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Message from the Chair - Mich�le Sharik

Hi there, Area 12!
Did you see the Special Edition Twelfth Tone that went out last week? It included a whole lot of info about our upcoming Area Conference - the Handbell Hop - in Modesto, June 2016. I hope you're getting revved up about it, as I am. I know it's going to be like, cool, man and I hope you can make the scene, Daddy-O! Speaking of Area Conferences, if you have any video from past Area 12 conferences or festivals - even if it's on VHS! - please contact our historian, Beth Mays, at We are trying to gather as much historical video as possible so we can convert it to digital video and put it on the website. As a relative newbie to handbells (started in 1991!), I really love watching these videos with 1,000+ people massed ringing and seeing some younger versions of people who are now handbell-famous! There have been so many changes in handbell ringing over the years, but it's also fascinating to see what has passed the test of time. We are looking for someone to fill a position as Local Liaison for the Sacramento Area. Sacramento is part of our Northern California Region and Nancy Schmitt needs help connecting with handbell people down there (mostly due to how busy she is with handbell happenings up near Redding!). If you will us in this way, please contact Nancy at or me at I hope we'll hear from you soon! Finally, I'd like to announce that Christine Anderson has accepted the position of Central California Regional Coordinator. We are very lucky to have such a "handbell star" in our Area, and even more so on our Board. Please join me in welcoming her! See you at The Handbell Hop!
My Best,
Mich�le Sharik
Communiqu� - Barbara Meinke, Communications Director

Just say YES!
I don't know about you, but I often spend too much time talking myself out of something and then miss an opportunity I would have really enjoyed. Enter a good friend (Mich�le) who knew that about me and whispered in my ear "Just say yes!" So I did, with very little contemplation over the "but what abouts," and found myself ringing handbells in concert halls in Japan. And guess what else? All the "but what abouts" worked themselves right out!
I have often coached small non-profit groups (booster clubs and boy scout troops) to plan and budget for what they want and then go out an make it happen. But sometimes we put what we want on the back burner and work just with what we have.
Trying new things and achieving dreams takes more than saying yes, but you have to start somewhere! So, say "YES!" and then work on the "but what abouts" to make it happen. You won't be sorry! I haven't been.
So, what about attending a regional handbell festival or our Handbell Hop? Just say "YES!" and then make it happen. You'll be so glad you did!
Barbara Meinke
Communications Director
Area 12 Ringers' Festival Conference
Los Angeles Metro - Scott Leggett, Regional Coordinator

Happy fall! (although it still feels like summer).
I just returned from the Area 12 board meeting where we got a lot of good work done, including planning for the area conference in Modesto in June; it is going to be a great event!
On September 12, we held a Back to Bells event at Glendale First United Methodist and we had 19 enthusiastic people attend who were looking to reinvigorate or restart their bell programs. The day included training and discussion on many areas including recruitment, bell techniques, how to ring with fewer ringers, and how to run rehearsals. If this sounds like something you would have liked to do, remember your membership includes a local mentorship, and we can arrange for an instructor to come to your group and do similar training.
Lastly, it is not too late to register for our Fall Workshop! Please send me an email letting me know you are coming and you can register at the door. Music will be available for purchase at the door as well!
Saturday, October 3
8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
First United Methodist Church
Glendale, CA
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
Scott Leggett
Los Angeles Metro Regional Coordinator
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
Southern California - COULD BE YOU!, Regional Coordinator
So Cal's Back to Bells workshop reached out to seven directors and ringers from Victorville to Vista! We hope to see all those enthusiatic faces again at the next Area 12 event!
in Victorville, CA
Saturday, October 24
Trinity Lutheran Church
16138 Molino Dr, Victorville
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
So Cal Region is looking for a coordinator! Won't you please raise your hand?
Send email to Mich�le Sharik
Southern California Regional Coordinator
This email address IS being monitored!
For information on Southern California's concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.
Northern California - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator

Hello Northern California Musicians,
featuring Tessique Houston
and Larry Sue
Saturday, October 31
Redding, CA
Attached to this endorsed event is the Red Zone Choir for ringers who want to stretch their ringing abilities and play more challenging music. The Red Zone will begin on October 30 at 6:00 p.m. with Larry Sue conducting. Since the concert will be on Halloween, Larry has chosen an upbeat song, "The Addams Family," which is sure to be a crowd pleaser along with his other selection of "Prelude on Herzliebster Jesu."
The massed numbers, directed by Tessique Houston, are
Festival Intrada, Jeffrey Honore
Renewed Spirit, Michael Mazzatenta
Meditation on Beautiful Savior, Cathy Moklebust
On Christmas Day in the Morn, Fred Gramann
Pat-a-Pan, Hart Morris
Class clinicians will be Mary Balkow, Diane Barnes, Tess Houston, Mel Tully, Julie Hunziker, and Dr. Corbin. These clinicians promise to give you a whole new insight on bell processionals, basic bell techniques, bell trees, percussion instruments, Maori sticks, movement, bell maintenance, and JAM session of Level 2-3 music. Registration is only $30.00 per ringer. Come join us for some good old fashion Halloween fun!
Registration forms are on the Northern California Calendar.
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Northern California Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Central California - Lori Smith, Regional Coordinator
 Greetings, Central California colleagues!
I am happy to be your new Regional Coordinator and am looking forward to meeting many of you in the near future. Please send me news of your upcoming concerts and workshops and feel free to contact me any time with your suggestions for making Central California an outstanding part of Area 12.
What are your needs, and how can I help?
With a joyful ring, Central California Regional Coordinator
For information on Central California's concerts, events, |
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator
As we're all getting into the routine of regular rehearsals, remember there are many other choirs out there going through the same thing. Don't isolate yourself! There are online groups such as Handbell People on Facebook and the Handbell-L email discussion group. There are also resources with your membership at But aside from the standard resources, reach out to your fellow choirs in your area. Maybe have a joint rehearsal or reading session just for fun. Or consider having a joint concert during the Christmas season (twice the choirs, twice the audience!). Avoid getting into a rut and remember to keep handbells fun! Speaking of fun...join us for
January 9, 2016
Desert Spring United Methodist Church
120 N Pavilion Center Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89144
Our conductor, Barbara Meinke, will direct four massed ringing pieces and all groups will be invited to perform a solo piece.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
Alison Pruett
Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,
San Francisco Bay Area - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator
Hi Bay Area,
Hopefully you've received the special edition of The Twelfth Tone with all kinds of great information on our Modesto conference. We're looking forward to the music, the clinicians, and seeing you all at the Hop!
The Bay Area hosted a few great Back to Bells workshops last month in Windsor, Walnut Creek, and Los Gatos, and from the feedback I've heard, there are plenty of you out there excited about reinvigorating your bell choirs, having received some good pointers from these workshops!
Now that I'm settling in as your Regional Coordinator, I'd like to ask for your help. I'm hoping to coordinate some reading sessions of new music throughout the year, and otherwise support you wherever you need it. I'm also organizing a spreadsheet of where all the bells are in the area, so I would welcome emails about what types of events you'd like to see and if you know of any insulated groups I might reach out to.
For your calendars...
Featuring Barbara Meinke, conductor
April 8-9, 2016
Valley Church in Cupertino
For more information, check out
Happy Ringing!
Kendra Scott
Bay Area Regional Coordinator
For information on San Francisco Bay Area's concerts, events,
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator
We had a great time at our Back to Bells event! The six folks who attended were wonderful participants who shared their ideas as well as soaking up the curriculum Derek Nance and I shared. I am thrilled they are a part of our growing handbell community!
Speaking of our handbell community, be sure to let our Twelfth Tone editor, Barbara Meinke, and me know when your groups are performing and we'll put it on the calendar, helping you get the word out. That's part of what's special about belonging to a community - getting out there and supporting and learning from each other. Hmm...I guess I'd better take my own advice and get Tintab's concerts on the Area 12 calendar!
Barbara Walsh
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
International Symposium 2016