Well, the New Year has us moving in high gear and I've got six new articles for you this week, including new three demo videos on cool plug-ins that are worth knowing.
Work on our new studio is continuing - I hope to have a more detailed report for you next week. (Though I've been saying that for a few weeks, I don't want to write about something till we get it working properly.)
Setting up video streaming is far harder than we expected. We've been "soooo close" for a couple of weeks. On the other hand, our webinar this week originates from our new studio, so we need to get everything working by Wednesday. (More on that in the next section.)
But our new facility is looking really nice, with tons of state-of-the-art gear that I'm looking forward to writing about in coming weeks.
(By the way, my "Epiphany on the Arts" in last week's newsletter drew a lot of favorable comments. It isn't a separate article, but it's near the top of last week's issue.)
One of the things I like about doing presentations for Creative Live was the integration of on-camera video with on-screen demos. (The fact that it was LIVE just added a greater sense of energy to the presentation.)
And one of the limitations of our current webinar system - GoToWebinar - is that it only supports audio from one source; either my mic, or the computer audio, but not both.
I really enjoy teaching audio, but our current system makes that very difficult.
So, this week, we are inaugurating our new studio with a new webinar showcasing audio in Final Cut Pro X. If this works as well as we hope, this week's webinar will be the first of many more like it, because our new facility gives us the ability to integrate all these elements:
- On-camera presentation
- On-screen demos
- Audio from multiple sources
- Integration of additional graphics
This week, I plan to cover:
- Setting audio levels and pan
- Working with multichannel audio
- Audio keyframes
- Audio effects
Join us this week and see how well our new live presentation format works. I'd love your comments.
Live webinars are always free. Click here to register. (Limit 100 seats per show.)
Members can view this webinar at any time in our Video Training Library.
 I'm doing a webinar later in January featuring new plug-ins for Premiere Pro CC. If you've developed something you'd like others to know about, please send me an email and tell me about it. I'll do what I can to spread the word. LAST WEEK'S WEBINAR: NEW PLUG-INS FOR FINAL CUT PRO X
Last week's webinar showcased ten new, or mostly new, plug-ins for Final Cut Pro X. In it, I looked at: - Sheffield Softworks: Artitude
- Boris FX: Lights
- Light Leak Love: Transition Love
- Stupid Raisins: Story Pop
- Stupid Raisins: Symbol Pop
- Stupid Raisins: Logo Pop
- Hawaiki: AutoGrade
- Dashwood Cinema Solutions: Smooth Skin
- CoreMelt: Lock & Load
- CoreMelt: SliceX
Members of our Video Training Library can view any training at any time as part of their membership. Become a member here. For everyone else, you can download a copy here. FEATURED DIGITAL PRODUCTION BUZZ: MATTHIJS WOUTER KNOLL
The Berlinale and European Film Market are just a couple of weeks away. The Berlinale is a major film festival, based in Berlin. While the European Film Market (EFM) ranks with Cannes and the American Film Market as the place to turn your projects into distribution and cash.
Last June, the EFM appointed a new Director and this week, we interviewed Matthijs Wouter Knol on The Buzz. Discover what the EFM is and why is it so important to filmmakers. You'll also discover his plans for the future, which are also pretty exciting.
Listen to Matthijs here.
Listen to the entire show here.
Thanks to the folks at Take1 Transcriptions, you can read, as well as listen to each show. Transcripts are posted to each show page. Read the transcript here.
I have three new articles and three new videos for you this week.
I start with a look at how we can organize our media in Final Cut Pro X. Then, an advanced article on collaboration.
This collaboration article is REALLY important if you have two editors working on the same project at the same time.
Then, I highlight three new plug-ins from smaller companies that you need to know about. (By the way, these plug-ins work in FCP X, After Effects and Premiere. So, though I demo them in Final Cut, they apply to just about everyone.)
And, as always, I've updated our Top 3 lists.
Manage Media Using Ratings
 I've covered Ratings and Keywords a lot in my video training, but I've never written about Ratings. In this article, I explain what they are, how they work and how you can use them to manage your media quickly and easily. Read the article here.
Create Subclips Using Keywords
 This article began with a question from a reader. I've written a lot about keywords in Final Cut over the years, but never this specific technique. What makes this especially powerful is that we can use it to create subclips for use in drop zones and select reels.
Collaboration Between Two Editors
 This article, too, was suggested by a reader. In this example, two editors are working on the same project at the same time. One is logging and the other is editing. They need to exchange logging data, but not events, projects or libraries. Transferring libraries won't work, but there's still a way. This article explains how to do this successfully, without wasting time or losing work.
 In this video excerpt from a recent webinar, I showcase a new plug-in from Sheffield Softworks: Artitude. This plug-in works in FCP X, Premiere Pro CC and After Effects. So, while I demo this in Final Cut, if you are a Premiere user, you can get the same effects for your system. And what this does is really cool - it is an artistic painting and texturing program; with an attitude.
Transition Love
 These are some brand-new transitions from a brand-new company. LightLeaksLove specializes in creating transitions and effects using organically-generated light-leak footage. Its the sort of effect you need to see to understand. But, once you see it, you'll want a copy for yourself.
Smooth Skin
 Smooth Skin is a skin-softening plug-in that reduces blemishes, reduces bags under the eyes and makes most actors look a bit younger. While I am not a fan of making all female actors look like Barbie with excessive softening, all of us can use some help. Take a look at this demo and see if you agree.
This title contains everything you need to learn Apple's Final Cut Pro X v.10.1!
This title includes both: * FCP X: Workflow & Editing * FCP X: Effects All in one place, for one great price!
Start with initial setup and media management to editing, effects, and output, there's no finer training on the market.
* Need to get started in a hurry? We condensed everything you need into one chapter.
* Need to learn just the new features? We've got you covered.
* Need in-depth training on everything you need to know to become a video editing pro? Start at the beginning and work your way to the end.
You'll be amazed at how much you learn!
THIS TRAINING INCLUDES ALL THE NEW FEATURES IN THE FCP X 10.1.2 UPDATE (It is also current for the 10.1.3 and 10.1.4 releases)
Over 200 movies, more than 22 hours of training! Each movie is laser-focused to get you the information you need exactly when you need it. (The average movie length is about seven minutes.)
One title - everything you need - available right now.
 Here are the most popular articles, webinars, and audio interviews for the past seven days across all my websites. ArticlesThis list expanded to the Top 4 to add some variety: For an index of all our articles, visit here.
Webinars This list is based on the webinars watched most often by our monthly subscribers. For a list of all our webinars, visit here. Digital Production Buzz Audio Interviews For a list of all Buzz audio interviews, click here.
Learn Apple Compressor 4.1
 Apple continues to update Compressor with an all new interface, improved compression settings and better monitoring. This application has some much new stuff inside that we went back and re-did all our training for the new version. - Better organized
- More informative
- Tighter focus on making your images look great.
These days, everything we do ends up on the web. Which means that if we don't know how to compress our video to make it look good, all our work during production and post is wasted. In this in-depth video training, Larry Jordan shows you how to make the most of Apple Compressor 4.1.x. Whether you are a new or experienced, this training will help you make your media look and sound great!