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Our National
The holiday season is the perfect time to showcase and promote our art, spreading peace on earth and goodwill to all. May your holiday season be blessed with thanksgiving, peace, joy, and love!
Happy Holidays!
Your Area 12 Board |
Message from the Chair - Mich�le Sharik

Hi there, Area 12!
By now, your handbell programs are in full swing, you've played once or twice (or more) in worship, for class, or in concert, and you're busily preparing for the coming holidays. *whew!* That's a lot of work! Remember that when you get "stuck" - whether you need to find a rehearsal or performance sub, need some suggestions for repertoire, or have questions about a new or unfamiliar technique, or really anything at all - your Regional Coordinator is here for you. Just drop them a line and they will be happy to help. If they don't know the answer to your question, they know how to find it! Be sure to check out the Area Calendar to find upcoming events and concerts in your region -- it can be nice to be in the audience once in a while; I know I find it relaxing and refreshing! Plus, it's a great opportunity to get to know other handbell peeps near you, which is always great fun. I've met some of my very best friends via handbells and I know I'm not alone in that. Have a great November!
My Best,
Mich�le Sharik
Communiqu� - Barbara Meinke, Communications Director

I recently attended my 10th Distinctly Bronze Event (yes, I am completely addicted to the entire experience!) and met a super young man who was both a first-timer and the William H. Griffin Scholarship recipient. He hails from Area 12! I asked him to write a little bit about his experience and am pleased to share it with you!
Hello! My name is Andrew Scher and I am currently a senior studying Civil Engineering at Purdue University. I have been ringing handbells since the third grade at San Dieguito United Methodist Church in Encinitas, CA, and am currently a ringer in and manager of Purdue Bells. In early October, I had the privilege of attending Distinctly Bronze East in New Bern, North Carolina, a massed ringing event for advanced handbell musicians.
I learned so much about musicianship through attending this event. I was able to meet and interact with many enthusiastic ringers and others who have really helped shape and improve handbells as an art form. This has allowed me to build on my own skills as a ringer, to learn different ways to approach difficult music, and to explore how to interpret music beyond what is written on the score to enhance the musicality and performance of a piece. Ringing challenging music with complete strangers and under the direction of Beth Judd and Al Reese was a blast! One aspect of the event that I valued most was coordinating bell sharing with table partners, "problem solving," and really making each piece a group effort.
I received the scholarship through William H. Griffin Scholarship Fund to attend the event. This helped drastically reduce the costs of attending the event and really lessened the financial burden of attending (especially as a college student!). This event is a great challenge, a great way to meet other handbell enthusiasts, and a great learning experience. I highly suggest it to anyone interested!
-Andrew Scher
Barbara Meinke
Communications Director
Area 12 Ringers' Festival Conference
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator
January 9, 2016
Desert Spring United Methodist Church
120 N Pavilion Center Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89144
Our conductor, Barbara Meinke, will direct four massed ringing pieces and all groups will be invited to perform a solo piece.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
Alison Pruett
Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,
San Francisco Bay Area - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator
featuring Barbara Meinke, conductor
April 8-9, 2016
Valley Church in Cupertino
For more information, check out
And remember to click on our calendar link in the sidebar to find a holiday concert near you!
Happy Ringing!
Kendra Scott
Bay Area Regional Coordinator
For information on San Francisco Bay Area's concerts, events,
Southern California - COULD BE YOU!, Regional Coordinator
So Cal Spring Ring 2016
Saturday, April 16
featuring Alex Guebert, conductor
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Oceanside, CA
Processional Jubilee by Anna Laura Page
Choristers Guild, MCGB374
Appassionata by Michael Joy
Beckenhorst, BEHB490
Celebration by Fred Gramann
Lorenz, LC201397L
�nergique by Matthew Prins
From the Top Music, FM2041
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
So Cal Region is looking for a coordinator! Won't you please raise your hand?
Southern California Regional Coordinator
This email address IS being monitored!
For information on Southern California's concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.
Northern California - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator

Hello Northern California, Did you ever hope that you and your bell choir could perform some place special to spread the art of handbell ringing? The opportunity to do just that came to The Carillons! In November, the Carillons will be ringing around Redding on a local TV station and then down by Turtle Bay Exploration Park at the Sundial Bridge which spans the Sacramento River. Hopefully people taking a casual stroll across the bridge will enjoy the bell ringing and decide to join a bell choir!
HELP NEEDED As your Northern California Regional Coordinator, I am in need of a liaison in Sacramento to help keep me informed of bell workshops, concerts, festivals and other happening in that area so I can help promote them. I know there must be a lot happening in Sacramento and we would like to hear about it. If you are interested in helping me and Area 12 this way, please contact me and I will help you get started.
Northern California Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
Central California - Christine Anderson, Regional Coordinator

I need some news to put here! Please send your concert and workshop announcements so we can help you get the word out.
Meanwhile, here's a bell maintenance tip for you: after giving your bells a good polish, vacuum out the dust and dirt in the cases before you put them back. Also, many of us aren't using the old type polishing cloths anymore, but prefer the Sunshine Cloth or a micro-fiber cloth. What to do with the old cloths? Wash and use them to remove your paste polish.
Looking forward to hearing from you! Central California Regional Coordinator
For information on Central California's concerts, events, |
Los Angeles Metro - Scott Leggett, Regional Coordinator
Greetings LA Metro!
Our Fall Ringers' Workshop in October was a great day with enthusiastic ringers, talented teachers, F. Thomas Simpson and Linda Krantz, and our amazing clinician, Nancy Jessup. It was truly a back to basics day for long time ringers as well as those just starting to ring.
I am looking for a location in Orange County to hold our Spring Ring. If you have ideas or belong to church or school that could host our event, please let me know ASAP!
Finally, with the great response we had to our Back to Bells event, if you were not able to come that day, or even if you did and think your group could use some one on one coaching, please contact me. Mentoring our members is part of our mission and anything I can do to help your program improve would be my pleasure.
Scott Leggett
Los Angeles Metro Regional Coordinator
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
Barbara Walsh
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator
International Symposium 2016