Chronicle Christmas

The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

December 2015
In This Issue
Bishop's Christmas Message
Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries: 125th Anniversary of the Anglican Church of Korea
Keeping Up With Waiolaihuiʻia
'Iolani Guild Annual Christmas Tea Party
'Iolani Guild: Queen Liliu'okalani's Sewing Table
ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar


December 1- 3
Anti-Racism Conference, Chicago,IL
December 5 - 6
Meetings and Sunday Visitation: Grace, Molokai
December 8
Non-Sunday Visit:Epiphany
December 13 - 20
West O'ahu Meetings and Visitations
December 13
Sunday Visitation: St. Stephen's, Wahiawa
December 15
Chapel: St. Andrew's Schools
December 16 (Est.)
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Philip's, Waianae (Date TBD)
December 16 (Est.)
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Timothy's, Aiea (DateTBD)
December 19
Governance Meetings, The Cathedral of St. Andrew
December 20
Sunday Visitation: St. Nicholas, Kapolei
December 24- 25
Christmas Services at The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu


January 4 - 8
Province VIII Synod Meeting, San Joaquin, CA
January 12
Chapel: St.Andrew's Schools
January 15
Interfaith Reconciliation Event, The Cathedral of St. Andrew 
January 16
Governance Meetings, The Cathedral of St. Andrew
January 22 - 23
Educaiton Day for Musicians and Clergy
January 24
Service: St.Timothy's and St. Nicholas
January 25 - 31

Stay Informed!
Bishop's Christmas Message

As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies dráw fláme;
As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell's
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selves-goes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying Whát I do is me: for that I came.

Í say móre: the just man justices;
Kéeps gráce: thát keeps all his goings graces;
Acts in God's eye what in God's eye he is-
Chríst-for Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of men's faces.

Bishop Fitzpatrick
"As Kingfishers Catch Fire" is a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889), an English poet, Roman Catholic convert (from Anglicanism), and a Jesuit priest. His poems were first published nearly thirty years after his death. His posthumous fame established him among the leading Victorian poets. Hopkins expressed his faith and spirituality through his poetry.

In this poem, Hopkins begins by describing the interaction of light on the feathers of a brightly colored bird and the translucent wings of an insect, and then the simple sounds of everyday life - falling pebbles, the plucked string and ringing bell. Each thing does what its nature dictates. The human moment is called out in that wonderful phrase: "Whát I do is me". Our nature is shown in how we live and in our being.

A just person lives justice and the world sees it. The grace of God is only revealed because others see us acting by grace. Grace is seen in everyday life. God gives grace because God senses in each human being Christ, who is both human and God. Christ dwells everywhere - in human bodies and in the expressions of human eyes. It is the beauty lent by Christ's presence that makes "the features of men's faces" lovely in God's sight.

Christmas celebrates the uniting of the human and the holy allowing us to be the hands of God to care for the hurt and hungry, to be the mouth of God to speak words of justice and peace, to be the ears of God to hear the cry of the rejected and voiceless. Christ dwells in everyone - even in us.

In a world of violence and anger, we see the truth: it is only in the face of others that we see the face of God. Peace and love comes to the person who lives peace and love, and gives peace and love to others. That is our true nature.

I pray this Christmas our nature can be born into the world that others may see and know the peace and love of God.

Christmas blessings!

The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick
+ Keali'ikoaokeakua

St. Mark's evening Christmas service from their Facebook Page.

Good Shepherd's Nativity 2015 from their Facebook page.

Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries:
125th Anniversary of the Anglican Church of Korea
By The Rev. Moki Hino, Holy Apostles, Hilo
Editor's note:  There are references to the Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori since current Presiding Bishop Michael Curry was not yet Installed at the time of this writing.

Numerous people from the Diocese of Hawai'i traveled to Seoul, Korea, to attend the Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries Churchwide Consultation from September 30 to October 4, 2015.  The theme of the gathering, the 125th Anniversary of the Anglican Church of Korea, was "Celebrating Our Partnership; Uniting Our Mission."  

The outgoing Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefforts Schori; the President of the House of Deputies, the Rev. Gay Jennings; and the Secretary of the General Convention, the Rev. Michael Barlowe, were also in attendance.  

In addition to a rousing celebration Eucharist, a trip to the North Korean border, and tea at the US Ambassador's residence, there were four keynote addresses.

At the first keynote address, the Most Rev. Nathaniel Uematsu, the Archbishop of Nihon Sei Ko Kai (the Anglican Church in Japan), talked about how his church has accepted its culpability and reached out to other provinces in Asia who were occupied or invaded by Japan before and during World War II, especially Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines. I was quite moved by his description of his efforts of reconciliation with churches in these provinces.

We also listened to an interesting keynote address by the Right Rev. Allen Shin, the Suffragan Bishop of New York, who pointed out that Asian migration to the Americas began in the 1500s when the Manila galleons transported workers from China and the Philippines to Acapulco, Mexico.  Bishop Shin also talked about sanctification being defined as being set apart and then in order to be set apart there had to be differences, and so our diversity is a gift from God.
During her keynote address, Presiding Bishop Jeffrets Schori made the following statements:

Know that the work you are doing is changing the face of the Episcopal Church; and

Hisanori Kano was the only Japanese in Nebraska who was interned during World War II. He was too dangerous. He was a priest.
She then talked about the Sendai earthquake and how the Nihon Sei Ko Kai offered social and emotional support to the victims by providing them with hot communal baths (an important social aspect of Japanese culture) and tea ceremonies (so that people could engage in community and fellowship).  She also went on to explain that the Nihon Sei Ko Kai engaged in outreach to Filipino wives in fishing villages and gave them a feeling of basic human dignity and value. She then summed up her remarks by saying, "The world needs confidence that peace is possible."
At the fourth keynote address, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Yang from Sungkonghoe University in Seoul talked about the Sewol ferry incident and how students texted messages to their parents from inside the ferry before their deaths.  He then went on to explain that the owner of the ferry company was a leader in a prominent Christian sect in Korea that connected religion to the power of the state and espouses religious tenets of capitalism-prosperity gospel that led to insensitivity after the demises.  Dr. Yang pointed out that a business owner commented that poor students should have stayed closer to home and not attempt to go above their stations in life by traveling to a resort like Jeju Island.  Four days after the disaster, during Easter Sunday services, there was no mourning or reflection on the incident in many churches in Korea and Dr. Yang described this as "Easter Amnesia."  Dr. Yang then commented that exploited Christians are forced to not search for truth but to accept what happens as the will of God, and that the cries of the Sewol victims' families awakened us to compassion, connection and relationship.
As we gathered in Korea to reinvigorate our mission and ministry as disciples in the Episcopal Church, we were called to redefine the definition of "missionary".  The Rev. Winfred Vergara, Asian Missioner for the Episcopal Church, pointed out that, "The mission field is no longer abroad but here." 

Given that truth, we must open our hearts to the Christ we seek and serve in those around us--our family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and most especially anyone in our proximity who lives in the margins of our society.  As our Presiding Bishop pointed out, "Ministry is not to the margins, but from the margins."   (All photos except for the top photo contributed by Moki Hino.)

Formation for the Priesthood
Keeping Up with Waiolaihui'ia

The December formation weekend was a special one for the Waiolaihui'ia program as they celebrated the graduation of four from the first group. Pictured above, the Rev. Austin Murray joins the four graduates, Malcolm Keleawe Hee, Phyllis Mahilani Beimes, John Anson Hauʻoli Tomoso and Paul Nahoa Lucas, and at right, the graduates have fun with their spouses. (Photo courtesy of Hau'oli Tomoso)  

Waiolaihui'ia is the Diocese's three-year priest formation program that holds ten residential weekends during the year. For more information, download a description of the program HERE, or visit the Diocesan website HERE

Editor's note: Many thanks to Andrew Arakawa for supplying news and information for Waiolaihui'ia for the past year. He will be passing on this responsibility as he prepares for his upcoming move to Virginia to attend Seminary there in the fall. 

'Iolani Guild
Annual Christmas Tea Party 2015
By Leimalama Lee Loy, President, 'Iolani Guild

On Saturday, December 12, 2015, 'Iolani Guild hosted 38 of its members to a fabulous Christmas Tea Party in the Von Holt Room of the Cathedral.

The tables were dressed with red table cloths and adorned with centerpieces of Poinsettia plants, lovely ceramic tea sets of various hues and designs, and knick-knacks provided as gifts to each member. One gift in particular was especially noteworthy. It was a beautifully decorated "teeny" bottle of wine with a clever note attached to it which read, "You are Tea-riffic! God created you to do marvelous works of love...thank you for sharing!"  The words were uttered by our Chaplain, Kahu Kaleo Patterson and the gift of "Aloha" from Kupuna Lei. 

With Kilani Ventura as the General Chair, flanked by Hartwell Lee Loy and Pua Sanborn, as the Registrars; Jan Motoshige as the Tea Chair and Leianne Lee Loy as "Keeper of the Food Detail", their "elves" scurried throughout the room ensuring that all was in place for the "HO, HO, HO" party of the year. Teapots were kept filled and the elves were everywhere as necessary. A great big Mahalo to all the elves- who worked tirelessly to make this party a great success!

Special guests invited to the party included our Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick and Bea; our Dean, Rev. Walter Brownridge and Teena; and newly installed, Deacon Ray Woo. While we dined and chatted, sounds of Christmas music drifted throughout the room by our celebrated harpist, Sharene Taba. Her rendition of "Silent Night" was the frosting on the cake!

A gathering like this wouldn't be complete if we didn't interject a wee bit of business into the "gift bag"! Members voted for the officers for 2016-2018. They are: President, Leimalama Lee Loy; Vice-President, Barbara Vlachos; Secretary, Sue Berg; Corresponding Secretary, Gladys Rodenhurst, and Treasurer, Theone Vredenburg. Mahalo and congratulations to all of the newly elected, and a big MAHALO to the outgoing officers: Kilani Ventura, Vice-President and the best "go-fer" I ever had; Bea Fitzpatrick, Recording Secretary; and Momi Cummings, Treasurer.

In closing, allow me to quote the following passage from 2 Corinthians 5:17: "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

We look forward to the next two years to a growth in membership, increase in our treasury, and continued involvement in meeting our goals and objectives for 'Iolani Guild. 

Me Ke Aloha Pumehana! A blessed 2016 to each and everyone of you.

(Photos by Jan Motoshige)
'Iolani Guild
Queen Liliu'okalani's Sewing Table
By Leimalama Lee Loy, President, 'Iolani Guild

On Saturday, October 24, 2015, a private showing of the completely restored sewing table, owned by Her Majesty, Queen Liliu'okalani, was celebrated by members of 'Iolani Guild who donated funds for this restoration project at Washington Place. It was blessed by everyone singing "The Queen's Prayer" with light refreshments served in the outdoor lanai under the capable leadership of Kilani Ventura.

The sewing table, made of Koa wood with a resin finish, is a beautiful leaf (both sides) chest, with two drawers on a column, on a four-footed pedestal base. With proper treatment of the scratched areas, abrasions, and mason paint transfers, the Queen's Sewing Table is now in its original, beautiful condition. It is a "precious" piece of furniture which can be show cased and loved by everyone who will visit Washington Place.

