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10th July 2013
Volume 247
Legal Review

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MRT Updates

The Migration Review Tribunal (MRT) is a person's last opportunity to have a visa refusal or cancellation reviewed "on the merits". That is, the Migration Review Tribunal is the last place where you can bring new evidence to support your case or application which was not before, or considered by, the original decision maker when your visa application was refused or your visa cancelled.



The appeal process is lengthy and can lead to additional costs as well as delays and negative knock-on effect for future applications. Therefore a decision to go forward with an appeal is not one that should be taken lightly.


Some significant changes have taken place at the Migration Review Tribunal (MRT) recently. July 1 onwards, MRT application post-decision fees have increased.


The fee payable when lodging an application with the MRT will now be $1,604.


The increased fees will apply to all applications received by the MRT on or after July 1, 2013. Applications posted prior to July 1 but received after this date are subject to the higher fee.

The discounted fee (payable in cases of financial hardship) will also increase on this date to $802.


A series of changes have been made to the Migration Regulations 1994 so that it aligns with the MRT and RRT prescribed periods for inviting an applicant to a hearing, to provide further information, and to comment on adverse information.


Amendments have also been made to the Migration Regulations 1994 regarding lodgement processes.

These include introducing the capacity for the MRT and RRT to accept applications electronically, although electronic lodgement will probably not be available until the end of this year.



Priority Processing for Skilled Migration Visas                                                                            Visa

From 1 July 2012, processing priorities (with highest priority listed first) are:

  1. applications from people who are sponsored under the RSMS program
  2. applications from people who are sponsored under the ENS program
  3. applications from people who are nominated by a state or territory government agency
  4. applications from people who have nominated an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) - Schedule 1 in effect from 1 July 2012
    See:  Skilled Occupation List
  5. all other applications.

Applications for visa subclasses 186, 187, 189, 190, or 489 which are lodged through SkillSelect will be given the highest priority within each priority processing group.


Some light reading?  

Have a few spare minutes and nothing to do? Try reading one of our riveting historical newsletters to give you a buzz.

Won't exactly blow your mind but might rattle loose a filling.


For the recent ones using the new newsletter format, they can be found here.


For our older newsletters they can be found on our web site  here.

We've moved to a new address                                      
Our new premises are located at Level 1, 36 Carrington street, across the park from our old offices. The telephone number and email address remains the same, please don't hesitate to call if you're having difficulty finding us.
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Kind regards,

Karl Konrad, Managing Director


Jee Eun HAN, Executive Manager     

Australian Immigration Law Services

MARN: 9904238, 0850073 

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 At Australian Immigration Law Services (AILS), we offer professional advice and practical solutions to all migration matters. Our team of licensed agents and consultants specialise in various areas of immigration law, such as skilled migration, business, family, and MRT reviews.


저희 회사에는 한국인 스탭도 일하고 있습니다.







Our move to the new premises have gone 
smoothly barring a few issues we are facing with internet connectivity which should be resolved soon. 

We are working on a very interesting series of expos� starting this weekend, tackling the rampant issues of misleading information given to people who wish to obtain visas to stay in Australia. 

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Karl Konrad

Karl Konrad

Managing Director

Han Photo with Jacket

 Executive Manager

Jee Eun HAN


Australian Immigration Law Services  

phone: 61 2 92791991 | fax: 61 2 9279 1994
email: | website: 


 Level 1, 34-36 Carrington Street Sydney NSW 2000

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IMMIGRATION NEWS is intended to provide general information on migration issues and does not constitute legal advice and no responsibility is accepted by Australian Immigration Law Services (AILS) for the accuracy of material appearing in IMMIGRATION NEWS


People seeking advice on migration law should seek advice from a registered Migration Agent and you should be aware that the law can change tomorrow without notice so you have the responsibility to keep up to date.  The copyright of IMMIGRATION NEWS belongs to Australian Immigration Law Services (AILS) and no part of IMMIGRATIONNEWS is to be reproduced by any means without the written consent of AILS. Australian Immigration Law Services is a trading name licensed to AILS INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD

