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Dr. Hallowell Newsletter            September 2014 

We couldn't die.  We were bold and green and as brimming hope as a person could be.  We were ready to take on the world, and terrified of doing so all at once.  But we took our chances.

It's back to school, back to work, good bye to summer, welcome to fall, and here we go again, in the great cycle of life.
I used to dread September because, even though I was a good student, I did not welcome giving up the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.  Who did?  Why did I have to go back for another year of studying, taking tests, and wondering about what my future might hold?
It's that last part, what my future might hold, that grabbed me today when I started to think about it.  Do you remember your school years?  Do you remember how long it seemed until the day you were done with school, but, at the same time, how infinite the possibilities seemed as to what life might hold for you once you got out?

We kids dreamed great dreams, dreams of doing just about anything at all.  Everything seemed possible and impossible both at once back then.

Introducing Hallowell Center Seattle, WA

November 3 & 4
Hallowell Center Seattle - Grand Opening -
Dr. Hallowell will speak to educators and parents on the evening of Nov 3rd and officially "kick off" the Center on Nov. 4th from 5:00-8:00.

Hallowell Todaro Center, 5502 34th Ave. NE,
Seattle, WA 98105      206-420-7345

Coaching & Counseling effective September 8th! Additional information will be posted soon.

Work Smart! Be More Productive!

Dr. Hallowell's Latest Book

Stop workplace demands from wreaking havoc on your performance and sense of well-being! Pre-Order here.

Achieve Focus 3 Words at a Time (each 3 words long)

1.    Do The Impossible.

2.    Trust Your Way.

3.    Take A Break.

Read More 

Available for the Holidays!
Official Release Date January 6, 2015
Hallowell Centers
Hallowell Center named as top ADHD Special Needs provider!

"I don't treat disabilities; I unwrap gifts." - Dr. Hallowell

Executive Function Coaching:
  • Organization
  • Goal Setting
  • Time Management
  • Focusing
  • Problem Solving
"Dr. Hallowell convinced my son ADHD is an ASSET not a liability." Bob M.


Getting Started is Easy!
Simply place a call to one of our new patient specialists:

New York City:  212 799-7777
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Boston, MA: 978 287-0810 
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San Francisco: 415 967-0061 
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Start the School Year Strong with a Neurpsychological Evaluations and Memory Training!

Upcoming Programs:
Dr. Hallowell LIVE

September 20 - 21
Charlotte, NC, Christ Episcopal Church

September 29-October 3
London, UK ADDSpark Workshops Dr. Hallowell's workshop features his Strength based approached.

October 9
- For parents, caregivers and professionals.

October 25
- Dr. Hallowell to give Keynote.

October 29

Chatham, NJ, Montessori Children's Academy - More info soon.

November 3 & 4
Hallowell Center Seattle Grand Opening - Dr. Hallowell will speak to educators and parents on the evening of Nov 3rd and officially "kick off" the Center on Nov. 4th from 5:00-8:00. Hallowell Todaro Center, 5502 34th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 206-420-7345.  The Center is Open for Business Effective September 8th! Additional information will be posted soon.

November 19
Duxbury, MA, The Parent Connection
Connection in the Digital Age

December 4
Waldorf School of Garden City - Garden City, New York
CrazyBusy: Overbooked, Overworked and About to Snap! Strategies for Coping in a World Gone ADD

April 15, 2015
Northshore Education Consortium, Wakefield MA - The Management of ADHD at School: A Strength-based Approach. Dr. Hallowell will speak at the Third Annual Behavioral Health Conference
ADHD & Marriage
Upcoming Seminars and Events

LIVE Couples Seminar
Begins Sept 23. This is possibly the Last - Don't Delay. Hallowell Readers: Use Code HALL2014 to receive $20 off either course!

Store Check out our books, videos, products, apps, etc and more! Our store is on Facebook too.

Updated Dr. Hallowell Apps

- New content
- Updates for iOS 8
- Improved layout

Do you or someone you know have trouble focusing, remembering things, and completing tasks? Is there a child in your life that has more difficulty than others staying on track? If this sounds familiar, it could be ADHD.

Dr. Hallowell's ADHD Quiz app helps you understand whether you or someone you love might have ADHD.  Detailed questions help you understand ADHD along with a wealth of ADHD information, resources, and next steps.

Available on iTunes for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch and Google Play for Android

Dr. Hallowell's CrazyBusy Tips guides users to highlight areas in their lives that feel out of balance, analyzes and then summarizes these responses into red, yellow, and green categories, depending on the return on time invested and worth-it scores.  The app offers customized and specific suggestions based on the analysis.

The CrazyBusy Tips app also offers 15 focus and attention-building games, loads of helpful content from Dr. Hallowell, and helpful tools including a stopwatch, gratitude tracker, to-do list, and an introduction to meditation.

Available on iTunes for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch 
Add Dr. Hallowell's AUDIO books and iPhone Apps to Your Cart too!
Driven to Distraction
Q: My son is struggling in 10th grade - with everything. He doesn't have many friends, he is easily angered and frustrated, and sometimes he refuses to turn in assignments. Any ideas on how I can help him?
A: Could anxiety be the root cause? Helping your student be more independent may not be remedied by hovering parents and tutors. Emotional self-regulation must be effectively managed by the student before the other executive functions can be implemented, such as planning and prioritizing. Before one engages in tutoring, managing the emotional brain is a prerequisite.

To learn more please read the article below by Rebecca Shafir.
Reduce Student Frustration, Anxiety and Physiological Upheaval
Rebecca Shafir, M.A., C.C.C.
school-group.jpgIt is often assumed that anxiety will just go away if the student just sat down and did the homework.

Why, after supervised repetition, modeling, role-playing and tutoring do executive skill behaviors not stick for some students? Why do some students consistently put off assignments they know how to carry out? Why is change so difficult for some students? Why does anxiety, like a tsunami, overcome a student when he/she is faced with a writing assignment or a test?  

In this recording, I explain that emotional control is a key executive function, and emotional self-regulation should be a starting point for planning and prioritizing. Before one engages in tutoring, managing the emotional brain is a prerequisite, thus allowing the thinking brain to get the job done.

I describe effective approaches for reducing frustration, anxiety and the physiological upheaval many students experience as they try to get things done.    

Rebecca Shafir, Speech/language pathologist, and the Coordinator of Alternative and Complementary Services at the Hallowell Center, can be reached for consultation at the Boston Hallowell Center 978 287 0810.  
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- excerpted from ExpertBeacon
mother-son-hug.jpg Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder that frequently starts in childhood and adolescence. While often misunderstood, OCD can be challenging to manage, but it is very responsive to treatment. OCD is characterized by anxiety-provoking intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and/or anxiety-reducing repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Individuals with OCD may spend an hour or more "stuck" on unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or rituals (compulsions); the obsessions and/or compulsions are frequently time and energy-consuming and interfere with daily activities that involve school, work, family and friends.

Most individuals with OCD recognize that the thoughts and behaviors are unwanted, but they find it very difficult to control them. Frequently family members may be pulled into the rituals (called accommodation) and, similar to enabling, this can perpetuate the severity of the symptoms. Fortunately, there are some very effective treatments for OCD and parents and families can learn how to help their kids with this condition.
Hallowell Enrichment Programs
FREE Teleseminar: I Know What to Do, I'm Just Not Doing It: 5 Steps to Bust Through Procrastination
Does this sound familiar?...
- You can't believe you have so much to do and you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing.
- You keep telling yourself that if you could just sit down and grind through it, you'd be fine.
- You know you can't do it all, but you don't how you will ever say No when everything seems so important.

Join us for the Free Teleseminar on Friday September 19th at Noon Eastern (9 am Pacific), with Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking, coach on staff at the Hallowell Center

Register here 


Join Dr. Hallowell in London
- From Sept 29th to Oct 3rd 2014, Dr Hallowell will host a series of workshops in London for parents, ADD adults, educators and health professionals.  The theme of the workshops is "Mastering ADHD for Lifelong Success" and focuses on Dr Hallowell's positive, practical and proven approach to help master the power of ADD/ADHD while avoiding its pitfalls. For more information, please visit ADDSpark.  
Dr. Hallowell In the News
Find the Right Job for You -
Dr. Hallowell's ten questions helps you identify if you are in a job that suits you, or not. Read the article in ADDitude Magazine.

Human Connection, The "Other Vitamin C" - is as essential to our health, success, joy and longevity as ascorbic acid. Read Dr. Hallowell's article on for tips on how you can get more vitamin C in your life. Check out this article from Care2 to assess your connectedness quotient. For more tips on how to reaffirm the connections in your life, read Dr. Hallowell's book Connect.   

Medication is not the only available treatment option for ADHD - Listen to Dr. David Keevil's interview with Practice of the Practice to learn of alternative management techniques.
Dr. Hallowell Speakers Bureau


"Ned was great! His stories were so filled with meaning and humor. What a likeable person, and with such important information to share. I think everyone could relate to him, find a piece of their own lives and experiences in his own and feel accepting of all."  Marcy


Invite Dr. Hallowell to Your Event!

Dr. Hallowell is a seasoned and passionate speaker. He offers customized, entertaining, and research-driven talks on a wide range of topics including ADHD, parenting, relationships, education, and business. 
Learn more  
Dr. Hallowell Likes


ADHD Relationship Live TeleSeminar with Melissa Orlov
This may be the final session. Enter Code HALL2014 to receive $20 off either live or recorded course  

ImpactADHD Online training programs for parents:

 Minimize Meltdowns
Enter Code ACTFAST to receive over $50 off

  Homework Headaches
Enter Code ACTFAST to receive over $50 off

  ADHD Parent Manual
Enter Code SUCCESS to receive more than 45% off!  

Read Archived Newsletters here

Sign up for the Hallowell Newsletter here
Driven to Distraction
Celebrating 20 Years!

Happy Anniversary!

Driven to Distraction was published in 1994!

Wow, look at how much has happened since then!
"Without intervention, children with undiagnosed can fail in school and go on to suffer depression, low self-esteem and anger." - Edward M. Hallowell


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