According to a recently released book written by Riana M. Williams, entitled "Queen Liliu'okalani, the Dominis Family, and Washington Place" the Queen loved to sew! She did embroidery and needlepoint work and was an excellent quilter, who even sewed curtains for Washington Place. She was "often seen in town on errands to purchase fabrics, ribbon, even corsets, hats, or to get her jewelry repaired." (I note that Riana is an Independent Historian and also a member of the Guild.)

While in Boston, Queen Liliu'okalani received a request to make a Hawaiian doll to be included in an exhibit of international dolls to be shown at fairs for the benefit of charities for children. Her majesty created a beautiful, stunning piece in 1896, portraying her niece, Princess Ka'iulani.

'Iolani Guild, a spiritual and philanthropic society in the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i for over 152 years, is very pleased that we are able to be a part of the restoration efforts at Washington Place. We're also proud of the fact that Her Majesty served as the President of 'Iolani Guild for 17 years until her passing in 1917. We therefore invite all of you to take the time to visit the Queen's home and especially, to view Queen Liliu'okalani's sewing table.  (Photo by Jan Motoshige)

Emmanuel's Chocolate Extravaganza 2015

Emmanuel Episcopal Church's 13th Annual Chocolate Extravaganza was held on Saturday, October 3, and once again was a huge success! They raised nearly $19,000 for Family Promise and other ministries of Emmanuel. Dozens of local businesses support the event donating items for the Silent Auction while members whip up fabulous creations of decadence. Pictured above left is Jane Tonokawa, one of the main organizers of the event, along with youth servers and happy patrons. For more information, visit the Emmanuel website HERE.  (Photos from the Emmanuel website.)

O'ahu Churches Receive Spark of Hope Award

Representatives from four Episcopal churches on O'ahu gathered on All Saints' Sunday, November 1, to accept the Spark of Hope award from The Interfaith Alliance Hawai'i (TIAH) at a banquet hosted by Honpa Hwonganji. St. Mary of Mo'ili'ili (Honolulu), St. Stephen's (Wahiawa), St. Clement (Honolulu), and St. John the Baptist (Waianae) were recognized for their ministry among the houseless. Cecilia Fordham (pictured at far left) and Dr. Ha`aheo Guanson (at center) served as co-chairs. 

TIAH was established to provide "a positive, healing role in Hawaii with people of faith, goodwill and aloha" as stated on their website. Each year TIAH offers awards to organizations and individuals in different categories such as healing, encouraging non-violent civic participation, facilitating community activism and others. Congratulations to our churches for their good works.

Happenings at Epiphany

Fall was a busy time for members of Epiphany Episcopal Church in Honolulu. Pictured above left, a Godly Play session was held on Sunday, October 11, with (front row) Maris Jones, Lauren Hales, the Rev. Alison Dingley, Lauren Dockery and Dominique Hollis. In the back row, acolyte Bruce Hanohano and Godly Play facilitator Jenny Wallace.

On October 18, the Rev. Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo, Jr. Celebrated his first Sunday at Epiphany. Fr. JaR, who is originally from Maui and attended Good Shepherd, recently graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary and was ordained on June 13, 2015. He served in the Philippines for 3 months before returning to Hawai'i. He will also be assisting at nearby Good Samaritan. Pictured above right, is Fr. JaR with acolytes Bruce Hanohano, Don Botsai and the Rev. Irene Tanabe.

In November, Epiphany hosted guest speaker Holly Kiyonaga, Prinicipal of Palolo Elementary School, sharing information on how the church's outreach ministry can help; November 21 was the annual Bazaar, and on November 22, Mary Sueoka gave her Response to the Word followed by Keiki Hula in celebration of the Feast of Our Holy Sovereigns. (Information and photos by Portia Okamoto.)

The following photo is from the Holy Nativity newsletter:

Soup Supper at Holy Nativity with the Bishop

The Bishop and Bea made a non-Sunday visitation at Holy Nativity on Wednesday, November 18, and enjoyed a soup and bread supper with parishioners. The Rev.Debra Vanover is in the picture above right, third from left.

The following two articles and photos are excerpts from stories in the St. Elizabeth's December newsletter.
St. Elizabeth's Youth Flourishing
By Viliami Lino, Youth Coordinator

The youth have been really active this semester attending a youth program called Ku A'e Hou (New Rising Wings). This program's mission is to empower, encourage, and build faith, love and hope, establishing purpose for Hawai'i's youth and families. Our youth have been involved and participated in this program for the past three months. Every Monday they go to Waimanalo Park from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, (pictured above) participating in different games and activities followed by a brief group discussion with a theme. Last quarter, the theme was "Re-Focus" getting back on track to school mode from summer break.  "Let It Go" was the theme for this quarter, as we transition into the Christmas and Holiday season.

Giving Thanks and Providing Meals

Celebrating Thanksgiving at St. Elizabeth's saw members give thanks and share their blessings with each other, while also serving up meals to those on the streets. Pictured above left, Sue Jean Chun and daughter Collette Arakawa lovingly arranged the donated fresh fruits and vegetables around the altar, while non-perishables were arranged around the church. All who came to worship on Thanksgiving Day not only counted their blessings, they shared in the food that was brought in.

Volunteers also cooked and prepared 200 hot meals that were delivered to their neighbors on the streets. This was especially welcomed by those who are afraid to travel for fear of their things being stolen. Pictured above center, "Uncle Mo" dug an imu for the turkeys, and plates were loaded up for delivery. 

ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu

Blessing the State's Newest Elementary School

Kahu Kaleo Patterson was on hand to bless Ho'okele Elementary School, the state's newest school located in Kapolei. Pictured above, Kahu Patterson is pictured with students from the Hawaiian Studies program along with administrators and staff. The school opened on July 29, and the blessing took place on Friday, November 6, 2015. (Photo contributed by Kaleo Patterson)

Waiawa Correctional Facility: Makahiki Opening Ceremonies

On Monday, November 23, 2015, the Waiawa Correctional Facility held their opening ceremonies for their annual Makahiki. Pictured above with inmates are Kahu Kaleo Patterson (front row far left), Kahu Umi Sexton (third from left), Dr. Ha'aheo Guanson (fourth from left) and Deacon Steve Costa (second row second from left), with other special guests and speakers. 

The Waiawa Makahiki is a project of the The Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center, in collaboration with community organizations and churches. The goal of this program is to provide opportunities and experiences through the culture and practices of Makahiki that can have positive restorative and rehabilitative effects on the pa'ahao (inmates). The restorative justice approach is a commitment  to enable a healthy re-entry of these pa'ahao back into 'ohana and community. (Photo by Kai Markell, contributed by Kaleo Patterson)

The following photo and caption are from the St. Stephen's Facebook page:

Bishop's Visitation at St. Stephen's: Volunteer Recognitions
Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick visited St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa, on Friday December 18, and presented certificates of appreciation to our Food Pantry, Thrift Shop, and Resume Advisory Service volunteers. Pictured from left are Fr. Kaleo Patterson, Gail Honda, Marian Chow, Jean Wee, Alberta Souza, Bishop Fitzpatrick, Aloha Sanborn, Cherrylin Pascua, Diane Park, and April Kimura. We're very grateful for the hard work all of our volunteers do in the name of God, for St. Stephen's and the residents of Wahiawa Heights and Central Oahu.  

Pictured above, the Bishop visits with volunteers of the Thrift Store, Food Pantry and Christmas Shop. (Photos contributed by Kaleo Patterson.)

The Wooden Corpus at St. Stephen's
By Sylvia Eschbach, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

It hangs high up on the back wall of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa, its head hung to one side with such deep sorrow a viewer cannot help but sense the immense suffering endured. A life-size wooden carving of Christ Jesus crucified. So life-like in appearance, it is a provocative and lovely piece of work done by blessed human hands.

Rescued by Rev. Kishpaugh, Rector of St. Stephen's in 1966, from its crate in the storeroom of The Cathedral of St. Andrew. His query to Bishop Kennedy revealed it was a gift from a wealthy donor who sent it from Italy and said it was about 400 years old. His request to have it for St. Stephen's was granted by the Bishop who was pleased to have the gift find a home.

Unverified by documents and none known to exist, it indeed found a home at St. Stephen's. At the direction of Rev. Kishpaugh, it was affixed to a wooden cross fashioned by Alan Peterson from Douglas Fir beams retrieved from a former school building in the local town of Wahiawa.

For about 15 years it served the parish on Good Fridays when a few strong men would carry it into the sanctuary, where its presence was revered during services. It was not until sometime in the 1980's that it was given a place of reverence on the back wall of St. Stephen's. There it hung until April 2015, when the Corpus with its cross was removed for maintenance work on the back wall. It was then examined closely by professional wood conservator D. Thor Minnick, who volunteered his time and expertise. He was surprised by its fairly good condition considering its home environment, i.e. no air-conditioning and only screen-less open air ventilation when church is in use. Aside from years of dust and gecko droppings, there appeared to be no insect damage. He also indicated that the wood used for the Corpus was from some kind of fruit tree.

After the recommended careful dusting and cleaning was done it was replaced on the back wall while its keepers discern the future of its current home. In the meantime, it welcomes all who wish to gaze upon it, for contemplation, for reflection, for comfort, for respite, for forgiveness or to just appreciate the work of gifted hands, vision and heart. 

As for myself, each time I visit and gaze upon it, I am awed. All my perceived burdens evaporate in its presence. I obtain respite as it reminds me that my earthly concerns are nothing to what Christ sacrificed His life for.


Mayor's Homeless Summit
By Patricia Hillegonds, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Lihue

On November 23, 2015, Bernard Carvalho, Mayor of Kaua'i, convened a Homeless Solutions Summit. Approximately 100 people attended, with representatives from the houseless community, government, service providers, and faith communities. Among those attending were Fr. Ryan Newman and Nadine Nakamura (All Saints', Kapa'a) and Pat Hillegonds and Maureen Nuccio-Hiraga (St Michael's, Lihue). 

Through a mixture of individual speakers and panel discussions, people talked about the problem of houselessness on Kauai, the difficulties in defining the magnitude of the problem, challenges faced by service providers, and some of the actions already being taken by members of faith communities. Time was spent in small groups to look at ways the community could come together and work collaboratively on addressing houselessness and the constellation of issues that accompany it. The problems are complex, but the summit was viewed as an opportunity for the entire community to develop concrete plans. It is a beginning for what we hope will lead to creative approaches and solutions. (Photo by Ryan Newman)

KIA Thanksgiving Luncheon

Continuing it's record breaking numbers each year, the Kapa'a Interfaith Association's (KIA) Thanksgiving Luncheon delivered 390 meals and served up 700 meals in the All Saints' Gym to some very happy (and hungry) patrons! Once again, Mark Oyama and his staff were fully prepared and up for the challenge, cooking up a fabulous turkey lunch with all the trimmings! The KIA is a group of eight churches in Kapa'a Town who organize and raise funds to put this event on each year. Pictured above is a view of the packed gym; members of the Ke Akua Youth Group of All Saints' help with serving beverages; and on the delivery side, All Saints' member, John Hanaoka, has his arms full with meals ready to be delivered. (Photos by Marge Akana)

Holiday Craft Fair Raises Funds for Outreach

The annual Holiday Craft Fair at All Saints' Church is one of the community's largest with over 70 booth spaces and the island's finest collection of artisans, bakers and service providers. This is also the youth group's largest fundraiser of the year, with proceeds going towards outreach and different charitable organizations each year. The food booth raised over $1,000 that will be going towards the American Cancer Society's 2016 Relay for Life event next Spring, and the Silent Auction raised over $700 that will be going to Laundry Love Kauai. The booth fees totaled over $2,500 and will go towards the youth group's outreach activities including mission work. (Photo by Marge Akana)


The following article and photo is from the Trinity By-the-Sea November newsletter:

Experience the Mystery in Silence
By Paula Baldwin, Contemplative Outreach Maui Representative

Experience the mystery in silence... Jim Vorndran reminded us of that simple and profound statement when seventeen people from Lahaina, Kihei, Wailuku, Haiku, and Makawao came together on Saturday, October 10, at Trinity By-the-Sea Episcopal Church, for a centering prayer retreat.  The facilitator was Jim Vorndran, a Marianist brother, a friend to many, and a skilled facilitator. The focus was Never Alone

We learned and were reminded that even when we feel the Divine is nowhere around, our God is inside and out of us, waiting for us.  And when we come to centering prayer, our job is to sit still with no expectations. Instead of expectations, our intention for sitting still is what it's  all about, that's all there is, it doesn't matter what happens. Our intention to be with the Divine is what is important. 

Sounds simple, but humans want quick results.  We all went away from this time together refreshed and refocused with the knowledge that the Divine is within each of us and is waiting for us to sit still and experience the mystery in silence. 

Come join us.  We meet each Monday evening at 6:15 PM in the sanctuary.  

Centering prayer is a gentle and profound experience with our God.

Halloween Fun!
 Young and "older" at Good Shepherd know how to have fun, and there was no shortage of it at their Halloween gathering with everything from ghouls and witches to princesses and super heroes. (Photos from the Good Shepherd Facebook page.) 

Spreading Christmas Cheer
Every year Good Shepherd Epsicopal Church's talented crowd of musicians visits communities near and far to spread cheer and joy through their music. Pictured in this collage are the carolers who went to homes in Wailuku, Kahului and Upcountry Pukalani and Makawao. (Photos from the Good Shepherd Facebook page.)

Installation of The Rev. Diane Akiyama at St. Augustine's

On Saturday, November 14, 2015, a Celebration of New Ministry took place at St. Augustine's Episcopal Church in Kapa'au, as the Rev. Diane Akiyama was installed as the Vicar. Members of various ministries of St. Augustine's presented Vicar Diana with gifts that symbolized each ministry. The Bishop presented a pitcher of holy water representing Baptism. Pictured above from left, St. Augustine member Barbara Sterne, the Rev. David Stout from the Congregations of St. James' Parishes, Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick, the Rev. Diane Akiyama, the Rev. Moki Hino from Holy Apostles in Hilo, and the Very Rev. Austin Murray from Trinity By-the-Sea in Kihei, Maui. (Contributed photo - Excerpts from the St.Augustine newsletter)

The following is from the online newsletter of the Congregations of St. James' Parish, and photos from their Facebook page:

St. James Christmas Bazaar a Huge Success

On Saturday, November 14, 2015, the annual St. James' Christmas Bazaar took place, raising $8,673 to benefit The Community Food Pantry (operated by Annunciation Catholic Church), St. James' Outreach Ministries and the homeless. Nina Disbro, all the volunteers from the Thrift Store, and Church members worked tirelessly days before the event to set up the Christmas Store and craft/baked goods. The Marshallese congregation helped with cleanup and St. Columba's members made goods to sell in the food booth and helped with the bazaar in other areas. This was truly a community event that we all looked forward to and was a huge success because of everyone's hard work and attention to detail. A huge mahalo to this year's co-chairs, Susan Acacio and Barbara Lackey. 


The following are excerpts from the St. Jude's December newsletter:

Vandalism Brings Forth Hidden Blessings
By Cordelia Burt
In the early hours of Monday, November 16, someone tried to steal the hot water heater from Heimburger Hall, again. But just like a previous attempt, they only succeeded in damaging the water heater beyond repair.

