May 2013 Issue
Letter from the Director
University 2.0
Video Highlights
In case you missed it:
UC College Access Hackathon
Learning Mode Hackathon
Learning Mode
Learning Mode Conference Highlights

"The Online Revolution" Research Exchange Seminar
The Online Revolution: High-Quality Education for Everyone
The Online Revolution: High-Quality Education for Everyone by Andrew Ng, co-founder of Coursera

Advanced Energy Storage
Janice Lin, Strategen  
An i4Energy Seminar
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall 
UC Berkeley
12-1pm, Free

Sponsored by the Knight Digital Media Center
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall
UC Berkeley, 9am-3:30pm
Register now

Banny Banerjee, Stanford University 
An i4Energy Seminar
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall 
UC Berkeley
12-1pm, Free

05.28 - 07.03.13
American Cultures, Summer Course
BCNM Commons, 340 Moffitt Library
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Newsletter Subtitle
Letter from the Director, Paul K. Wright
Dear Friends of CITRIS, 


Paul Wright, CITRIS Director

Exciting! I don't use that word often, but I have some exciting news. Congratulations to Dr. Camille Crittenden, who has been named to the new position of CITRIS Deputy Director. Camille joined us last year as Director of the Data and Democracy Initiative. Since then she has helped to develop projects and secure funding for a variety of interactive tools to promote civic engagement, and produced symposia in data visualization, online education, and the use of video for human rights advocacy. Her success in bringing together researchers, advocacy groups, public agencies, and industry leaders within these multi-disciplinary areas is just part of what makes her the perfect choice to help lead CITRIS in continuing to create collaborations that lead to breakthroughs for society.  


Read the full letter � 

Real questions remain about the effectiveness of online vs. traditional formats for the future of higher education.  


Online education has been launched into orbit, ignited by the convergence of multiple phenomena. College tuition continues to climb while students and their families search for more affordable alternatives. At the same time, public universities face the economic pinch of repeated budget cuts and are seeking ways to instruct growing numbers of students for less. Finally, web technology is now fast and reliable enough that multimedia instructional materials are accessible to anyone with a basic Internet connection. Students can confidently download new plug-ins and load videos.


Read the full article � 


Make a Gift to CITRIS

CITRIS's mission, to "shorten the pipeline" between research innovations and their application to real-world problems, requires investment from a range of partners. We receive funding from the University of California, as well as corporations, foundations, and individuals committed to improving the lives of Californians and others around the world. If you would like to support our work in health care, energy, intelligent infrastructures, or  data and democracy, please consider making a gift online or contact our Director of Finance Karen Stierwalt. Thank you!



The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) creates information technology solutions for many of our most pressing social, environmental, and health care problems.