Sept 14, 2015

BASIS International Ltd releases BBj�, the Barista� Application Framework, and AddonSoftware� by Barista version 15.10. This maintenance release incorporates all customer requested fixes listed in the Fixes file.

Download the released 15.10 today for the most robust version of our products and sample all of the new 16.0 preview features. 

The new rich text WYSIWYG editor has been getting rave reviews and the most exciting feature for those deploying both PRO/5 and BBj is the new protocol now available to the BASIS DBMS and PRO/5 Version 15.0 that provides similar and sometimes better performance for high user count PRO/5 interpreters connecting to the BASIS DBMS on the same server when compared to PRO/5 interpreter access to data alone!

Click on these bookmarks or scroll down to learn more:
BBj BBj 16.0 Preview Features
  • Adds a new communication channel to the BBj PRO/5 DS, markedly improving data transfer speed between the BASIS DBMS and PRO/5 interpreters on the same machine
  • Adds BUI support for 'ARC', 'ELLIPSE', 'ARROW', 'FILL', and 'PATTERN' mnemonics
  • Enhances the SysGUI and SysWindow 'MINICON' mnemonics to support the 256x256 Windows icon format, to honor the requested icon index, and to optionally load all icons in the .ico file
  • Enhances the  BBj 'FILL' mnemonic to support all 'FILL' patterns
  • Adds a new BBjDrawPanel API, making it possible to interact with the draw panel via object syntax instead of mnemonics
  • Adds the option to indicate the status of unsaved program changes by modifying the console prompt
  • Restricts the OPEN verb by default from opening pipes (commands starting with "<", ">", or "|") in console mode, protecting against accidentally overwriting a data file as a side effect of inadvertently specifying a pipe expression when mistyping data server syntax.  To open a pipe at console, set SETOPTS byte 9 bit $10$ or include MODE="PIPE" in the OPEN verb
  • BUI Client BBjFileChooser drag and drop files
    • Adds the option to drop files onto a BUI Client BBjFileChooser as opposed to selecting them through the standard interface
  • BBjHtmlEdit control
    • Adds the BBjHtmlEdit control, a rich text WYSIWYG editor that facilitates editing both HTML-formatted and plain text
  • BBjInputD month and week input (see Date Input)
    • Adds year/month and year/week entry capabilities to the BBjInputD control
  • BBjTabCloseEvent
    • Adds an optional close box to BBjTabCtrl tabs and provides the developer with a corresponding tab close event
  • BBjTabPopupEvent
    • Adds a new BBjTabCtrl event, similar to BBjPopupRequestEvent, that includes the tab index making it easy to add popup menus to BBjTabCtrl tabs  
Web Server
  • Jetty Session Start/Stop programs
    • Adds the ability to configure start and stop programs for individual BBj sessions, facilitating initialization and cleanup of session-based data
  • Jetty Context Start/Stop programs
    • Adds the ability to configure start and stop programs for individual Jetty contexts, facilitating initialization and cleanup of context-based data
Development Tools
  • Eclipse BDT WindowBuilder
    • The 15.01 release included several performance improvements announced previously and this release addresses several requested fixes
Application Building Blocks and Utilities
  • Adds support for the BASIS_UTILITY_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO global string entry to force a particular DevicePixelRatio in utilities such as the Dashboard Utility and the BBJasperViewer
  • New BBXImage methods
    • Adds new methods to the BBXImage Utility to modify the canvas size and facilitate scaling an image while maintaining the original aspect ratio
  • Trace Utility
    • Adds bbtrace.bbj to the BBj utilities set for easy integration into applications for starting, stopping and showing a trace
BBj AddonSoftware 16.0 Preview Features
Distribution Bundle
  • Inventory Control
    • New button on the Inventory Item Master provides quick access to a query showing item availability across all warehouses
  • Jasper Purchase Order
    • Converted the Purchase Order from a BBjForm-based document to a Jasper report and interfaced it with Report Control. This change provides a modern, more professional document that is easier to edit
Accounts Receivable
  • AR Drilldown Sale Report
    • Enhanced to launch each hyperlinked report in a separate tab in the Jasper viewer
  • AR New Customer Defaults
    • Several new customer defaults have been added to facilitate efficiently setting up new customers
  • AR Customer Master
    • New buttons on the Customer Master to quickly launch queries for Quotations, Orders, and Invoices
Solution Wide
  • AddonSoftware now integrates with GoldMine CRM to:
    1. Load AddonSoftware data into the GoldMine database
    2. Import GoldMine data into AddonSoftware's database
    3. View selected AddonSoftware forms and queries from within GoldMine's GM+Views
    4. Launch GoldMine directly from within AddonSoftware
  • Enhanced the Addon Install and Upgrade Wizard (AIUW) to automatically suggest an alternate version-specific data location for the upgraded files to avoid accidentally doing an 'in-place' update and to facilitate testing
BaristaBarista Application Framework 16.0 Preview Features
Barista Install Application Wizard
  • BBJasper Viewer replaces DocOut Viewer
    • Creates PDF report object using BBJasperDesign techniques and passes this on to the BBJasperViewer for viewing in GUI and BUI. Extends the BBJasperViewer with DocOut viewer functionality, like column adjustment and output settings, while keeping the interface for creating DocOut reports the same.
  • Install Application Wizard
    • Improves accuracy when installing applications tied to a Parent System ("mods" projects) by creating and using a "delta" .xml file reflecting just the developer customizations to the base product
  • Build Delta .xml Utility
    • New one-time utility to create the deltas for developers wanting to upgrade mods projects created in prior versions
BBj More Information
TC15 png TechCon2015
It is not too late to join your peers October 12-14 for the conference and stick around for hands-on training October 15-16 here in Albuquerque. Reserve your room now at the Albuquerque Marriott for the special conference rate. Click the TechCon logo for session and training descriptions and FAQs and to Register. Also consider attending the "Sneak Peek" Java Break with the $100-off offer on Wednesday 16 September!

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BBj, BBx and Barista are registered trademarks of BASIS International Ltd.