Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
New Tangle: Tripoli
New Zentangle Tiles!
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102 Tangles

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Zentangle Ensemble

June 26, 2011


There's been so much going on here at Zentangle lately. We're excited to begin sharing it with you.

In this issue, we have:
  • A new tangle: tripoli  
  • New Tiles - ATC & Black!
  • Help us write our book! 

Rick and Maria  


New Tangle: Tripoli

You may have noticed this new tangle appearing here and there.


This tangle is one of a rare "species" in our zentomology of tangles. Its basic structure is a malleable tessellation, but  tripoli takes things a bit further. It's not just tiling adjacent triangles - a delightful tangle in itself - but what you then do within and between those triangles that yields amazingly different and fun results. 




This tangle also introduces an effect called an Ehrenstein Illusion where tips of these triangles in a way that creates a space which seems brighter than surrounding areas.  





This is a fun tangle which invites all sorts of tangleations. Even though it is constructed of triangles, it can have a gentle organic feel, like a slice of an orange . . .   




. . . or roasted garlic. Yum!



Some tips:
  • Your triangles can have curved or straight edges.
  • Leave a consistent space between them, like with aura.
  • Although clusters of six triangles are most common, you can just as easily have 5, 7, 8 or more mixed throughout your tile. 

We look forward to seeing what else you do with tripoli!


Oh, yes . . . why tripoli?  


Well, it's based on a three (tri) sided polygon (poli)!


New Zentangle Tiles!

You may have noticed that we have begun using black paper with white tangles. That's because we were playing around with developing a black Zentangle tile.

Well, we finally figured out the best paper, pen and pencil combination and are thrilled to share it with you!


Black Zentangle Tiles . . .




Black Zentangle Tiles are cut from our original 3.5 x 3.5" square tile die, only with black paper. After testing many papers we decided on Arches Cover Stock (pronounced "arsh"). This beautiful charcoal black paper was by far our favorite. It is 100% cotton and a perfect weight and texture for tangling. To complete your Black Tile experience we are recommending. . .  




Sakura's White Gelly Roll. This gel pen glides beautifully over the Arches paper. We found that it takes very little pressure for this pen to work it's magic. By simply tickling the paper you allow the ink to flow elegantly into your drawing. We use a White Charcoal Pencil to draw strings and highlight the finished tangles.  Slowly work up layers with your pencil. Feel free to blend or smudge this pencil with your fingers or a tortillion.


Tip: Be sure your white ink is dry before adding pencil.


Maria suggests: To get a feel for the while Gelly Roll pen, sign your name first on the back, and maybe tangle around it a bit. 



. . . and Zentangle ATC Tiles




After many requests from the Artist Trading Card (ATC) community for ATC-size Zentangle tiles, we are introducing Zentangle ATC Tiles.  


Our Zentangle ATC Tile is a standard 2 � by 3 � inch Artist Trading Card size. It is beautifully die cut and available in either our traditional white or our new black.  



We are so excited to be a part of the ATC community and really look forward to seeing what you and the ATC community do with them!


Black Zentangle Tiles (Pack of 21), $13

White Zentangle ATC Tiles
(Pack of 21, $9

Black Zentangle ATC Tiles (Pack of 21), $9

For the next month or so you you can only purchase these new tiles from a CZT.

There are two reasons for this:
  1. We are working on a new website and we'd like to add these to the store of our new website. 
  2. More importantly, we shipped so many of these so quickly to our CZTs that we have to build up more inventory before we release them to everyone else. 
To find a CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher) please look on this page.

As soon as we have these ready to ship in larger quantities, we will announce it in a newsletter, whether our new website is done or not!

Thank you for helping us write our book!

We want to thank you for contributing your stories both on our blog and to our email.

Please keep sending in your Zentangle stories.

Details are in this blog entry. You can post your replies there or email them to us directly.

Thank you so very much!

We are grateful to share this wonderful adventure with you!

Thank you for being part of it!


Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: rickandmaria@zentangle.com
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2011 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved