Everywhere we looked we saw patterns to be deconstructed . . . patterns inspired by the art, architecture, and nature that surrounded us in this magical, beautiful city.
Back at our hotel, Maria spotted a small snail crawling up the zipper of her suitcase. Startled by its beauty, she smiled and called to me to share her discovery. It was time for dinner so we decided to leave it undisturbed so it could find its way back home.
However, this was no ordinary snail! When we unpacked after returning home, we discovered this snail had hitched a ride in our luggage! It looked perfectly comfortable and at home in Massachusetts. We decided to place him (or was it her?) gently among the ferns in our front yard. Before placing her (or was it him?) down among the ferns we named this adventurous and beautiful snail "Bijou" which means "jewel" in French.*
A couple days later when I went out to pick up the morning paper, I noticed a glistening tangle on our front porch. At the end of this tangled trail was our new friend, Bijou!
"Maria, come see!" Together, we watched Bijou knowingly look up at us and then move slowly and steadily off into the ferns. Was that really a smile that played across Bijou's glance?
Over the years since that magical morning, Bijou's front porch tangles have turned into conversations. We now enjoy a wonderful collaboration that has resulted in new web pages and fun "stuff."
We are excited and thrilled that Bijou has decided finally to come of out his/her** shell (so to speak) after becoming more comfortable communicating in this particular human language.
Bijou's passion for Zentangle is obvious. Bijou's insights, that only a snail could have, are relevant and inspiring to us humans. We are thrilled to share them with you. We are pleased to introduce you to Bijou, our friend and artist, here to guide us and remind us of the many profound characteristics of the Zentangle Method as only Bijou can. After all, "Anything is possible, one (slow and deliberate) stroke at a time!™"
* Please note that this is "A Fanciful Tale." Bijou's image is born out of Maria's pen and his story, out of our playful imaginations. While we did go to Paris, the only "Bijou" that we brought back was in our hearts.
** We have come to understand from Bijou that each snail is both male and female. Given the use of the English language, Bijou is comfortable using the single reference of "he" instead of the more complicated "he/she".