The Spring Asphalt Pavement Conference went off last week smoother than freshly rolled asphalt, with more than 230 attendees hearing the latest updates on funding, research, specification changes, paving best practices and more. Keynote speaker Gary Gallegos, executive director of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) painted a slightly optimistic picture of the prospects for more transportation funding in the near future, and emphasized the need for agencies to be flexible,
| SANDAG's Gary Gallegos (center) is presented with a special "Keep Calm And Pave On" T-shirt by CalAPA Executive Director Russell Snyder (left) and Deputy Executive Director Tony Grasso. | innovative and open to new ideas.
New Caltrans State Pavement Engineer Jesse Bhullar re-emphasized the department's commitment to working in partnership with industry to deliver high-quality transportation improvement projects. He assumed his new duties Feb. 17, replacing Amarjeet Benipal, who was named District 3 Director. Basem Muallem, former Caltrans District 8 Director who on April 1 began a new job with Parsons Transportation Group in Southern California, announced that the regional Caltrans district that covers Riverside and San Bernardino counties will be moving forward with another long-life asphalt pavement project. Also known as perpetual asphalt pavement, the pavement strategy is designed to last 40 years or more with minimal maintenance. Caltrans won national recognition last year for utilizing the innovative design on seven projects, including sections of the 710 Freeway in Los Angeles County, Interstate 5 in the North State and Interstate 80 between Sacramento and San Francisco. Other speakers represented industry, agencies and academia. Toni
| 2015 CalAPA Chairman John Greenwood with Skanska opened the Spring Asphatl Pavement Conference. | Carroll with Vulcan Materials provided a summary of changes to Caltrans asphalt specifications, and Steve Marvin of Labelle-Marvin delivered an entertaining presentation on plant inspection for local agencies. Gary Hicks, representing the Pavement Preservation Center at CSU Chico, offered pavement preservations "keys to success" while Erik Updyke gave an overview of recent changes to the "Greenbook" standard for local public works.
Carolina Rodezno representing the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) at Auburn University provided the latest research on performance testing of Warm Mix Asphalt, drawing partly on "live traffic" field tests in controlled conditions at NCAT's test track. Jeff Ensell with Roadtec delved into the topic of Material Transfer Vehicles, and Bob Humer with the Asphalt Institute showed the audience the do's and don'ts of proper joint construction. Chris Long with the Federal Highway Administration offered a national perspective on transportation, and John Harvey with the UC Pavement Research Center provided a preview of research that is
| The Equipment Expo portion of the conference was popular. |
providing new insights into pavement performance. Two expert panel discussions tackled pavement management systems and bonded wearing courses. A list of all the presenters and topics can be found HERE. One attendee summed up the event conference experience this way: "Each time I attend I think 'they're never going to be able to produce a better program.' Then the next time I attend I find CalAPA has in fact produced a better program." All CalAPA technical presentations, including every one delivered at the conference, are available electronically on CalAPA's "SlideShare" page. Click HERE to view and download them. More photos from the conference are posted on CalAPA's Facebook Page HERE. This year's conference marked a return of the popular "Equipment Expo," where attendees got an up-close look at the latest equipment and technology that is resulting in higher quality and smoother pavement projects. A list of all conference sponsors and exhibitors is HERE. The Fall Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo will take place Oct. 28-29 at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento. Contact Sophie You at (916) 791-5044 for sponsorship and exhibitor information.
| It was another overflow crowd that attended the Spring Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo April 15-16 in Ontario. |