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        October 30, 2012
This year's Birkie,
Korte, and Haakon
Participant Gift! 

PLUS ... Get more pairs right now for yourself,
your family, and friends.
You'll save 25% 
Support the Birkie Trail!
 Learn More  

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Greetings from the American Birkebeiner! 

Hi Skiers and Friends!

We've been enjoying good Fall weather in Birkie-land. The colored leaves have fallen and cooler temperatures are definitely here. There have even been a few snowflakes in the air. A very successful Birkie Trail Run & Trek is behind us with more than 1,000 participants (you should have been there if you weren't!) and now we focus on the 2013 BirkieTour in January and Birkie events in February.  


There is still some trail work remaining, including construction of the new warming and storage building that just began at the Birkie Trail crossing near the Fire Tower site. We're replacing and updating signage on the trails, including the badly faded Birkie Classic Trail signs and K-markers. There has been a major logging operation on Bayfield County land behind Mount Telemark surrounding the Kortelopet course between 17K and 20K. We will need to do some work on the trail as soon as the logs are hauled out, hopefully this week. We may schedule a volunteer work morning very soon to take care of this. We always have to keep in mind that we share the trail with logging in this "working forest."


We'll keep you informed of changes and highlights we're planning for the 40th American Birkebeiner, now just 115 days away. Much of this will be covered in upcoming issues of the Carpe Skiem and in the Pre-race issue of the Birch Scroll that you'll receive in early November. We're looking forward to a great winter.


Stay Fit!


As always, we welcome your comments, and you can contact me anytime at  



Ned Zuelsdorff

Executive Director

 Birkie Updates

Earliest Closing Date Ever for Birkie/Korte Registration


On October 15 we reached our cap for the Birkie and Kortelopet, and registration for those races is officially closed. We are happy to welcome lots of long-time Birkie skiers and all you new skiers! Because of arrangements we made with JDRF, our new Birkie Skiers for Cures partner, in support of research for type 1 diabetes, there are now additional Birkie/Korte entries available to anyone who would like to fundraise a minimum of $500 for JDRF by November 30. There are now 16 spots left.
Click Here for details.


There is also still room left in the Prince Haakon 12K, also on Saturday, February 23. This is a great way to step up to the same starting line as the Birkie and begin the adventure! Click Here to register.  


Click Here for ALL Birkie Week Events 


Don't miss what happens on Thursday and Friday of Birkie race week ... from the "Barkie Birkie" ski-or with your dog to the "Giant Ski" (below)! 




 What's New!

40th Anniversary Special Events and Parties    

All During Birkie Week!
February 21 - 23

From the brand new "Nikkerbeiner" 5k wooden ski event, to the "Blast with the Past" party on Thursday night, to the all new Birkie Bash at Telemark Lodge on Saturday
night. Click Here for details.      

Also Coming Soon!
Door Prize Lists! 

Thanks to our sponsors, BIG door prizes will be given out as part of our special 40th Birk
ie week events. Prizes will include complete ski packages and more! Watch for updates in Carpe Skiem, on and Facebook! 

  The First Birkie in 1973. Look for this photo on our

New Birch Scroll - Mid-November

The 2013 Pre-Race Issue of the Birch Scroll will be arriving in participant mailboxes by mid-November.

Try Volunteering This Year! 

The Birkie can always use more volunteers to help us put on a great event. It's a lot of fun, and we have jobs that can get you right out on the trail, the finish line of the Birkie, Korte, or Haakon, at bib pick-up, etc.

Even if you have just a couple of hours to spare, give us a call to see what we have that would work for you!

Call 715-634-5025 or email us at


Race Day Child Care

Have you heard about Camp Birkie for Kids? Each year on race day, at the Cable Natural History Museum, kids can have a great day of Northwoods fun hosted while their parents ski. Hosted by Conserve School.
Find out more at Camp Birkie Child Care.
Cathy Palmer at 715-547-1300

Conserve School  
 Ski for a Cure   

Olympian Kris Freeman, 
Birkie "Skiers for Cures" Ambassador,  
lives and skis with type 1 diabetes 

The Birkie is proud to announce its new "Skiers for Cures" charitable partnership with JDRF, the leading global organization focused on type 1 diabetes research.
Click Here
to find out more.
Please, help us raise funds to support JDRF research!
Ten Fun Ideas for Fundraising ... 
"Birkie Fever" Style!   


Ask people to support you for:  
  • Every K you'll ski at Birkie 2013
  • How many years you've skied
  • Each Birkie hill you'll go up ...
    and down
  • Every banana you eat, even when you really (really) can't stand one more
  • The seconds you count skiing up Boedecker Hill (The Firetower Hill? "B" Hill?)
  • How many ski hats you own
  • The number of gel packs you staple
    to your bib
  • The number of times you say, "Never Again!"
  • The number of times you say, "I can't wait until next year!"
  • The number of times you tell your Birkie story  

Sign Up to Fundraise!   


Share your Story.

 Please email it to          


Fundraising Has Its Rewards!

Anyone in the Birkie community can get involved and help support JDRF.


Raise a little or raise a lot--every bit helps!   


Raise $150: Earn a Team JDRF cross-country ski hat


Raise $250: Get an entry into the drawing to win a trip to Norway (prize includes entry for two people in 2014 Birkebeinerrennet in Norway, three nights lodging and air travel)


Go the Distance: Be one of the Top Ten Team JDRF fundraisers and receive a complimentary 2014 American Birkebeiner registration.


50 "Second Chance" Entries for 2013 Birkie or Korte:

Skiers register then commit to fundraising a minimum of $500 for JDRF. (There are currently 16 spots left.) Based on availability. All fundraisers in this category still qualify for all the rewards listed above! 



  Sign Up to Fundraise!   


     Share your Story.

     Please email it to   

 Warriors & Inga         



Could you ski the Birkie on wooden skis?  

Do you like to encourage other skiers on the trail?

Do you look really good in a helmet or cape ... ?
Enter to be this year's Warrior & Inga team at Birkie 2013! Just a few of the benefits of skiing this historic re-enactment include:  

_ A Free Entry the Following Year. Each winner receives a free race entry to the
   2014 Birkie or Korte.

_ Race Credit. If you ski as either a Warrior or Inga, you will receive full credit
   for completing the race and you keep your wave placement.

_ The Experience of a Lifetime! Our past Warriors and Inga's tell us over and over
   again that skiing the Birkie in these historic roles is one of their most cherished
   experiences. Part of that, they say, is ... Continue Reading.

The 2010 Birkie Warriors and Inga

 2013 Ski Demo        

Try Out the Latest Skis, Boots, and Poles ...
Right on the Birkie Trail!

Sunday . February 24 . 8 AM to 3 PM
At this year's annual On-Snow Ski Demo at Birkie 2013, you get to ski on next season's equipment before it ever hits the stores! Plus, because we've moved the demo to the "OO" trailhead, you get a feel for exactly what you like on the best conditions possible--the Birkie Trail! And, moving the On-Snow Ski Demo to Sunday has its advantages, too:  
  • Save your legs and be race-ready for Saturday
  • See what equipment you might want to tweak, based on Saturday's race 
  • Combine that one last Sunday trip to the trail with a chance to try new equipment 
  • Get one-on-one help from each manufacturer's product development guys, wax experts, and more who have been putting in all those hours at the Birkie Expo and can now work directly with you
  • Click Here to read more!


Sunday's On-Snow Ski Demo will be presented
by these Birkie sponsors:



 Participant Gift       

Getting chilly where you are? It is here in the Hayward/Cable area. That makes it a great time to talk about our 2013 Participant Gift for all Birkie, Korte, and Haakon skiers! All participants will receive their special "Birkie" edition SwypeGloves at bib pick-up on Feb. 21-22. Click Here to learn more.

PLUS ... if you want to try SwypeGloves right now--for you, family, friends (they make great gifts for skiers and non-skiers alike!) you can order ANY pair from the usual SwypeGloves collection for 25%. Then, a portion from each sale goes to support the Birkie Trail.

So, Stay Warm
Save 25%
Support the Birkie Trail!

Learn More
or go directly to Get Extra Pairs! 
Use coupon code: birkie13
 Camps & Clinics
Train Like a Birkie Champion--
Guest coaches,
Birkie Champions Tad Elliott
& Matt Liebsch
with TWO Birkie Champions 

The F.A.S.T. Performance Training Camp with Birkie Champions Tad Elliot and Matt Liebsch took place Oct. 26-28 here in the Hayward area. Participants packed in two full days of smart, hard training, including roller skiing, running, and agility work.

Thank you to all that attended and by doing so helped raise over $2,000 for Tad and Matt!
Click Here to see camp photos.

See more training events at Camps & Clinics.

 Trail Run & Trek

Runners, Relay Teams, and Trekkers Take to the Hills!


A thin layer of early morning snow gave way under bright sunshine and temperatures

that quickly rose into the 40's for the start of the Birkie Trail Run & Trek on September 22. Everyone enjoyed great running conditions and ... Continue Reading.      

An Update on the 36-year old runner who collapsed at the water station is that he is
doing fine and did not sustain any lingering or long-term injuries. Thank you again to the two nurses and to everyone who looked after him while waiting for help to arrive.

Click Here
for Results. Click Here for Photos.  



Brutal But Beautiful: 
My Tale of a Marathon Run on the Birkie Trail  


This FANTASTIC article by Tom Held of The Active Pursuit blog is for everyone who   ran the Birkie Trail Marathon on Sept. 22 and for those who wonder what happens out there. Enjoy! Click Here for article.

 Trail Friends

 Be Included on the Birkie Trail Friends "Wall"   


Get a permanent plaque included on the Birkie Trail Friends wall sculpture at the Birkie "OO" trailhead for a one-time donation of $500. All donations are tax-deductible.  

Email or call us at 715-634-5025.  


Birkie Honor Wall 
 NEW Event


Click Image Above for More Info!
 Birkie Store


2013 Birkie Gear Is HERE!
Shop online at the Birkie Store
  or stop by our brand new 
retail set-up at our Birkie
offices in downtown Hayward, WI.

40th Anniversary 
Gifts, Apparel, and More! 
 Birkie Fever

A Tale of Two Skiers

By Ethel Morse

I have completed 26 Birkies, am a Worldloppet Master, and have now completed the first annual Birkie Warrior Series "gold level" and after running the Birkie Trail Marathon on September 22. ... Now, Jason Suino, age 23, after 12 years of skiing on my Special Olympic team, has qualified for the 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games in South Korea ... 

Click Here to read more about Ethel and Jason.

Ethel Morse (in her Birkie Warrior Series Jacket) and Jason Suino
 Get the Latest

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Be part of the group that ...

Gets Birkie news as it happens!
Like Us on Facebook


American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation  

Meet Our Board of Directors  Warrior Logo 

Our ABSF Board Members are a diverse group of professionals who each has a deep connection to and experience with the Birkie. See their stories.  What they do behind the scenes contributes to your Birkie experience. Click Here to get to know the Birkie Board.


Become a Member

Do you ever wonder how the Birkie gets pulled off year after year with great success? The staff, Board of Directors, a huge network of volunteers, and the communities of Hayward and Cable pour their hearts and souls into the events every year.   


The ABSF was formed in 1984 when a group of local business people realized that strong support would ensure the race's future for years to come.  Members are the backbone of the organization because they alone elect the ABSF board.  You can show your support and take a bit of "ownership" in the race by becoming an ABSF member.  Individual memberships are $25 annually, $40 per family, and $50 per business.
Click Here to learn more.

 Important Dates
January 19, 2013           BirkieTour

February 21-23, 2013   
 Birkie 2013 - Our 40th Anniversary!

March 9, 2013                 Fat Bike Birkie

American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation

The Birkie is a year-round lifestyle choice for thousands of outdoor fitness enthusiasts of all levels. From its signature ski race--the legendary American Birkebeiner--the Birkie has grown into an exciting array of fitness and recreational opportunities. The 88-kilometer Birkie Trail system attracts skiers, runners, bikers, trekkers, and hikers, from casual day-trippers to elite superstars. Located near Hayward and Cable, Wisconsin, the Birkie is now an outdoor sports mecca, a series of great races, a fitness destination, and a Lifestyle.

Becker Law2009 Birkie Trail Run Half