TopOn the Hook:

The Lake Champlain Newsletter for Anglers & Boaters 

 Lake Champlain International

 ...because a swimmable, drinkable, fishable Lake Champlain is the only option.

January 2013

Happy New Year!

Our New Year's resolution is to continue and strengthen our efforts to protect Lake Champlain, our waters, and fisheries for all who rely on and enjoy these invaluable resources.  What's your 2013 resolution?  We hope you'll join us for another successful year. 

-The LCI Team 

Sections in this Issue:
-Lake Champlain Basin                       
-Think You Know Champlain?           
-What's New With LCI                              

 LakeChamplainLake Champlain Basin 

VIDEO: What happened to Lake Champlain's native trout?
In Lake Champlain, lake trout spawn at several reefs. Dr. Ellen Marsden, UVM professor of fisheries, has found extremely high densities of trout eggs and young fish (called fry) at these spawning sites. But that's where the happy story seems to end. Find out more... 
AUDIO: Lake trout offspring not surviving in Lake Champlain
UVM's Dr. Ellen Marsden talks to VPR about the troubling lake trout situation in Lake Champlain ... trout fry leave their spawning area, then disappear.  Listen to find out more!
5-Year Vermont fishing licenses now available
family fishing on dock When you go to purchase your 2013 fishing or hunting license, you can now purchase it for five years. Find out more or buy your license! 

Winooski River fishing access repairs complete 

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department announced that repairs to its fishing access area off Windemere Way in Colchester near the mouth of the Winooski River are completed and the access is open for use. Read more...

Draft "Clean Water Trust Fund Report" available

for public comment 

The "Clean Water Trust Fund Report," as directed by Act 138, requires that a report be provided to the Vermont legislature describing the cost of reducing water pollution across the state. The last opportunity to comment is by the end of today, December 28.  Learn more...

Canoe trespassing case in the hands of judge  

A lawsuit that claims Adirondack Explorer Editor Phil Brown trespassed while paddling on waterways that run through private property is now in the hands of a judge. Learn more... 
Poll results: Lake Champlain's most harmful threats
LCI asked: what are the two issues that are most harmful to Lake Champlain, our rivers, our public health, and the regional economy?

Ice fishing caution and safety reminders  

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has some ice fishing safety reminders, but the department cautions there are no areas in late December where ice is safe enough to support fishing. Read the safety tips!

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ThinkYouKnowChamplainThink You Know Champlain? back to top 

January Edition: Fishing in a winter wonderland


This month, guest writer Captain Mickey Maynard tells us the ice fishing "hot spots" for Lake Champlain.  Find out where to go this winter! 


LCILCI back to top  

Join the LCI team and salmon may scare the horses again
Salmon - the symbol of healthy waters - was a fish once so abundant people were warned against crossing Champlain Valley streams on horseback lest the horse be spooked by waters full of healthy, heavy salmon. Today, there are virtually no natural populations.
We need your help.  Learn more about joining the LCI team...

LCI Partner News: BRP Launches New Evinrude

E-TEC 135 H.O. Outboard Engine  

BRP announced today the introduction of the 135 H.O., the newest horsepower available in the Evinrude E-TEC outboard engine line-up. The engine is ready to order today from authorized Evinrude dealers throughout North America, and delivery begins in January 2013.  Find out more...

LCI invests in Lake Champlain's headwaters 

LCI is working with the Vermont Land Trust and other partners to protect a big chunk of land located in Bolton, Vermont. This land drains into the Winooski River, and if developed, will increase pollution into the River and Lake Champlain. Learn more about protecting this important land... 
Online: LCI LinkedIn group is growing!
For those on LinkedIn, the LCI group is a great spot to stay updated with Lake Champlain issues and happenings. Join many friends and colleagues in the conversation about protecting Lake Champlain, and therefore our economy, community, and well-being. Check out the LCI LinkedIn group...

Shop online, search the internet, dine out ...  

and help Lake Champlain!

Learn more about using GoodSearch to save money while shopping online and protecting Lake Champlain! It's easy!

Shop online, eat dinner out, and search the internet

all in the name of a healthier Lake Champlain! Learn how!

Compostable plates, bowls, and forks, oh my!  

EarthSmart plates, bowls, spoons, knives, forks, bait cups, and toilet paper ... the best of the best in disposable meal kits and home/camping needs. Visit to order your supplies and LCI will receive funds to help protect our lake! Equip yourself this summer...
Fishing more than your partner likes you to?
Here are some great gift ideas to get you out of trouble. Plus, rest well knowing that your purchase helps protect Lake Champlain's waters and fisheries!



AnglingHeritageAngling Heritage back to top
OWAA holds youth outdoor writing contest with cash prizes
Outdoor Writers Association of America is once again hosting the Norm Strung Youth Writing Awards contests. The 2013 contests allow promising young writers and poets to showcase their skills and win cash prizes totaling $1,700. Learn more!
Ice fishing with kids: tips for a successful outing
Fishing from a boat or shore with kids when it's warm out is much different than ice fishing with kids. When out on the ice, there are some factors that need to be considered to ensure a safe and fun trip. Check out the tips...



kid fishing edited


Lake Champlain International, Inc.                          

531 Main Street

Colchester, VT 05446

802.879.3466  Fax: 802.879.1746 


a 501(c)(3) organization

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Lake Champlain International, a Top-Rated Nonprofit Award winner, has earned the Guidestar Exchange Seal and is accredited by the Better Business Bureau, illustrating the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and effectiveness as set forth by these internationally trusted organizations.

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Our Lake

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to conserve, protect, and restore Lake Champlain and our Community!

LCI Calendar

We stay busy.
Click on the calendar above
or here to see where we'll be
in the upcoming months.
3 Clicks for a Better Lake

Protect Our Lake

Sick of closed beaches & unsafe water?  

BLUE sign with flowers

Let LCI Help You  

Certify Your Home as BLUE




Better Business Bureau

1% for the Planet Partner
Terence's monster 15.4-pound laker
Good Links to Know
 LCI Staff
James Ehlers
Executive Director 

Eric LaMontagne
Outreach Director 

Ross Saxton
Director of Conservation & Education 

Liz Ehlers
Business Manager 

Wayne Laroche
Chief Scientist

Cathy Pirie Merrill
Let's Go Fishing Administrator

Meet the LCI Staff! 
 LCI Board of Directors
Dave Adams

Michael Brigham

James Ehlers

Jason Galipeau

Scott Goddard



Frank Petrosino


Bob Qua

Craig Roskam

Bob Shannon

Frank Stanley
 LCI Advisory Council 
Aleksandra Drizo, Ph.D.

Jim Douglas, Governor (2003-2011)

Brian Grenon, Ph.D.

Gary Henry, M.S.

Janette Henry, M.S.

Scott Mapes, P.E., Esq.

Timothy B. Mihuc, Ph.D.

April Moulaert, M.S.
LCI Business Members support your lake and your community

Lake Champlain International (LCI) is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization actively involved in shaping the future of Lake Champlain's water and fisheries health for the well-being of the people who depend on it today and tomorrow.  To protect, restore, and revitalize Lake Champlain and its communities, LCI educates, advocates, and motivates to ensure that Lake Champlain is swimmable, drinkable, and fishable, understanding that healthy water resources are essential for a healthy economy and a healthy community.