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     Dr. Hallowell Newsletter      October 2013   


Ned, nice smile Greetings to you all.  As we head into fall, the leaves in my neck of the woods are starting to blaze, creating my favorite time of the year in New England.  There is a zing in the air, a crispness, that suggests apples, pumpkins, and the advent of Thanksgiving.
Life shoots us so many darts, so many unexpected challenges and sometimes disasters, that it is easy to forget all that we might give thanks for, would we stop and see the leaves, so to speak. Read More Here.
Could You Have ADHD and Not Know It? This video tells you what signs to look out for

"I don't treat disabilities; I unwrap gifts." - Dr. Hallowell
Hallowell Centers Strength-Based Philosophy:
We Search for What is Good, Strong & Healthy First!

Lead a happier, more productive life through our balanced treatment approaches that integrate the latest in brain, body and heart research!
Coaching via SKYPE is available at each Center
Getting Started is Easy!
Simply place a call to one of our new patient specialists:

New York City:  212 799-7777 
Sudbury, MA:
  978 287-0810    

San Francisco: 415 967-0061 
Dr. Hallowell LIVE
October 22  
Presentation: Are we Over Medicating Our Children. Professionals Only.  
October 23
Presentation: Connect: The Other Vitamin C
October 24  
Presentation: Unwrapping the Gifts of ADHD 

October 29 
FREE ADDitude Live Webinar: A Great Life With ADHD

Presentation: SHINE 
Dr. Hallowell LIKES
October 20 - 26
Online ADHD Awareness Expo Video interviews with top ADHD experts on a wide variety of topics.

Are we Over-Medicating Our Children? - Oct 22, 6:30-8pm. Dr. Hallowell will lead a dialog on the use of medication and alternative options for people with ADHD. This free discussion is designed as an information exchange on the management of ADHD using a positive, balanced treatment approach that integrates the latest research on brain, body and heart. 


Free Complementary Intervention and Executive Function inquiry Call - Please call 978 287 0810 to speak with our clinicians.   


Master Your Mind - Private,  customized, sessions for students, adults and seniors focus on strategies and executive function training by Rebecca Shafir M.A.CCC

Research Study for Children ages 8-12 with ADHD -

The Hallowell Center Sudbury is supporting the Atentiv, Inc trial demonstration of a novel, free of charge, attention training system. Please contact Ashley_McDermott@Atentiv.com

Calm and Connected for Parents, Oct 22 - Nov 26, Learn to keep your calm, reduce stress and instill self-esteem.

Managing Homework for Children with ADHD - Dec 3-10, Jan 7-14 (morning or evening) Reduce daily stress of Homework

Dr. Hallowell at the Fusion Academy
Oct 24 - Unwrapping the Gifts of ADHD - find the talents embedded in ADHD.  
ADHD & Marriage

Online ADHD Awareness Expo, Oct 23, Favorite tips for making your relationship happier and more compatible.


Multi-Modal Treatment for Your ADHD-Impacted Relationship.  
Add AUDIO books to Your Reading List too!
Driven to Distraction

Read Archived Newsletters here

Sign up for the Hallowell Newsletter here

Q: Can you tell me if there is a connection between allergies or asthma and having ADHD?
A: Yes, indeed, there is a connection between allergies, asthma, and ADHD, but it is not a causal connection. There is a much higher incidence of allergies and asthma (as well as a host of other conditions and quirks, such as early ear infections, bedwetting, sleepwalking, migraine syndrome, night terrors, sleep disorders, thyroid disorders, left-handedness or mixed dominance, poor hand-eye coordination, poor handwriting, and klutziness) in people who have ADHD than in the general population. But it's simply an association, not a cause.
Remember, also, the upside! People with ADHD tend to be more creative, tenacious, entrepreneurial, jovial, forgiving, charismatic, original, and fun than the general populace as well!
The Working Parent with ADHD: Managing Your WORRY
Rona Shalev, PsyD
September was a breeze. You proudly checked off the list of necessary supplies for your child's new class, including colorful notebooks, binders, pencils, pens, and highlighters ...all in time to catch the bus (ON TIME!) for the first day of school. You sent your child off with an orderly backpack; you even wished you had this neat backpack.

You were ready for the school year to begin!

It's now October and suddenly the homework is more difficult. After school activities have begun. Projects at the office are mounting. How did you deal with this last year? Why is this suddenly so overwhelming?
There's no shortage of advice from principals and teachers on the support you can provide for your children as they transition from summer to school. But what happens after they've finally made that transition? Who supports you? You're a parent - you don't have time to have ADD!!!  Read More 

Check out our Calm and Connected Parenting Workshop, beginning October 22!
Dr. Hallowell in the News
HyperFocus: The Flip Side of ADHD
Dr. Hallowell explains that "flow" - a term that describes deep concentration - is good when something really matters to you, and not so good when "screen sucking" or lost in a television or computer screen. Read more at the Child Life Institute.

Dr. Hallowell Discusses NY Times ADHD Article on The Laura Ingraham Show 
Laura Ingraham queried Dr. Hallowell on his thoughts regarding the October 15th NY Times article that argues that the rapid increase in people with A.D.H.D. is because of sociological factors - changes in the way we school our children, in the way we interact with doctors and in what we expect from our kids.  Read the article in the NY Times.

Is Your Home/Work Balance Askew? -   

Dr. Hallowell helps parents manage their lives better.  

Tips #22 and #25 are by Dr Hallowell.  Read all these handy tips at Parents.com.

Your Approach Can Set the Tone for How Your Child Manages ADHD - Managing a child with ADHD can be challenging - to say the least! "Look for that spark and surround your self with laughter," says Dr. Hallowell.  Learn more at ExpertBeacon.com.
The Hallowell Center NYC offers Calm and Connected workshops to help parents become a "coach" for their own ADHD child!

Dr. Hallowell's ADHD Camp - Save the Date.  Dr. Hallowell will be helping youth and parents at the Leelanau ADHD Camp July 14-18, 2014.  Learn more at Leelanau.org  
Dr. Hallowell Speakers Bureau


October is ADHD Month - Invite  
Dr. Hallowell to Speak at Your Event!


Dr. Hallowell, a seasoned and passionate speaker, offers customized, entertaining, and research-driven talks on a wide range of topics including ADHD, parenting, relationships, education, and business.  Learn more
Presenter Topic of the Month: 

Dr. Hallowell describes, in detail, the human experience of ADD, the impact of ADD on the family and on couples, and the various treatments available, as well as the directions of current research.  In the longer lectures and the daylong workshops, Dr. Hallowell allows plenty of time for questions and audience participation. 
Dr. Hallowell Store

Store New books, videos, products, apps, etc on ADHD and other topics are added regularly......keep checking in!  Find it on Facebook too.

Product of the Month: 

Celebrate ADHD Month - Wear Your ADHD T-Shirt With Pride!
ADHD can be a gift when properly managed.  Show off your "Super Powers" with these T-Shirts. Available for women and children.

Dr. Hallowell Professional Programs

Dr. Hallowell Quote of the Month:

"If the diagnosis can be made, then most of the bad stuff associated with ADHD can be avoided or contained. The diagnosis can be liberating, particularly for people who have been stuck with labels like "lazy," "stubborn," "willful," "disruptive," "impossible," "tyrannical," "a space shot," "brain damaged," "stupid," or just plain "bad." Making the diagnosis of ADHD can take the case from the court of moral judgment to the clinic of neuropsychiatric treatment."


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