Phase IV 
PT montage  
Performance Newsletter March 18th - March 24th
Phase IV in the News

Barefoot Running podcast on NPR's Boston affiliate, WBUR, with Robert Forster, PT


All of Your Muscle Soreness Questions Answered! 

An interview with Robert Forster, PT featuring  

Maria Sharapova. 

Published by 


Easy Stretching moves to relieve body pain - Keys to healthier joints. 

watch the video aired on ABC featuring
Robert Forster, PT

Born to Run - Humans might have evolved to run, but there's a reason why one third of runners are hurting themselves each year.
Published in the Sydney Morning Herald 

The Best Abs Exercises You've Never Seen Before - Published by

Holiday Travel Stretching Tips
 - an article with Robert Forster, PT, featured
in TIME Magazine's Healthland from
Robert Forster, PT


What you don't know may hurt you.  

Learn the calf raise variation to train the neglected muscles in the lower leg.

Sick of Squats? 15 Workout Upgrades That'll Get Better Results - an article from featuring Robert Forster, PT.



Watch Robert Forster as he is interviewed on NBC by Dr. Bruce Hensel on training Olympic athletes. Click Here 


KCRW's Warren Olney  interviews Robert Forster from the London Olympics on "Which Way LA" 

Click Here to listen  


Listen to Robert's interview on the radio show, Dr. Fitness & Fat Guy, on the Sirius Radio Network.  Robert discusses training elite athletes and his Olympic experiences. Click Here to listen 


"Countdown to better habits, What physical therapists want you to know - and do"  featuring Robert Forster, PT - February 29, 2012|By Danielle Braff, Special to Tribune Newspapers.



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Phase IV Student
Fitness Academy

Laying the Foundation for the performance of our student athletes in our communities for over a decade. 


Every Tuesday & Thursday

afternoon from 3:30 - 5:00pm    


Phase IV Student Fitness Academy was created to bring 30 years of experience in training elite Olympic and Professional athletes to the student athletes of our community.     


"With the right exercise program, puberty offers a once in a lifetime opportunity to make the most dramatic and long lasting bodily changes" Robert Forster, Physical Therapist, Founder and CEO Phase IV Scientific Health and Performance Center.  Read More . . . 



Phase IV Women's Weight Training Class

If you are looking to increase your metabolism and strength while getting lean and toned, and who isn't, you need to weight train! Lean muscle burns more calories so if you want to decrease body fat, perform better, train for an event or just look & feel great, this class is for you!!!

About the Class:
  • A Weight Training class for Women of all ages and abilities
  • Each class will consist of a total body workout designed to increase muscular strength and speed up your metabolism
  • The class will follow our Phase IV fitness progression developed by Phase IV Founder and CEO, Robert Forster PT, who has over 30 years experience working with female athletes of all abilities.
  • It's a fun, energetic, group workout with fantastic music alongside other like-minded women (NO MEN) that will alleviate stress and leave you feeling great
  • Class is designed to train your body properly through scientific principles, so you don't have to do any thinking....Just SHOW UP and HAVE FUN!

Why Weight Training:

  • To increase your resting metabolism, decrease blood pressure & body fat
  • Reduce bone deterioration and build bone mass to prevent osteoporosis
  • Weight training done properly and with planning will NOT give you large muscles, but increase your metabolism which burns more calories and transforms your body into an efficient machine with the tone that we all strive to attain!  
Join Rachel Suson - EP, Trainer & PT Aide every Tuesday & Thursday -
5:00pm to 6:15pm here at Phase IV


Give us a call at 310.582.8212 or email us at  


Ask about special 10-pack rates!



Forster Physical Therapy

427 Wilshire Blvd. 

Santa Monica, CA 90401











Forster Physical Therapy has been chosen as "The Best Physical Therapy clinic in Los Angeles!" for good reason:

  • We have a 30 year history of helping people overcome physical problems and achieve their goal to live an active lifestyle. 
  • Featuring a compassionate Professional Staff with over 115 years of collective experience.

Services Include:

  • Rehabilitation programs for all Spinal Conditions
  • Sports PT
  • Post Surgical Care
  • Joint Replacement Rehab
  • Shoulder, Knee & Running Injuries
  • Water Exercise Therapy   


Open Mon - Friday till 8   

Sat until 12 noon - Free Parking 


Give us a call 310.656.8600 




Sold Out Cycling


Spinning and other indoor cycling classes are extremely popular in gyms and studios around the world. Classes are a convenient, time efficient low impact workout. In 45 to 60 minutes one can sweat, burn lots of calories and go about the rest of their day feeling good that they got their workout done.  The classes are typically strenuous with "riders" routinely achieving maximum heart rates and leaving behind pools of sweat on the floor to prove it. But is a steady diet of high intensity intervals and fast paced "jumps" out of the saddle really what the gym going public needs to build a sustainable fitness program? Are the new classes where upper body weights are used ON the bike safe? Read More  

At Phase IV we are continuously working to update our services and information to better inform our communities. Check out our newsletter and let us know your feedback. - - 310.582.8212 

Sincerely, Robert Forster - PT, CEO & Owner
Phase IV Scientific Health and Performance Center and Forster Physical Therapy

Featured Article  

5 Things all Beginner Cyclist Should Know

By Aishea Maas, Phase IV Head of Science 


Most beginner cyclists just head out on the bike, and have to learn successful riding fundamentals the hard way: trial and many errors. Bonking, cramping, saddle sores, crashing, and overuse injuries, all await the uneducated cyclist who decides "to figure it out as I go along." Typically it takes new cyclists about four cycling seasons to identify and avoid all the calamities that will sabotage performance and enjoyment. Athletes, in general, have an attitude of self-sufficiency and an independence streak, and that's good because when you are out on a long ride you have to be self-sufficient. However, failing to admit what you don't know will cost you.


In our experience those who learn from reading bits and pieces, or from a guy at the coffee shop, get incomplete or false information that will side track their acumen as a cyclist. As mentioned, this athlete can expect four cycling seasons before being able to perform consistently without mishap, if ever. Those who train with Science, on the other hand, get much closer to their goals in the first and second year of cycling. To enjoy your bicycle experience and reach your highest genetic potential as a cyclist, you need to trust the science and find those with real "rubber hits the road experience" (pun intended) to teach you how to avoid the common pitfalls. Not only have many "newbies" traveled on this journey before you, there are now over 4 decades of scientific research illuminating the best path to develop yourself as an aerobic athlete.


Here's 5-step Science Based Action Plan to Get You Started - Read More  



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Phase IV Events
Free Lecture Series:

Beginner Cycling 101   
Wednesday, March 20th 7:00pm
@ Cynergy Cycles
- 2300 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica
Presented by Robert Forster, PT   



Monday, March 25th from  7 - 9pm

at Phase IV - 1544 20th St., Santa Monica

Read more about this clinic 


RSVP for an Event / Lecture


Future Phase IV Events


Give us a call at 310.582.8212 or email us at to find out more about our affordable services or to book a Free Consultation with one of our expert Exercise Physiologists. 


We're looking forward to working with YOU!

Dangers in the Gym!

Everyday we see research that shows exercise is the best medicine to prevent and treat many of the lifestyle diseases that plague our population. However, many people are not sure what to do in the gym and they are rightfully concerned about getting injured. Exercise is powerful medicine but proper dosage and use is critical to avoid problems and assure success. 


At Phase IV we evaluate every exercise in a risk-benefit analysis. If the potential of injury is greater than the benefit, or if the same result can be attained with a safer move, the exercise is not prescribed. In this new weekly column we will address one dangerous exercise each week.    


Fitness is Pushed from Low to High, Not Pulled Up from Above

Whether you are embarking on a weight lifting regime or a running or cycling program, all fitness is push from low to high. Just as if you were building a house, the roof would not be built first; you would build a foundation and then the walls before the roof. The same goes for fitness. Whatever your current fitness level, you want to build from there. Whether you are just beginning or you have been doing workouts for a while and simply want to step up your training, it's always best to increase in increments from wherever your fitness is now to where you want to be. With enthusiasm and motivation high we are tempted to jump ahead and do more strenuous or longer workouts to get to our goals. The same goes when coming back from illness, injury or time away from your workouts. Click here to learn more.


