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Performance Newsletter
January 26th - February 1st

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Save The Date


Stretch and Roll Clinic

Saturday, January 31st

12:00pm at Phase IV 

1544 20th St.

 *Please Note: There is a $25 fee for this clinic

Space is Limited so **Please pay in advance** to hold RSVP
Includes Stretch Strap


Phase IV RunLab™ Analysis Clinic
Monday, February 9th 

6:30 - 8:30pm at Phase IV


* Run Gait Check
* Flexibility & Posture Screening
* Training Plan Review
* Nutrition/Hydration Optimization Class
Fee is $59 & includes Stretch Strap & Ice Bag
**Space is limited so call now to RSVP



Phase IV Student
Fitness Academy

Laying the foundation for athletic achievement in student athletes for over three decades.



Every Tuesday & Thursday

afternoon from 3:30 - 5:00pm    


Phase IV Student Fitness Academy was created to bring 30 years of experience in training elite Olympic and Professional athletes to the student athletes of our community.     


"With the right exercise program, puberty offers a once in a lifetime opportunity to make the most dramatic and long lasting bodily changes" Robert Forster, Physical Therapist, Founder and CEO Phase IV Scientific Health and Performance Center.  Read More  



Phase IV Women's Weight Training Class


If you are looking to increase your metabolism and strength while getting lean and toned, and who isn't, you need to weight train! Lean muscle burns more calories so if you want to decrease body fat, perform better, train for an event or just look & feel great, this class is for you!!!

About the Class:
  • A Weight Training class for Women of all ages and abilities
  • Each class will consist of a total body workout designed to increase muscular strength and speed up your metabolism
  • The class will follow our Phase IV fitness progression developed by Phase IV Founder and CEO, Robert Forster PT, who has over 30 years experience working with female athletes of all abilities.
  • It's a fun, energetic, group workout with fantastic music alongside other like-minded women (NO MEN) that will alleviate stress and leave you feeling great
  • Class is designed to train your body properly through scientific principles, so you don't have to do any thinking....Just SHOW UP and HAVE FUN!

Why Weight Training:

  • To increase your resting metabolism, decrease blood pressure & body fat
  • Reduce bone deterioration and build bone mass to prevent osteoporosis
  • Weight training done properly and with planning will NOT give you large muscles, but increase your metabolism which burns more calories and transforms your body into an efficient machine with the tone that we all strive to attain!  
Join Lorna Richardson, Trainer 
every Tuesday & Thursday -
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm here at Phase IV


Give us a call at 310.582.8212 or email us at  


Ask about special 10-pack rates!

Personal Fitness with PT

If you are undergoing Physical Therapy rehabilitation, looking to build athletic or sport-specific strength and fitness to improve performance, or hoping to steer clear of the setbacks of injury, Phase IV's Personal Fitness with Physical Therapy program has you covered!

* Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m.
* Mondays from 3 to 5 p.m.
* Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 to 5 p.m.

* Periodized strength programs developed by and executed in the hands of experienced Physical Therapists
* Scientifically verified progressions to train all modes of strength
* Individualized workouts that maximize health and fitness and minimize risk of injury
* Develop joint stability, strength, power, and endurance for a sport, hobby, or life
* Malleable to your personal objectives
* Builds on Forster Physical Therapy's rehabilitation methods in the hands of the same Physical Therapists

If Forster Physical Therapy is your body's college education, Phase IV's Personal Fitness with PT is its Ph.D. program.
Phase IV in the News
On Bended Knee
The Source spoke with Forster PT's Amy Tran, DPT, on rehabilitating basketball-related ACL injuries; her advice to undertake consistent physical therapy before and after surgery applies to ACL injuries from any sport, as well as daily life activities. spoke with Robert Forster, PT, about recovery methods such as the Rumble Roller and low-intensity active recovery. Read the full article here.

Watch Robert Forster, PT, and Dr. Bruce Hensel on the NBC newscast discussing Hip Impingement Syndrome which effects many people including Alex Rodriguez, Lady Gaga and many young ladies and how it can be corrected and prevented.
Click Here

Mat-Side Video: Warren vs. Gracie
Phase IV athlete Joe Warren and his team faced off against the Renzo Gracie Academy in Madison Square Garden on December 1, 2013, as a host of MMA fighters returned to their wrestling roots.
Robert Forster, PT, and Dr. Ivan Huergo discuss periodization training to maximize performance and minimize the risk of injury. Listen here.

Phase IV MMA fighter Joe Warren returns to his wrestling roots in Grapple in the Garden 2013. Watch highlights here.

UFC fighter and Phase IV Athlete Scott Jorgensen talks about how Phase IV has helped his career with science - Read More

NBC News: Youth Concussion Alert
Robert Forster, PT, discusses prevention and treatment of youth concussion syndrome on NBC4 Southern California News with Dr. Bruce Hensel, Chief Health, Medical and Science Correspondent. 
Joe Warren Unrivaled - a video by MMA fighter Joe Warren on his experience training with Phase IV's scientific principles

My Journey to 125-lb Flyweight Division - a video by MMA fighter and Phase IV athlete Scott Jorgensen, with input from Robert Forster, PT, and exercise physiologist Aishea Maas


The do's and dont's of running - from Robert Forster, PT, featured on


Bike For Life: How to Ride to 100 - A book By Roy M. Wallack, Bill Katovsky featuring professional advice and info from Robert Forster, PT


Barefoot Running podcast on NPR's Boston affiliate, WBUR, with Robert Forster, PT


All of Your Muscle Soreness Questions Answered! 

An interview with Robert Forster, PT featuring Maria Sharapova.   

Published by 


Easy Stretching moves to relieve body pain - Keys to healthier joints. 

watch the video aired on ABC featuring
Robert Forster, PT

Born to Run - Humans might have evolved to run, but there's a reason why one third of runners are hurting themselves each year. Published in the Sydney Morning Herald 

The Best Abs Exercises You've Never Seen Before - Published by

Holiday Travel Stretching Tips
An article with Robert Forster, PT, featured in TIME Magazine's Healthland


What you don't know may hurt you.  

Learn the calf raise variation to train the neglected muscles in the lower leg.


Sick of Squats? 15 Workout Upgrades That'll Get Better Results - an article from featuring Robert Forster, PT.



Watch Robert Forster as he is interviewed on NBC by Dr. Bruce Hensel on training Olympic athletes.  

Click Here 


KCRW's Warren Olney  interviews Robert Forster from the London Olympics on "Which Way LA" 

Click Here to listen  


Listen to Robert's interview on the radio show, Dr. Fitness & Fat Guy, on the Sirius Radio Network.  Robert discusses training elite athletes and his Olympic experiences.  

Click Here to listen 


"Countdown to better habits, What physical therapists want you to know - and do"  featuring Robert Forster, PT - February 29, 2012|By Danielle Braff, Special to Tribune Newspapers.



Click Here to view archived newsletters   


Forster Physical Therapy

427 Wilshire Blvd. 

Santa Monica, CA 90401


Forster Physical Therapy has been chosen as "The Best Physical Therapy clinic in Los Angeles!" for good reason:

  • We have a 30 year history of helping people overcome physical problems and achieve their goal to live an active lifestyle. 
  • Featuring a compassionate Professional Staff with over 115 years of collective experience.

Services Include:

  • Rehabilitation programs for all Spinal Conditions
  • Sports PT
  • Post Surgical Care
  • Joint Replacement Rehab
  • Shoulder, Knee & Running Injuries
  • Water Exercise Therapy   

Open Mon - Friday till 8   

Sat until 12 noon - Free Parking 


Give us a call 310.656.8600 



Recipe of the Week
Curried Shrimp and Spinach



Message from the CEO


Women can greatly benefit from properly-executed strength training. You can do this with weights, with resistance bands, or in the water. Photo: Healthy Running Step by Step

Phase IV Women's Strength Training

With all the attention given to women's health issues, it's now widely understood that all women benefit from a resistance training program. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists both advise that every woman practice some type of resistance training to maintain strong bones and healthy joints, and to avoid the insidious weight gain that comes with age. If you are you looking for a time-tested, safe, and effective weight training class that has been designed by physical therapists especially for you and open to women of all ages and abilities, look no more. The Phase IV Women's Weight Training class is the one place in town where you can learn, train, and grow advanced fitness under the careful supervision of a Phase IV trainer, and never feel intimidated.

Beginning with a head-to-toe Structural Examination performed by an experienced physical therapist, you will embark on a transformational journey that is tailored to your personal physical goals and health needs. At Phase IV, your customized program will be based on the same scientific foundation we've perfected with the world's most accomplished athletes, and executed with the expertise that comes with 35 years of helping woman just like you reach their goals. We are here to help you reach the health and performance goals you have only imagined.

Phase IV Woman's Weight Training Testimonial

"When my doctor told me I needed to begin a strength program to fight off osteoporosis and help me lose weight, I dreaded the thought of going to the gym, fighting to get on machines and enduring the uncertainty that I am doing the right things. At Phase IV I was first evaluated by a PT and then carefully taught the correct technique for each exercise. The ladies in the group are so accommodating and Lorna, our trainer, never lets me lose form while performing the exercises. The program progresses every four weeks and never gets old. I felt the difference in a matter of weeks and after six months I dropped a dress size, I feel stronger, more flexible and I stand up straighter! This is just what the doctor ordered, and it's fun!"

-- Laura, 38, mother of two

What: Women's Weight Training class

Who: All women, from teens to seniors
When: Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 5-7 pm window of opportunity
Where: Phase IV, 1544 20th street, Santa Monica
Cost: $15 per class in ten pack, or $25 for individual class


Call to set up your Structural Exam and get started this week!



>> Read each week's CEO Message here 



At Phase IV we are continuously working to update our services and information to better inform our communities. Check out our newsletter and let us know your feedback. - - 310.582.8212 

Feature Article
Why All Women Need Weights


All women can benefit from weight training. Strength work can help manage weight, improve bone and joint health, and help improve or maintain balance in old age. Photo: Healthy Running, Step by Step


Resistance training should be a fixed component of every adult's health maintenance program, especially women. All adults NEED some type of resistance training, and it can be done with weights, water, or rubber bands, but it has to be done in accordance with sound science and instructed with experience. Gyms are dangerous places, however; every day in every gym, there are dangerous routines that damage joints, injure tendons, and corrupt good posture. Exercise is medicine, and just like medicine, with the wrong prescription and improper dosage it can be dangerous.


Strength training holds many benefits for women of all ages.


Weight Management: Resistance training increases lean muscle, so you can burn more calories both during exercise and throughout the rest of your day. Lean muscle mass is not maintained or increased with aerobic training alone. Without strength training, an adult will lose approximately 1% of their muscle mass per year after the age of 30. The bottom line with muscles is, "use them or lose them." Increase muscle mass, and you'll burn more calories naturally, 24 hours a day. This will help you lose fat and achieve your desired weight.


Maintain Bone Health: Strength training increases bone density. Just as with muscle, we all lose bone density as we age with peak density typically occurring at age 25. Osteoporosis a serious health threat to women (1 in 4 women will suffer an osteoporotic bone fracture later in life), so it makes sense to help prevent it by making your bones as strong and healthy as possible while you are young. Predisposition to osteoporosis is common in petite woman, smokers, drinkers, those with early or surgical menopause, and for women with a family history of this condition. So it's never too early or too late to start. Weight workouts improve the strength of your bones by transmitting muscular forces to the bones when muscles contract. Not only does the work in the gym stress bones and make them thirsty to absorb more calcium, the increased muscle strength also works to stimulate bone density with every movement during your day.


Good Postural Alignment and Healthy Joints: Strength training, when done properly, helps maintain joint health by stimulating cartilage strength and by improving joint alignment and posture. For injured joints, stronger muscles are the great equalizer that allows the joint to work better and eliminate pain, while avoiding further damage to joint surfaces and the surrounding ligament and tendon structures.



Read more . . .


 Click Here to view archived newsletters                               
Phase IV Events

Stretch and Roll Clinic

Saturday, January 31st at 12:00pm
at Phase IV - 1544 20th St.
*Please Note: There is a $25 fee for this clinic,
Space is Limited so **Please pay in advance** to hold RSVP
Includes Stretch Strap


More Info . . .



Phase IV RunLab™ Analysis Clinic
Monday, February 9th 6:30 - 8:30pm at Phase IV
* Run Gait Check
* Flexibility & Posture Screening
* Training Plan Review
* Nutrition/Hydration Optimization Class
Fee is $59 & includes Stretch Strap & Ice Bag
**Space is limited so call now to RSVP


More Info . . .


Give us a call at 310.582.8212 or email us at to find out more about our affordable services or to book a Free Consultation with one of our expert Exercise Physiologists.

We're looking forward to working with YOU!
Nutrition Corner

Five Proven Weight Loss Strategies


Keep the Calories Coming


The vast majority of our weight management clients come to us eating too few calories and eating too infrequently to maintain a healthy metabolism. A healthy metabolism keeps burning calories all day. A starved metabolism goes into a sluggish idle, and saves every calorie you consume in a protective mechanism against famine. Eat three balanced meals a day, and three snacks of 100-200 calories each. On the days you exercise, you need additional calories to fuel your workouts and your metabolism.


Low Intensity Exercise Teaches Your Body to Burn Fat, 24/7


While high-intensity workouts may burn more calories, and even more FAT calories, than easy workouts, they don't teach your body to prefer fat as the primary energy source ALL DAY LONG! Walking, easy cycling, swimming, and other low-intensity workouts allow your body to get better at burning fat. This is the key to sustained weight management and better health.


Eat More Protein, Less Carbohydrate


Every meal either directs your body to store those calories as fat, or burn them for energy. When you consume high-carbohydrate meals and snacks, your body releases insulin from the pancreas, which directs your cells to store excess calories as fat. If that meal also contains protein and fat, your insulin response is muted and you have more energy to be active. Secondly, more protein in your diet is beneficial because digesting protein takes more calories than digesting carbohydrates. The result is that the net calorie gain from 100 calories of protein is less than that from consuming 100 calories of carbohydrates.




Read More . . .



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Press Room
Purchase Healthy Running Step by Step via Addaday or in person at Forster Physical Therapy or Phase IV.

Don't let an old injury keep you from enjoying races, morning runs, or attaining fitness goals. In the first part of Healthy Running Step by Step, authors Robert Forster, PT and Roy M. Wallack recommend the best training based on your fitness goals, including strength training, cross training, sprints, yoga, and plenty of rest. Part two goes a step further from other books by addressing the most modern methods of treatment -- including current studies on the amount of rest required, new and controversial surgical operations and injections, the newest and most effective gear, and barefoot/minimalist running as a form of healing. If you are recovering from an injury or want to prevent becoming injured in the first place, Healthy Running Step by Step is a must-have guide.


Available in stores and at Phase IV and Forster Physical Therapy!

Phase IV and Forster Physical Therapy, the Exclusive Physical Therapy provider for the LA Marathon, are now the Exclusive Providers of EC3D gear in Los Angeles!


Scan with your iPhone or Android to call Phase IV for more information, sizing, or to order your EC3D Compression Gear.


Find us and join some of our social networks for scientific health training tips and advice as well as chances to win  Phase IV services and products:


Like us on Facebook: facebook/PhaseIV


Follow us on Twitter: &
Check out some videos at our youtube channel: Click Here

Forster Physical Therapy

Office: 310-656-8600


Phase IV Scientific Health and Performance Center

Office: 310-582-8212


Click Here to view archived newsletters  

Phase IV Athlete Accomplishments
Phase IV Scientific Health and Performance Center works with professional athletes, laypersons, and everyone in between. Old or young, experienced or novice, Phase IV's methodical application of scientific training principles covers the gamut of sport-specific or endurance training, gym- or home-based functional strength programs, nutrition, and weight loss.

Our science is based on the combined efforts of physical therapists, exercise physiologists, and nutritionists who go to work for you. We have helped thousands of athletes meet or beat their goals without injury and in prime condition. Here are highlights of what just some of our athletes, backed by Phase IV and Forster Physical Therapy, have achieved throughout this year.
  • Dawn Harper-Nelson: 2014 National Champion, 100m hurdles with new world-record time, 12.55 seconds; June 28, 2014
  • Maddy Tung: 2014 Junior National Champion, 53kg folkstyle wrestling; March 30, 2014
  • Rick Betts: 2014 National Champion, Mixed Doubles Racquetball; February 15, 2014
  • Micheline Aubuchon & Giulia McDonnell: 2013 CIF Doubles Tennis Champions, Southern Section
  • Diane Reynolds: 2013 Road Runners Club of America State Champion, Grandmaster, California


Phase IV Partners


Pacific Health Labs provides products to aid you through your training like Accelerade, after your training such as Endurox and great new products for energy and supplements! 



accelerade products 



SUUNTO - Heart Rate Monitors and much more!   


Suunto has been at the forefront of design and innovation for sports watches, dive computers and instruments used by adventure seekers all over the globe. Suunto logo
Suunto products available here at Phase IV!

Private Swim Coaching & Masters Swimming by Phase IV Women's Weight Training & Student Fitness Academy class leader Lorna Richardson


Top to Top

Competitor Magazine's "Best Running Store & Running Club" of 2009

2621 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica 





Cynergy Cycles Cynergy Logo    

Road & Mountain Bike Group Demo Rides Call 
2300 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica 




1112 Manhattan Ave, Manahattan Beach


16545 Ventura Blvd., Encino