Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Easter greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior!
As I write this, I have just returned from a wonderful conference at Valparaiso University: The Institute of Liturgical Studies. Part of what made it so wonderful was the opportunity I had to reconnect with ALCM friends at the ALCM reception, hosted at the ALCM house. This year the house was packed - thankfully, the weather was actually nice (a rarity during Institute), and many were able to enjoy food and drink and good conversation outside. I was so excited to see the energy and enthusiasm that our members have for each other, and our organization. And I was also extremely pleased to see many new faces.
Our vocation can be difficult, especially if we feel isolated and alone. Perhaps your working relationship with staff is not the best it could be. Perhaps your congregation could be more understanding/flexible/insert your own adjective here. Anytime we can get together and share both achievements and challenges with each other, it is a good thing. When we have the chance to support and encourage one another face to face, the load gets a bit lighter. I encourage you, if you have not already, to register for our biennial conference, "Called to Be a Living Voice." It will not only be a time of professional development, but of reconnection, renewal, and rest. I hope to see you there!
Julie Grindle
ALCM President-Elect
Voting for the national board positions of Secretary/Treasurer and Director at Large closes at midnight (Central time) next Tuesday, May 5. If you have not yet placed your vote, be sure to do so before that time!
You can read the biographies and vision statements of the candidates for national office and then place your vote online.
Have you registered for "Called to Be a Living Voice"?
Space is limited, so don't delay!
A mid-April email blast highlighted an number of
different conference opportunities.
Faithful Servant Award Recipients Named
The Faithful Servant Award was established by ALCM in recognition of and appreciation for those who have made extraordinary contributions to the worship life of the church. In January, the Board of Directors identified three gifted individuals to receive the award, which will be presented this summer at our Biennial Conference in Atlanta: Victor Gebauer, Wilbur Held, and Walter Pelz. We look forward to presenting this award to Victor and Walter at the annual business meeting on Tuesday, July 21. The award for Wilbur will be made posthumously. President Anne Krentz Organ spoke with Wilbur in January, prior to his death on March 24, to tell him that he had been selected to receive the award. All three of these church musicians embody what it means to be a servant in the church, proclaiming the gospel through music. Thanks be to God!
CrossAccent Spring 2015
The Spring 2015 issue of CrossAccent just went to the printer, so you can expect to see it in your mailbox within the next few weeks. In her introduction to this issue, entitled "Worship and Civic Life, "CrossAccent editor Jennifer Ollikainen comments: "We hold two realities in tension. Christian worship exists in a particular time and place, situated within human culture. And Christian worship transcends time and place, proclaiming the grace of God in Jesus Christ beyond human limitations. We stretch this tension whenever our cultural and civic holidays or commemorations coincide with worship or when the community is struggling through political issues that have an impact on the members of our community and, therefore, the assembly gathered for worship."
CPH Releases Ebook Edition of the
Lutheran Service Book
Concordia Publishing House is pleased to announce that Lutheran Service Book is now available for Kindle and Apple ereaders. The Lutheran Service Book, Ebook Edition contains all of the contents of the printed Pew Edition with the convenience of your tablet or ebook reader. Features include:
- Five Divine Services
- Morning Prayer
- Evening Prayer
- Matins
- Vespers
- Luther's Small Catechism
- 636 hymns, songs, and canticles
Additionally, the ebook edition provides links to each hymn in the table of contents and indexes, as well as links back to the table of contents from each hymn for easy navigation. The lectionaries provide internet links for each Bible reference.
Order Lutheran Service Book, Ebook Edition now at Amazon.com or iTunes. To learn more, visit cph.org/ehymnal or contact Lindsey Martie, CPH Public Relations, by phone at 314-268-1303, or by email at Lindsey.Martie@cph.org.
In addition to the ALCM biennial conference this summer, check out the additional opportunities for travel, learning, and enrichment below:
