

In this issue...
Zendala Renaissance Tiles
Infinite Prestrung Zendala Strings?
Zentangle Weekend with Rick and Maria
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

May 22, 2014

Two awesome announcements:
  • Our Renaissance Zendalas are ready
  • Kripalu Yoga Center has invited us to teach a "Zentangle Weekend" this fall  
Details below.

Zendala Renaissance

You knew this was coming at some point! We're so excited to bring Renaissance to Zendalas!

Similar to our original white Zendala set and our black Zendala set, our new Renaissance Zendala set presents our Zendala series in our tan Renaissance paper, two sets of nine prestrung tiles and three blank tiles in a reusable tin:
You can also purchase un-strung Renaissance Zendalas in sets of 21:

Take a look at some examples of what can be done with these Renaissance Zendala tiles. 

From Molly . . . 

. . . and from Maria:

We look forward to seeing what you will create using these tan Renaissance Zendala tiles!

The elegance of Renaissance tiles is that you can add both light and dark to this museum quality archival paper.

For more information on working on these "RenZen" tiles, see this newsletter and contact a local CZT for a class.


Just how many pre-strung Zendalas ARE there?

Maria writes:

What do you do when you've used all nine Zendala string patterns?


You modify the string!!


Easy, peasy.


With your pencil, combine some of the smaller spaces to larger ones to create a new string. 
First, figure how many times the string pattern repeats in a particular Zendala string - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc.  


Pick a line and emphasize it slightly with a pencil. Then emphasize that same line in each of those repeating sections. Now, pick another line and repeat. Keep going until you have a new string that you like. Sometimes you want larger spaces, sometimes smaller.
For this exercise, I began with this Zendala string . . .


. . . and created many different Zendala strings from this one pre-strung Zendala: 





Our daughter Molly often begins with a Graphic 1 pen and fills in one (or a combination of 2 or more) spaces in each of the repeating sections. Once this ink dries, she tangles that new space with a white Gelly Roll pen.

Then of course there is always the blank Zendalas, where anything goes! 

There are WAY more than just nine strings in a Zendala tin! 

Zentangle Weekend 
Rick and Maria

We are thrilled to announce that the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health has invited us to present "A Zentangle Weekend." This event will be held September 5-7, 2014, at Kripalu's world-renowned retreat center located in the beautiful Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts, USA. 

We are looking forward to a relaxed and fun time together as we share and explore all things Zentangle. We'll supply everything you need. The weather this time of year tends to be just about perfect. That picture above is the view from the front of their main building.
You will enjoy a unique opportunity to explore the Zentangle Method and Artform in a workshop taught by its founders. We haven't done a workshop like this before and we don't have anything else like it scheduled.
This weekend will be an easy-going time with plenty of opportunity for personal interaction at a beautiful facility with awesome food. 
Register for this one-of-a-kind event at this link.
Please note that this is not a teaching certification class. It is also likely to fill quickly, so if you'd like to enjoy this weekend with like-minded people in an exquisite setting, please register right away.

Rick adds: 
When we first came up with our idea that became the Zentangle Method and Art Form, Maria and I traveled to western Massachusetts. We stayed a couple days in a B&B so we could focus on writing down our thoughts. One afternoon we took a ride to Kripalu. I had been there before and thought it might be a good place to teach a class. I showed Maria around and pointed out their large hall as an ideal location. Guess where we're having our Zentangle Weekend? Yup . . . that very hall!
We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you so much for sharing in this Zentangle adventure with us.

We look forward to seeing what you create with our new Renaissance Zendalas.

And we particularly look forward to getting to know you at a fun and creative Zentangle Weekend at Kripalu.

See you soon!

Best from us both,

Rick and Maria 






About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
website: zentangle.com

� 2014 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved