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October Business of the Month: Alice's Fantasy Formal and Bridal
Friday, October 2nd, 2015
LEESVILLE, La.-- On April 26, 1984 the local formal dress shop in Leesville gained a new owner, Mrs. Alice Singletary. She loved to sew, but didn't know a thing about running a business when friends and neighbors approached her with the idea of purchasing the shop. So Mrs. Alice, as she is known locally, brushed up on her research and learned what it took.
The purchasing didn't come without its backlash. Many people didn't think she had what it took to run a successful business since she had only gone to school through the 8th grade. Thirty-one years later that has been proven wrong. Click here to read more.
Leesville Officials Break Ground for Handicap Playground Equipment at Leesville Municipal Golf Course Park
Wednesday, September 30th, 2015
 LEESVILLE, La.--Leesville Mayor Rick Allen, the Leesville City Council and a crowd of supporters and donors broke ground Monday, September 28, 2015, on a project that will provide handicap playground equipment at the Leesville Municipal Golf Course Park. Click here to view the whole article.
City of Leesville announces Annual Cleanup Week, Fall Trash Bash
Monday, August 24th, 2015

LEESVILLE, La.-- The Mayor's Women's Commission (MWC), in conjunction with The Keep Leesville Beautiful Committee, will host Leesville's annual Cleanup Week beginning Monday, September 28, 2015 through Friday, October 3, 2015.
Residents are encouraged to clean their properties, and the City will offer a lending hand. Leesville Public Works crews will dispose of items including tree limbs and boards throughout the week. Residents interested in this service should call the Public Works Department at 337-239-2995. Click here to read more.
FAA Safety Projects at Leesville Municipal Airport Paving Way for Future Development
Monday, September 14th, 2015

LEESVILLE, La.--The second of three runway safety projects at the Leesville Municipal Airport has now been substantially completed, thanks to federal and state funding. The safety projects, once they're all complete, will bring the airport into compliance with FAA runway standards. The most recently completed, an $800,000 project north of the runway, included 25 acres of tree and stump removal; moving 150,000 cubic yards of dirt to level a hill; embankment stabilization; and drainage. Click here to read more.
City of Leesville Supports Chamber Initiative to Become ACT Certified Work Ready Community
Tuesday, September 8th, 2015
 LEESVILLE, La. -- City of Leesville Mayor Rick Allen proclaimed the month of September 2015 as "Work Ready Communities Month" in Leesville, encouraging employers to sign on to support this effort and recommending that jobseekers earn a National Career Readiness Certificate. Click here to read the full article.
Many Teen Supports Local Police and Fire
Thursday, September 17th, 2015
LEESVILLE, La.-- Kaylei Chavez, a 7th grade home school student from Many, La., stopped by the Leesville Fire Department Thursday, September 17, 2015. She has made it her goal to mak
e 850 prayer bracelets to pass out to police officers and fire fighters around the state. So far she has delivered to departments in Shreveport, Jena, Pineville, and Many. She stopped by the Leesville FD and told the men and women thank you for their bravery. To view more pictures click here.
"The Best Hometown in the World!"
Blue Christmas for City of Leesville
LEESVILLE, La.-- By Mayoral Proclamation, and in support Ms. Jill Leonard's efforts, the residents of Leesville, La. are encouraged to display blue Christmas lights and blue ornamentation throughout the 2015 Christmas Season in honor of Louisiana State Trooper Steven Vincent and all fallen officers in the State of Louisiana. This is not mandatory at all. City residents can choose not to display blue lights.
Mayor Rick Allen Proclaims October 12-17 Leesville High School Alumni Association Week
All Leesville High School alumni are encouraged to take part in the various events throughout the week. The classes that will be honored this year all end in "5" (i.e. 2005, 1995, 1985, etc.). Events will include a golf tournament, alumni dance, parade, and so much more. To view a complete list of events click here.
Statewide Day of Prayer for LEO
LEESVILLE, La.-- The Leesville Police Department joined the Vernon Parish Sheriff's Office and various other local government offices to lift up law enforcement officers in prayer on September 14, 2015.

Reverend Charley's Patent Medicine Show Held Concert at Polk Theater
LEESVILLE, La.-- Reverend Charley's Patent Medicine Show came to downtown Leesville September 26 for a free concert at Polk Theater.

Fair Week!
Stop by the Fair Grounds to see what all the fuss is about. Don't forget about the Lion's Club Rodeo. Get your tickets now!
Community Events September 19, 2015
LEESVILLE, La.-- The City of Leesville and other organizations had a great weekend full of activities September 19. Click here to read more about all the events that took place.
Leesville Mayor Rick Allen Proclaims October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Leesville
LEESVILLE, La.-- Leesville Mayor Rick Allen and Bayne Jones Community Hospital Commander Col. Carlene A. S Blanding signed a joint proclamation on Monday, September 28, 2015 declaring the Month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the City of Leesville and at Bayne Jones Community Hospital respectively.
The City of Leesville, the best hometown in the world, is a historic yet visionary community. As the parish seat of Vernon Parish, where Fort Polk and the Joint Readiness Training Center are located, the City of Leesville is home to military families, retired veterans and a growing and strongly patriotic citizenry that provides the basis of a well-rounded and work-ready workforce.
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