Each Saturday, St. Jude's hosts many of our neighbors at our hot showers. We provide clean towels, shampoo, conditioner, shaving items and lots of hot water for anyone who wants to take a shower. There are several regulars who come each week and we think of them as part of St. Jude's family.

On November 21, our shower patrons were told that they could not have a hot shower that day because of the damaged water heater. It was hard news to share, but 15 hardy souls elected to take cold showers anyway. We were blessed that day to have two wonderful hot soups and good potato rolls to offer them and everyone stayed for lunch.

When our shower patrons found out that the water heater was damaged, many of them immediately reached into their pockets to give what they could to help replace it. Then on Sunday, November 22, when we announced what had happened to the shower facility, others gave money to the fund.

It's gratifying to reflect on the situation. What began as a very discouraging incident for us, turned into a very uplifting and encouraging experience. Many people in the community recognize the value of our showers and importance of maintaining this valuable service. Our shower patrons have become part of our congregation, and we enjoy the fellowship we share with them each Saturday. Their support of our facility manifests in many ways throughout the week and we cherish these relationships. St. Jude's will continue to strive to provide our shower ministry, despite vandals and thieves.

Thank you God, for the wonderful people that rally around our church and help us provide this ministry for those in need. We'll have the hot water back just as soon as we can get the building more secured. 

Celebrating Our Holy Sovereigns at Holy Apostles

Holy Apostles Episcopal Church in Hilo celebrated the Feast of Our Holy Sovereigns, King Kamehameha IV & Queen Emma, on Sunday, November 22, 2015.  Pictured above, Seminarian Andrew Arakawa, Dcn. Paul Nahoa Lucas and the Rev. Moki Hino; Dcn. Paul performing a song; members of The Royal Order of Kamehameha were in attendance.  (Photos from Hino's Facebook page.)

St. Nicholas Visits St. Augustine's

On Sunday, December 6, the Feast Day of St. Nicholas, the children of St. Augustine's Episcopal Church were in for a treat with a surprise visit from St. Nicholas himself (aka John Cole). He talked about his life in the 5th century and his commitment to seafarers and children. The event, organized by Kathy Matsuda, included decorating the Jesse Tree, arts and crafts, pizza and special coupons from the Thrift Store.  (Contributed photo)

Presiding Bishop's Christmas Message 2015

Hello. Our original plan was for me to tape a Christmas message in front of the United Nations building in New York as a way of sending a message that this Jesus of Nazareth whom we follow came to show us the way to a different world, a world rounded in God's peace and God's justice, God's love and God's compassion.

I recently had surgery and so we had to change those plans and so I'm here in Raleigh on Capitol Square. Christ Church is here and we're filming this message here just as a way of giving me a chance to say "Thank you" to all of you who sent cards and prayers in my recent surgery.  I'm doing well and I'm coming back to work. 

But I did want to say something to you.  It occurs to me that this Jesus of Nazareth really does make a difference.  And God coming into the world in the person of Jesus matters profoundly for all of us regardless of our religious tradition.

In the park across from the United Nations, the Ralph Bunche Park, the words of the Prophet Isaiah are quoted,
They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks
Nation will not rise against nation
Neither shall they learn war any more
What's not there is another part of that passage that's in the second chapter of Isaiah, and it says,
Come, let us go to the mountain of God,
That he may show us His ways and teach us His paths
We who follow Jesus believe that the mountain came to us when God came among us in the person of Jesus to show us the way to live, to show us the way to love, to show us the way to transform this world from the nightmare it often is into the dream that God intends for us all.

So, as the words were spoken on that night when Jesus was born, peace, good will to all people, God bless you, God keep you.  A blessed Advent, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all.

The Most Rev. Michael Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church

(To watch the video of the Presiding Bishop's message, click on the photo.)


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
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The deadline for submissions in the next February issue is January 22, 2016.