 15.

The funds are derived from a trust fund established by William S. and Mary M. Conant in 1953. 

Applications should be submitted to Ann Hercules, Mission Grants Associate. For more information contact Hercules at (212) 716-6321.
Task Force on the Study of Marriage Maps Out Triennial Work
[January 22, 2016] The Episcopal Church's Task Force on the Study of Marriage has mapped out its work for the next triennium.

The Task Force, at its recent first meeting, addressed its charge from Resolution A037 from the 2015 General Convention. The Rev. Brian Taylor, chair, commented, "Once again, our charge is quite challenging, as we have been asked to look at a wide variety of relationships and households other than marriage that currently make up one half of our society and church, using a broad range of disciplines, methodologies, and perspectives."

He continued, "At the same time, we are charged with the exploration of particular issues regarding marriage: specifically, the impact of same-sex marriage on our church, and the relationship between church and state in performing weddings."  READ MORE
Safe church logo 
UPDATED: Safe Church Training Dates
The Church's Safe Church Policies require church leadership and those working with children to attend special training classes. The following classes have been set up with more to come. Please read the Safe Church Policies to note the differences between Safeguarding God's Children and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training, and to see if you are required to attend a class. 
  • Saturday, January 30, 2016 - Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training (The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu, Oʻahu) - Register HERE
  • Saturday, February 6, 2016 - Safeguarding God's Children  (St. Timothy's, Aiea, Oʻahu) - Register HERE
  • Saturday April 9, 2016 - Safeguarding God's Children Training (St. John's, Kula, Maui) - Registration coming soon
Godly Play Core Training - Honolulu
Godly Play logo
Jenny Wallace will be conducting a Godly Play Core Training from Saturday, February 13 through Monday, February 15, at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Honolulu.

Core Training is the essential training for all Godly Play teachers in the Godly Play room. You will learn the processes and Core stories of Godly Play as well as the theology behind these practices. This time of retreat will strengthen your understanding of children's spirituality and leave you spiritually refreshed!

For more information, download the event flyer HERE, or register online HERE
Chrism Mass and Clergy Education Day
Chrism oils
On Friday, February 26, 2016, the annual Chrism Mass will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Honolulu. At this service, the Bishop blesses the oils of chrism (for baptism), healing, and the catechumenate, and the clergy take a portion of these oils back to their own churches for use during the coming year.

Following the Chrism Mass, a Clergy Education Day will be held in The Cathedral of St. Andrewʻs Von Holt Room, with guest speaker, the Rev. Robert S. Heaney, Associate Professor of Christian Mission and Director of the Center for Anglican Communion Studies, Virginia Theological Seminary.

The topic will be The Future of Anglican Mission: Critical and Constructive Conversations. Mission is a contested word and a contested practice. Yet, the nature of God is mission. How do we understand and how do we practice mission that does not deny missionary malpractice and at the same time does not reduce mission to charity? This will be a question at the heart of our conversations together. For more information and to register, click HERE.

Discernment Day Workshop

All clergy and laypersons are invited to attend a special Discernment Day gathering on Saturday, February 27, 2016, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. Join the Commission on Ministry (COM) to explore the questions:
  • How do Vestry/Bishopʻs Committees, Clergy and Discernment Committees help shape the ministries of Christians in this diocese? 
  • How do lay ministries really differ from ordained ministries? 
  • What are deacons and priests called to do?
  • In this diocese, how are they formed and what resources are offered? 
  • What are the steps in the ordination process? 
  • How do you say "no" to someone?
The program will begin at 9:00 AM (registration at 8:30 AM), and will conclude at 1:30 PM. For more information and to register, click HERE.
2016 United Thank Offering Grant Applications 
Now Accepted
UTO Logo[January 4, 2016] Applications are now being accepted for the 2016 United Thank Offering grants. The application forms are available HERE. 

The focus for the 2016 United Thank Offering grants is Mark Five of the Anglican Marks of Mission:
To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

"The United Thank Offering is continuing its tradition of thankfulness by awarding grants for 2016," commented Sandra K. Squires, Ed.D., United Thank Offering Board President.

Established by United Thank Offering, a ministry of The Episcopal Church to promote thankfulness and mission in the whole Church, the purpose of the grants is to provide start-up money for a new project that focuses on the Fifth Mark of Mission. The funds are not permitted for the continuation of ongoing ministries.

Detailed guidelines for applying for the grants, and the list of allowable projects and projects not eligible can be found HERE. The deadline is 5:00 PM Eastern (12:00 PM HST) on Friday, March 4, 2016.

For more information about guidelines and applications, e-mail the Rev. Heather Melton, Missioner for United Thank Offering.

   Chronicle Christmas

In case you missed it, click on the link to read

the latest issue of the E-Chronicle:   


Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below or visit the Diocesan website's 

Announcement of Ordination of Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo, Jr.

St. Elizabeth's Featured on CBS Evening News

2016 United Thank Offering Grant Applications Deadline March 4

A Tasteful Benefit for A Cup of Cold Water January 30

10th Annual All Angels Jazz Festival at St. Michael's
February 5-7

Upcoming DOK Event at Holy Nativity February 6

Godly Play Core Training - Honolulu February13-15

The Rev. Charles Tarleton Crane

Pastoral Memo on Congregational Membership

Dengue Outbreak: Precautions and Staying Informed

Music Conference with Dent Davidson January 22 & 23

Chrism Mass and Clergy Education Day February 26

Discernment Day Workshop February 27

Molokai and Kalaupapa Pilgrimage

Presiding Bishop Released from Hospital

Episcopal Congregations Research Available

St. Peter's Jazz Vespers features Theme Thursdays

Pacific Islander Young Adult & Youth Retreats

Opportunities for Big Island College Bound Students

Presiding Bishop Calling People to Prayer

Presiding Bishop Issues Message

Annual Meeting Quick Recap

St. Stephen's Offers Free Resume Service

Hale Mo'ili'ili Available for Use

Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps Opportunities



Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor

Office of the Bishop
229 Queen Emma Square
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776