Zentangle (R)  

In this issue...
Meet Seminar XI graduates
Seminar Show and Tell
Black Zendala Tiles Now Available
Tangle Sighting
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

July 7, 2013


We are just catching up from our most recent Zentangle Teacher Certification Seminar. We are eager to introduce you to our new Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) and show you some of their creations.


We have some new products to announce and some great Zentangle inspired art. 





[Note: If you have trouble seeing the images in this newsletter, you can view it here where we archive all our newsletters about 30 minutes after they are sent.] 




Meet the Certified Zentangle Teachers of Seminar XI

We all are so fortunate that Zentangle continues to attract some of this planet's nicest people!

108 people from nine countries (Belgium, Canada, Ecuador, India, Ireland, Sweden, South Africa, Taiwan, and United States of America) attended Seminar XI. Ireland and Ecuador are two new countries on our CZT list and with Ecuador, there are now CZTs on all continents (except Antarctica)!

This class represented a wide range of ages and backgrounds and also included many family groups (husbands and wives, parents and children, and siblings).

Below you can enjoy some images from Seminar XI which we also duplicate in higher resolution on this newsletter's companion blog.

Many of these new CZTs are already listed on our CZT list. We encourage you to locate a CZT near you and take a Zentangle class.

Seminar XI Show and Tell

We continue to be amazed and delighted with the myriad of expressions that people create with Zentangle's palette of tangles. Here is but a very small sampling from Seminar XI. All of these images and more are available to view at higher resolution at this companion blog.

A group tangle to which everyone contributed and is being held in the group photo above.

Our class mosaic. Tiles are temporarily pinned to a large cloth covered board.

Here an artist used an acid resist to create this Zentangle inspired jewelry.

Small sample of backs of tangled name tags.
Lots more at blog.

Examples from a session about tangling and shading on black tiles. Notice the use of a black pen on top of the white ink and shading.

Students share their newly deconstructed tangles.

Enjoy all these images and more, here!

Black Zendala Tiles
We've been working on this for a while and now they're ready . . . Black Zendala Tiles!

These round tiles have the same strings as our original Zendala sets. The strings have just enough contrast to see as you tangle and then "disappear" as you work. (I think we went back and forth with our printer about six times before we got the "look" we wanted.)

Black Zendalas are available in all the same "flavors" as our originals. Below are descriptions and links to these items in our store. (Click price to access item in store.)
Zendala Sets (Black)
Tins with 2 sets of 9 strings and 3 blank tiles

Zendala bulk - 21 blank black tiles
21 unstrung black Zendala tiles wrapped in tissue.

Here are a few examples of tangled black Zendalas:


We look forward to seeing what you create.


Tangle Sighting!

A few weeks ago we received this email from a CZT:

Dear Rick and Maria,
Some great news!  Zentangle was referenced at a conference my son attended this past weekend.
My son was an invited guest at the Mizuno Dendoshi held at Calloway Gardens in Georgia.  My son is a manager at a specialty running shoe and apparel store. He is also an ultra runner and accomplished tangler :)
He said that in one of the presentations at the Dendoshi a gentleman was introducing the new line of shoes and talking about the changes and inspirations behind the new designs.
One shoe in particular was held up as being inspired by Zentangle.  The presenter mentioned 'Zentangle' twice by name and also expounded on the method and how relaxing and inspiring it is to experience.
How exciting is that?!!!
I know that you can google the Mizuno company as well as the Dendoshi for information if you are curious.
Have a wonderful weekend...know that in my little corner of the world I am spreading the joy of your amazing Zentangle world and am ever grateful to you both.

You know that the very next thing we did was to look up "Mizuno" and found their new 10 year anniversary line, the "Sayonara" exquisitely sporting paradox (in a hollibaugh manner, we note!  :-)

Here's a screen shot from their website:

And here's a closer look at the Sayonara:

This is a great example of the creative application of our Zentangle method.

This is also a great example of our approach to Intellectual Property. While we do act to responsibly safe guard our trademarks (name, logo, etc.), our personal creations, and our drawing method, we do not "copyright patterns."

Congratulations to Mizuno! We couldn't be more thrilled.

Here are a few links for learning and enjoying paradox: Explore and enjoy!


Thanks again for sharing in this wonderful adventure with us.

Please visit our companion blog for this newsletter to make comments and to enjoy larger (and more) images from Seminar XI.



Best always,


Rick and Maria 






About Zentangle

Zentangle is an easy to learn, relaxing and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
website: zentangle.com

� 2013 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved