June 16-19, 2016
The DoubleTree by Hilton
Modesto, CA
Early Bird registration will open January 19, 2016!
Keep your peeps on The Twelfth Tone and
the Area 12 Website for more information!
Jukebox titles for our Sunday Massed Ring
We will have pieces for massed ringing in
two divisions and combined.
Put in your nickels and make the scene!
Division A Ringers under the direction of Kimberlee Strepka.
Division B Ringers under the direction of Michael Glasgow.
Massed Ringers will ring under the batons of both!
Massed Pieces
"Celebration" by Fred Gramann
3-5 oct., Level 2+, Lorenz; LC201397L
"Energique" by Matthew Prins
Choir 1 is 5-6 oct., Level 3- and Choir 2 is 3 oct., Level 1+,
From the Top Music; FM20416
(The score includes both Choir 1 and Choir 2 parts. Registrants are encouraged to prepare the part they feel will be the most successful for them.)
Third piece TBA. Title and ordering information will be available no later than January 1, 2016.
Division A
"Jubilee"by Arnold Sherman
2-3 or 3-5 oct., Level 1+
Choristers Guild; CGB472(2-3 oct.) or CGB473 (3-5 oct.)
"Scarborough Fair" arr. by Jason Krug
3-6 oct., Level 2+, Red River Music; RRBL5069
Division B
"An American Tapestry III: Spiritual" by Arnold Sherman
3-7 oct., Level 3, AGEHR Publishing; AG37007
"Appassionata" by Michael Joy
3-6 oct., Level 3, Beckenhorst; BEHB490
Conference Choir with Michael Glasgow
If you want to burn some rubber on higher level music,
we have just the thing for you!
Keep your dials tuned to The Twelfth Tone
and Area 12 Website for the scoop on becoming
a member of the Handbell Hop's Conference Choir.
What Else is Cookin'?
You want more? Okay...let's goose it!
Get souped up in classes taught by the best handbell nerds (including Michael and Kimberlee)
Dig some cool concerts by the Conference Choir and others!(stay tuned for more info on solo concert opportunities)
Have a blast ringing in Jam Sessions!
Hang, flip, or scream with other Handbell Musicians!
Rock around the Clock!
 Michael J. Glasgow holds B.A. degrees in music and in journalism, as well as a Master of Church Music degree in both choral and handbell music. He serves in leadership roles with the North Carolina Master Chorale and the Tar River Orchestra & Chorus. An award-winning composer, he strives to creatively advance the art of handbell and choral music through special projects, assignments and commissions. Michael is proud to have served as the inaugural conductor for the annual Anthornis and Anthornis North advanced-ringing events in Minneapolis and Fargo, and to have conducted twice in England and on a cruise ship in the Eastern Caribbean. He also serves as the editor for the Handbell Musicians of America Area 3 newsletter, The Bell-O-Gram, and is a member of ASCAP, American Composers Forum, Mensa and several other professional organizations. Additional information and samples of Michael's work may be found at www.michaeljglasgow.com. Area 12 is thrilled to welcome him back! Kimberlee Strepka has been teaching music for more than 25 years and has pioneered the application of Rudolf Laban's Movement Theories to handbell ringing artistry for the past 14 years. She is a nationally-recognized clinician with the Handbell Musicians of America and enjoys teaching on a variety of topics through the lens of Movement Theory. Kim received a Bachelor of Music in choral music education from the Hartt School of Music, West Hartford, CT, and a Master of Music in music education (research) from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where her Laban-integrated approach to ringing was the subject of her Masters thesis. She is currently a DMA Candidate in music education at Boston University. Kim has done graduate work at the Choral Institute in St. Moritz, Switzerland, and at the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in Manhattan. Kim founded the teen handbell ensemble, the Bronze Ambassadors, that toured throughout the United States, performed on four television networks, and appeared at regional and national AGEHR events from 1997 through 2010. She served on the Area 1 Board of the Handbell Musicians of America as the Education Liaison and rang with the New England Ringers during their Decade season. Kim was the 2014 guest clinician for the Handbell Musicians of America National Seminar's Distinctly Teen event in Atlanta, and is also an author and published handbell arranger. Area 12 is excited to welcome Kimberlee to its conference podium.