Boring Managers and Bad Energy
What kind of work-environment are you creating for employees?  
I've been working out with my trainer, Max Reynoso, for several years now. I enjoy his high energy, calorie-burning sessions for the physical benefit, as well as the mental boost.  Regardless of my frame of mind when I arrive at the gym, Max is there to meet me where I am. He's always positive, energetic and encouraging.  Working with Max is just good energy.

Sometimes my schedule doesn't allow me to work out with Max, and I become a slave to the early morning treadmill instead. I don't mind it as it gives me time to watch the interaction between other trainers and their clients. Through observation I've learned that not all trainers are like Max. Some never smile; others offer no words of encouragement. Still others just don't pay attention to their clients' needs. Honestly, if I worked out with these trainers, I'd be completely bored and probably discouraged.
Comparing these observations to my experiences with Max, I'm reminded how impactful a leader can be towards those who follow them. Workplace leaders use the same behaviors as personal trainers to create an environment that is either motivating or de-motivating.  

You have an opportunity to create an environment where employees want to work hard--to give their all.  Some leaders do just the opposite.  Here are a few things leaders do, sometimes inadvertently, to create an environment that produces lower levels of performance:


Painless Performance Evaluations
Training System


It's almost performance evaluation season and your managers are going to need some support.   With the Painless Performance Evaluations Training System you can incorporate the Painless Performance Evaluations principles throughout your organization. 
With these tools you can help your leaders:
  • Increase employee engagement
  • Rate performance more consistently
  • Strengthen trust between employees and managers
  • Reduce conflicts that often arise at performance review time
  • Maximize the performance evaluation opportunity
  • Write more meaningful evaluation comments
A license for the Painless Performance Evaluations Training System gives you unprecedented access to these robust training materials. Please contact us to discuss how you can bring this valuable tool into your organization.    

Final Footnotes

Traveling to over 100 engagements a year for over 18 years now takes its toll.  Yet the demand for my performance management training continues to increase.  That's what led me and my team to create the Painless Performance Management product suite. Through our webinar series and training systems, you can bring the valuable concepts of Painless to your organization--on your own time, in your own way. Please check out our new tools and let me know what you think!   

As always, if there is anything I can do to support your performance management
efforts, just give me a call at 480-705-9394 or shoot me an email
Marnie E. Green, CSP, IPMA-CP
Principal Consultant



September 2015
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From Our Clients 
"Marnie Green did an outstanding job discussing with us (the CUPA-HR Utah Chapter) the art of painless performance conversations. She has the ability to discuss this complicated issue with energy, humor, and honesty. She gave us useful tips on how to ask the best questions and have the best mind-set for optimal results - I actually keep a copy of her model on my desk to refer to constantly. She is interactive, interesting, and a very engaging speaker - I highly recommend her." 
---- Travis Rosenberg,
Program Chair, CUPA-HR Utah Chapter
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