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Meet the Staff
Holly Perry, Phase IV Staff Exercise Physiologist. Holly has a BS in Exercise Science from Indiana University and is NSCA certified. Holly is also member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. She specializes in helping people optimize their health, performance and body composition. She coaches runners, cyclists, and triathletes to success by integrating her extensive knowledge of human physiology, metabolic efficiency, and performance nutrition in order to obtain optimum results. With a passion for the human body and education, she strives to empower athletes and clients with knowledge to improve health and performance throughout their lives. In her free time, she enjoys long distance running and stand up paddle board racing.
Holly Perry, Exercise Physiologist

Stuart N. Rosenberg, A.I.F. Senior Financial Advisor, First Vice President / Citi Personal Wealth Management, Citigroup -  

"Holly is a true professional that has delivered the expertise to help me attain my fitness goals. I recommend her to anyone that is serious about their fitness, health and well-being."  


Find us and join some of our social networks for scientific health & training tips and advice as well as chances to win Phase IV services and products:


Like us on Facebook: facebook/PhaseIV



Forster Physical Therapy

Office: 310-656-8600


Phase IV Scientific Health and Performance Center

Office: 310-582-8212


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Phase IV Metabolic Testing is the key to learning how to raise your metabolism and will not only show you where your current fitness level is but where you should be. It's easy & now it's affordable!!

10% The following Services - Just mention this ad!


As your heart rate changes during exercise so too does your body's preferred energy source. Whether you are simply looking to improve your fitness, shed a few pounds or improve your cycling performance, proper heart rate training is essential to optimizing your training efforts. VO2 testing allows us to accurately determine your optimal "Fat Burning Zone" (the heart rate range at which your physiology predominantly burns fat for energy as opposed to carbohydrates). By training in this zone, you will gradually teach your body to prefer burning fats both during exercise and at rest, allowing you to achieve your goals far faster and with far greater efficiency, while burning unwanted body fat. *excludes one-time $39 mask fee



The ENDURO™ program is a detailed Periodization training program for cyclists that will give you heart rate specific daily workouts for your rides based on your current needs and metabolic test results. Our Exercise Physiologist will develop your plan based on your training availability and tell you exactly what heart rate zones to train in and for how long. Following this Periodized plan will decrease body fat, increase performance and provide you with the confidence needed to reach your goals.


ERGO POWER™ - Orthopedic Bike Fit with Robert Forster, P.T.

Correct bicycle fit is vital to optimal injury-free performance. Through the measurement of joint angles, Computrainer™ analysis of your pedal stroke and power output and appraisal of biomechanical deviations while in motion, we can detect imbalances and then make accurate adjustments to your bicycle. Additionally, correction of limb length discrepancies, proper shoe choice, and cleat placement will improve your power, stamina, and comfort. As a Physical Therapist, Robert knows proper joint angles/proper biomechanics and developed the Phase IV Ergo Power™ Bike Fit protocol, in use now for several years. His knowledge of sports injuries comes from over 30 years of evaluating and treating recreational and elite athletes.



VO2 Test & 12 Week Coaching Enduro


Phase IV Partners

LA RoadRunners  

Official Training Program of the
LA Marathon   

Twitter - @laroadrunners  Facebook -laroadrunners 


Cynergy Cycles Cynergy Logo 

Beginner Cycling 101
Wednesday, March 20th at 7pm
by Robert Forster, PT
Road & Mountain Bike Group Demo Rides Call 310.857.1500 
2300 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica 




Top to Top logo

Top to Top   

2621 Wilshire Blvd. - 310.829.7030 
Visit for the latest in running apparel. 

Inspire and Co.   
Devoted to student athletes around the world who want to work hard, excel in the classroom and in their sport -
Dawn Regan, Founder and CEO - 310.227.3935 

Fleet Feet Sports  

16545 Ventura Blvd.,Encino,
call to 818.986.8686 or email at 

SUUNTO - Suunto logo Heart Rate Monitors and much more! 


Suunto has been at the forefront of design and innovation for sports watches, dive computers and instruments used by adventure seekers all over the globe. 
Suunto products available here at Phase IV