The Fulcrum

September 05, 2014 Edition

                                         From the National Office
Table of Contents
2014 Summer Program
LIFE 2014 Reflection
WANTED: 2014 LIFEr Reflections!
Support Marianist LIFE
LIFE Alumni in the Spotlight
Free Resources for MLCs
Extra Extra!
Quick Links


"Speak Life" by TobyMac blasted from speakers this summer through northern California, Dayton, Ohio and Texas Hill Country. This song got LIFErs and adult staff members singing, clapping & dancing all week long.


Though it's crazy, amazing
We can turn a heart with the words we say.
Mountains crumble with every syllable.
Hope can live or die ...

Look into the eyes of the broken hearted;

Watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope, you speak love, you speak life.


What great words for us to use as our theme this summer! How do we "Speak Life" daily? How can we turn hearts? How do others come alive with what we say and do? How do we speak hope and love?


LIFErs are charged with joining Blessed Chaminade in continuing Mary's mission of bringing Christ to the world. Each year, LIFE teams from Ireland to Hawai'i, from Cleveland to Puerto Rico build communities of faith in their schools and parishes. LIFE Teams invite their peers into the LIFE community. They pray, and they play. They share their faith stories. They do service for their schools, parishes and larger communities. It's big work, but great work.


"Our work is great; it is magnificent. It is universal because we are the missionaries of Mary, She says to us, 'Do whatever He tells you.' Yes, we are all missionaries." Blessed Father Chaminade


Have a wonderful year LIFErs! May you have many wonderful stories to tell. #SpeakLife




2014 Summer Program 



LIFE 2014
LIFE 2014



LIFE 2014 Reflection

Gregory Edwards
Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory - Hollywood, FL
LIFE South

I am honestly changed by the entire trip. I have a passion for medicine and I wish to study cardiology. Although I am determined to study medicine and become a cardiologist, after going on this trip, I want to somehow incorporate the Marianist Ideology into my adult life. I wish to connect more with the society around me, and try my hardest to build the Christian communities that we spoke of. I pray that Marianist LIFE South 2014 is not the last time that I associate myself with Tecaboca, the Marianists, or the delightful people which I met, because that experience is the sole reason why today I am able to go out into the world, with my strengthened faith, and live life like a Marianist. Click here to read more  


Marisa Rodriguez

St. Matthew Catholic Church - San Antonio, TX

LIFE South


Overall the most important thing Marianist LIFE taught me is to love myself, and to be an independent person. I've always had a struggle with finding peace within myself, and not relying on others for happiness. I always used my friends as a crutch to help me get by in life, but the week I spent at Tecaboca helped me to find that special light that God put inside me. Many of the adults said that week that they are planting the seeds within us, but it's up to us to turn it into something great. I can feel my seed growing, and I want to help others feel the love I felt that special week at LIFE. Click here to read more.  


Click here to read a reflection by Vianney's Adam Brown that appeared in the August Family Online.



WANTED:  2014 LIFEr Reflections!

Attention 2014 LIFErs:

We are seeking submissions of one-page personal reflections of your summer experience. Share your thoughts, memories and how you might have personally and/or spiritually changed as a result of the week-long summer experience. Please include your full name, school/parish and indicate if you attended Central, Pacific our South summer program. Please also include a digital photo of yourself. We accept submissions throughout the year. Email reflections and photos to

Support Marianist LIFE

Gregory, Marisa and Adam are just three of thousands of students enlivened by the Spirit at Marianist LIFE over the last 44 years. LIFE Alumni return as Marianist Young Adult Assistants, Staff, Coordinating Team members and school/parish Moderators year after year. As our three current LIFErs describe, their week at the Summer Program had an impact on their lives, which is echoed by numerous LIFE Alumni throughout the years.


To support Marianist LIFE, please click on the image below.


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LIFE Alumni in the Spotlight


Mike Wasno and Fr. Rich Kuhn, SM
In 1979, Fr. Rich Kuhn, SM brought the first group of students, including Mike Wasno, from St. James HS to LIFE South.  35 Years later, Rich and Mike were back in San Antonio TX for the Marianist Lay Assembly.  Over the years, their relationship has transformed from teacher to mentor to collaborators in the Marianist mission to bring Christ to the World through the ministries like the Marianist Family Retreat Center in Cape May, NJ.


Mike also has a family connection to LIFE.  His daughter Veronica attended LIFE East in 2012 with a group from Good Counsel HS in Olney, MD.  Veronica also volunteers at the Cape May retreat Center. Mike & Veronica were recent staff members at Cape May for a family Retreat.

"LIFE taught me communication skills that I use every day at home and work to build community and consensus. My relationship with the Marianists has guided how I live my life, saying "yes" to Jesus and ensuring the quality of my presence to others, especially in the business world.  They have made me an effective servant-leader.

I am excited for all students who go on LIFE because I know they will be open to new ways of being present to others.  I am especially proud of my daughter because she caught the spirit and is saying "yes" to opportunities to serve young people.  She is an Elementary Education major at Loyola, tutors students at Mother Seton Academy in Baltimore, and volunteers at the Cape May retreat center." 
Mike Wasno and daughter, Veronica
LIFE Alumni - we want your stories!

Let us know how you are doing by emailing us an update and a photo.  Your LIFE friends would love to read about you!     


Moderator Marianist Mid-LIFE 2015

January 23-24, 2015 (January 22 & 25 are travel days)
Bergamo Center - Dayton, OH
Saturday Speaker: Roy Petitfils (
Local schools and parishes who participate in Marianist LIFE are invited to the Saturday presentation.
Registration information will follow in September.
For more information, contact Toni Mesina (  


In Memoriam


Michelle Yaeger, a 2008 LIFEr and a 2009 graduate of Chaminade College Preparatory in West Hills, CA. She and her parents were in a fatal car accident. May they rest in peace.  


In honor of Fr. Paul Marshall who passed away this summer, this is a photo from LIFE 1979. Fr. Paul worked with LIFE for many years, and we thank him for his continued support of the program. For Fr. Paul's obituary, click here.  (Photo courtesy of Fr. Marty Solma) 




Free Resources for MLCs


If your Marianist LIFE Communities need some ideas for your gatherings, please check our website for some resources meeting ideas and prayer services for you and your communities to use throughout the year. We will continue to add more resources as long as moderators and students keep sending them our way! To access this valuable information

  1.        Go to our webpage: 
  2.  .     Click on "MLC resources" at the bottom of the page
  3.        If asked for a username, type "marianistlife"
  4.       Type in password "chaminade"


WIN ONE FREE REGISTRATION! Share Your School's or Parish's Resources

Moderators - send plans for meetings or other resources for your LIFE meetings throughout the year. The school or parish who submits the most resources by April 30, 2015 will receive one free student registration for the 2015 summer program. Email your resources to, and we will upload them to


Midwest Marianist Women's Summit


Midwest Marianist Women's Summit
October 17-19, 2015
University of Dayton
Click here for registration information. 
Contact Pati Krasensky for more information: 

 Marianist LIFE 2015 Summer Program Dates


Mark your calendars!

LIFE Central at Bergamo (Dayton, OH)
Moderators: July 10-18
Students: July 13-18

LIFE Pacific at CYO (Occidental, CA)
Moderators: June 18-26
Students: June 21-26

LIFE South at Tecaboca (Mountain Home, TX)
Moderators: July 12-21
Students: July 15-21

Registration will open on January 15, 2015.

Extra Extra!


Before heading up to Occidental to prepare for the program in June, the Pacific Coordinating Team visited Brothers at the Cupertino Marianist Community

Standing L-R: Kate Beskid, Jen Brophy, Mallory Green, Malorie Chong, Makena Hamilton Sitting L-F: Bro. Skip Matthews, Soane Uiagalelei, Errol Christian, Bro. John Samaha, Jillian Strong, Bro. Tom Redmond

LIFE Community at Lay Assembly

From July 24-28, members of the Marianist Family gathered at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas for the Marianist Lay Network of North America (MLNNA) Lay Assembly. Lay Marianists from across the county spent time in conversation about Lay Marianist identity, praying, drawing (thank you Bro. Brian Zampier) and in fellowship. Existing relationships flourished, and new friends were made. Until the next assembly!  


Follow the link for more information about MLNNA


From the Way-Back Machine


Look at what we found while doing some spring cleaning in our filing cabinets. Thank you Fr. Marty Solma for these gems from LIFE 1980. Do you recognize anyone?  

Click on each photo for a bigger image.